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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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you. see. this is. british prime minister.
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welcome to the program. pulled out of the. early hours of monday morning. the operation is in full swing rescuers have been trying to clear out this heap of rubble of the world this week into the night norm still they are still sifting good right now and yes they are still looking for survivors in fact they're doing everything they can to increase the chances of finding one's like country the city from something still cannons and be aiming them under the deborah just to help those who could still be trapped alive there well brains the freezing temperatures that is around minus twenty celsius outside right now and have to admit the hopes
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of finding anybody alive now well they are going slimmer and slimmer but after all they were already slim on tuesday when one would kill one if you will group of workers i guess heard a muffled baby cry going from underneath the rubble that was ten month old vanya he spent more than said see our was trapped and made concrete blocks and lift. her.
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unit. and there's a group where one of the rescuers heard a child crying we stopped all the machinery to listen in we were saying to keep quiet and the baby was reacting and kept silent we started asking where are you then there was a noise we started working that there was a risk of further collapse we were afraid as the child was crying for help. in fact the worker who saved the life of vine yeah he got the clue of where to find him from his dad the father was at work and when he learnt of the tragedy he rushed back to the place he used to call hole and amid the rubble he sported the couch whereas his wife had been sleeping and so he kind of positioned the location of the crib judging by where the couch was and spent more than a day really trying to get here because the whole place is cordoned off and he
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wasn't allowed to get inside but he eventually sneaked into and he pointed at the place where he believed his son was and he was correct but there was all i could have shown him immediately where my son probably was but we weren't allowed at the site but today i managed to get there and show the rescuers the place i got acquainted with one rescuer who later calls me to save if they'd found my son his wife and mother of the baby was asleep with the eldest son in a neighboring room until the blast quarter asleep of a fellow through concrete and they were among the first who managed to get out alive from this building even before the eventual complete collapse we talked to her to give a new form of support. from the bullshit discussion for the east on the market is you mentioned. who really is the first person from.
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this illusion for financial year. the story of weiner and his family is a dramatic one for sure and the whole city really takes it we talked to many people who haven't even been affected by the tragedy directly and the you all think they all talk about it as of a new year's miracle really but there are others who have been if. acted in directly there are those who believe that there could be their relatives still trapped underneath there and they hope for a miracle of their own. in britain a prime minister of tourism a new year's speech to rally support for her embattled deal. in the next few weeks and these will have an important decision to make if parliament backs the deal britain can turn a corner and if we come together in two thousand and ninety i know we can make
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a success of what lies ahead and build a country that truly works for every one of us twenty eighteen was certainly a rocky year for the british prime minister through the may face an uphill battle to get the european union british m.p.'s and her own captain a divorce deal with little success and taking a look back at a year not short on drama artie's poorly boyo. if i did it i wrote a case ten twenty seventeen when that was where you're going to fall when you get a little bit. close to. twenty eighteen can't complain when you make you take them the bones on you. tube sends earned until you feel a little bit. it
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was the year of a major u.k. battle conservative party showdown to resume a take. down. it's hard to believe but at the start of the year things still looked relatively rosy phase one of gregg's it was done and the forty billion pounds of bill had been agreed to live on the on the scene really atmospheric. success was short lived because two reasons man had cabinet start to play checkers this is news a poll shows. in july the reason may unveil hyped up his deal. we have come to an agreement with the proposal we're pushing to the european union which absolutely. people. have country residence that. minister says that if
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they don't like it they were free to resign and get taxis off. down the driveway the foreign secretary boris just said brigit secretary david davis stayed loyal to the prime minister until they'd been home that is and resigned within forty eight hours. too late to say. johnson waited to tell the pm heat quit until just before she had to try to sell a check as planned to parliament turning tricks of mr speak up i want to pay tribute to my right on good friends i remember. the braggs cabinet exit didn't stop there.
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find a vendetta reason may have finally proved true but mickey you were also conscious you commemorate the event he says but forced to come on sunday for. the trip. because the situation with the. movement. cheering crowds welcoming the prime minister in london parliament hated may's deal and the compromise she signed today the forehead deal was bound for spectacular failure and after shoring up the ontario minister she would have sold to reason made the parliament treat. our artists in very carefully to what has been said in this chamber and i we will do the same church which. brags it hanging by a thread in a politician's into raise amazing policy trying to push her off an election vote by
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triggering a no confidence vote i believe that is where you. received the broad. somebody who is you know this is working through the procedure of overkill for people who do go to school luckily for the prime minister the lot against her wasn't big enough to bring her down she wanted. to get the little girls that are using. but there were barely and crushed with have parties come good and then back to reason made jesse back to process with the aim of negotiating a slice effect a deal one parliament might separate. him with mission impossible and the british media knew it word on the brussels street and told the front pages that showed him to have been pulling to meet him a little bit to move the. focus of the most troubled history.
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that if things didn't go may's pretty good deal russell said you need to mention the new stones for a disagreement to proceed to is it certification it's not open for you to resign may's deal is yet to be approved or rejected by an angry and divided parliament while the end of the ride the brags that deadline of march twenty ninth is fast approaching and if we're sticking to the analogy then greg this is a lie that's perilously close to breaking down but to those in need of comic relief that will always be terry's amazing balance a. new year revolution the british capital also saw twenty eight hundred farewell turns political during his traditional fireworks display the london eye appeared to be lit up with the colors of the flank and some were not amused.
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i would have been proud to say the union chipchura such a time of divided run the country wouldn't coming together as a country to celebrate the start of twenty nine hundred bear better message sadique khan of hungary used the public purse to brand you as your political masters you should be made to pay back you do not speak for all the people work capital city of london proud to be aligned in that but not proud that my taxes i being spend on file books to send to post message to the p.m.'s it's very low to politicize what is an international public event it's
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a betrayal of democracy and it's what we have come to expect from a very poor mayor of london. to the one million you citizens who have made our city your home your londoners you make a huge contribution and you're welcome here i'm proud that we welcomed in twenty nineteen with a message of support to you. two women have made history in india after entering one of the country's holiest hindu temples to women for centuries it follows months of tensions against of course decision to overturn the religious meanwhile tens of thousands of women have taken part in a human chain across the south of india in support of gender equality the so-called women's wall reportedly stretched for over six hundred kilometers and here's a quick look at what the controversy is all about.
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as long as the temple is here we have to follow this tradition. i am. so we'll ensure that anybody who wants to go to the people will go without any obstruction nor strictures will be tolerated i mean. just lashing out says i'm not a devotee i'm just here to do my job just let me go she faces stone and that's when she's forced to return.
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this. protest and that without. the spices. the program returns and just i'm. in a world of big. law and conspiracy it's time. to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other
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it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. span fantastic. drill down into twenty nineteen predictions. ten years of the kaiser report. join me every day on the alex salmond shill and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world of politics. i'm show business i'll see you then. if you join us today for this program the mirror newspaper reports that british alms export officials met with the saudi government only days after the murder of
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jamal. according to a freedom of information request by the newspaper there were at least two meetings between the u.k.'s delegation and riyadh last october. the british government said at the time it condemned the killing of the journalist in the strongest possible terms passed through after we thought full and considered in our response i have also been clear if they're pulling stories we are reading turn out to be true they are fundamentally incompatible with our values and we will act accordingly we asked the british department for international trade to comment on the matter in the meantime some analysts and experts we spoke to say the u.k. is unlikely to give up its weapons sales with the saudis anytime soon. doesn't really surprise me at all that a trade delegation was sent there because. it's brick see it coming in and everything else that is happening in the u.k.
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i don't think they're going to give up the money because. he was actually brutally murdered by saudi arabia this is the highest level of hypocrisy that is we can play i don't think the british government will stop selling on saudi arabia or to anybody else for that matter i think they will keep doing that. because the money is just way too good but this is a clear violation of the united kingdom's own. sales and violation of the european international law which is actually making a mockery of the government's claim to rigorously control arms export now something will happen about yemen because there is either going to be peace in yemen or an initiative will be put in place so that the murder can be brushed under the carpet . meanwhile saudi arabia is bombing campaign in yemen against who the fighters deemed terrorists by riyadh has been going on going now should say for more than three years yet what the united nations calls the world's worst manmade
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humanitarian disaster apparently gone as far less attention than the murder of one journalist but i guess d.f. explains. the killing of jamal has showed sparked a media firestorm televised crusade by journalists pundits columnists week after a month or less democracy. has. the disappearance of washington post contributor if you want into a building in never came out of the building the murder happened because shogi had died here is building. up to journalists of military and murder at the saudi so it was almost overnight the saudi government was made up. out cost directly accused of killing the cruelly one man saudi government denies it's complicit saying it was done by rogue elements and suddenly suddenly everyone
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remembers the war in yemen congress are beginning to catch on to the nature of this regime likely they are not telling us the truth about what happened. why would we believe them know that they are intentionally hitting civilians inside yemen this really needs to alter our relationship we need to bring an end to the conflict in yemen make no mistake what's happening in yemen is awful one of the worst humanitarian crises currently happening in the world. it could be that the media the bulk of it now realizes how awful things are in yemen or it could be that they're using it for different ends president from taking
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a stunningly dismissive tone about any possible saudi leadership role why he's going so far out this way to cover for the country and specifically the ruler that carried out this killing for president trump it doesn't seem to matter whether the facts support what the saudis say the thing is of course yemen has been a growing graveyard for over three years three long bloodstained years and the pundits the politicians by and large have ignored it case in point according to a media watchdog america's m.s.n. b.b.c. news channel did one single segment on the war in yemen in the course of a year by comparison and they said b.c. ed four hundred and fifty five segments and stormy daniels porn actress who claims to have slept with donald trump before he became president four hundred
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fifty five and one on yemen but now things have changed ashaji changed everything saudi arabia's former supporters are jumping ship i change my mind because i'm pissed at the way that ministrations handled the saudi arabia and is just not acceptable interesting isn't it how the death of one man sparked immediate global outrage and indignation at the deaths of thousands and thousands in yemen saudi arabia's hand drew only murmured concern could have you with us for the program here on r.t. international today over the next few days we are looking back at some of the stories we brought you in twenty eight.
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one of this year's highlights of course the world cup here in russia and our team was well in the thick of it reporting from all the host cities sharing with all that was a very special atmosphere here in moscow with the millions of fans from all around the world. live. lives should have been taken over by friends people who felt egypt should be sitting with the french the mexicans the still very good they said. that he. would love to tell people to be sixty six seven.
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when. they will be so many. will. like. to go. live. to pay for years now. i'm not sure how he. felt dancer again when president reagan was going to win but both were going to write you know he did. i think it i'm.
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thanks for sharing your wednesday with us here at the international law from moscow your program with tons of the top of the hour because if you can join us that.
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i make it. seem to me from a week in which he has been asking this if. you're in the home of the media. i'm with you most. there was in the north and the woman he wasn't going to miss but my wife and he mostly was our defense. i've been saying the numbers mean they matter the us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than our current each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you loan to the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and it
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going rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial. but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one. for the mid one and only. a low and welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle u.s.
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secretary of state mike pompei always declared multi-lateralism in international affairs a failure what is needed according to him is a new liberal order led by the united states such an order calls into question some important issues does this mean the universal is ation of american law and limited sovereignty for the rest of the world. talking pax americana i'm joined by my guest james chatteris in washington he's a former u.s. diplomat and former advisor to the u.s. senate republican leadership in new york we have daniel was our he's an author and freelance journalist who writes frequently about the middle east eastern europe and the us constitution and in madrid we've crossed two men well lopez norris he is the author of pax americana and he's a university lecturer as well as a contributor at expansion all right john cross talk rules and i think that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate jim let me go to you first
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in washington iow i thought we already had pax americana that's why i'm calling this program packs of americana two point zero because it seems like mr pompei you have some interesting ideas. presenting it to the. international diplomats at the u.s. marshall fund i thought it was quite interesting their reaction it was really quite tepid it was kind of very quiet clapping here it just looks like unilateralism to me and i thought the u.s. created multilateral organizations after the second world war to create a more stable order it seems now get rid of the u.n. the walk away from the paris climate deal which i don't have a problem with the international court of justice. i could go on and on about all these relationships and agreements how does walking away from all of them and more
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make it safer for the world including the united states go ahead jim well it doesn't make it safer and i think the problem is less unilateral in unilateral isn't per se but this defiance for the rule of law not only internationally but even our own constitution i think mr pompei of speech was a triumph of mr rection that it was especially old neo conservative wine poured into it america first rhetorical bottle it so it was woodrow wilson masquerading as pat buchanan i think will he or his speechwriter was trying to give the impression this is what mr trump promised in two thousand and sixteen what he's really giving us is what has been destroying america in the world for the last thirty years where we get to be the sovereign over the entire planet and tell everybody else to do but we don't we don't actually look out for our own narrow national interests i mean we can send troops illegally to syria but we can't send them to our own border to defend that good point daniel it's this universal is ation of america.


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