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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 5, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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likely but both that the syrian regime has continued to use chemical weapons since then and will continue to do so or as their opposite numbers that i believe that the action was legally questionable and on saturday the united nations secretary general and turning to terry said as much reiterating that all countries must act in line with the united nations charter luckily for tourism a compliant press over u.k. aerial bombardment i mean it's a civil war was never really legally questions even of historic giving his briefing today will likely not mention it well stories i'm a responsible for escalating the syrian catastrophe that killed hundreds of thousands and that involved u.k. taxpayer funded militias opposing president assad of even the media doesn't listen to corbin perhaps they should go back and listen to donald trump before the arguable u.s. deep state got to him he has aligned with russia and with the rest they don't want to isis but they have other things because we're back in we're back in rebels we
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don't know who the rebels are we're giving them lots of money lots of everything we don't know who the rebels are and when and if and it's not going to happen because you have russian you have iran now but if they ever did overthrow you might end up with as bad as assad is he's a bad guy but you may very well end up with worse than so well this time to raise a man like blair brown and cameron failed to militarily over there an arab government but arguably she has been successfully trying to overthrow herself one long time opponent of neo-con was the man who once had the biggest individual mandate in europe ken livingstone for his perspective on the current political chaos in britain he joins me now ken thanks very much for coming back to what have you made of this to resume you bricks it agreement document well i can understand why pretty much everyone doesn't have much time for if you if you will one of those that want you to vote to leave this deal broadly leave this in the bound by. well
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there was having to pay away money but we've given up our same rules now so for breakfast here is a disaster quite a lot of businesses say you did with this we didn't stand damaging if we leave but the simple fact is i it's not her fault and you had david cameron decide to call a referendum on this without bothering to get civil servants do some research on what will be the impact and so we've got the last two or two years of we're starting from scratch trying to work it well and that simple fact is no i can't think of any other instance where a country has walked away from its predominant trading block so that i mean all these predictions about if you have a disaster or would it be really good no one knows and i would have been down this road nobody knows what the budget is going to be i mean literally no we know leader knows i i've never known appeared in my life where things have been so i'm certain in our politics i mean if i want to get on to the split in labor the between
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corbin's people in the old liberals argue with you think the tory party can still remain together given the current events over you i think there's a real prospect of a split i mean i think at the end of the right there were either if they do split they might be devastated as a general election and i. when we had the labor party split back in one thousand nine hundred eighty two and a chunk went off to form the s.t.p. i.e. our vote was cut down to about twenty eight percent and then you go about twenty six and fatter at a landslide so that that might go although a lot of the military come stand each other they realise they they got to carry on together all they'll be wiped out of the next election well i gave them going to get on to go in a second but what about the dangers of an agreement like this being put in place who knows drazen may in for another year and issues of state aid by the european union meaning that they coburn government anyway wouldn't be able to nationalize water. railways electricity and welfare utilities people to.
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many of these institutions in other countries in europe on nationalized all one's always are owned by nasa one i think will be ways round this but he said any what jeremy is away said i mean he voted to stay in but he's unhappy with the e.u. which bureaucracy its rules and so i think if we had a labor government i mean they're not going to vote she just walk away but they put a vote you know we want to reform it open it make it accountable democratic but you can't have a solo to europe bureaucrats telling jeremy caught when he can't renationalise the railways but that's exactly what presumably they will be telling him to back he will renationalise through out ways it might be an interesting conflict so it will be the breaks it off to the there will definitely be voting for breaks or maybe what about this blitz that in labor the sort of rum parliamentary polity the does. favor mere liberalism versus what jeremy corbyn once i mean. i think
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now. we've had forty years of neo to prisons and sasha go in and we see half of the people who voted for brett city they voted for trump in america because and manufacturing has been wiped out when forty years ago we had eight million jobs in manufacturing now we've got just two million and although we've got fairly high levels of employment most of those jobs are in secure why that's why people are angry and therefore labor government is committed to rebuilding our manufacturing good high tech high skilled jobs why is absolutely crucial one of the. aspects of the break to vote though is that no country has been allowed to leave a little more you say that no country has left thinking only book greece they voted in twenty fifteen to leave ignored island twice the denmark holland has
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ignored france was ignored isn't the point that there liberalism is in brussels and that's where the power is what that was part of such as influence i mean she moved much more towards the neo deputy comics. and the legacy has been it's australia but i think also i mean the one thing we got right we didn't join the euro zone and you actually go countries like italy greece already struck in course a local team to a euro set effectively by germany which has an incredibly dynamic and strong economy. that was a big mistake. do you think the media is having as well about all these different issues i mean a to be expected that we'd be hearing a sort of soap opera about individuals you know dominick grab this and jacob riis more but i i think there's a real problem with the british media which is either their own by extreme right wing billionaires like others and you get actually does on the scow bridge where if
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you look at say the b.b.c. . it's all right centrist it wasn't keen on thatcher certainly not keen on corbin it might be old people like me david allen and roy jenkins the sort of social democrats the liberals in the middle and i've suffered a lot of bias from the b.b.c. and so on as well over the years yeah generally called in the other day was called out rights of the day and he see my mate who's accused of being on this list channel which you would see has another i mean there wasn't the receipt in the even david dimbleby didn't say anything even to say this was resisted liars and smears going on for the last two and a half years and it's quite interesting that you know i mean remember isaac years of saying it was a zionist complete loan but it went around the world globally the simple fact is until jeremy coleman came lida he's forty five years important nearly i live nine
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hundred forty i think needed forty's involvement no one ever suggested that jeremy is anti semitic any more than anyone did about may be calls we've campaigned or had eyes for tolerance we've oppose racism sexism and he semitism i mean when i was accused me and i said to journey in my ears a smear anti semitic incidents in london were cut by half under boris johnson they doubled why do you ask about why that was but these lies go on and on i mean it's. not just us i mean back in one nine hundred thirty three when president roosevelt introduced bennett. the unemployed the right wing press are saying it's the first step to communism and the nine hundred forty five election year churchill said if labor wins the intrusive stop on the simple fact is if you have a leader who's generally progressive is going to stop corporations doing away tax dodging crackdown on these billionaires that don't pay their fair share they will do anything to stop you getting in well some people would say that what you said
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about the media and its coverage of these things you're being a bit lenient on them going to the u.n. is dreadful journey extreme poverty as we investigating the u.k. and this in the wake of the was benches press corps one hundred twenty thousand eggs as deaths because of austerity you said that they kind of like roy jenkins lake. and of david o. and social democracy they didn't really go big on that story even in the immediate of two others present governments well i think it's quite interesting in the year after mrs thatcher was forced out of office panorama the b.b.c. documentary program produced a programme out economic legacy it's never been shown because he is shows that it didn't really work things were worse off under thatcher than happened before and the same is true with this government starting with cameron eight years ago we have seen the most devastating cuts in public services young people facing despair suicide rates going up this government has done more this government actually makes
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me such a look frankly any johns you'll be able to be back in the labor body and serve in a golden globe. basically when i lost to boris back in two thousand and twelve i felt you know i'm retired now and we have a very that i had miliband young enough to be my son i mean i always said to admit it and anything you want me to do i i'll do the opposite the same for jeremy and do you think the political battle within the labor party really isn't right is not only in the tory body in the labor party is a bit of a problem. about your successor as mayor of london do these thinking of trying to be leader of the. finishes then get back into parliament i mean truly there isn't. the leadership elections we had. sixty percent about i know nobody else came close and still the senate supporting.
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me for the first time in the sixty years we've got somebody that people see as an ordinary decent guy who came into politics to help people not just become a celebrity or get rich. just across the border from. britain to drop sanctions against the red nation he was so larger than life his discourse was so full of not get some extraordinary insights that when i go back to london after about ten days with the goal my life seems so small. painting. hello peter and i've been living for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things i've got. time.
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desperate for a single. they
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start training very young. eight months of intensive school. raps. and they save lives. welcome back to the u.k. has for years in forced sanctions against what is being one of the fastest growing
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economies in the world but within the past few days a british drafted resolution of the u.n. security council is meant the ending of sanctions against the red sea coastal nation of eritrea in africa for more we're joined via skype from washington d.c. by sophia test for merriam who is on the board of the national council of ha an american sylvia thanks for being on what's it going to mean for eritrea that sanctions have been lifted exoneration. there was falsely accused in two thousand and nine of supporting al shabaab. and disturbing the peace in some odd. not accepting the g. and supporting the u.i.c. fighting alongside you i see an awful lot of unsubstantiated allegations were made then for the last nine years they haven't been able to come up with a single iota of evidence to prove those allegations it also gives the security council that in stick you could fold sanctions o.e. out face saving from the quagmire that they created for themselves why do you think
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britain and other countries for so long accused eritrea of being involved with islam is is it because of its geographical position crucial just over the over the sea from yemen as it were the horn of africa was already labeled as an area that was conflict the burden and a hotbed for terrorism and when you have it here you know who's a client state was a client state of the previous administrations. it was very easy to play into that global war on terror and it was pretty much a way of supporting if you're. standing in the region at the same time instituting the global war on terror the policy on that in that area where if european served as the main country and partner in the global war and every chair was the scapegoat you claim ethiopia is
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a proxy of washington in that way what about human rights organizations that have for so long and continue to say that eritrea must be boycotted must have sanctions arguably because of human rights violations in the country all of them played into that once every chair was labeled as a spoiler it gave every anti eritrea entity including ethiopia. the treasonous individuals that ran around bad mouth in eritrea and the ferocity of the media on the. eritrea propaganda really helped to to to sway public opinion of course some countries are now wondering why this sudden shift in washington london other countries is this because of the war in yemen does it mean that every trans going to help or bomb yemen does i mean eritrea is going to take i.m.f. money privatized all its industries and basically give up the revolution absolutely not search and made no conception in order to get these sanctions lifted she was in
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compliance with the sanctions regime even though they didn't agree with it and even though they were fighting it for the nine years but they didn't give up anything to become to the for the sanctions to be removed and the peace and stability in the horn of africa and the peace between eritrea and ethiopia was a direct result of the two countries that have nothing to do with the u.n. and the those who are not the reasons why it was sanctioned in the first place so i'm not sure why they're trying to tie the peace. here p.r. and the resolving of the. issue to the sanctions but their chair was wrongly sanctioned because it fit the narrative that was being pushed for what the intended to do in somalia had everything to do with propping up the regime in somalia that they wanted had everything to do with supporting ethiopia mission in somalia and it had absolutely nothing to do with wrongdoings obviously now that we're not under
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sanctions we will have more leeway to take care of some of our domestic issues economically for sure yeah there's no a government in the conscription will end however and i've got to ask you mention propaganda britain of sanctions against russia by certain sanctions against china in other countries people may know how a country like cuba withstood u.s. sanctions how did eritrea withstand sanctions from countries like britain and the united states for so long a share will power. it was easy nine years were very difficult. for the people of eritrea they decided to concentrate inward and develop their country using their own resources and. by time so when the sanctions but we didn't sit idle just decided there was time to do even harder work so we managed to work hard and achieve the millenium development goals when no other country in africa was able to do that we were able to build infrastructure develop our roads develop
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our colleges build eight nine colleges graduate thousands and thousands of air chains from the various colleges so we didn't stop working for mary thank you well in the usa hollywood is arguably always been propaganda for the wealthy and powerful even while destroying the lives of those employed by the ogre of showbusiness is the subject of a recently published book by the son of two hollywood icons joan collins and anthony newley that chronicles the alienation felt by those growing up in the spotlight the book is called unaccompanied minor and its author of the artist alexander nearly joins me now alexander welcome to going underground so arguably your paintings show a certain alienation about the show business world elite media spotlight and so on what made you write your memoirs well well i felt that i was the guardian of this extraordinary treasure trove of memories about growing up as the son of these two
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incredible celebrities and born and i was born in the late sixty's in lived in beverly hills during the late sixty's which is an extraordinary time in american film and i had just these all these extraordinary experiences you know riding on motorbike with steve mcqueen and playing pool with james carleton and i just felt that i had to share what i saw or at bear witness to it somehow in a book you can describe your father told you about your own conception but then after and i mean you can tell him that but you see a fantasy befitting an east end. overdue to take broadway to the new just talking a bit about it first thing to say about it is that he was born into poverty in the east end he was born to what we call a tweeny a between the stairs made so wrong before below normal made he never knew his father. so he was born the illegitimate child of domestic help basically and
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he was born into debt dickensian circumstances i mean rather like oliver twist he was born on a on a wooden pallet in a workhouse and nine hundred thirty one fast forward thirty two years he has conquered not only the u.k. charts see him but he's conquered the broadway us broadway scene twice with two barnstorming shows he's married to joan collins and he's living in beverly hills so in a space of thirty years to go from that beginning. to that point further on is the most extraordinary imus like a judy garland movie with the spinning headlines in the influence so many people have recently as you saw your parents as victims of an ogre called show business way one oh well because their world was extremely insecure they had no insurance in the sense that they had no permanent employer you do a movie here stage appearance there and then it's gone and you have to rely on them and all their money and they lived large i mean my neither of them ever turned to
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me and explained anything about putting a bit of money away here but you know they lived large but the outside political world doesn't intrude that much i mean you say when you move from l.a. to london you can see the rubbish piling up in mayfair when i arrived in london in the early seventy's there were you know there were massive it was called the winter of discontent there was a lot of discontent in the union movement so there were a lot of strikes i remember power cuts walking around with candles and so on and to come from beverly hills los angeles from this world of plenty and light into london plunged into darkness and strife and so on was the most extraordinary kind of movement although it was l.a. was pretty divided and well yes yes yes but then your mum's a tory of course yes. yes yes you mention in the book that you might you were told by her that you might have to leave the country if there's a labor government yes presumably this is more to do with taxation rather than the
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way that he was famous for called the brain drain in the light in the late seventy's and my mother's friend started i mean i remember she referenced michael caine just left. left to the states and she she didn't really explain it to me in any depth but she just said that the new government to come in which was a wilson go. they had imposed a new higher tax on creatives. people in the upper brackets and so that that was contributing to her decision to go back to l.a. and i wept i really didn't want to leave england you know that was my home and of course as a child you don't understand the wider political picture because you're moving. we're called walked composing his great works of evil capitalist london yes there is this idea of power a movie scene in the family's life was the studio's presumably it was yes. yes really absolutely i mean the thing is that as we in the golden age of the studio
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system studio heads like louis b. mayer and designer can so on had unbelievable power over the lives of people in a for instance judy garland famously was worked to extinction i mean she was owned by the studio and for me at least i think that's a rather a moral situation maybe we're evolving out of it now in the current climate where beginning to question the sort of male dominated hollywood. legitimacy your mom didn't feel like that in the seventy's well mom is a great trailblazer for women's rights in entertainment i feel and certainly alexis carrington as a character in her strength of purpose and a no nonsense approach is doing this to some would say could be. deed indeed but i think she really struck a major major blow for women's rights in it which is bearing fruit now. with that
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character you know the flinty nurse and the higher the shoulder blades and take no prisoners attitude of alexis that she that she created and know your politics very much with the environmental movement well very much in the. governor actually really just about the impact of his work. to the to the green movement. because i think it came out of his reading of eastern philosophy and eastern this is mysticism he saw that there was no real hard division between human beings and the planet. and so at a very early age he had pressed upon me that he beings really an outgrowth of nature and that we really need to take care of the planet in the fullest potential that is to be found in harmony not in not against nature so i have grown up knowing that that is absolutely right on the truth i should ask you what does
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your mother think of the paintings that you've done about your with your i think she finds them fascinating you know we you know it must be interesting to have a child who is sort of chronicling their life from the inside out you know i think it's been an enriching experience for her to see her self through my eyes and that those early chapters in my life through my eyes she's seen the menu as it were through me you know anyone reading the book with think there's bound to be a sequel that's actually your next words not going to be that it's going to be portraits of friend of the show all of us doing the film director and. you've got to tell me what it was like being to go over the unbelievable it was rather like you're going to be the greatest public order to live in washington d.c. indeed indeed the painting is now at the smithsonian in the national portrait gallery in washington d.c. for me it was like heart of darkness was like going up river to meet colonel kurtz who was this extraordinary huge personality where they had such
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a no norma's presence in american politics and cultural life for half a century and me as a kid i mean i was a virtual kid i was in my late twenty's i'm going brush in hand to paint this man and i spent ten days with him in his field in reverse though and it was such a he was so the larger than life his discourse was so full of not get an extraordinary insight that when i got back to london after about ten days with god . all my life seems so small in miniature to me and when i did finally finished picture and i sent a photograph of the finished painting to him because i finished it in london when he saw the finished painting he said i look like god on the seventh day having decided it was all a terrible mistake. well that's it for this year we'll get good reviews are your favorite episodes and you were back for a brand new season on wednesday january ninth bill then we thought just wanted social media use it.
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will be in. the. can make. the. really a local superman film we can see as you know if you missed it by the fact. that
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you're in the home when they leave your. home with you most of them with their baby when within the model most most and even many both of them when it's done well in few most will start to feel. we're continuing our special year the new years. celebrating not only twenty nineteen but ten years of kaiser reports at some point. i'm not sure exactly when that is but we'll keep you posted. seems wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape out. become educated and in games from an equal betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. by. tear gas smoke and clashes of once again you've seen on the streets of paris as at least fifty thousand other movements members of once again taking to streets across the country for eight consecutive weeks. a man detained in russia on spying charges appears to be a citizen of britain canada island and the us media speculation grows that he was seized by moscow to be used as a bargaining chip also to come this hour. we can call a national emergency because of the security of our country absolutely you know we can do it i haven't done it i made.


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