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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2018 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the u.s. state of alabama launches an investigation into the meddling in the senate election campaign in twenty seven t.v. pro-democratic group is reportedly behind more than a thousand fake russian social media accounts used to discredit a republican while. a high level turkish delegation heads to russia for talks on syria this is government forces that claim they've entered the northern syrian city of miami beach and the fifth is that turkey is about to launch an offensive against the kurds. and the scandal surrounding the disgraced advisor to the french president widens media reports claim alexander downer last been using a diplomatic passports long after he was dismissed for beating up the protests are .
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a very warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with me thank you aaron great to have you with us this hour. now the u.s. state of alabama has launched a probe into an alleged meddling campaign during a twenty seventeen senate election which was earlier blamed on russia it turns out that a pro-democratic billionaire funded a u.s. group that created more than a thousand fake russian bought on social media allegedly to discredit a republican rival with more here's caleb moore. the attorney general for the u.s. state of alabama is looking into democratic party dissin for mation during the twenty seventeen special election it appears that roy moore the republican candidate may have lost due to some shady activities that did not come from russia the information is concerning the impact it had only election news something that's significant for us to explore and we'll go from there it's been revealed that
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during the special election democratic party operatives worked on facebook and twitter to undermine roy morris campaign now doug jones the democrat who won is backing a federal investigation i'd like to see the federal election commission and the justice department look at these to see if there were any laws being violated and if they would prosecute those responsible for this scheme to undermine him was pretty simple create fake facebook pages and russian accounts on twitter to confuse republican voters this gave the false impression that roy morris campaign was backed by the kremlin and it put it into the mix of anti russian hysteria and it's no surprise that trump a supporting more they both have a deep love of country the country's russia but still rocky to push emerges forward you know it's pretty alarming when a guy's slips into fluent russian or speaks fluent russian and it's russian it's everywhere year later it's moving closer to the oval office the operation was
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carried out by the pro democratic party cyber security firm known as new knowledge jonathan morgan the c.e.o. of new knowledge is actually considered to be an expert on these kinds of issues he apparently is the mastermind behind hamilton sixty eight a website that frequently reports on social media activities which it blames on russia saying that they're intending to sow discord at the same time new knowledge helped release a senate report that was considered to be a bombshell about alleged russian meddling in the us presidential elections the irony is that jonathan morgan who says he's against dissin from asian is now banned from facebook. for just that we take a strong stand against people who is a sions who create networks of accounts to mislead others about who they are or what they're doing it seems that these companies have all become meddling experts for the mainstream media that frequently covers reports about alleged russian descent from a ship dannette apparently has not chosen to run with this story the revelations
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were revealed on december nineteenth but it was only on december twenty seventh that c.n.n. chose to report on this this information they only did so after there had been some outcry that and their reporting on it was very short now we've reached out to c.n.n. to see why they haven't jumped on this story and we are waiting for a response i wonder how much coverage this new piece of information will get as we uncover some of the mystery behind the alleged russian bots and find out they didn't come from russia at all cable mufon r.t. new york media analyst on your own is that the mainstream media uses the russian mantling as a political instrument. the media are so heavily invested in this russia gate story which is turning out to be a non-story or actually a very misleading story but they're not willing to admit it they sort of can't process this new information because it goes counter to their narrative so they're trying to ignore it we have the spokes booking themselves i mean everyone is
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pointing to russia they're putting out dubious information about russian influence and then they're trying to use. the specter of russian influence in order to influence american elections so it's like you know it's like it's media disinformation squared mueller has been looking investigating the story this question since may of two thousand and seventeen he has not come up with one bit of evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and the kremlin all along it was quite evident that the the story was very different the story was how the russia gate story was been concocted in order to were ordered to for other purposes. a high level turkish delegation is due to in moscow to meet with russian town to ponce on the situation in syria now focused on the u.s.
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troop withdrawal from syria and the future of the city and beach damascus says its forces have vented the northern city at the request of civilians and kurdish fighters fearing a technician offensive if it goes down enough explains the kurdish position they call themselves freedom fighters he calls them terrorists the us use them as their proxy army well after this used to there will be a strong deliberate and orderly withdrawal of u.s. forces from syria very deliberate very orderly turkey has already begun massing its forces on the front line because. i know all too world the consequences of that they've been there with afrin back in january the turks launched operation all of branch against the minorities northern most territories there were reports the syrian army could have intervened but in the end the kurds put on a brave face and decided to go it alone and their friend fell and quickly for the
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turkish army the operation was hardly more challenging than a drill. the turks almost move deeper to another major kurdish stronghold of man bitch their u.s. generals literally had to put their bodies between the two to prevent bloodshed now the u.s. is abandoning syria and the kurds while erdogan has been making it clear that a kurdish held man bitch just won't stand with them these terrorists have to go to the east of euphrates if they do not leave we will send them that was postponed eventually but not indefinitely unless the kurds leave man bitch. we already against syria's division because our entire aim is to make the terrorist
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organizations leave the area although if the terrorists really do then there is no work left for us anyway the american withdrawal has left the kurds with a limited number of options really so they've turned to damascus asking to shield them we invited the syrian government which we belong to to send its armed forces to take over these positions and protect man beach in the face of turkish threats. yann ansari in response to the request of the population of man beach the syrian government and its armed forces announce it is sending in troops to man bridge and so there they are the government forces have entered the kurdish kingdom for the first time in years with russia being a major influence on damascus turkey's once again turning to moscow so the cards have been dealt and now it's down to turkey they will go all in. and investigative journalist might explain menthol told it broke down for a kurdish thought collaboration worries turkey so much we've heard conflicting
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reports of actually the syrian government entering the city of men which was recaptured from isis in two thousand and sixteen by the kurdish and this would indicate that there is on the ground collaboration between the kurdish s.d.f. and the syrian government a lot of people are troubled by this in turkey the u.s. didn't consider this a possibility but the fact is that these kurds are syrians they're syrian citizens and actually this is a natural partnership against a common enemy in isis and so both the syrian government and the s.d.f. are determined not to see isis return and i think it's actually a positive development as far as stabilization goes. the scandal surrounding a sacked advisor to the french president a man on the crown has taken a new twist and xandra but reportedly used to a diplomatic post bored during business trips off to his dismissal but the law was fired in the summer off a video showing him viciously beating
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a protester. for points if president korn thought this year couldn't get any worse off the weeks of violent protests in golfing france think again now he's disgraced former bodyguard alexander is back for a second bite at the cherry it's emerged he may have been using diplomatic post bullets obtained during his time working them out call one of which is said to have been issued frosted called we don't only weeks after being filmed beating up a protest. but. eventually sacked elf. a media circus he was put under investigation for that attack and imitating a police officer he was also scrutinized by politicians and during one of those
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sessions he said this is the passport returned it is of the office occupied while working in relation to i think the illustration of handled and that was oath the french foreign ministry says it's just for their return and says they should only be used for official fripp so any use of these passports since then would have been despite the commitments made by the person in question it's alleged he used in doing a trip to africa including a visit to chad where he said to have met the country's president that meeting came just weeks before korn made an official trip to chad and was forced to red faced to give an explanation this person was a no win official or an official intermediary on the foreign minister the diplomatic advisor to the president and his africa advisor representing the head of state in africa president macron wants to entirely void the use of intermediaries
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especially in africa though the former aide maintains he never represented himself as anything but a private investor corns office has formally ruby banal or with regard to current person or to ask you to ensure they are conducted with strict respect for the confidentiality and ethical responsibilities of your time in this office. and a possible judicial investigation over the alleged use of diplomatic passports is now in the workings yet despite nearly as a trying to distance itself even further from bella opposition politicians are now questioning whether matt corn still has ties to his former confidant this is have use that as this could potentially short circuit french diplomacy but some of the knowledge could be a danger for the republic this man is glad to be a different. image of someone who was sanctioned after what has been said to me and
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who after the action has received two diplomatic exhaustion i mean when you have a diplomatic passport mr choose go do speak for the country so of course on this one like why you see meeting you know people official people you know in africa if this person is no one you know according to what to do to the government if it's not a diplomat if is not a friend if it's not an advisor then what he is and who he is i mean otherwise you know why he had those passport back and who given this passport back so obviously there's a connection like somehow somewhere with one person or different people maybe the president's else i don't know but if what has been revealed you know for the past few hours about his few trips in africa if this is true then it's very concerning. and i think that age doesn't matter so long as you're young at heart and for one
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russian grandma that means cooking up more and more skydives. who knew it would be your typical trip but you're here. yet you would let. it go at once and so like you. did i leave.
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the touch. incredible stuff while still to come this hour the u.s. stock market rebounds off to a devastating christmas eve slump was what was behind the drop off to this very short break. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the old for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five
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hundred trades per second per second and this morning rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember in one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only. welcome to the crystal ball edition of cross talk what can we expect in the new year we have a great lineup of guests telling us what they think. welcome back to the u.s. stock market for its was christmas eve trading day over this year and i'm lists
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think they found the culprit computerized trading system as they say that the programs which have gained popularity since the two thousand and eight financial crisis fell to cope with market demands. people are buying so. done today lab rats will make a spectacular amount of money. around eighty five percent of all trade is controlled by machines or formulas which are programmed to buy and sell according to market data algorithms work much faster than humans and can take huge volumes of numbers in seconds but stephen king professor of economics told is that despite the benefits the programs just can't sense the market properly. if you have shares being valued on the basis of speculation by one group about the movement based on a set of algorithms then those speculations even though it happened extremely quickly can be completely false about what the share should actually be valued at
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so we have a whole series of artificial models about how she is going to value which themselves have been proven false the whole so called efficient markets operate the sis if those algorithms themselves in any way reflect those ideas they're going to make a stock market less accurate and less sensible that we spent we've put far too much in value on the on the valuation of shares we overemphasize them when there's no real sign by some which devalues is when they're based on the future earnings and it's kind said back and not in thirty years there's no sense in paying a share paying ten pounds to buy a share which you think should be worth twenty pounds on the basis of your expectations of future earnings when the market currently values it at five so you have a. in the market which was there with him and actors alone and if you add algorithms on top of that which are themselves competing with and interacting with other algorithms you simply get more chaos you don't get more accuracy. the u.k.
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government has been slammed for his latest purse to reduce the use of plastic in british schools and countries that education secretary has called on all schools to drop single use plastic items by twenty twenty two and use an environmentally friendly alternatives but critics were quick to point out that the government's own national program to deliver fruits and vegetables to schools makes extensive use of plastic packaging so on sutherland's co-founder of the campaign group plastic planets believes the government is anything but a paragon of eco that you if the u.k. government is going to encourage organizations like schools to reduce their plastic usage to create play. stick free schools then of course they must also show by leadership by cutting out as much plastic as they can possibly do it is not defensible for the government of the u.k.
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to send out calls to schools to say let's cut down on plastic in communication that is that should be packaged in plastic. i think at the moment the u.k. particularly there is a huge amount of noise about plastic i think we're probably the noisiest nation about plastic in europe if not the world and it's very easy for people outside b u k to think that we are actually showing extreme leadership in this issue that that noise is translated into action but the reality is we are in the u.k. and we need to speed up. the target for schools as part of a wider drive to reduce the use of plastic in the u.k. among other things they once a ban on plastic strolls ons cars and buds as well as an increase from five to ten pence for plastic bags the possible changes could come into effect by january twenty twenty and our mental journalists are all of
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a take out told us that although commendable cutting out plastic in a single shelter could pose challenges. she does such a good job. in keeping food. in the supply. so if we have to. work then either we shift to another material which will also. all we will find that the cost of food goes up and we. move. in the supply. and that show. we are repo's one. with the most. with twenty eighteen drawing to a close is time to take stock of the old year polly boy the in case you missed it
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team take a look back now. twenty years later here to remember sex trump. and two men on a mini break to look at the big clock here's what i see why my eyes look back at the last twelve months it's a christmas miracle. the year got off to a sexy start making january a scary time for rich men as the need to your need to stalk you spread that u.k. defense secretary gavin williamson was involved with a married woman when he was a manager at a fire place it was fourteen years ago and consenting you can always sympathize with him until you realize it's kevin williamson january was also the high point in a trend that saw idiots eating tight pods all neatly just natural selection working its magic in february an official report declared that the u.k. was facing brags that gatton paraphrased president secretary david davis calmed
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everyone down by saying that phrase it won't. in the u.k. into a mad max style just a c.m. a few months later he quit and odd months britain is still very very also marked the first major u.s. school shooting and this time florida would be plenty more but the u.s. made the brave decision to do about mach two as when twenty eighteen really got going someone normally chopped british spy saget script out and his daughter yulia pets that got much less attention though even the reagans ignored them brain for the cells report squarely on russia and soon russian diplomats were sent packing from western capitals moscow denied any involvement as did a couple of cloak loving cathedral enthusiasts neighbor was busy the script rumbled on in the u.s. the u.k. and france launched airstrikes against. the way the armed groups in that brazen
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welcome to know the results for a quote i don't remember in may don't trump announced that my children serve out in the british capital that is practically a war that this building is really angry they insisted that just because the moderates of the highest has been in a decade that does not mean the us president can be so mean also the ginger only treats him celebrity distrusting morsi wearing a dress that didn't fit in here in the great romance of the year reached base politically speaking donald trump finally met with korea's cuddly tire and kim jong il in a single pole hotel the best bugs agreed to denuclearize north korea and world war three was delayed by a week at least. in the first six months of twenty eighteen. well those are the headlines for this hour if you have anything you'd like to share with those that do get in touch by following goes on social media and leaving all your comments that we're back in thirty minutes with the latest see that.
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you know a lot of crazy things going up a lot of people you know. twitter rising and somebody pops up with something really really interesting. you know world
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a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. my son doing drugs my nephew was still in drugs my sister just been doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like
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criminals while i was on the hill. that the war on drugs was a mistake there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. for whom minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up in issue in wave and say bye daddy as they're walking out of the business it's just it doesn't get easier.
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to going from him he can see as you know he is by the fact. that you're in the form of the media. i'm with you more than the baby when i was in the north and even many balls up in the on my way in the most i was a defense. missile you. go. you. go.
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down. that path. my name is old comic i'm a travel photographer i went to kenya today i'm both highly national parks to meet the must i an amazing people who have managed to preserve their authenticity and find ways to interact with the outside world. to be surprisingly many most i speak good english and have internet access so finding them and arranging to meet was a breeze. yes oh. yes.
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i decided to become a real must woman myself and experience firsthand all the trials and tribulations of tribal life. thank. you but them did it was was the tribes most respected woman agreed to help me you know she presented me with a red dress a brightly colored shawl and piles of jewelry that she had made with her own hands go through. that what. she's fifty two years old and her name's not my tour and she has four adult children but i call her mama for short you know and i like now.


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