tv News RT January 3, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EST
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the program. the number of people now known to have died. in the russian city of. bodies under the rubble. explosion originally. the official day of mourning has really underlined how the city came together faced with the tragedy a makeshift sporadic memorial grew by the hour and it seemed as an endless stream of people came to stay in silence and commemorate all those affected by the tragedy the first of course came those who lost their loved ones in the blast the national crossing it goes into but you will about. the shuttle. if you push it.
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you know cuomo is going to assume you can find you if you get it when you're going to look nice new carpeting we'll go. to church go to the show. them just as. soon we'll get down the phone to instill the bichon of. your way to. move not to commit those if you'd just closure with. this the lord wouldn't before supposedly but really all sorts of people flock from all parts of town touched and moved by the grief others. like you. say it's got a bad supply chain gangs my boss' boss said i'm not pushing for those who have been moved by the grief of people collected donated more than seven million roubles to
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those who lost something in this tragedy the search and rescue operation is still ongoing of course as you can clearly see behind me rescuers in fact working the conditions got a threatening their own lives and in fact the only couple of times they had to make a poor choice and take a break is when that threat would become too great for them so they would first dismantle some of the structures that will literally about to fall on their head but the search and rescue operation is set to go on. at least until every missing person is accounted for. but some of course have managed to survive a ten month old boy was found alive under the rubble on wednesday morning little is now being treated in a moscow hospital doctor safe condition is very serious but is now stable is just.
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using. one of the rescuers heard a child cries we stopped all the machinery to listen in we were saying to keep quiet and the baby was reacting and kept silent people we started asking where are you and there was a noise and we started working but there was a risk of further collapse we were afraid if the child was crying for help. i could have shown him immediately where my son probably was but we weren't allowed at the site but today i managed to get there and show the rescuers the place i got acquainted with one rescuer who later calls me to say that they found my son.
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here in the film it says. the bullshit person. is the most famous. missing. police in france have arrested a key for. the yellow vest protest movement officials say they've charged anything do away with organizing an undeclared protest and carrying a weapon. as i say yellow first figureheads other disciplines were detained for identity checks one month ago the french prosecutor's office north an investigation into mr de lay who called on people to enter the palace and one of the co-founders of the yellow vests says the
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arrest all the way is unlawful was. always fought for fundamental rights in our country we've always fought and today we're realizing that our fundamental rights are being trampled on right in front of the plaster la concorde just to remind you that here our first movement began as local protests against high fuel prices it turned into a nationwide uprising against my wrongs presidency the ensuing riots were the most violent francaise seen in a half a century thousands of people blocking roads and clashing with police across the. correspondent charlotte do penske has been right in the midst of it. so i just reached the entrance over the ellie's a parent's eyes you can see gas is being fired by the police that says the protest is we're trying to enter into that streets to get clear you said it seriously ellie's a perilous. was
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. i. was. not a bit of difficulty opening my eyes right now and that's because we've just been in the midst of all of this tear gas as you can see a big ice right is really hard to open them in at the moment we are just a burning uncontrollably. the police are coming we're having to move now because we're all being pushed up the streets into the to gaston to protest this it really is absolutely crazy here on the streets of paris.
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i believe last week there are about five thousand six hundred police officers here this weekend eight thousand in paris alone they go more to gas they're being deployed at those protesters are trying to clear the much of that street where they were causing damage around us just took a look at this these tear gas going everywhere and here we've also had rubber bullets being deployed eat. very close to us my. tea is streaming down my face again as a result of tear gas i can't tell you how many times that we've been gassed in previous protests the police have generally try to hold back from deploying tear gas and even when they fired over jacks pelted at them by the protesters they've held back until they feel it's too much today when one of the chief things are
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being thrown at them they have been responding immediately and it's not just take us it's whether bullets it's our who to cannons and of course we have omen vehicles on the streets of paris the first time since two thousand and five so this is a rubber bullet it's going to put it in my hands so you perhaps my cameraman alex can get a nice close up look at it for you it's pretty big a little bit spongy at the top the point is the navy's quite large the idea it's not meant to have secrets for you like a normal bullet but if this hits you. leave me this is going to hurt and it's pretty scary having these things flying all around. you. if you are. taiwan has expressed its discontent after china's president warned that beijing would use all necessary means to ensure reunification and reserve the right to use force the tensions have been rising
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since the election of a pro independence candidate as president of taiwan in twenty sixty three. chinese due for chinese we are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and the greatest efforts because peaceful reunification is in the best interests of the comparator it's across the street and the chinese nation but we may no promise to renounce the use of force or taiwan will definitely not accept one country two systems china has to respect the twenty three million taiwanese peoples persistence on freedom and democracy instead of interfering with taiwan stories of democracy polarizing taiwan society and luring talents the tensions between china and taiwan have existed since the people's republic of china was founded in one nine hundred forty nine in one thousand nine hundred two both sides agreed on the so-called ninety two consensus it gives taiwan the right to have its own government while its territory is considered to be
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a part of china however both china and taiwan have rather different interpretations of the agreement and ultimately of the entire concept itself it was on december thirty first the president signed the asia reassurance initiative act which allocates one point five billion dollars for increased u.s. engagement across the indo-pacific region and the act is also directed towards enhanced political economic and security ties between taiwan and america and that includes additional u.s. arms sales to the i. and meant to counter a possible threat from china. if only the sale of weapons by the united states to taiwan is a serious violation of international law and the basic principles of international relations which songs of the relevant acts seriously violates the one china principle and grossly interferes in china's internal affairs chinese strongly dissatisfied and opposed to the us insisting on signing used into law and we have
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made some complaints with the us asia pacific policy specialist. things taiwan would be more open to working with china if it wasn't receiving military assistance . china would ideally like that the u.s. does not sell arms to taiwan lower the level of diplomatic support because it believes in that in those circumstances that the taiwanese would be more forthcoming in taking a more constructive attitude in deepening relations with beijing the threat that the u.s. sees is primarily in the maritime theater as the chinese navy becomes more modernized and is able to push the u.s. navy back and create ten and empty access our bubble in its in its per free. with twenty eighteen all wrapped up now we've been surveying the mainstream media's coverage for highlights but it's not. that the coverage looked pretty much
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the same or you know. i know way too much about your news watching experience last year how come easy you don't need superpowers for that look. this president could be impeached i do not think the president will serve out his term resignation resignation a huge incentive for president trump to resign it would be the beginning of the end of the term presidency ending at the end of the nice a exactly the same thing last year. walls closing in the walls closing you know this is going to be the achilles heel dykeman's could lead to thompson ph went there may get america great again prompts impeachment. on this. this which is scurrilous
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i'll try to put a hex on president literally multiple times donald trump has plenty to be scared. and so he is running scared yeah right probably another beginning of or speech been . a minute some point a friend called you and they were like. no no. no bro but i have a look now. don't trump is cool control the sea with several of these statements on the wildfires the president confuses there the number of missing people he visited the town of paradise california pleasure a couple of times he put most weeks at the worst possible time when people's lives are being compromised he was playing politics and elected officials say he doesn't really understand what's causing the fire. when america lost two very dear and important people for the nation here's some of what you must have heard on the news
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president truck is not invited trump is facing backlash for his tweet on senator mccain president who had repeatedly mocked and diminished mccain during his life was initially unable to offer up a single kind word descended into relief or while this is no night for name calling it's been well established that donald trump is no friend of the bushes president opposite to attend the state funeral for president george h.w. bush on wednesday but does the forty fifth president feel like he's really part of the president's. ok that's really what you want to talk about. so it's been a year of all kind of scrutiny from news on trump to news on well at least there are other shows on the box. beginning i honestly want to do this again some nightmare no problem with the president switching. everything's falling apart sometimes i wish i had never been president. world where you would never president
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. i think we can arrange that. so me tell me. sincerely jay yes i did not get. you can you explain to me why one from harlem is going on this seriously did you do you know actually i wouldn't be surprised if one of you out there have been trumpet ties to buy a dream of being sucked into the matrix of trump to. talk about. a very warm welcome back to all our viewers time for a quick recap of our top stories today. veteran porn star describes donald
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trump's janet taylor in great detail. having a total of two thousand four hundred thirty calories worth of food for dinner makes trump feel a old president. and newly discovered ten centimeter long shot i need blind worm speech is named the do more prayers donald trump after the u.s. leader. be sure to stay with us for some of your favorite donald trump classics that's coming up next. season. down the hall and. then there for cosmopolitan and donald trump you just don't get morning. it's like you're fired you're fired you're all fired. you should've put more stress on the
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what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express interest or somehow want to be. at it like to be close this is like the forks tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the water using our. first sitting. is good have you with us today over the next few days we're looking back at some of the stories that we brought you in twenty eight c.
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twenty the rise of the meat movement the number of celebrities named and shamed for inappropriate behavior in its wake classic films also came under greater scrutiny including some disney cartoons. where the p.c. has gone too far. did you spend a blissful childhood happily enjoying disney classics but in case you missed it they tend to fall into monsters so. how can you just stand by and watch the prince kiss snow white without consent runs out the success the little mermaid giving up her voice for the true love of a man i want to write we say cinderella save yourself you don't leave no prints these are some of the criticisms from actresses christians bell and keira knightly
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who have unwittingly become figureheads of a movement that suggests that we love change and can prove some classic stories parity bell and might leave refuse to let their kids even watch some of these old classics and what on the street is not the only one a lot of people think about this stuff but really really really hard although perhaps not hard enough maybe the prince should have got permission but then it's never right would still be lying that nobody writing drooled long departed can we still hold one of the very people in the way. the little mermaid may have given up her voice but that was ariel decision so let's just let her do her thing and telling cinderella to save herself so the work message to all those trapped in domestic servitude around the world is to just help yourself and ignore any princes who want to help looking at you mochel you want to do a disney princesses tend to get the p.c. seal of approval although if we try hard enough i'm pretty sure we can run those
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two let's have a try shall we thank you so much a little girl to find some parents and sets out across the ocean or just some logs with a tidy little chicken that is not a good example and in the interests of animal welfare did anyone else the chicken if it wanted to go frozen. finds one closed doors for years offered for my tickets and then and then pleased to the top of the mountain or maybe one that is a terrible lesson in how to treat p.t.s.d. as ever i see why my house is the solution to keep your kids. all. providing poor role models not the only thing disney was accused. the copywriting of the. accusations of colonialism and cultural appropriation.
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the. film a new version of which is being released this year. to petition to remove the trademark. he claims the phrase belongs to african culture be used by a foreign company the petition was launched in late december and almost one hundred eighty thousand people have signed it so. it means no trouble it was trademarked by disney in two thousand and three for use in clothing and footwear disney has never denied the origin of the phrase the company still there was not commented on this whole petition it was back in december we discussed the issue with our guests. so i we're seeing so much pushback from people on it
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they see this as another as you alluded to manifestation of cultural appropriation and it continues a capitalism entrepreneur africa and specifically africa a continent representing everything that capitalist wants everything capitalist need but everything capitalists don't want to pay for that's used if you look at it and i'm not necessarily anti-capitalist stand i mean i don't want to find out in sydney that you're driving a jeep cherokee let me just leave it at that obviously i think it's unnecessary pressure as i mentioned earlier we live in an error of only outreach people are just looking for reasons to be offended i don't think this is a case about offending people right i mean everyone will find a way to get up to be offended i think what we're seeing here is the commodification of culture and we have to go beyond sharing the one thing that disney did do is maybe an investment in the lion king franchise which is created a lot of jobs did he's made a lot of money and let me tell you something disney has donated to africa and causes in africa last year two thousand and seventeen they donated over three hundred forty million dollars not everything is meant to be commodified and culture
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is one of those things especially when the culture does not belong to the corporation that is trying to appropriate and make money off of it at the end of the day disney is a global company so it's not to say that they can't appropriate or use phrases from other cultures let me say something right now where are we going to go with this next is taco bell going to be under attack is the tilted kill pub franchise i think it's a faulty parallelism to compare a franchise like taco bell to language like a climatologist disney also tried this with dia de los went though so they also tried some copyright the day of the dead which is also something that is culturally sacre to people specifically in mexico you make money the way that you want to make money and that's fine but this is like cultural appropriation. that wraps up the program for this hour here with r.t. international that we to return at the top of the hour with more of your thoughts
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nineteen predictions are saying will be stubborn in ten years other guys report. us veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defenses officer says we're going to attack and destroy the government and in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with their money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort or uneasiness. for.
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later on. this is us broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm bart chilton in washington we are sure glad you are with us and on board first of all i want to thank the boom bust team especially daniel britto nathan elliott and cory rippers for helping out while i took a few days off i'm excited to be back in the saddle again it's going to be an exciting twenty nineteen and we look forward to sharing it with all of you coming up this time we kick off the new year talking to professor emeritus at university of massachusetts amherst richard wolffe looking at global and personal debt not going
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to believe some of these numbers plus will bear markets warrender the new year for a more in-depth look will turn the admission of adam mesh trading group and later we'll look at that point the bumpy road with taylor letterman of simpler trading and whether twenty nineteen could be a boom or a bust year all that directly ahead but first we have some headlines let's go. more signs of a slowdown in china leader global report today as the chinese manufacturing sector shrinks adding to the list of downward trending indicators for china and the global economy on the first for the first full global trading day of twenty nineteen the latest figures for the key purchasing managers index or p m i showing fall of forty nine point four percent from a flat fifty the chinese p.m.i. has not been above fifty the line between. and contraction since july twenty eighteen and the latest reading is the lowest since february of twenty sixteen when
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the p.m.i. fell to forty nine the fall in the p.m.i. also defied was lower than most surveys and analysts had forecasted a broader composite p.m.i. that adds the service sector activity to the equation showed a smaller december drop of fifty two point six from fifty two point eight in november the key chinese markets in shanghai shen zen and the hang seng in hong kong all fell on the news. and just days after u.s. president donald trump said things were going well with the u.s. trying to trade negotiations the transpacific trade tussle took another kambal with news reports today u.s. trade representative robert light hisor a reputed a hardliner on china policy is saying the troubled ministration may lead to more tariffs against china and is warning that he will not accept empty promises from the other side of the table the ambassador has designated has been designated as a u.s. lead negotiator in talks aimed at reset.
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