tv News RT January 9, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EST
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twenty four hour news. your welcome to the program top story president used his first televised address from the oval office to call for funds for his controversial mexico border wall he stopped short of the caring enough snow emergency in order to secure the billions of dollars needed but kept the government shutdown in place into
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a ninety day minute speech democratic leaders had. demagoguery and holding the country to ransom. democrats in congress have refused to acknowledge the crisis president trump must have holding nothing people hostage might stop manufacturing a crisis stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration and must reopen the government the federal government remains shut down for one reason and one reason only because democrats will not fund border security no president should pound the table and demand he gets his way or else the government shuts down senator chuck schumer has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past along with many other democrats they change their mind only after i was elected president to give them up and takes a closer look at how trumps the months for
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a wall have left the republicans and democrats out an impasse before heard the highly anticipated prime time address from the president of the united states donald trump now in the speech trump tried to make his case for the five point seven billion dollars he needs to build his border wall now he emphasized the flow of drugs into the united states furthermore he made reference to the m.s. thirteen criminal gang amen also highlighted crimes committed by people who had entered the country illegally from did stop short of calling for the national emergency as many people had anticipated that he might do but he did call on people in the united states and american citizens and viewers to call their congressional representatives and ask them to fund his wall in order to end what he called a cycle of suffering why do wealthy politicians build walls fences and gates around their homes they don't build walls because they hate the people on the but because
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they love the people on the inside the wall has been a very big part of donald trump's pull. little identity was mentioned all throughout his presidential campaign and sense he's taken office building the wall we're building the wall folks were building a big beautiful powerful wall a great great wall and it's going to be a real war it's going to be i was going to be beautiful it's going to be a one year mission would build the greatest one you have ever seen there was also a rebuttal from democratic party leaders nancy pelosi and chuck schumer they did respond to the president's remarks they accuse the president of engaging in quote government by temper tantrum and of holding the nation hostage there is expected to be a meeting between the president and the congressional leaders shortly and that will prosody clarify some of this but at the moment there seems to be a pretty big political gap in the united states with many people enthusiastically supporting the president's call for a wall and many people enthusiastically opposing it and the two not really seeing
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eye to eye on anything and not really being willing to compromise when it comes to the funding issue plenty of reaction on this one former florida state democratic party chairman mitch caesar american political commentator steve malzberg differing views on trump's prime time address. he hit on every note and you know what's holding all this up you know it's just keeping the government shutdown and holding all this up is the fact that nancy pelosi says no wall not one penny that's not negotiating this was a purely political attempt to help his sagging poll numbers where sixty three percent of the people in america now say they don't want the war and they want to turn back on his statements about mexico is still going to pay for the wall because of tariffs that's nonsense we're lowering the tariffs would be less money coming in it's exactly the opposite almost every democrat including schumer voted for a fence a few years ago with obama and love the fence and make speeches about how they need
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a wall obama made speeches about it now it's immoral because it's trump who wants it so please trump will declare a national emergency reopen the government take the funding from the military and guess what the democrats won't like that either so nothing donald trump could do that won't negotiate with them and he will be makes a good to criticize so you know it is what it is that's the political reality today when i think backs of times of presidents democrat or republican who asked for national time like candy during the cuban missile crisis or obama when we killed osama bin ladin or bush with nine eleven those were real national situations the problem is is that when we have a real national crisis two thirds of this country will not believe president trump based on all his past behavior. it has turned to tension across the. british politicians journalists alike are running
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a gauntlet of public disapproval on their way to work activists frustrated at the humbling of the ukase exit from the e.u. have been turning up increasingly parliament to confront m.p.'s including a high profile incident this week. meet on a subaru she's a conservative politician and a vocal opponent of bragg's it but this week some of her opponents came to westminster and got more vocal than her. right political or you know if you were offended by wireless i just think this is astonishing this is this is what has happened to our country something has happened the debate over how britain's departure from the e.u. should look or whether it should take place until now has turned rather ugly this is the palace of westminster is where british politicians work and the area around it is a public street as you can see anybody can walk down here there can be demonstrators as well and it's not unusual on any given day to see a politician maybe
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a member of parliament or even a senior minister simply walk out of here and towards abingdon green here where they might be taking part in a t.v. debate or an interview but that practice is increasingly under threat as the atmosphere here turns increasing in times over the impending gregg's that day and the fact that there is no agreed plan of action in place this was an a subaru trying to leave after the interview. that you are going to lose your job when it comes to the politicians aren't the only ones getting abuse from agitated members of the public sky news anchor kay burley was heckled by pro brags that protestors while live on air. rather her world the world her words and owen jones a left wing journalist and author was taunted by a group of right wing protesters believed everything to go with whatever comes
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right surely this situation outside parliament has now become an issue for parliament to deal with i must tell you to the house that it is frankly didn't total. members of parliament and journalists. go about their business in fear. this situation cannot stand over sixty politicians have written a letter to london's chief of police warning of the deteriorating security situation around parliament and demanding better protection some of the systems of said that a certain degree of abuse or heckling simply because of the territory of being a elected politician or just a public figure in a functioning democracy but the police here now have the roman typical tasco of balancing the freedom to protest of some with protecting the safety of others
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including mine. polly or step in the mark just a little there well you can historian. it is important and different opinions debate be celebrated on supported across british society we have always been divided as a society politics is divided. our courts are divided if you look at our parliament it's actually two rows confronting each other but what's new is now you have a generation of a very thin skinned snowflakes the whole are professionally insulted then you get also trying to exploit this division to put your point of view delay briggs's and so on so so we are good journalists are to blame for playing this round rather than actually serious minded people say they're women we can always have fun we can always sort of throw to ridicule each other's ideas but we've been civilised
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with a now it's a school aged beyond actually any mission and that's a lesson for everybody that you should not law when you opponents be virtually at invariably abused we should all stand up and say yes we have freedom of expression but also freedom to express our views without being insulted. ok and opted in story we've been following this week a member of the alternative for germany party who was violently beaten up on monday evening has regained consciousness he described for us the attack at that sent shock waves through the country's political spear. i was at a new function organized by the way as a korean newspaper i love the party shortly before six and went to the car park to my car i took a short cut through an area i don't really like and that was a mistake i went through the square next to the city theater normally no people
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them the only people were the. loading the car i went past the around thirty meters away the point at which i was knocked unconscious when i came around to realized i was lying in the street and someone was shaking my asking if my wallet and mobile phone were still me that person then propped me against a wall block was running down my face someone called the police an ambulance frank magnate speaking earlier to r.t. will police initially call the attack politically motivated with party colleagues of mr magnets describing it as quote a dark day for democracy wherever the investigation hasn't yielded anything conclusive to establish whether politics played any role or teams paulus leader has been following developments for us. while the investigation is still ongoing the incident itself happened on monday evening in the northern german city of women and as you heard there mr frank magnet sixty six year old politician from the far right
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alternative for germany party a fifteen had just accepted a local theater where he had attended a new year's celebration he was making his way home when he was attacked by three unknown assailants now those three men are still at large mr magnet is still in hospital where he has been but covering from a serious head wound now this is not the first time that members of the a.f.p. have been threatened with violence but certainly this brutal assault marks a new low in that level of violence. are sustained to bone deep laceration to mark for it injuries to my left knee one of the labor three individuals had been walking behind me for some time so they were can speak you. because they were. covering their faces i didn't see them now despite mr magnet's version of events the police have published the first results of their investigation they've been talking to eyewitnesses and they've been looking at surveillance material which
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they say contradicts the claims that there was some kind of wooden being or the instrument or object that was used instead they say what happened is that he was followed by two minutes from behind there was a third man behind them they then attacked him and as he fell to the ground they fled the scene now the incident has been denounced by politicians across the german political spectrum there's also been a statement that has been issued by the f.t. parliamentary caucus and they have called this an assassination attempt saying that part of the blame must be borne by mainstream politicians and the media. the european union has expressed anger over a diplomatic dong raid for its officials in washington. this is no way to treat pardons especially as neither the u. high representative nor the u.s. was formally notified of this change as would be expected on to customer diplomatic practice. in the change became a party to the e.u.'s washington and boston or at the funeral of george h.w.
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bush when the usual pecking order of that was being seated was altered traditionally the u.s. state department called the longest serving officials first with the e.u.'s david o'sullivan expected to be amongst one of the earliest to be called he wasn't. picks up the story now of a seemingly growing divide in the u.s. relations. this comes as you say it's difficult juncture in the relations between the e.u. and the usa president trump has made no bones of his criticism of the e.u. suggesting at times that the body is just too bureaucratic and even more criticism was heaped on the e.u. when the secretary of state might pompei you recently visited brussels even our european friends sometimes say we're not acting in the world's interest is the e.u. ensuring that interest of countries and their citizens are placed before those of bureaucrats here in brussels these are valid questions the u.s.
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is also even threatened a trade war with the european union suggesting it wants to slack on tariffs to products that it imports from the european union so all of this is quite difficult for those relations now in terms of what the european union has said not very much the u.s. of course is an important trading partner for the book but we did have some strong words from donald tusk last year with friends like that. but frankly speaking. europe should be grateful to my president trump he has made us realize that if you knew that being said and. you will find on the d.n.a. of your. well that statement was back in may of two thousand and eighteen off to the us decided that it was going to withdraw from the iranian nuclear accord and since then the e.u. has been pretty timid in the way that it is just scribe the administration over
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donald trump two thousand and eighteen a very difficult rocky relationship between the two it seems that those transatlantic relationships are going to remain sour in two thousand and nineteen as well. come this hour the turkish president has laid into the trumpet ministration for lacking a clear policy on syria about stories just after this short break. what else should seem wrong. why don't we all just don't all. get you all get to shape out this day become educated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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growing over america's trip withdrawal from syria president one snub the u.s. national security adviser on a visit to also slamming the conditions that have now been set for the whole like daniel hawkins can bring us more not. to leave or not to leave that is the question or more specifically when and how as a syrian civil war draws to a close the situation in the north of the country is anything but calm it's a game of chess every player has a piece and the situation is not just black versus white and the kurdish question is once again central with john bolton visiting turkey and israel to mediate a settlement the turkish president made it very clear that any charts of a compromise is slim. because john bolton has made a grave mistake it is not possible to accept or swallow the message given by bolton from israel those who are in the terror corridor in syria who learn the necessary lessons for us there is no difference between the white p g p y d p k k and diet we
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will very soon take action to neutralize the terrorist groups in syria as nato allies the national security adviser had hoped the u.s. and turkey could coordinate their actions striking a balance of national interests and protecting those who are allies one day and the divisive burden the next. objectives that we want to accomplish that condition the withdrawal we don't think the turks ought to undertake military action that's not fully coordinated with and agreed to by the united states so that they meet the president's requirement that the syrian opposition forces that have fought with us and not endangered. with turkish troops already on syrian soil and anger ready to push further these opposition forces feel anything but safe until now of course the presence of u.s. forces in the area has been a restraining factor on turkish ambitions to eliminate any armed kurdish groups
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they view as terrorists but the power balance could now change at any moment given trump the terminations to bring troops home there would be a strong deliberate and orderly withdrawal of u.s. forces from syria as regional interests clash once again the future of the kurds viewed by many as yesterday's liberators and the brain of eisel now hangs in the balance daniel hawkins all the turkish foreign minister had some other ideas and how to make the u.s. departure that less harmful to the region the u.s. faces some difficulties in the process of withdrawing troops from syria we want to coordinate this process with russia and iran it is necessary not to allow terrorists to occupy the territory after u.s. troops leave. we saw and right some regional experts who say turkey is frustrated because members of team are giving contrasting information in syria and korea is
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totally disappointed that from what is going on from their perspective maybe bolton is not representing the president because president from the same something girls and bolton is saying something goes from turkey's perspective there is no distinction between p k k and p y the from their perspective this is a terrorist entity and they want to clear this whole corydoras the whole syrian corydoras from this entity and this is a huge headache for them this is a very pressing national security matter for turkey so it's not like it has a second decision national security is paramount to the country's health now we look at what bolton saying and especially right before he comes to meet with the turkish officials and he basically crosses a red line when he's in israel the night before he comes to turkey and i don't understand what he was expecting in negotiations with turkey today but he was expecting what he got in turkey is not going to bow down to the u.s.
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. the russian lawyer at the center of collusion claims in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election has been charged with obstructing justice in a separate case but tell you a vessel need is now wanted in america over allegations she was involved in a money laundering scheme let's go live to our in for details hi nicky what are we learning about this case now. well you know vessel next guy has days charged with making a misleading declaration in court as part of a civil case into suspected russian money laundering and tax fraud she said to have stated that she had not participated in the drafting of the russian government response to the u.s. request for rec ords however u.s. investigators have. since e-mails that seem to contradict that person is scar responding to these charges has said she's yet to find out all the details but believes it may be an attempt to discredit her as
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a lawyer but if we scratch the surface of these charges you know and it becomes a lot more interesting because inside civil case was representing a company called privacy on holdings which is. a real estate corporation said to be key in what was claimed to be a russian corruption scandal by a man called bill browder now bill browder that's a name you might recognize an american born businessman who was once the biggest foreign investor in russia but now a wanted man by the russian government on various charges he's really made a name for himself over the past few years for this ongoing feud with the russian government he's accused the government of being complicit in the two thousand and nine death of his lawyer sergei magnitsky a man who was immortalized with the passing of the magnitsky act which allows the u.s. government to pain allies russian officials now responding to these charges against natalia vessel at the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has seriously downplayed the seriousness of these charges calling them nonsense that people are
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making a mountain out of a molehill while the government spokesperson dimitri peskov said that it's impossible for the government to know the dealings of every russian lawyer both inside and outside of the country. first and it has made a name for itself as well she's quite well known thanks to have been named a key person in the robert miller probe into suspected russian interference in the twenty sixteen u.s. election as she's been bombarded with accusations of being connected to the russian government being a kremlin stooge something that she's continuously denied we go to speak to her one on one in twenty seventeen this is what she said things that i had to have that meeting as part of my job as a lawyer and citizen in the u.s. . had nothing to do with politics it didn't have anything to do with russia well as beslan this guy has said he's yet to find out all the details off this case so we'll be keeping a close any developments in the next few days and bring them to you. thanks for
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breaking out done for us nicky our in life this hour. next year we'll see another u.s. presidential election yes it's coming up out soon guiding us through the early writers on the ownership's crosstalk and it's next. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes have been each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars
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. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. desperate for a single purpose. they have a superman. they start training very young to. take months of intensive schooling. to their reps. and they saved lives. us veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of
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their own soldiers either there already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defenses officers were got to act and destroy their governments and seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them money those with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort or uneasiness for us. came back from iraq out of marijuana her was cocaine methamphetamine see anything that's altering trying to get us out of. that bad mindset using a chemical that would be self medicating. and want to be drinking and drinking ino new not just killing myself but drinking alcohol links don't drink to get drunk
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alcoholics drink to feel normal. that's why it's this way drug addicts do. shop while still running their. star cool under which these guys are going through to it it just means to. need to be helped and pushed on by the v.a.'s r.'s drugs bill and stuff they need to be built. and if they really shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at like people if they go to a veteran center for health issues be considered as someone who really needs attention.
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hello and welcome to crossfire for all things are considered reliable what is happening with trump's decision to leave syria and are you ready for the two thousand and twenty presidential sweepstakes also is there any integrity in the integrity and this should. some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark slobodan he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dmitri bob h. he's a political analyst with international and in athens we have exclusive for him he is the director and writer for the duran dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciated let me go to you first marc staying in syria or getting out of syria because if you listen to administration officials and i'm specifically pinging about john bolton the national security adviser he's traveling in the middle east trying to convince
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