tv Redacted Tonight RT January 5, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EST
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another story i covered a few weeks ago that is on project censored to list how big wireless convinced us cell phones and why five are safe i'll give you a hint i'll give you a hint they did it with sally the cephalopods ok yeah right sally. why do you have to be so cute. anyway those are two of the big ones that we didn't cover on redacted tonight but now join me as we dive in to all the rest of the deepest darkest most censored stories coming to you from our city state about to be redacted i.
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welcome welcome i'm leave camp now let's take the news from behind the first jump on the most centered of the past year big farmers biassed the toots who are pretty media ignore the root cause of the opioid crisis this gets added to a long list of root causes the corporate media has ignored such as when they failed to mention climate change walk california was spontaneously combusting. when they covered the election victory of donald trump without mentioning that they gave him twenty three times as much coverage as bernie sanders. and when they put media critic brian stelter on television without pointing out that both his face and cerebrum are made out of a delicious marshmallow spread. some call it fluff. which ironically is. also what most people call his show but. yes at least sixty
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four thousand people died of drug overdoses in two thousand and sixteen with more than eighty percent of those deaths attributed to opioid drugs but it's not a lack of law enforcement that has caused this crisis it is biased to bias the truth is a derogatory term for biological scientists hired to misrepresent research or commit fraud it turns out that if you have enough money you can. be scientists say whatever you want well thank goodness no one has done that with monsanto as roundup purpose. or or the chemicals used in vapor or for johnson and johnson's especially those baby powder no surrey those scientific studies say and all those were safe were legit right especially
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especially the johnson and johnson scientists who said get this passed to us baby powder it's the best. way to do this. and they also said use johnson and johnson but be careful you might come down with mezzo thalia oh my god i'm good baby brother. you know how i should have been an address. that if you have enough money you can buy your way out of any problem just ask the cities across america who have sold their homeless problem by busting their homeless across america the guardian did an eighteen month investigation recorded thirty four thousand journeys made by homeless people participating in a variety of city and county relocation programs the programs provide the homes with a free one way bus or plane ticket out of a given city. has through how caring. these officials said you are my brother and
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you have fallen on hard times allow me to help you get out of my sight. i want to be there for you with me over here and you over there i want i want to be here you there for you. me here you there for you. plus this song is one of the biggest problems with late stage capitalism there is an overwhelming number of people sure. which is pummeled in the system churned up in the gears of our system and left penniless however with the advent of this genius busing plan the victims of our economic system will be somewhere else. besides was the last time a relocation program was of bad yeah. i mean it may rankle right up there with others shining stars or more reality like reeducation programs and
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rewriting of history like they're doing in mississippi where new textbooks happened to leave out the civil rights movement. listen this is this is a program it's progressive of the mississippi officials it really is they're still progressive they don't even see black history anymore. they're very progressive seriously textbooks seriously textbooks was that without the civil rights movement should be trashed but untouched medical supplies should not tons of brand new medical supplies and instruments are being thrown away every year hospitals in the u.s. are wasting millions of dollars worth of sterile and unused medical supplies practices that impact the cost of our health care you know i mean honestly though this is probably accidental like you know sometimes at the coffee shop and they they accidentally give you two cups on your coffee and you just take the take the act a one off and you're that extra want to weigh well it turns out the hospitals are doing. two with alter sound machines. barely. they
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pull one out a second one sticks to it and there is no way. the organization partners for of world health has been collecting discarded supplies and sending them to hospitals in desperate need of those supplies in countries such as greece and syria it's a great idea the relocating the stuff to places that need it so why don't we reason ok the homeless to places that are low on homeless may be. maybe mar a lago or. inside the senate chambers. how exciting how exciting finally congress and the president would get to meet their victims i mean they. really say really. thank you. thank you i mean there you have to be a little awkward ok they have to play some icebreaker games maybe such as never
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have i ever or maybe mary kill you know some good stuff to take the edge off mary kill would be quite a nice welcome change for congress you know their normal daily grind of kill kill kill. of course that's a slightly negative take on congress's activities and also on our most censors list is the limits of negative news and importance of constructive media the report highlighted recent research on the consequences of negative news overload and how solutions journalism can help empower news consumers as engaged actors it is true that only being negative can breed apathy and fatalism that is true but on the other hand and never talking about negative news can breed shows about cakes all right where squidge do as much for a dull. intellectual growth as
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a tack hammer to the forehead. or as greg gutfeld anyway. let's give let's give some positive solution based news right now that's also on the most censored list of the year indigenous communities around the world are helping to win the legal rights for nature i think i think this is kind of like the time i helped but no boa with a sexual harassment case against mitch mcconnell. you know he can get a little hands in he can they can especially around the been no as if you know bose what i'm saying. is just in march twenty seventh jane the government of new zealand officially recognized the wing gone we river which the indigenous maori consider their ancestor a living entity with the rights. now i know just do you consider it a river to be an ancestor that may sound a little loopy but that river is very old and not unlike my grandfather when he hit
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ninety it too probably has problems with puzzling and leakage. probably does but also like grandfathers we should take care of our referred to vote road from new zealand and australia to canada and the us we are seeing a revival of communities seeking to protect natural systems and resources on the basis of non-western often indigenous worldviews that challenge the values of colonial governments yes. reassessing our western colonial view of the world is i think in order right now respecting a river's right to exist respecting our skies and lands respecting animals you know a different way except to land sea bass all right they are delicious they are delicious and we should keep eating those out of those. and according to project censored we should also start respecting the rights of children not to be enslaved
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unless they're farming the chilean sea bass right you get back to work. the next centered story is that adoption agencies are a gateway for child exploitation global adoption is a big business fraught with loose regulations and profit incentives that have made it a target for kidnappers human traffickers and pedophiles. you know i would have thought the buying children industry would regulate itself in a kind of noble and just manner much like wall street is able to regulate itself without incident with the out incidents well without incident for about eight to ten glorious years before everything collapses in your children move back in with you tried to censored continued abusive adoptions including trafficking and exploitation has continued even in the u.s. the u.s. remains among the top destinations for trafficking according to unicef well it's good to see countries the top destination for something and. when may not be the
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richest anymore we may not be the safest or the cleanest but by god we have child trafficking. we have so much child trafficking is starting to cause a backup a jam one might say a traffic jam. not my favorite type of jam i prefer the africa. but other countries are impinging on our human rights abuses there is been a global decline in rule of law as basic human rights diminish overall very few countries in improved in twenty eighteen and most got worse the us during nineteen out of the thirty five high income countries but i think we want to score at a higher if they had removed of a kiddie contest it's both. all right we were good at dad who better then trump to take a banana hammock and turn it into a banana republic hammock. who better the likely reason there is
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a global decline in human rights and rule of law is because of dwindling resources in the hands of the many and a tiny few are getting insanely rich the world's richest people have seen their share of the globe's total wealth increase from forty two point five percent at the height of two thousand of the two thousand a crisis to fifty point one percent in. twenty seventeen this concentrated wealth amounts to one hundred forty trillion dollars to the corporate media the fact that the richest in the world are the richest they've ever been and keep getting richer big secrets and lies and b.s. they would sooner report that rachel maddow is a russian robot who wants to convince you that everyone is a russian robot so that you will notice she's all talk to robots. the is the farce of the russia gate hysteria and the neil mccarthyism is also on project censored list as journalist from the intercept
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truthdig fairness and accuracy in reporting rolling stone and other independent outlets documented corporate media coverage of russia again has created a two headed monster of propaganda and censorship and the rush to get hysteria not only serves as a means for censorship and persecution of dissidents it also serves as more fluff you. can use to cover up all the stench and stories that i've been talking about through this whole show is the let's let's say a news outlet let's say a legitimate news l.-a decide to do a legitimate story actually want to cover the real going on in the world right all right so so they try and do that you know they have an article about the twenty one trillion that has gone unaccounted for at the pentagon there it is so there is an article when you want to. go on a catwalk but that story is then covered up with the rush to get hysteria.
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was. why she was. just. a little bit still showing a little bit still show like you got to start this is the. right. can't even see the. twenty one trillion dollars anymore but there is a good sign mccarthyism tastes great. when you go to portray but you can read more about the storage and stories of projects center dot org. there's actually a product put. also i have mine coming for mrs coming up. where you have to interpret the front row to vote for your city to be out to go to redacted tor dot com you can also join the
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welcome back next up on our list of most censored stories of the year is that prisoners are facing new restrictions on their first amendment rights if you're a prisoner who look forward to a greeting card from your family during the holidays your holiday was a little less cheerful and a lot less glittery under the guise of stopping the smuggling of prison contraband states like indiana and michigan have placed an insane number of restrictions on an e-mail from inmates and glitter is out for more on this we go to our lead singer of the contraband natalie mcneal. write. this up it seems like it's going to be a death knell for the prison mail rooms only prisoners can still communicate with family they just have to do what the official way by bribing prison guards. right
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there supplemental income correction officers at rikers we're getting four hundred to nine hundred dollars a day smuggling drugs and other contraband but if they're looking for a less risky way to earn cash i recruit and guards for my new business smug inch. it's a tax service where frequent travelers can chat with former guards about how to sneak a full size shampoo bottle in and check luggage. and leave given your hair away and you can be a fool to rid. my business. i will take one of those although i did get my shampoo bottle through security i want to say where but. but this is all insane under these new my own rules even prisoners kid can't send crayon drawings to their other. bleep these drawings aren't exactly works of art. right i get tons of them as a free woman from my four year old niece and she's awful. at the very least she needs
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some anatomy lesson. you don't think prisoners have standards to say this it's a little off yeah right but i want even that small. but this this isn't just about contraband it's about moving prisoners into which when you first century level of communication they can still reach family through e-mail thanks to jane pay it's a program where prisoners and their loved ones by digital stamps to send messages to each other for example one stamp costs thirty five cents and lets inmates write an email of up to five thousand characters a picture requires an additional stamp a thirty second video requires force their hadley prisoners in this country are as little as twenty three cents an hour for their labor if they get paid at all they have to slave labor for half a day just to send a thirty second video it's nothing prison prison phone calls can cost a dollar
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a minute why should your grandpa pay a buck a minute to yell over the phone at europe when he can write in all caps for half the price. not only is this more cost efficient for prisoners it's a boon for the over twenty states using jay pay because we'll find that commission per message goes president stand to collect seven hundred ten thousand dollars on a messages alone whether it's phone or e-mail it's still price gouging like while private companies. j.p. and rich themselves on the backs of helpless prisoners that this is just another way to cut prisoners off from the outside world and from education i mean the same way prison officials try to ban books that reveal the truth about the criminal justice ok ok hold on i never said i agree with banning books though if they're going to ban any book it should be the one that taught idaho inmates how to hack the j pay system in july and take two hundred twenty five thousand dollars in credit. by
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the way if any of those inmates are watching you call when you. say. this money is an i.t. department right. thank you. very much you are very lucky every way possible and our corporate media continues to act like it's not worth talking about for more on the latest way we're being watched we go to the queen of raging controversy redacted correspondent naomi. internal documents have been released which show that the f.b.i. was offering payments to best buy squad employees as confidential human sources one foreman. yes that means the f.b.i.
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has infiltrated the mafia and this thirteen and your local neighborhood trivia night has come to show off what she knows or has come to discover what. these squad members are going from pretending to know what's inside this machine to joining the ranks of the confidential team and sources the top three in the legal gray area spying on citizens and carrying out sting operations to days or more than fifteen thousand confidential human sources so that the f.b.i. muslims a custom software program delta to track and manage informants they have so many informants that yes indeed there is in the app for that so i don't. really seems like they missed an opportunity a better name would have been i don't know snitch or blabber rabbit to face book inspired spook and moles on eavesdropping.
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there isn't much of a screening process for becoming an f.b.i. informant in fact it's better to have law breaking on your resume like whitey bulger was a hit man or a member of the k.k.k. who really did his own being with that she and informant can make up to five hundred thousand dollars a year but with the price much guarantee an f.b.i. agent acknowledged paying some best buy employees five hundred dollars for tips the best buy a connection to the f.b.i. was confronted when margaret and myra orange county california gynecologist learned that his laptop was none fixed but handed over to the f.b.i. because it allegedly contained child pornography the f.b.i. been seized and searched his other electronic devices none of this was legal. and all right i have to say there's nothing funny about kiddie porn and it's two
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adults dressing up as feline struggling to get their costumes off law having sex that's where this is especially if some thing that i've seen it happen i mean i've heard of it. i'm asking for a friend. and sure as a good samaritan you should have reports child porn to the authorities if you come across it however it was discovered that the geek narcs found the questionable image in an allocated space meaning that forensic software was likely require to locate it if you see something say something if you find something when violate the fourth amendment rights of the person to report it to the authorities for a chunk of change yeah it's definitely not that according to the case usa vs andrew flyer pictures found on an allocated space did not constitute knowing
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possession because it is impossible to determine when why or who downloaded them but the f.b.i. agents left an allocated space story out when they asked for a warrant so the judge had to throw out the charges against the doctor. fox this worse than the guy who spent his entire vacation in the netherlands with the go pro pointing the wrong direction. all of the details of the story point to the government's more aggressive and unconstitutional surveillance of the american people this also means we can't trust our computers with geeks and it also means that you can feel better about not sleeping with them in college reporting for. washington this is not only
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caravanning rejected so nice that you are sure you can get bored by grabbing my new standup comics that's only leave him comics as adults are exposed to text the word redacted the poor poor poor nine nine nine for free to get added to our newsletter until next time the night. it was. hello my name's peter and i've been living in bushnell for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things i've got through in the time. that's . just published or did you.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. it's hard to imagine the decades after the war. was still active rich in the nineteen seventies crittle had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz
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a german company developed. a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything paul you know she said is just. minutes a little mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that i did not only want the money i want the revenge . financial survival stacey southfield let's say i'm the troika and you're. the fight well street fraud thank you for. the story that's right if you looked at slavery.
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a man detained in russia on spying charges appears to be a citizen of britain canada island in the u.s. that is media speculation that he was seen by moscow to be used as a bargaining chip. we can fool with national emergency because of the security of our country absolutely you know we can do it i haven't done it i may do it i may do it. states of emergency if there's no consensus on funding his border wall democrats meanwhile reviving tools pietschmann police don't want and maybe they don't because we're going to go in there we're going to do some of them. and it's revealed the u.k. spent nearly a quarter of a million pounds continuing to protect.
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