tv Documentary RT January 13, 2019 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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just to check out the situation. and discovered that on one side of the road. were literally hundreds of bloggers with all these weapons. there was a train track from these bunkers that came out and crossed the highway. and then went out to the piers where these balls were loaded onto the ships. we had a press conference in which turns or planning to start a forty day fast. of our hearts conscience that is what we were doing and why my son was there he is fourteen years old. brian and duncan murphy and david duncan. placed themselves on the tracks. on
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a bed gray. chain not that i'm pretty sure thing you know we just go out there and we stand and then the train slows down and stops. a couple of people cross the road and went over to the front gate of the no one to the station inform them that we were done we could walk in and there was already a train that we could see you know this couple boxcars with munitions they had to. run to be sure that d'andre near there was a dog or something on the rocks or a good friend. that the police would go out with comments i'm going to remove them before they can move the train. we deliver the letter to the person at the base. and that person or someone else said we understand there's going to be violence here today. and we said no no we're told people going to. being you do
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it anyway. and then they start walking back and they say. walking back the freight and start the global. brain is obviously the main way faster than it ever observed a train to that stage. if i turned around. ran over crying and i saw him play put a few fly out. ryan's body back and forth in there that frame i watched out and listening to my father and screaming they killed my dad they killed my dad . i had medical training they even had i.v. equipment in my car because i was on ours and that's why. i asked for someone to go
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get the idea for carbonite one morning and we had to wait at least seventeen minutes after the first ambulance arrived because they refused to take him to the hospital and they said now is not our jurisdiction and then we have to call in the other ambulance. this is a school. in this room before you go before you. go to work. this would be able to unload the money go to. ryan's action and really open up a lot of people to. know what was going on there and why you should there and how much he had sacrifice in order to save.
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today the concord naval weapons station remained in the national spotlight as protesters of past and present rallied on behalf of the anti confirmation mcnichol occupy. protesters tore up the section of plugging cracks we're working with from over by a train. this morning. one to two a. few minutes we're going to be there with. good work if we will watch it. with you if. this is for me it's a little bit to the last i. began and just wanted to get out of this. ryan immediately wanted to get out into the right back to the tracks. in the surgeon that's in his heart immediately his compassion for the spotters on the train and doctors of the train he got it right away or other people even
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expressed anything like that no doubt they were given an order just like they were given. diligence. in one nine hundred eighty eight or take those government recognized boy and sacrifice them to his service to the people of nicola. to receive the mission. field says our son deno. just to see you. this. case was. dismissed.
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the train attack drew attention to the u.s. military's involvement in the legal wars highlighting its role in training secret armies from other countries most of the covert training took place in fort benning georgia at the notorious school of the americas. there's more good. as we gather today the main gate of fort benning. this is there a sacred moment is this the moment. cannot go about the business of killing without . change we cannot come back from vietnam afghanistan and iraq wars and go on with our lives as before. you know all these suicides stick
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p.t.s.d. that we reading so much of. the message is clear we are not. this is our asteroid star. i realized something that was that made by the writers and all of you. play understand that i had to go to war and i was that we're all while we're all. right there is a bit silly other people i know just because i was ordered to do it. so i did learn to be disobedient. five hundred twenty five salvadoran soldiers arrived at fort benning georgia to start training there in combat a small group of us when not in our name. and what we found through the freedom of information act. it was
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a school of assassins as we are and it's well known in latin america a school for dictators a school. march. washington course front page long to get times hit a very big article that the torch and. there were a few news at the school of the americas techniques of torture is society says serious. crimes against humanity here. and it was time. to put out the word. that. who went to latin america simply to request that the stops and in the troops here and i'm happy to report that five countries made decisions to pull out. those countries to be in argentina uruguay and venice whale off. we went to
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ecuador where you met with president rafael correa and at that meeting he announced that ecuador it was going out of the school of the americas simply said something very important president correa to say that it will have made it because he said this school should not exist. less this the east how to solve. this if. you cannot make course. peaceful efforts to disarm the iraqi regime have failed because we are not dealing with peaceful man. intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt. that the iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. i went downstairs i was leaving the pentagon and the
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joint staff called me into his office and said i want you to know he said sure we're going to attack iraq he pull up a piece of paper off his desk so i just got this memo from the defense's office that says we're going to attack and destroy their governments and seven countries in five years we're going to start with iraq and they were going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran i seventy seven countries in five years i says in a classified memo he said it yes sir i said well don't short term. financial i don't fly a i. think. that's the last of my it's from the future stock price watch price.
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any. better but that's honest. so i says you know what it was you're not. you know just i mean what almost what it i'm already but it was sped up out of me just go to the media. i mean. there's an up as well i must admit that really feels i just don't get off on getting noticed but those were the old. one of those but i was just this weather this one of these on. my bed and we've got a bomb i just bought that already and yes it was three and he thought of getting up there calling just implementing. what holds his hands to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted
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or rejected. so when you want to be present and she. want. to go right to be close it's like them before three of them or can't be that. interested always in the waters of our. friendship. brian lost his leg strength to stop a train from going to central america to finance the same kind of war that we were engaged in in iraq the same kind of. what's being wasted on the ground when people when i was growing up and. as a young woman. i had joined the u.s. military in part to pay for a college education through the g.i. bill i was a very political i read the new but i didn't really question things i had been in
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the military almost a year i was about to graduate from college i didn't want to put anything in jeopardy. so i said to myself i'll just go in this war. because maybe we will scare saddam hussein out of power and come back in no time i'll go back to school and everything will be fine. my units first mission was to run the prisoner of war camp and al assad air base and there we. fear tactics that amounted to torture in order to keep prisoners sleep deprived. to be interrogated. in the city of ramadi it became evident. that our military commanders were not interested in helping they graduate.
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they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either. we started engaging their resistance in combat. which was basically hit and run operation for them. in order to retaliate since you were dealing with it goes down and we were going after the people are feeling. the situation was very intense we were being hit with mortar rounds improvised explosive devices rocket propelled grenades were moving targets which made it very difficult for anybody to question the morality of the war and. so i lost my my moral compass you could say i was too afraid to question i was so afraid to take a stand. until i went home on a tour with furlough and mentally became clear to me that i could not in good conscience continue to be a part of the war at that point i became the first combat veteran to publicly
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refuse to go back to war based on morality and based on my own assertion that the war was driven. after five months area of being on the ground and being a wall and putting together a conscientious objector claim. i decided to surrender to the military. that made my case very political to the military commander. on the military installation. i was very scared of what the military would would do to me if i spoke out against a war and surrender. you may not know or maybe you do know that they still have the death penalty for the service in a time of war so i was really afraid of buck and i had no idea what would happen.
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but it is. true as you it was all the rights of other national under the treaties which we have some. of the presidents which we are so we have to take more if you want to be a practice i didn't find obedience to authority. you she didn't order is illegal intervene in order to commit a crime don't do it. quickly found guilty of. assertion and given up by bad conduct discharge the motion to stop sergeant the private. markets or of my pay and twelve months of incarceration in my military to. there i became a prisoner of conscience. after nine months i was released early because of good. and then i became an anti-war and thank. god i made nobody would stand for the
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immediate withdrawal of all u.s. troops from iraq when i got out of jail one of the first places that i visited what's called a foreigner where brian was living not the time from that moment on my association with brian began to open my eyes in ways that i had never imagined possible i began to meet so many people that helped me understand so many different pieces of the web of. what has been us intervention throughout latin america and the world. there are over one million american military personnel stationed in one hundred seventy five countries the us government has increased its military budget plan nearly ninety percent since two thousand and one budget now stands at seven hundred billion dollars per year. in health costs plus interest from more than one point five million veterans and the u.s. is paying one trillion dollars per year for war and preparation. our
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government spends ten times more percent or so on average for military costs than most other industrialized nations. this increased military spending has not made the us more secure home or abroad. well you know let's face it the weapons corporations in america always love the enemy and they always log new instability because they're able to sell more weapons that way the pentagon says that our role in america under corporate globalization will be security exploit which means endless war to benefit the corporations so we can extract oil. strapped and minerals from africa or whatever that our job in america is going to be making weapons fighting wars of increasingly received communities that dictates the
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military spending cutting the military budget just a tiny little bit of corporations are saying don't do that because we're going to lay off hundreds of thousands of people right before the next election will punish us if you try to cut the military budget so we're now held hostage people to think well we have to have a military in the world and say hey we're not trying to night there is danger we're also trying to point out that the way we conduct ourselves in the world makes us a lot of enemies and one thing that i think is important about militarism is that it values military power above all else. in april two thousand and ten army private manning sent to wiki leaks the iraq airstrike video collateral murder which shows a u.s. helicopter gun him down eleven on our journalists and since the. moment. for
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leaking the classified video in related documents manning was charged with espionage and abetting the enemy the symptoms it was thirty five years in the military prison. where all those state department documents to the wiki leaks website is a traitor who want to have a democracy with even some democratic control and some foreign policy. was labeled as an interest and that will always be at risk because the government will always tragedy target anyone from following their example. during sentencing manning apologized to the. i'm sorry for the unintended consequences of my actions i made these decisions i believe. i was going to help people not hurt. to make democracy function to get the information we need they need whistleblowers who expose the truth that personally british. people who will risk their reelection
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are using their powers of all for their powers in a corporation to effect bullshit. at dawn every sunday since february two thousand and fourteen contemporary military cemetery appears on santa monica beach in california it is an improvised protest to remind people of the cost and consequences. as an instrument of american foreign looms. there's three families right there see those three. over there if you can see to hear those just those are images of all basic wounded american and iraqi like children it's a people that's the first thing they see and i think you touch something is touched
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that. so because nobody is paying for it they think that they. have paid for the record. and they're not paying with the threat. of being devastated this child taken in syria this is an effort to convey to him and shoots that would enable people to feel something. about the cost of war and kill me and i'm going to say that. and the sound of the crowd. but it takes to win them. when you know you've seen it before. it would be. then a turn to use drill. down on the police. and
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it is the. polls that have been modeled. and shows. everybody has a greater role to play than the old is playing right now people who are afraid to write right start out with a two paragraph letter to the editor and you'll see the words will start flowing people who are afraid to speak out start by convincing a friend and then those speaking in a church and then you'll find your voice you can do it with a measure of fear because you can be very frightened but it's equally liberal when it's cold and you've confronted your worst fears and you've called the society out and you said i love you enough to risk your route by opposing you're for me and i didn't harm anyone if we don't willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed or are then surely we can risk some discomfort
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or uneasy notice for pete's our lives are dependent on our suffering other beings beings who are worth just as much as we are. then the question is how can you justify continuing to live as if other people don't count. this. owns of things in. them and found them. you can. say. to present it in the same way this illness are close enough. in the shadows of our. skin them. beginning the
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promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said if our words. sound stay there i will be home by the next day there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with solving a crime. when the law makers manufacture consent to instances of public. when the running classes protect themselves. when the final larry go around to live doesn't mean that one person. we can
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all middle of the room signals. to leave the room i mean real news is pretty good. as a spy you have to really split your own personality into two you that is the committed jihad this that was still a life that within me and then that is the person who wanted to counter everything they want to do and then try and dismantle everything they were doing so you have to really become a doctor a noted that a tool. you have to follow your own family in order to hold them. when they came back from iraq out of marijuana her was cocaine methamphetamine so anything that's altering trying to get us out of. that bad mindset using the chemical there would be self medicating. i want to be
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drinking and drinking ino new nope just killing myself but you drink alcohol links don't drink to get drunk alcoholics drink to feel normal. that's why it's this way drug addicts do what they do shop while surfing in their. star cool under which these guys are going through to do it it just means to. reduce need to be helped and pushed on by the v.a.'s are as drugs go and stuff they need to be built. they've really shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at like people if they go to a veteran center for health issues be considered as someone who really needs attention. what. little i know.
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