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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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in the headlines tonight u.s. democrats are again in the spotlight over alleged efforts to sway a state senate seventy using fake social media accounts. paid from the. germany party seriously hurt. police the treaty is politically motivated. russian military police begin patrols near the northern syrian city of man to us but kurdish forces withdraw from the area. a welcome top international news with me kevin on this tuesday night and first the further claims of election meddling by u.s. democrats this time the twenty seventeen state senate race in alabama
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a new report has revealed that activist tried to link the republican candidate with a bogus campaign to ban alcohol in order to try to undermine his support base and i'm open explains the new york times has revealed that the twenty seven special election in the u.s. state of alabama was hit by a false flag facebook campaign and it did not come from russia democrats tried to create the illusion that republican candidate roy moore wanted to ban alcohol. i pledge to abstain from alcohol and live a moral life as defined in the bible i will demand all my stuff follow my lead by abstaining from the devil's tonic i pledged to fight against the decay of christian society and all that contributes to the decline of values the idea was that roy moore standing among moderate conservatives would be hindered if they could create the illusion that he was a religious fanatic who wanted to ban booze no man woman or child alive today if he were ever live to see the stars and stripes we were right salute in the united
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states friend of america i'll fight the saloon from the high wire i will keep this long as i have a foot i'll touch on as far as i have a feast it was a false flag campaign on facebook backed up on twitter now we've reached out to both twitter and facebook but have not heard back now matt osborne a democrat who worked on the project said that he hopes someday these tactics would be made illegal he said however as long as republicans are using them democrats shouldn't give them up if you don't do it you're fighting with one hand tied behind you you have a moral imperative to do this to do whatever it takes revelations about the shady activities of the cyber security firm known as new knowledge that actually led facebook to shut down the personal accounts of five individuals now at this point u.s. senator doug jones is calling for a federal investigation into the dirty tricks that may have helped win him his seat now did a few dry alabama ads actually cost roy moore the election well the impact isn't
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exactly clear but what is clear is that the democratic process can be rather fragile. r.t. new york well the u.s. democratic senator who won the alabama race in twenty seventeen says he was unaware of what had been happening you know who said that if any laws were violated during the campaign those responsible should be punished conservative commentator going to jail griffin told us he believes the cynical electoral tactics being alleged are extremely damaging for the country. this is an endless game of political musical chairs year by the democrats and they only care about one thing that's keeping power and getting power but i do believe that there's always going to be new salon or new york times story or having to revelation about some new russian plot that absolves the democrats from any electorial accountability for their actions it's not helping diplomatic relations even though it's body and president putin's
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laughed about it or the trucks left without it the rest of us aren't laughing because there are so many are uninformed you would be those who vote in the united states. the prosecutors say the suspect arrested in connection with a huge data breach targeting around a thousand politicians and public figures as confessed to being guilty you know as we came in a news conference earlier today pulis lee has got the latest for you didn't prosecutors say that a twenty year old suspect has confessed to being behind. personal data belonging to leading politicians and celebrities here in germany now they say that he hosted dr last december using various twitter accounts they also say that there's no sign that there was any kind of. involvement among itself we were able to find the data carrier which the suspect had hidden a few days before the search after the story hit the headlines we made a backup copy of this information is now available to the investigators during the
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course of the interrogation the suspect said he had acted alone the investigation is so far not established any third party involvement either. so who exactly is this guy well he's known as if he's twenty years old he is suspected of doctor theft and leaks that targeted hundreds of german politicians and public figures he said he was acting out of anger on statements that they had made now the hack and disseminated information included phone numbers email addresses credit card details home addresses personal correspondence and photographs now prosecutors do say that this twenty year old has confessed but his alleged twitter account still has a post in which he says that he knows who is the presumed hacker and has no contact with him. we've known each other for years and definitely distancing myself from the actions of no router and i'm not calling this
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a good thing if i thought it was i would never have spoken to journalists now prosecutors say that they haven't yet find any proof that there was a political motivation but the investigation is ongoing germany's interior minister has congratulated all of those who were involved in the investigation for their success and then paid from the anti migrants alternative for germany party is fighting for his life tonight after being attacked in the northwestern city of bremen. frank suffered serious injuries after he was attacked by three people you have to describe the incident as an assassination attempt your main hospital in this in a serious condition as we heard earlier on air from a party member they have to bremen facebook page says the politician was knocked unconscious after a left new year's reception at the theater the party also said the attackers continued to beat on the head as he was police and prosecutor's office are investigating that. friday and i have to the office in lower saxony was targeted in another violent attack to no one was injured but the blasts cause severe damage to
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the building neighboring properties and vehicles as well were affected three suspects are since been detained the motive behind the attack hasn't been established yet but police are working on the premise that it was politically motivated we heard from f.t. member hugh bronson and also german lawyer media pundit mostly in crime violence. right now he is still in intensive care he's in stable condition and he says. he said that he cannot remember anything of this horrific attack that almost killed here but doctors are confident that he can leave intensive care at the hospital probably this week and so we will hope for his speedy recovery there is an atmosphere in the country that everything which is right wing or conservative is man this is evil and i think there are some crazies and some criminals who believe that they don't have the right to to get in sexily there is no problem
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there is that there was there is a public hearing if you're able to to hold it but when you go on bremer. part of what will. organize the world's creation or to have a public hearing. elsewhere in the world like russian military police they've started patrolling a rural area to the west of the syrian city of age with a view to ensuring security there as it's been described our senior correspondent more gadgety of us more on the development and how it's likely to shape the ongoing power struggle in the region this safe zone a buffer zone really was established after kurdish y.p. g. forces moved out they handed the area over to the syrian government the syrian army and it was declared a demilitarized zone. patrolled by russian military police monitors who arrived on the seventh of january now the
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kurds weren't acting out of altruism but because turkey was ending is threatening to invade it use the y.p. g p k k it's terrorists. because the turkey started to incurred zora tional took you started to the kurdistan workers spot to tahrir groups one of the goals of turk to struggle against the p.k. k. in that series of suits is to save the kurds from the tyranny and suppression of the terror group trumps declaration that he's pulling out of syria suddenly through things into a state of flux us allies the y.p. ji who had lived and depended on american protection suddenly face being left alone with hostile turks rebels isis syrians on all sides their own arab allies ready to dump them reportedly and u.s.
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national security advisor john bolton is desperately trying to secure a future safety for his kurdish allies we're going to be discussing the president's decision to withdraw or to do so from northeast syria in a way that makes sure that the stance of israel and our other friends in the region . is absolutely assured and to take care of those who fought with us against isis and other terrorist groups at the end of the day the us will leave the kurds understand this obviously and they're fast tracking the goo she sions with president asked sad with the syrian government could into various reports reconciling perhaps obviously they have their differences but it's a hostile neighborhood friends a few and far between and as we see now they can leave at any moment. united states national security advisor meantime said sunday that his country's
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troop withdrawal will be dependent on a number of guarantees from turkey now one of john bolton's demands was the anchor ensure the safety of washington's kurdish allies in northern syria that provoked an angry response from turkey. the whole john bolton has made a grave mistake it is now. possible to accept or swallow the message given by bolton from israel those who are in the terror corridor in syria who learn the necessary lessons for us there is no difference between the white p g p y d p k k and die if we will very soon take action to neutralize the terrorist groups in syria political analysts use of air and told us that he believes sooner or later turkey will launch an incursion into syria regardless of washington's demands we look at what bolton saying and especially right before he comes to meet with the turkish officials and he basically crosses a red line when he's in israel the night before he comes to turkey and i don't understand what he was expecting in negotiations with turkey today but he
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definitely was expecting what he got and turkey is not going to bow down to the u.s. and turkey is not going to protect these kurdish fighters these kurdish fighters are terrorists in turkey turkey doesn't protect terrorists before trump propose the u.s. withdrawal turkey was ready to launch a military operation it was within days maybe hours of launching an operation until president president trump surprised everyone with this u.s. withdrawal announcement so regardless of what the u.s. does turkey is going to launch a operation east of the euphrates that this is a fact this is a very pressing national security matter for turkey. since the conflict in syria ruptured into entry level much the country's cultural heritage has been deliberately destroyed by terrorists some places have escaped unscathed just about like the grave of abel just outside damascus which is now welcoming visitors again .
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a thousand years ago the grave was not protected by anyone later the druze king took responsibility we've been guarding this place for militants they do not scare us. out of it but all in a lot of people have donated money so we can renovate the cave.
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exactly forty minutes past eight o'clock moscow time four boxes under arrest in france offer legibly telling his skills against riot police tell you about that when we come back.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. considered to be close it's like the three of them all the people. interested in the waters of. the city. i get the thought international law going on in france to tell you about first off a former french boxing champion who was wanted for allegedly punching policemen at one of the yellow vest protests at the weekend has turned himself in he posted an explanation for his actions on facebook it is. i saw the repression
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that was there i saw the police tear gassing us i've seen the police hurt people with flash balls i've seen people hurt acim pensioners get tear gas i've seen a lot of things i was tear gassed on the last day yes i wanted to advance on the right police was gassed with my friends and my wife i was gassed and for a moment the anger came up in the air yes well i reacted badly i reacted badly but i was defending myself and that's it well that's christophe there's his explanation he remains in police custody tonight he has received pledges of support to the funding campaigns been launched to help him meantime the french interior minister says all aggressors will be brought to justice. here i want to say to all the police and gendarme and firefighters who have been targeted and experience violence during their work and in particular over the course of the last few weeks but they
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can count on my support and complete determination to systematically identify and bring to justice their aggressors and celebrate the surrender he knew he had been identified and sort out of the individual who on saturday in paris brutally deployed on the bridge they are here and i salute them still more how people happy . to see more push the maulvi city to people. who just wanted to take you can teach. your vehicle. i want you as you can we send a couple when i say he. lives there with me i said your clinical twenty plus. are too cool what i do. to get in a cabin. or to leave when i am on the clickers you to feel you want to see some of your concert despite the condemnation of ministers yet to
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comment on another controversial video though you see watching this where a prominent police officer is seen beating it appears protesters on twitter there were calls for equal justice the officers now under investigation after an injured woman father complaint. and peace in france have described the rest of the universe protests as either the home of one member of the country's ruling party was barricaded shut on sunday. night on sunday morning i was a bit shocked by the wall made of blocks there were around fifty of them i couldn't leave my home and it prevented anyone from coming in because of that i'm very disappointed very disappointed it's happened before the attack centers are blocked by the sea walls i thought immediately about that the yellow vests associate the tax offices with crohn and his dismissal so now the french government look at a crackdown on the rioters prime minister edward phillips said tougher punishments will be introduced in an interview he gave on monday let's go live to paul smith
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associate professor of french studies at nottingham university said thanks to make the time to be with us yet the french foreign minister no saying is going to crack down he says next week and i suppose with the next troubles likely said eighty thousand members is acutely forces will be deployed they're going to maybe the wearing of masks is the right way to go ahead what can be done is it too little too late the genie out the bottle what do you think. no i don't think so i think that now we've come. got the feeling that this weekend there might have been a tipping point i mean we've said that before about these these protests but there's very clearly within the yellow press movement a split between the very hard liners the the men and women of violence and those who want this to be a peaceful demonstration it's interesting that on sunday there was a big demonstration by would be in yellow vests insisting on the peaceful aspect of the. movement and already we've seen as well that moderates within this you do show
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and are talking about founding their own political party to press their their issues their ideas in a peaceful way whereas there is still this hardcore and some of the moderate not even be authentic quite a lot of bad. the kiss troublemakers revolt and far not to say stream ultra right elements involved as well so i think that what we saw last night in the in his addresses presque his appearance on the news was the prime minister saying we're not going to be pushed around this is the rule of law will continue as you see it just making up those crowds that we see the other majority of them normally law abiding citizens just very very very angry about the conditions they haven't put up with or is there a real big element of people kind of just stirring a kiss if you like what is really in these crowds. i think i think some of the crowds are legitimate and i wouldn't i wouldn't dispute
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that for a moment but there are professional protesters there are the black blocs the end of his movement i mentioned earlier on the ultra right there are even some that are kind of a leftover protest against other legislation from previous presidents is so this kind of a an amalgamation of of the the kind of the anti everybody league plus also digital. who are involved as well and it's very it's very much an amalgam of all of those elements but the violent the violent aspect is certainly on the decrease but i wonder if as the government clamps down on this now they say you can't have unsanctioned rallies you've got to give us warning in advance you can't wear masks maybe it's going to be a big kick back here make things even worse on the streets you know. well i don't i'm not sure about that i mean what the government is actually saying
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is the last week we saw one of the one of the ring leaders who was arrested for getting involved deliberately by his own admission in an authorized demonstration and you annoying know how much the french love to demonstrate so you know the french have. very clear about when you can demonstrate where about the clearing where you demonstrate and so what the government is saying is basically you can do these things but you have to respect the law but the other thing that of course is happening in the background is that now they just opened or about to work in this process of popular consultation public consultation that's linked to the whole movement so there are two things happening the government is saying the dialogue is now open and that's a peaceful thing that happens through the thirty six thousand maybe in town halls across from us and that will be there millions of kind of separating because the digital vote if you like. movement from those who want to continue down the
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path of violence hopefully things will get to try the story thank you for your thoughts on it dr paul smith associate professor of french studies at notting when averse to things been live on the program with us. next of the border is seen as a victory by animal rights activists a province in belgium has banned the traditional muslim and jewish methods for slaughtering animals we can report it joined a handful of other european regions we should have prohibited the production of kosher meat now e.u. law states that animals should be stunned before slaughters so that they're incapable of feeling pain but kosher and allow rituals require the animals crucially to be in good health and eat more crucially fully conscious where the latest decision in the belgian region of flanders which could lead to a nationwide ban and outraged religious communities today's the last day in which kosher meat and poultry can be prepared in belgium for the jewish communities of brussels this is a sad day for the jews of europe a sad day for religious freedom in europe on the flipside of this opponents of the
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religious traditions those say this ban is a humane development. they want to keep living in the middle ages and continue to slaughter without stunning and they didn't didn't get exist back then without having to answer to the law so flood is no joy in sweden norway iceland marken slovenia in providing no exceptions for kosher meat for the chairman of the islamic heman rights commission in the u.k. and also belgium based journalist on the possible implications of this but i have seen myself oxen and cows being killed and the animal is sent panic before because the stern fairy slowly to have the head down and then only killed and one at the throat is slit it takes more than one minute before it becomes cincom unconscious so it is pure cruelty for three four minutes is not that cut in the truth of the animal the mains are trees on either side are actually caught the second that you
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do know blood flows through the brain so brain sees to function no pain no hardship and this is what is known proven if you listen to north oratory of islam. of the great mosque in paris he says that to him the stunning is acceptable if the animal could come back to its senses after the stunning which is the case and i think by the way that fifty percent of muslims in belgium believe that indeed animals could be or should be stunned before being killed following the ritual i think. from one individual in paris norm on behalf of the all the muslims and all the jews in the country it really is outrageous mr bucket that i mention turley is the image of the greatest mosque in france so it's not anybody is it all girl some might be just concern about the you and the more right who are
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really whole lives of people who don't. trying to undermine the right of minority muslim or the jewish community and make him feel uncomfortable filled make him feel that they're not really part of that society but tolerance and acceptance of minorities goes to a certain point there are laws for example that we don't accept. we don't accept poly give me we don't accept marriages of underage girls we don't accept the hitch up in the public space that's our laws sorry nine belgians out of ten support this stunning issue so laws are made by the majority and we must respect the citee even if it's understand it's a bit emotional i mean the jews community members and the muslim community members are belgian too we can have a situation that you would have your state issued what majority exposing and putting pressure on minorities for no reason as i said scientifically proven there
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is no extra hardship is brought on the mall when it is not accurately according to a so that is true that is true does much more true than you highlighting one will buckle from friends. as your reason for who we forward and the conversation went on was when things looking for most because so far in this life kevin owen have a good evening. the country has gone into a nihilistic fever just want to thank and hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the charlatans the genius this is the quintessential american hero this is it we've come a point from which alan is gone something we always are on the margins something
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was called gun culture is really boring america ah. we're starting last with is movie going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now governor anymore gondo the left may be completely different prime minister. joins me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world the politics spoke this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. when i almost chose seemed wrong. when all rolls just don't hold. me close to get to shape out disdained to come to agitate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look
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for common ground. at the time a local television reporter from detroit is following the case closely bill proctor is well aware of the methods used by local police to close certain cases as quickly as possible. they did this all the time. they had people make statements whether in writing or they did the writing they had some buddies and with the suggestion that hears this and you can go home i've heard that doesn't. saw dozens of them and it wouldn't
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surprise me at all the three real number doesn't run into the hundreds or thousands because the same cadre of bad detectives that probably were two dozen of them were in place for over thirty five years. were the marks on her. kid. with no evidence or witness statements against him on the seventh of march nine hundred ninety seven lamar monson is sentenced to fifty years of criminal imprisonment for the murder of christina brown. only one element was used against him the confession that he signed. martin believe that this is going to be a.


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