tv News RT January 4, 2019 9:00am-9:30am EST
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received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering their. not only want the money i want the revenge. the top stories this hour the u.k. requests access to a former u.s. marine who's been charged in moscow with espionage. a massive cyber attack in germany seize the private data of hundreds of politicians and media think is leaked online some are already formed from russia handled from. any legislation passed by the democrats is after they refused to fund his wall neither side shows any sign of giving in despite almost two weeks of government shutdown. isn't a morality it's not who we are is a nation i have never had so much support for border control and for frankly the wall or the barrier.
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they're just gone five pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now our top story british diplomats have asked for access to the suspected u.s. spy paul wieland who's currently being held in a moscow jail after it was confirmed the man to tainted in the russian capital last week has a u.k. passport as well as an american one so let's get more details now from our correspondent who is following this story what more do we know then about this case andrew haven't we lately really gotten used to hearing about russian spies in america i can definitely come up with a few such stories from the past few years this time though the case is exactly the opposite an american as we initially found out was arrested in moscow in one of the city's most posh hotels and then we eventually found out. that the suspect
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a former u.s. marine is also a british citizen and then also that he's got a canadian passport probably the canadian diplomats were saying so however his brother couldn't confirm that so that sounds a bit strange but that is the way it is anyway for now he is in detention in moscow having been charged with espionage although his brother is saying the only reason he went to russia was to go to a friend's wedding party and the u.s. ambassador out already been given permission to see the suspect and so he did and mr whelan's lawyer is seeking bail for his client at this time we aren't really aware of any other details but journalists all over the world are talking about this and speculation is wrong he faces up to twenty years in a russian jail you know that's six plenty of time to be swapped to dispose of.
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what's most likely as we'll as a pawn in russia just play to get back one of its spies after maria patino here in the united states in the rehabilitation a do you believe the arrest of her brother was retaliation and was revenge in some way by the russians. well as we've just heard the case of paul wheeler is being linked in the western media with maria booty was arrested in the u.s. in july and eventually she pleaded guilty to conspiring against the u.s. after being in solitary confinement for six months however the fact is the charges that were brought against are able to and. are completely different ok or i think silly there was a. there with the latest couldn't cross live now to london to dispute and our correspondent there nasty we're hearing the poor is
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a british citizen must be the reaction men in the u.k. . well indeed to andrew the plot really think ins with these latest revelations that this forty eight year old man paul whelan has dual citizenship both american and british should know least because of the already strained relationship between london and moscow we are indeed hearing that he was born in canada to british parents his brother has been speaking to some of the press has said that their family comes from close to birmingham in the u.k. and we have been hearing of that it was actually the american embassy in moscow that had contacted their british counterparts to inform them of this arrest and this case we know that so far the foreign office has their spokesperson has said that quote staff have requested consular access to a british man detained in russia after receiving a request for assistance also the u.k.
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foreign secretary jeremy hunt has said this case is obviously being watched very closely and he has said that the u.k. is not liking the idea of individuals being used for political chess games. our position is very very clear individuals should not be used as pawns of diplomatic leverage we need to see what those charges are against him to understand whether there is a case or not we're not ruling out any theories at all at this stage as to why this might have happened. well we of course have to keep in mind that this case of paul whelan comes on the heels of the biggest scandals in twenty eighteen between russia and the u.k. involving a double agent being poisoned in solsbury in the u.k. back in march leading to diplomatic expulsions leading to one of the biggest
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droughts between the u.k. and russia and russia in recent years so whether or not this one is again going to add more fuel to the fire and exactly how much this scandal blows up of course remains to be seen in the days to come. ok thank you and see and situation are there for us in london. another news an investigation is underway in germany at the moment into a massive cyber attack which led to the personal data of hundreds of german politicians and media figures being leaked online while the probe is in its early stages some german media outlets though already claim to know it was to blame peter oliver picks up the story. but german press are running hard with this story on the data of hundreds of politicians and includes members of the cabinet here in germany chancellor angela merkel herself and the president of germany frank fall to steinmeyer among many many others but it's not just politicians that have been the victim of this this data breach also comedian younes bottom and and rapper teddy
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are also caught up in this now because if there is talk of hacking and data breaches the knives immediately come out for russia and that is what's happened in a lot of the articles we've seen here so far what we do know about the data that had been hacked into is that it's being called non highly sensitive data it includes things from the politicians this is like job applications a party memos and lists of party members now a spokesperson for the german government said an investigation is underway into this hack this is the young the federal government is taking this very seriously the only thing we can say about the hack attack now is that we're working on that the thirty's are working very hard to understand what happened leaks like this have to be handled with great care figures fake information can be propagated however the government can say that now sensitive political data was published so far no official claims that russia was behind this and no evidence presented to that end
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but this isn't the first time that we've see a big media campaign in germany pointing the finger of blame at russia when it comes to online shenanigans before the twenty seventeen elections the papers were rife with how well the russians going to interfere with our elections post the twenty seventeen elections there was a lot more navel gazing article saying why didn't russia try and hack or interfere in these elections as we heard from the spokesman person from the government there this investigation ongoing will be looking into this as it develops. now with u.s. government shutdown closed. entering its third week democrats have pushed forward legislation designed to end the stalemate the democrat controlled house of representatives passed two bills to fund the federal government but they don't include funding for a border wall prompting don't claim he'll veto the legislation passed in the democrats claim such a wall would be un-american the president does say his idea still has widespread
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support but y'all isn't a morality it's not who we are is a nation and this is not a war between mexico and the united states that the president is creating here it's a war between reality and his constituents his supporters i have never had so much support as i have in the lairs week over my stance for border security for border control and for frankly the wall or the barrier and to hammer home the stance that donald trump took to instagram posting this statement of intent he also posted the following video. you legal immigration is wrong plain and simple we are as.
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and the standoff over the waters look likely to intensify too with a democrat funding bills now heading to the republican controlled senate where they are likely to face hostility we discuss the border wall issue with ned ryan he's from the conservative group american majority and also with robert patillo he's a civil rights lawyer. well also understand the president has absolutely no leverage in this situation he's already made his position position clear they should negotiate this last february during the last government shutdown there's no reason for nancy pelosi to move on this unless the president is willing to make a deal on daca make a deal on comprehensive immigration reform they actually meant to close it has him been overheard me right now she can demand whatever she wants were a minimal amount of wall funding there's no leverage to present ailes donald trump cannot back down on this i mean his base is expecting him to fulfill this major campaign promise and i know it doesn't seem like
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a lot of money i think we're not even really talking about the money because five point six billion and a four trillion annual budget doesn't really mean much at all this is really a showdown between his trunk going to get his wall or democrats going to deny him that and also you know at a certain point we have to acknowledge the left base inside a democratic party does not want to see a secure border is more favorable towards open borders and not really fixing our immigration policy so i think if they want the wall that should be telling the president to do is bring back the chuck schumer legislation from two thousand and thirteen that passed the senate sixty eight votes to thirty two votes in the house republicans killed there could have been a border wall for the last five years of looking for the freedom caucus and some of the extremists in the republican party not supporting it so for the current wall what we need to see the c.b.l. score for was actually wall will say that's what we need to see as a funding mechanism so we know exactly how that actually this is being paid for and we need a concrete and universal comprehensive plan all immigration reform not simply say we're going to stick still slates and in the desert that's going to probably need a real plan for this
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a lot of trunk space is willing to compromise we understand that these doc of these dreamers they did not come here they were brought here they did not come of their own volition we understand that there's a situation and i think that you would be really surprised if you were to talk a lot of time space they understand there has to be some legal status maybe even potentially a path to citizenship i think people are willing to negotiate but on the same time if there is not funding for a wall in return for a path. the citizenship or legal status then we can have a serious conversation in this at some point we all know that politics is the art of compromise we have to actually get to a point of compromise donald trump aside here is my non-negotiable the answer was you have to come up with something that says what we'll give you that in exchange for this and i think there is a past i got to tell you though they do not want to give donald trump any wins especially on one of his major major campaign promises meanwhile the tech giant apple has suffered a shocking ford in sales but the company came that trump's trade war with china is to blame would have been just off the brought.
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shape out these days after. and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. welcome back now the tech giant apple has accused donald trump of hurting its business in china with the trade war he's waging against beijing u.s. stock markets have been a sea of red after apple issued a profit warning for the first time in sixteen years the u.s. president himself though insists his terrorists are actually helping america with the details his down bush. what happened wall street's darling the world's first ever trillion dollar firm just months after that historic milestone the i pad make
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issues the canary in the mine shaft the most nail biting announcement the chilling profit warning the first official public admission that a company's to announce bad news within minutes of the new york markets opening on thursday apple hey marriage to sixty four billion dollars of its value enough to replace every i phone cracked screen in the world investors now want the head of apple boss tim cook all right so you're saying that the term that perfectly. but cook blame someone else trumps trade war with china we believe the economic environment in china has been further impacted by a rise in trade tensions with the united states of the donald slapped painful tariffs on imports from the communist superpower beijing swung back imposing or proposing tolls on most american imports from the i macs to cause so apple's not the only u.s. multinational i call punning the trade crossfire between the world's top two
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economies but the donald remain strangely cool in fact he's glowing the united states treasury has taken in many billions of dollars from the tariffs which are going china and other countries that have not treated us fairly in the meantime we're doing well in various trade negotiations currently going on at some point this had to be just one day off the apples profit warning sends shock waves through us think he tweets his tariff hikes bring in billions to the u.s. purse so the trade was hurting or hoping there's definitely bring in this money but it's not bringing them from foreign governments it's bringing it and from american businesses and american consumers which is to say that it is a tax and taxes are not good for economic growth and he began this whole trade conflict same trade. wars are great they're easy to win and they will boost growth so everything the opposite has happened and we haven't won all's done is increase
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television from around the world and now we're seeing how it's profoundly affecting even tech companies as you could see from apple's sales in china this is a direct consequence of the trade wars but it's not just china that has felt the policies in twenty eighteen because the president's tariffs have also hurt some american allies take its artie's moderate gas theory explains. two thousand and eighteen hasn't been easy in america no it was a rough rough year friends came friends went more went really then came and those that weren't friends in the first place well it lost all fear. to go to a bullying enemy yesterday saddam was in front of us today it's trump there is no difference we must resist and we. do have to see the criminal supremacist version of those who govern the united states. countries shouldn't just point fingers at
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the others but ignore their own mistakes this shouldn't be the torchlight doing nothing but exposing the weakness of others while ignoring their own come now no surprise those countries weren't all that buddy buddy with america to begin with but us allies friends that's another story without a happy ending take trumps little vendetta against iran where he top nuclear deal with it deal that took his allies europeans years of efforts negotiations sweat and nerves trump is now threatening his own allies if they there break his blockade against iran no one trades with iran he insists that the europeans are playing ball. as the european commission we have the duty to protect european companies so we
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know me to act we believe that it is and it has to be up to. the europeans and this case to decide with home to trade with. take also trumps advice to germany lately sort of bullying we with regards to russian gas pipelines. germany will become totally dependent on russian energy if it does not immediately change course nothing complicated here in america cannot compete with much cheaper russian gas but if you get rid of russian gas pipelines europeans trump's allies will have no choice but to overpay for american gas well it's better than taking advantage of your friends problem is germany isn't that stupid we can't rely on the superpower of the united states neither is
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nato immune to trump's charms huge smalling out this year between turkey and the states and current wanting to buy russian missiles and trump trump didn't like that one bit we have had serious concerns about turkey's potential acquisition of the ass four hundred system so this is turkey's decision. gung ho attitude his speak first think later and then change your mind style has. pushed away friends or shove them away made enemies it's getting harder to bully co worse and stronger on your way around shining example as what's happening at the un or rather what isn't happening in the us getting its way q more threats the american people pay twenty two percent of the un budget more than the next
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three highs donor countries combined in spite of this generosity the rest of the un booted with us only thirty one percent of the time this is not an acceptable return on our investment president trump wants to ensure that our foreign assistance dollars always serve american interests. america's erratic behavior its tantrums costing its power influence friends even the famous bromance with french president mark crown is ending but it's more than that it's a new global trend where people nations are pretty sick of being ordered about told what to do regardless of what they think tired of trump tweeting about them two thousand and eighteen was hard on america trump made it so. for a gas event i finally this hour the latest thriller on netflix box has become
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a huge hit clocking up something like forty five million p.s. within its week however it does think the t.v. series has turned into a physical risk for some of its viewers. if you can just ride see me i'm going to take the phone with your speed if you're going on the train. never take off your life. will make it. all or more. all. over the markets and we appreciate the low point go have just one wish for twenty
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nine t. and years that you end up in the hospital due to me. i think you do it only if you're i could do it in real life. wonder if you. don't feel like your life or. not is the news and i hear an r.t. don't forget we've got plenty of stories to you for you at our website as you can find that at r.t. doc.
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being. lost years does he. she doesn't get with the people most of. what i mean. i make it. through. really a lot to get me from a week in which he has nothing to do but if. you're in the form of the media. i'm with you more with the baby when with a number almost nothing to do with many bowls of them and it's been my way. it was
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a defense. i think god bless. thank you. get out the traveling across america to find what makes america the scholl of the genius of the south american era this is it we come to a point around which element is gone so we always are on the margins something. called the. party. we're starting last with is going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now governor getting more ground though this may be completely different but in this. it's hard to imagine decades after the war a nazi don't it was still active rich in the nineteen seventies crittle had as the
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chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz a german company develops in the demise of the drug it was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out of terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything. you know she said she's just got choked up mimics a bit of mind victims i have to this day received no compensation then never apologized for the suffering that not only want the money i want the revenge. hello my name's peter and i've been living in bushnell for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things i've got through time. on the road again that's.
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are bringing in the pieces together is often ignored and officials take the credit but not today i talk to a french businessman who takes no glory in saving lives and in conflict. of brazzaville foundation today. patiently bringing the warring parties to the table. people. don't you think you're much for being with us today with you for everything. in such an interesting profession i want to know all about it so you are
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a noted negotiator lots of success stories in africa i know that you're now trying to get sites in libya to sit down and talk i mean in a way you're more successful than the united nations at least you're getting these guys to sit down and talk. i cannot says a template success was that you did editions as he would need you know they did they should but also somewhere somehow i needed those or it's a combination of two forces which. working ballot so you are right now talking about putting down the barriers of mistrust in libya but those barriers are where actually put up way before you and for the reasons that are beyond you what makes you think that an outsider can bring them down. the storms or. the knowledge of the country.
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