tv GONZO RT January 13, 2019 9:30am-10:01am EST
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we're starting last with nick is going to head into the swamp to go into the belly of the bee i think i'm leaving now to get in more guns over the baby with a different kind of mr. superior i'm going to for a while i'm here excellent fashion photographer and you've got accomplishments in the photography industry in this suddenly you're labeled all right and it's always fascinating to me because the image itself is reinterpreted in a political sense in so many different ways and we saw that i mean under reagan right that he was able to was a master of creating the photo op michael deaver michael deaver that's right it was always about putting reagan in the in the in front of a rising sun and he made it hollywood hollywoodized this whole political process remember the greatest political ad about the threat of nucular war was under i think goldwater goldwater and then then johnson ran that ad right john said that with the kid been the daisy the kid in the daisy prima's political advertising
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right and then a quick george bush willing or going through the revolving door that's right as was black crime is going to ask ok that's pretty straightforward but with temping the fraud or these other means like where is this going like people are getting triggered because what's happening is that they're taking cartoon characters and they're associating them with wrong think this thing pepe the frog it's so easy to draw it's so easy to replicate it so easy to take your context and and put your copy on top of it that it winds up becoming this incredibly powerful thing is donald trump a troll i think the saturday night live sorts really underestimate they think he's a been and that he's stupid does he know what he's doing is he a troll is he intentionally whipping them up to look like these crazy out scott adams calls donald trump a master persuader and i think that's a great term you know donald trump when he was a kid his church was norman vincent peale church who wrote the power. positive
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thinking and norman vincent peale was accused of being a hypnotist and if you know anything about hypnotism which i've learned from scott adams is that it's all about focus it's all about where you get people to pay attention you could control that stuff and what donald trump understands which nobody in the media and scott's written a book about me talks about in a periscope spied days a week is that when donald trump tweets something outrageous about something i don't care what it's about what he does is he gets everybody's attention focused on that thing and while the media is going crazy describing about what words he used ok or what improper pronoun he used in order to describe something where donald trump has done which is genius is if god in everybody to look at this problem ok and he does he he's going to take the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in order to get everybody to pay attention to the things that he wants them to pay attention to was you know it doesn't was a great analogy but it's the work of a magician and they called mr action correct so david copperfield can make this
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statue of liberty disappear through mr action and similarly in the mind reading accident hypnotism acts it's a matter of just adjusting that focus so you're saying is that trump is a master at this scott adams identifies that calls at the art of persuasion there's also a little touch of what's known as neurolinguistic programming and there are direct and lp which is how to fake empathy essentially and you put that all together with a guy who makes is bones in the television business reality t.v. business plus the casino industry which is all about making people feel great about losing money right and you've got a very powerful political power. it's
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pretty amazing driving from los angeles all the way up to the central valley and to san francisco so far we've seen the whole hollywood industry then we go to agricultural sector then we go through the oil sector and now we're heading out to the tech sector and you see visibly while you're driving and why california is the fifth largest economy in the world as a small look these are well brings the donkeys so it is you think of our photo shoot with peter did a photo shoot with peter to it was really good because peter to those photos
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self all of from alongside of the mean more of a cultural problem by fashion photography understands image so the transition to me and creating means understanding means a cozy brings a love to it i mean that has become very powerful in a way that i don't necessarily understand and i'm trying to understand and that's the non player controled character the n.p.c. that great to eat carrots are and what the elites are responding to is neal liberalism has been great for the member they always say is beyond our control the contract says this that algorithm says that as if it was written by some mysterious force that somehow handed all this wealth and power to the top point one percent as i understand this me this represents kind of a bottle hooves on the lawn thinking maybe. types of individuals who. get
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their entire. it's like troll basis and their arguments are just downloaded from central command and they have no thoughts of their own but they just repeat whatever they're told so in montclair a character in a game there's this program to help the game move forward but they themselves are not playing the game. so like rachel maddow for example she just downloads whatever is told by her superiors to say and she says them but she is not a player she has no control for the will around in the game to do anything i think that she really believes that she is expressing her. own and individual all kind of . view of things that's not just she's just not repeating the talking points damage to her by comcast you know the ultimate corporate overlord in this case and then so
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that she reacts she reacts quite harshly to it like how dare you suggest that i'm not. a player in this game that i'm just repeating talking points and she acts out she gets aggressive about it you know and then at the meeting takes a life of its own because it's completely a nerd it's just a completely non distinguishable and yet these people are reacting to it violently like hillary reacting to pepe the frog if you know she gave it meaning if somebody had said nothing it would have never been talked about because there's nothing there donald trump is like have been the frog meets n.p.c. character that is jumped out of the television and taking control of the story line and that now they can't stop and that's right people react in a triggered manner to certain words and phrases and they don't really think about specially hyperconnected hyper social media is the idea is you don't you know i just want to scream fire in a movie theater if it falsely and yet all all the. all media political talk about
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is just screaming fire in a crowded movie theater and everyone just reacting out of the way so the meaning is in the labels are more real. than the actual identity of the person because they hit the unconscious subconscious thought here bypassing the reason they're just going to fight or flight but that's what scott adams says is the. trump is a master of persuasion and persuasion is communicating on a subconscious unconscious level. and that's what he's been good at and that's the basis of his success as peter two told us that scotty adams explains it is his hypnotism it's all about focus and it's about focusing on that thing that that means that for all of their so-called racist frolic and hillary fell for it she she pointed to the reasons frogger me that an ad about it and that was the moment that the entire twenty sixteen election for me jumps the shark is planned hillary
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responded to this reese's frog or what the race is frog which is the cartoon that is and basically it's an n.p.c. right it's non player control the frog does and the frog is an inanimate object on the page. i'm not exactly sure they is that n.p.c. that i think have a has free will really is old cartoon world he's a star i believe it is. i believe although i'm. not familiar with pepys work previous to being me the name of five i understand he had a life yes a cartoon world before becoming a celebrated name but i was unfamiliar with this one. leaping to find out just a couple going to the town while encouraging the serious wine country.
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he always looked. at me he wondered if yes try a friend. you notice the seeds. very large seeds very thick skins all your flavor a lot of your tannins and acids come from both of those things. you know thing is you want to sugars to be high enough you know that because that makes all that and now i have a question and it relates to truck because i'm one and he is a trade war and on the other he's trying to build a wall along the southern border where we have a lot of migrant workers both for taking the grapes so fully and on the other side we have the trade wars and the chinese are big investors and vineyards we know from france living in france is this impacting you not yet. i know that the agricultural landscape of california say the valley areas have begun ro crop and i kind of thing
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made a lot of labor. in years and not quite the same and especially wineries them selves the production facilities those are all a full time all year long job so it was you don't have workers and now. i haven't heard of any vineyards having labor issues in this area it doesn't mean it hasn't happened south or north so you don't depend on straight. as far as the tariffs go i think if he continues no politician by any means. will probably see some templates going up like glass or. cardboard products or something you know anything that supports someone globalize basically so many different nations contribute to your product right here in california and i would say at least five to six and you know one for one product but you imagine they are romantic and this is a very hands on family business and but there. basic resources the glass is getting
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expensive the cork is getting scarce i mean do you find yourself is this the sunset of a certain style lifestyle here in northern california we haven't seen it here. i'll speak low cost to where i live and work. i have not seen any of that come true in fact tourism is on the rise in the central coast they're building homes left and right but you know the expansion growth of tourism in this county alone. i see no slowing at all well it's well past mine o'clock because the sun is going down as we don't ever go out let's go and do it. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of
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their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circulating branch offices we're going to attack and destroy the government in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with their money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort for uneasiness for us. as a spy you're half to really split your own personality into two you're there is that committed to harvest that was still alive there within me and then there is the person who wanted to counter everything they want to do and then try and dismantle everything they were doing so you have to really become a good doctor in order to. you have to follow your own family in order to form.
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when i came back from iraq oh mary was her was cocaine methamphetamine so anything that's altering trying to get us out of. that bad mindset using the chemical that would be self medicating. i want to be drinking and drinking ino new not just killing myself but drinking alcohol links don't drink to get drunk alcoholics drink to feel normal. that's why i'll call it this way drug addicts do what they do not shop while still for the next. star cool under which these guys are going through to it it just means to. need to be hoped and not get pushed on by the v.a.'s r.'s drugs bill and stuff they need to be built . and they've really shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at
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like people if they go to a veteran center for health issues be considered as someone who really needs attention and. a heart. to me a shot of five. how to get it done that's a good. get a great book you know. the flavor profile of this big chianti line what's nice about since they've held their great standalone why they'll go with asa they'll go with hamburgers or they go to ny state they go with the next white jacket he takes janice up this is the stress j.c. this is described. this is what you wear when you work for john q thanks chris just to catch. up to me my jury is easier. this. because i need coffee is the problem also the issue is that it is there like
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caffeine anonymous like because i'm addicted to caffeine i'm not ashamed to admit it. i've got to have it every day that way it's there should be you know they have everything else for the. most people. for caffeine. constantine oh we're going to be two minutes early. we're going backwards in time i knew this would happen and there's feelings almost forty seconds ago i'm having them again. this because we haven't had any caffeine you know it's five in the morning somewhere. this is there was. it comes on the edges of the phone when the mention of. bills becomes a thriving. since
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and it's great seeing you again in our in this journey amorous behind us then we're going east into the swamp land that is the origin of america and st augustine florida i would conditions like new york geography that this won't sell america and the middle of america and everything else that's actually is a hardworking part of america which holds the future with and conversely there is some false future that is happening right here on the west coast and others the so-called future of this economic miracle of the disruptive technologies the silicon valley and the rest of the i would venture to say that that is actually is a pos and it's a pos which is already not about to become a cost you're not buying into that disruptive apps that are going to change the world forever and all seem to have us a negative view on this constant thing not only i do not buy into it but i treat them as a symptom of what's wrong with our economic development model in general so if you go back and look at how california became the largest the core to me they.
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fundamentals the supply of the resources natural resources such as beauty such as land such as ability to attract people into the state such as demands from people commenting from the world war two and on words that supply side of the economy is no longer there instead what we're having is a junior at the chronic society increasingly no way i'm going to claim credit this is just a chronic and i do talk or see in other words it's become an older is becoming more of what he thought i am and safe haven here take months or a peninsula fantastic not truly beautiful environment you would expect this to be a home for a lot of interprete nor should that in the economy and so forth none of that this happening because of the young people are leaving this area because they cannot afford leaving pm so for that resource base which allowed california to develop in one thousand fifty's sixty's seventy's and even eighty's is gone well so now have another side of the equation in addition to the concentration of power in the hands of the likes of the silicon valley the money up of the zation well so have only group of these ation in other words and monopsony ization ok in other words the
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hiring of thousands the human capital that those companies are doing is being done on contingent contracts which provide no security no on the job training no continuing economy they give the rumor is exactly how much of the economy can sustain million dollar plus homes into the future i don't think a lot a saying of economy is topping the economy's extremely at all pending and i think they're not all over and more concentrated and of course it will roll over and when the rolls over what's really then matters is utilize the resources can you throw into this roll over to sustain of them supported demographics and not we're not demographically anywhere in terms of actually getting younger we also now cutting off the inflow of dollars from outside of the united states aggressively and actually both through policy and through the cultural changes and out to you as well look at the border wall is not just the impact in the day walkers and seasonal workers in the agricultural communities it's impact in the engineers in latin america its impact in the engineers in the india. an economist but it seems that we
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live in an age now where the financial literacy is at an extreme so what you talk about is could also be viewed as common sense in a lot of ways and our sense informs a lot of economics on but that common sense seems to be devoid and missing but in extremis because of a certain propensity in the media to push some false narrative about the economy of course you are russian you've come from russia and you come from a country that lived under a false narrative for many years is there any comparisons that can be made there is in parallels to the level of disconnection between the narrative and the reality that you see in day to day and particularly in the media in the united states is probably most closely resembling to me of my old home country of the soviet union i was told they have a joke in the house seriously that if you want to see the degree of the thought and
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control within the any country that the state is either exhorting or trying to exhort you look at the interest in data flows in information and we know this is not the how conspiracy theory and any way shape or form that here in this country today the data flows effectively either controlled all morning but certainly aggregated what about the oligarchies we see with the ordinary person is doing is they're voting for somebody like trump will smash the system what happens to them and how should they respond to these trump voters mostly they're saying like don't ever talk to them d. platform them silence them cut them off all social media like shame them show up wherever they're eating at a restaurant and kick them out that that open approach of trying to silence the voices of discontent is their approach and that say mensheviks have adopted in the in the russia back in the around one thousand six thousand nine hundred seventy and we know. with that lead ok the more you suppress the dissent the more you suppress
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the popular anger the more you are likely to pound it up and push it into more extreme directions this is again not you this has been happening for example in the us media and pull it is a sion of the us media during the one thousand nine hundred before the onset of the internet the competitive forces created the great the politicization and the first in print and then of course the introduction of the t.v. cable news and the rest of it started to even father polarizing and so they deal that you can somehow control the distribution of information and by doing so a fact of the desired outcome whether it's by all the dark you know by social engineers doesn't really matter doesn't work so between is a great proof of that so as a result of that what you need to adopt is you need to adopt the all this is and and develop the institutions and the reforms which start to integrate in the opposing views into the process so if you want to build the robust us political system you need to recognize that those who are currently exclude and as the undesirables were deplorable that whichever way you want to call them i actually
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organic new voters in the united states they need to be brought back in they need to be and everything understand why that person gets a vote so why don't you talk to them and find out why they're going to vote that way maybe talk sense and to more than your soul that person contains a piece of information which is more than relevant actually people really important to every policy maker and decision maker because it signals to you where the problems are i think it's because they political parties are gonna customs and the idea that they can control of using media mass media they don't need to talk to people and get votes locally on the ground trump election that that was a false narrative and now like the opposition the democrats are scrambling because i never actually talk to anybody and you know that's interesting then because now they're finding that they can't actually talk to anybody because they have a dog and they're very awkward absolutely so you have a job and you work and if i was like who are you you live anywhere as me all of the two thousand and sixteen presidential campaign where hillary. i'm clean from the
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had fantastic set of well developed balls of proposals address and pretty much every major issue they were all published on her website but she could never communicate them herself because she's never communicated anything from the technocrats we develop all this is down to ordinary people level in her life and as a result of that it was very clearly shown to us in the twenty sixth in the election that trump simplistic oversimplified distilled to their quintessence policy proposals that he's now implementing as he promised to implement have actually struck the great accord with people maybe not because they believed that that was the right way but that was the only way given to them where does the system go from here is there in a way our we backed into a corner how do we get out i think we are backed into the corner simply because of the combination of the demographic factors that technology that i mentioned before this so-called cycle is the nation's thesis and those the last decade of absolutely excessive money printing and deficit financing which all went to fund the asset
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bubbles that we're witnessing today in a way i believe that we are currently on a cost of a bigger crisis than we experienced in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight how you go from that disruption level it's too late that that's the age to start town hall meetings it's too late to try to talk to folks because the folks are running for their pitchforks so in that sense it's a very big question how does the does this disruption help with we don't have a catalyst in terms of the political leadership which can take this momentum and drive it into ideological direction like in one thousand seven hundred was in russia yes what we do have is we have a strong man in the white house and we have now the proof of concept of how the strong man can be a woman can be put into the white house once all over again that is a territory where we're starting to kind of be hops unfortunately speaking the likes of easily during the period of the nineteenth twenty's and early thirty's where there was a political vacuum where the political ideology is more completely divorced from their. the people and the momentum was opened in the space was opened for
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a demagogue to come in and take over this comparison with a more or less money and trial because berlusconi very famously was huge in the media in the media the buffoonery of the italian media. leading the country and then go from berlusconi the current the movement which is the largest movement and they. also started from effectively people who had been both in the media in fact to from you know from a comic directly ok so that's a bit interesting the knowledge because these dynamics happen very fast the unique why is speed of change volume of disruption and depth of disruption of a crisis and at the same time the lock of the existant start to squawk powers to capture the electorate it's in the way a kind of slightly more their version of lenin's revolution or station i wouldn't even through that here in the united states it is a scary thought because if you think about that back in one thousand seventeen
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russia. did not have nuclear weapons it did not have some one hundred ten billion dollar expenditure on you and the biggest military a little old in a constant saying you're so knowledgeable so articulate and we have to kidnap you money thank you went in there in the truck. well i always loved travel in the west simply because the water. great idea eminently sensible well. my pleasure mark. belin.
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nobody could see coming that false confessions would profile in the spot the wish to pull the convert. had any interest geisha out there what you'll see is promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said therefore we're all poor harry said i stayed there i would be home by that time the next day there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with solving their crime.
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