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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 28, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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the u.s. state of alabama looks into whether a pro democratic party operation involving thousands of fake russian votes violated campaign laws and influence last year's election result. syrian forces entered the northern city of beach at the request of civilians and kurds in the area amid fears of a turkish offensive. and france plans to expand its control arsenal despite a number of serious injuries among the yellow vests protesters caused by love. for the latest on those stories you can head to our dot com stay with us now though for . watching r.t. .
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle welcome to you in the edition of crossfire we answer questions from you the viewers some of you some very interesting questions. some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst and we have dmitri bobbitt he's a political analyst and sputnik international gentleman crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it we're going to do with q. and a all of these questions here were sent by viewers over the last couple of days or so first question from. more than
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a decade of preparations for the so-called arab spring western institutions organizations and research centers were the tool to sabotage the middle east in other areas now are we on the verge of a failure of western projects for syria and ukraine will we see a european spring soon. well i think that indeed there is a real crisis in europe because. the czech republic contouri he would romania they didn't draw in their european union as it is now they expected something else they expected to live in a civilized community you know prosperous when i lived near but it was all being debated in that what they wanted was more stuff that's usually and now of their leave it in their politically correct dictatorship where basically you know poland is almost on the sanctions because they have their own way or elected judges to the
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supreme court or because these female judges i leave in five years. and people don't understand where are we at the usual scapegoat is russia you know just dry she's influencing in a bad way politics in brussels in europe in poland in the u.k. but little by little people stop and to buy it so i don't know about the european spring but i'm sure people will be involved in more for their turn to to find it's maybe we instead of saying europeans spring market maybe it's the piñon winter that we're facing here because we haven't even mentioned bragg's it here and we could end essentially here is that the status quo that's what people are not satisfied with and we've. that in terms of ideology but the status quo is is not tenable somewhere and i think you're going to see a long crumbling with the e.u. rather than any type of quick. revolutionary moment and i think taking
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a look at the arab spring and its aftermath and what lay the ground for it is a very interesting case study for examining what is happening in europe which is really a quite a different beast entirely now the arab spring such as it was there's absolutely no question that the u.s. and other was western countries did a lot of the facilitating work on the ground that that created the conditions for it to occur i mean one example in egypt alone is the april sixth movement which was financed out of the u.s. and we saw this you know all across the board western mainstream media reported well before the you know what arab spring go out in syria how the united states was meddling in syrian politics beaming radio pro opposition radio into the country doing everything they could to stir up the pot but many times like with in
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egypt with the april sixth movement supported by the state department and the you know the rest of the government particularly the pentagon supporting the mubarak regime you saw us institutions actually working purses to each other and then the result there were you know really was was quite unexpected and they did not know how to deal we saw a clinton then obama fumbling over whether to support mubarak when the novice he it is dictator is the dictator is he a close family friend of the right and so on bahrain quite unintentional and the u.s. quietly look the other way when saudi arabia was invited by the reigning monarch's to crush that movement right there so it's. the u.s. had a definite hand in that the aftermath shows that the only real outcome of the arab spring is the strengthening of many regimes and. a renewed assault i believe
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on christian orthodoxy across the middle east if you keep going with the questions you're dealing. with here i do find any resemblance between yellow vests and drum voters are also deplorable. well there is a certain similarity because it's a protest movement basically the vote for trump was a vote of protest because if anyone who for the coverage of the election were ninety percent of the media in europe and i don't know maybe eighty percent even more in the united states were pro clinton pro hillary of course it was a kind of protest when you just came to that voting booth and quietly slipped in in favor of donald trump but i think that you know the nature of the movements is basically different because yellow vests they are against the principle of that terrible outer liberal principle when the government sets the rules of the
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game and it sets that sets these rules every day like you have to wear a yellow vest if you drive a car don't eat too much sugar don't smoke cigarettes do as we tell you you know and pay pay pay you know pay for the pay for their for their media taken pains that we have various parts of the globe that no one ever votes for and basically why i think europe is going to see more and more protests well first europe is normal good peaceful place it's no longer a peaceful continent as we were told when the european union the was in its initial stages of parity in security exactly europe has been fighting at least since ninety and ninety nine or unstoppable the wars in yugoslavia in against them in iraq in libya everywhere you had europeans come in and dine there you know the lithuanian smartly and. historians wear them most idiotic ones because they have been dying in
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them gets them twice once with the soviet troops second by with the americans and people a little but it's all realizing that there is something wrong you know that mainstream of the european union is saying the nationalists started reaganites into wars no not the nationalists the mainstream believe the world's a saint in you to iraq sending you to leave dear to you of that will leave a rating ukraine is there already a british agents helping. in ukraine and the so-called nationalists are just saying let's stop all the wars and let's make nato a defensive organization that's a part of the program but there are many back let's push brussels back and stop sending us to die for something that we don't understand and still brain and to our speed with we in the age of deplorable snow absolutely and if you take a look at that you know the trumps the poor bulls on one side and the yellow vests
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on the other they are. they have similar nearly identical causes right it's the the backlash against globalization and the triangle aided. right or left center right center left parties of power these elitist parties of power in europe and the united states is an owner of being disenfranchised disenfranchised they're forcing the economic aspects of neo liberalism down their throat on one side and ultra modern liberalism the social aspects down the other side and we saw different reactions in the us you actually had two reactions you had trumps the poor bulls and sanders progressives right the sender's progressives were completely sidelined particularly when despite the rigging that bernie sanders basically sold out and became part of the party quickly machine the machine right so it was expressed fully through the poor bulls and truck managed. basically
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defeat his own party which was the real challenge more than defeating clinton and rule the country in europe because it's a different political context you have the yellow vests which have spread from france into the netherlands belgium even even into the united kingdom and different expressions of it around the country and we see definitively that you do have both all right and far left elements present among the yellow vests not as much coordination behind a political party and not even one of them are controlling so but it is a backlash against globalization and trey angle a good political technocratic elites across the board i understand that there are you know of us now in hong kong as well absolutely i think it's basically a global movement but the problem with the yellow vests was that when the mainstream press tried to attack them first the mainstream press didn't know where to hit them because they were not nationalists if they if they support it or if
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they support that the polish. poll injustice or if they supported odometer for germany or if they supported look then you know it would be so much easier these guys are nationalists. just radios are going to be raised mentioned were caught flatfooted by this movie that's not what they're for it's what they're against that unites the exactly and and the problem is that for four decades the european public has been scared by the rate of calls the radicals on the left the radicals on the right fascism is going to boston or the right the left fascism possible to the center through that main stream and this is that more stable relation which the europeans are starting to make and but they are left. on this block in america are the elites reacting to it appropriately of course not because they're simply doubling down on fair. policies failed politicians right you have the threat of
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mccraw i mean the threat of le pen and the backlash against that and the collapse of the sometimes socialist party after how long what do you do you have doubled down on the banks there micro right who delivers absolutely nothing and you have the yellow vest movement as a counter reaction to that all across the e.u. there is simply you are telling the people the elite are telling the people the technocratic european elites telling the people you just have to accept that we know better than you do that sounds like a mission sort of old fashioned communism well even if anything way if you just think the way this is sold reflect at the end then you would be an agent you have to rush and there is a combination of two factors fighting the yellow vests in europe first the russians are some call involved this is called they treat fortune and second method that they use with the old so if you oppose it what we say it means you have not yet rightly understood we will explain it to you again and again so that you know i
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think a liberal name and your ideology using more of i got to jump in here and i got to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with. what politicians do you should do to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express what you. want to be. it's a great. this is what the three of them do get. interested in
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the. welcome back to all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok gentlemen let's continue with our q. and a session questions that were sent in from by our viewers here let's change gears and let's talk about julian his own question what is happening with the asylum given to julian astonished by ecuador according to american mainstream media sweden dropped its criminal charges against its own business implying that sweden
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will not extradite to the united states if true will the u.k. xor to extradite to the united states for an american criminal trial mark with her so we've never actually exactly sharjah you know he was wanted for questioning on this kind of completely b.s. . sexual assaults are assault charges right but you know both of the women in involved with that who. a lot of of smoke there but it was all quietly dropped. the feminist organization said it was b.s. which so what but so i'm just still under siege by the british regime in defiance of now multiple un committee statements that you know they have to release them and flagrant defiance of the vienna conventions with diplomacy and the asylum that's been granted the big problem has been that there's a change. in government in ecuador and the new government is very keen on improving
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relations with the united states and they want to see a sausage out of there and i've kind of been slowly putting the screws on the him in terms of living standards there to try to make him go away the u.s. we've had revealed through through unofficial sources and now leaks of judicial documents that show that there is indeed you know. sealed secret indictments that will probably be tried in secret court against the saudis and the british are just waiting for the opportunity to get their hands on him i think it is inevitable at some point given the you know the current layout of you know relations between ecuador united states in the united kingdom and it does point i saw has been living in a fact of solitary confinement often without any communication for for going on close to two years now and you know playing devil's advocate here it might almost make
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sense for him to walk out and make himself a martyr and showing you know the true hypocrisy of the idea of press freedom in the united states and who process here claims him and mark mentioned in these absolutely right is that if he is a united to the united states it is most likely under current circumstances he will be tried secretly and the public will not know about those proceedings what evidence was. presented to the judge where even his lawyer and this on himself may never have the right to see well. whatever he said he cracked up to be right oh well that that's the whole point that little he has a damn good record has a flawless record unlike city the new york times the washington post you know the b.b.c. it sort of he said there was a secret indictment to take me as soon as i get out of the embassy. and the united
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states denied it for several years and what do we find out now there was such an invite indictment the recession indictment he is going to be arrested and weak to the united states almost immediately but the reason why so many people are basically disgusted by what's going on is because crisis to rule and people draw down our sons deserved a price i think a noble peace prize or something for his activity just like edward snowden deserved it in two thousand and it's really magazine gave the person of the year to journalists but they were not easily a good journalist who claimed to have been murdered by the russian secret agents who basically lied to the recent wreck that the next day arkady bob and he is still a person of the year for the time magazine you know clause three lawyer to us that now on my asked for a cease fire from the i.d.f. spiegel magazine he was several journalist crisis in the same year as all songe was
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seeking will be made there but it just shows that this panel in our viewers we live in the other universe from what the mainstream media it was i learned quickly ed ed because there was a few areas where they saw what you're seeing or involved of his articles he described to orphans who he invented whose parents died under the board sort of us agree and know they leave in turkey you walk in there's garbage collectors and see uncle america in the dreams and these never existed probably being raised by the gager on the river had he had plans to open a charity a call to get money from people for these children and to pocket that this was revealed by the german media so i mean even if he is not a journalist even if he's a fiction writer like charles dickens was a very good fiction writer charles dickens would never have the indiscretion to invite queen victoria into their childhood dreams of what it were. waste and he
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will never never basically decide to open. charity called for what it would be saying that what it was to was real and that you have to send him money and that you have to war when are they counted to liberate thought it went to waste from some dictator very good enough. is good of an expression here a crisis of leadership political elites merge with global financial institute institutions people are left on their own will the situation take us to the left or to the right radicalization of protest because there were already started talking about this when we were discussing the relations you know between the yellow vests and trumps deplorable in the united states the question the answer to the question is not right or left that the the point is that by this centralization of center right center left around neo liberal economic and post-modern liberal social policies that. globalization then the forces that support it have made right or
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left the stink ssion nonexistent at the center which means in order for it to this tight hold gemini of these parties of power to be defeated that the distinctions between the all through it on the far left on the fringes need to vanish and they need to realize that they have far more in common across the board against the sun or have any hope of the feeding it it's the right left political axis is dead stop thinking in those terms to move forward they created that with globalization the opposition to it is just slow in realizing it and in networking. a credible forces. marshalling populations that can see the local ism sees the collapse of the left and right well absolutely i mean we see the situation when the social democrats in germany basically is. that they've got the
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party in power when germany a first used its troops abroad since nine hundred forty five they can you live in one thousand one thousand nine that was there and i think all the social democratic party of germany that american liberals and democrats what are they no protesting against this this cultural promptly splitting out of syria he's leaving in syria that never invited him defenseless against the international terrorists hold for our troops like i mean whole awful you know they're french socialists they were all for taking. all means possible so this is their all of their progressive left all the peace nukes all the laughter all the peaceniks all the ride this is all over now you know you have their global ultra liberal radio ideology radio to just see you regular use of violence and everyone the polls in it on the left on the right and they're all decent people in this situation right left
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is totally twentieth century you have stop stop thinking in those terms and start thinking about what you have in common with people who oppose this monic the old liberals and i think that's going to come. full desir is that we have three minutes left let's finish the last question here is it time for this is an interesting question is it time for the u.s. to have a government of national unity and they do use your one party state like china yes it will be terrible if your political opponents control the one party state but all of you have to do it then to make sure you control it and direct your politics towards that a little convoluted at the end there. but there already is a government of national unity it's called the deep say yes it's it is you know this is i mean you see that whether the democrats or the republicans or you know in the u.k. the tory or new labor is elected you know foreign policy. is is almost entirely the
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same and even domestic policy you know it's fractions of percentages on this program or the other and largely distraction with with you know identity politics that comprises the left the rest of the political system and trump is this aberration that managed to slip through his own his own party one of the two parties because you know it's the end hubris of his opponents and you see the entirety of the political establishment right left fourth estate media deep state bureaucracy they're all working to either contain or bring trump down you know for good and bad writing because not everything good those is good not everything he does is is bad but what he's doing is outside the rules of accepted behavior and then withdrawal from syria is a case in point because. going back to the question here a government of national unity it is this exception the list foreign policy that is
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the glue keeps this consensus to get as it was threatening to end two wars and you see the distinction between the elites the outrage across the media think tanks academia congress and everything meanwhile take a look at the reaction of normal people during that week that after all of this happened as as the outrage of trump daring to try to end two wars. his approval rating actually instead of going down actually went up slightly so that's one of the reasons why people voted for him to look at the last word i think they're basically what is uniting the united states you know the belief in the russian hadlee hand that they need to fight if you have democrats and republicans divided in congress. people don't tell you i'm going to carry it kind of united's the leaders of the of the soviet union there was there was
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a joke that we're going to have one party which will be a mixture of communist party c p and k.g.b. c.p.g. be so now in the united states if if they have one party state it's going to be the liberal party of national security and they will go off to the russian ambassador people talking to russian ambassadors they will go after internet companies in st petersburg which presumably have facebook accounts in the united states they will go after i don't know after julian assange sittin in there or an embassy in london this will be a mixture of liberal party and national security resistance nomenclature one of. those gentlemen thank you for answering questions from our viewers that's all the time we have many thanks to my guests here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here or to see you next time and remember crossfire.
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seemed wrong. wrong just don't call. me if you get to shape out this day become educated and engage with equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. my son doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population who are we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like
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criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the war on drugs was a mistake there are with numbers of people who are in prison for. certain sins for minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in wave and say by day as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. i am accessor this is the cause or break for in our twenty's got a lot of crazy things going up
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a lot of people you know. twitter arising and occasionally somebody pops up with something really insightful really interesting stacey yes i had a very interesting engagement on twitter right before christmas and it's really relevant to all of our stories that we've been focusing on including cantillon a fact money printing by the central banks around the world of course the european central bank has stopped. asset purchases this month so they're ending quantitative easing for the moment anyway and here's a tweet that i responded to this is from mark j. valid gigantic e.c.b. money printing q.e. program will and after one thousand three hundred and seventy one days that was from march of two thousand and fifteen to december twenty eighth seen total money created two point six trillion euros that per day and an amount equal to euro one point eight nine six point four two five nine six so almost two billion euros
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per day per person in the euro zone that equal to seven thousand six hundred fourteen euro's he asked everybody who did not receive this sum of money was robbed inflation is theft the thing that really interested me was that per person amounts to seven thousand six hundred euros if you're not richer by that in those three years of love of money printing by the e.c.b. then that's been stolen from you that amount has been stolen from you francis coppola who is not francis ford coppola but a woman she's an economist in the united kingdom and she responded to my reach we what inflation i've pointed out just the quickest inflation that i could find which is from the actual euro statistics website the european union keeps all their own data and this is what they had on their own website and this is house prices across the euro zone i pointed out that's march twenty fifteen exactly when they start.


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