tv News RT January 14, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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after a huge explosion rocked the afghan capital near a recovery center for foreign workers. as the british parliament prepares for tuesday's momentous vote on brags that the pm desperately tries to rally last minute support. good evening thanks for joining us this is r.t. and. if you thought relations between the media really couldn't get much worse well the president's now accuse some of them of going completely mad follows outlets rounding on the president over his alleged collusion with russia even produced an impeachment guide. the fake news gets crazier and more dishonest every single day amazing to watch as certain people covering me and the tremendous success of this administration have truly gone mad the fake reporting creates anger and disunity take two weeks off and come back rested cio. comes meetings
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with putin on the sidelines of the g twenty gathering along with the health summit they also came into the spotlight and now the president's interpreters who were one of the meetings they could reportedly be made to testify before congress in the morgan has details. well there's just been a real escalation of heated words between us president donald trump and the media in a recent speech donald trump blasted the media for their recent reports alleging russia collusion and such this is the us president talking about the press i never worked for russia and you know that answer better than anybody i never worked for russia not only did i never work for russia i think it's a disgrace that you even asked that question because it's a whole big fat home exists. now there's been an avalanche of anti trump claims in the press over the past few days that we've seen allegations that trump was
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possibly a an agent of the kremlin and so much of a kremlin agent that the f.b.i. couldn't even deal with him we've seen allegations that trump has concealed the record of his meeting with russian president vladimir putin and prevented that record from being out there we've seen a guy do his impeachment in a kind of a roadmap for removing him from office that's been published in addition to all of that we have seen the revelation of a previously unreported f.b.i. investigation into u.s. president donald trump and alleged ties to russia and we've also seen a previously unreported in an revealed fight that took place or disagreement i guess you could say between james komi the former f.b.i. director and u.s. president now that that disagreement between komi and trump has been made public we've heard trump come out and basically explain that he lost faith in the f.b.i. as a result of their behavior during this probe into his alleged ties to russia this is what trump had to say so the people doing that investigation for people that have
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been caught that are known scoundrels there i guess you could say dirty cops so when you say should i have confidence in the f.b.i. our intelligence agencies when i see more and i see all of these people when i see lisa and her lover and there's no. yes. you see what they said about me having nothing to do with it. now relations between us president trump and the media have never been good but in the wave of many unsubstantiated allegations that have been published in the last few days things have certainly ask elated author and russia analyst martin mccauley thinks that there could be hidden reasons behind the allegations of trouble russia collusion from louis point of view he had to come up with the worst possible another says. and then he's got to back it up because. how does he back it up because not all conversations of leaders with other leaders is
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transcripted or actually is in fact recorded so therefore it's quite possible that putin said various things to him and he said various things to put to him which are private and possibly should remain private but probably point of view of the broken government all they can say is that trump what is president he is president and he has every right to conduct conversations with another president limited and it's up to them to decide what they're going to do and each one will be attempting to achieve maximum advantage for his side. this all comes amid america's longest ever government shutdown it's over the standoff on funding for the president's border wall and some americans they're starting to feel the impact for example us at traffic controllers have been among those who've worked for twenty four days without pay their canadian colleagues that have been sympathetic even
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the up on the show. but on the stomach you would have to understand the full blown . up from the safety and security. of the whole problem will go. home. freshman republicans are just trying to take a six pack of beer on to the house floor and was told this is not allowed it's friday is that last night as you turn around. at least four people have been killed and injured after a large explosion rocked the afghan capital kabul the blast is said to have happened near a rest and recovery center for foreign workers in the east of the city local reporter tom phasey has details from kabul. surfin to announce.
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our part from ford that have been killed ninety others that includes twenty three children and twelve one and four dead have been killed three are military personnel and one civilian so the neighborhood was quite early affected of the blast wave as the kabul police confirmed it was a truck bomb and the afghan presidential palace issued a statement for. condemning the attack and ordering for a comprehensive investigation about it because the damage already of the victims have been civilians in the neighborhood and that have been affected seriously coming back to deval near ability of this compound back in two thousand and fourteen taliban launch a complex attack that no casualty was reported but back in two thousand and twelve
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when obama made his visit to afghanistan there was another attack that left eight dead so this compound has been all for some dozens of foreigners that are working for the united nations as well as for some other nongovernmental organizations so this compound has been quite vulnerable in the past two years. the u.s. and turkish presidents have held a phone call discussing the creation of a buffer zone in northern syria in a region may need populated by kurds it's after donald trump infuriated ankara by threatening to devastate turkey's economy if it attacked the region fired off a tweet after turkey had renewed its threat to launch a military offensive against the kurdish y.p. gini in northern syria now that group get support from the u.s. and has played a role in fighting islamic state but the white bee gee's viewed by ankara as a terrorist organization the dispute has put a strain on the u.s. and alliance within nato former turkish minister for e.u.
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affairs. given bagus doesn't believe the situation will escalate i don't see there's actual crisis because once presenter i understand that to it he actually embrace of the kurds and is widening against all terrorists be able to realize that he made a mistake i think president trump is using fools and oranges and he has a lot of issues back but this will report coming up and he's trying to change the agenda and he knows that you will not go it right but he is saying the troops and he knows we have nothing else secured just one fifth of turkey's population is kurdish and more and could of syria have refuge in turkey so i think he got that confused maybe intentionally or maybe unintentionally but he is trying to change the agenda and so on balance politics.
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on tuesday the british parliament will vote on whether or not to support teresa mayes draft brigs deal and a final bid to convince skeptics the prime minister made a statement to the house urging on pace to back a deal the words however didn't get the warmest of receptions. no more going to join no more running down the court just scare people into backing this damaging shambles of a jail the only people who are undermining faith in our democracy is the government is. it's graham if the prime minister's deal is rejected tomorrow it's time for a general election it's hard for a new government. with all the details ahead of tuesday's vote his aunties to say a chicken or. visions decisions decisions it's an did make or break time for the british prime minister and despite the fact that we've said this
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a handful of times before she somehow always seems to manage to get through a crisis however this time is indeed extremely crucial in terms of what is going to be happening with practice that next and what we have is on tuesday the house of commons will come forward to vote on the deal to receive me has been able to negotiate with the european union throughout the last two years really and if you remember this is a deal that was already previously postponed for to receive me to try to avoid a defeat and parliament and despite days of now heated debate and parliament yet again this is a deal that's clearly gotten quite a thrashing at the house of commons and really very few people expect it to be able to go through parliament tomorrow nonetheless to recently continues to be persistent that her deal is the best deal possible for the u.k. and she's been saying that the alternatives really would be a new deal bracks said as she says would be destructive for the country or even
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more likely according to her is no bracks at all and something that would be dependent on how parliament exactly decides to stir things forward and theresa may has been making a final plea with the british people and really m.p.'s as well to try to convince them to. support her deal yet again let's take a listen to that so i say to members on all sides of this house whatever you may have previously concluded over these next twenty four hours give this deal a second look no it is not perfect and yes it is a compromise. we should to live for the british people and get on with building a brighter future for our country. the statement about how. well there's a handful of options really in terms of where things could go from here if this deal is rejected tomorrow and that would be things like the extension of article fifty that would obviously delay the deadline for the u.k. to leave the e.u.
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things like a general election have been discussed mostly by the leader of the opposition labor party things like a potential second referendum have been thrown around here in westminster so all of those things are possible next developments but really depending on how things are going to go in parliament tomorrow so that's the crucial vote and that's what we'll be watching to receive me is appearing their leader again today to present an exchange with brussels that she has had providing as she believes extra assurances for m.p.'s to vote for her deal whether or not this is going to be enough and whatever she has to say to them is likely to stir the opinions in her favor remains to be seen so all eyes are on the parliament here in the u.k. in the days to come. the u.s. ambassador to germany has sent out warnings to german companies reminding them of
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significant sanctions for any firms involved in building the north stream to gas pipeline with russia projects currently one third complete richard grenell said letters to several companies. as you're aware the united states strongly opposes north stream to the pipeline poses serious geopolitical consequences to our european allies and partners we continue to stress that firms operating in the russian energy export pipeline sector are engaging in activities that carry significant sanctions risk. the u.s. embassy later clarified the letters were a death threat but rather a statement of u.s. policy but hasn't stopped a number of german politicians venting their anger. the u.s. ambassador seems to give the impression he's the viceroy of the washington emperor the us ambassador using direct threats towards german companies is a new and i'm acceptable strengthening of tone in the transatlantic relationship which the federal government should protest against the matter of european energy
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policy must be decided in europe not in the us. in twelve hundred kilometer pipelines a joint project between russia's gazprom and five western companies with germany taking the lead role is predicted to cost nine and a half billion euros it's supposed to double capacity via the baltic sea and the pipeline come into operation by the end of this year geopolitical analysts peer emanuel to man believes that america's somewhat pushy approach could backfire. the united states has to go. behind do pressure of it to turn european union energy companies first of all the united states would like to send their own shaded guts and we are in competition we have a russian gas the second objective of the united states has always been to control eurasia and to prevent europe to be too close to russia the more united states put pressure on europeans the mall very serious convert the
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europeans try to detach themselves from the u.s. and try to make a better deal we've russia we cannot abandoned. import of russian gas of east ruby issue economics reciting saw the americans or so as italy meet new day or the pressure of capacity. by calling a visiting japanese delegation friends the russian foreign minister has effectively told them to forget about claims that he can realize that if i was told to japan's top diplomat on a peace agreement which has never been signed because of the dispute over the territory surprisingly the us and china made their way into the competition to what he said was more. it was the first round of intensified talks on a peace agreement between japan and russia ordered by the leaders it hasn't been signed ever since the days of world war two and the number one stumbling blog has
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been japan's claims of ownership to a group of tiny islands in a rather unusual twist to this monday afternoon sergey lavrov and his japanese guests decided to talk to the journalists alone separately and in quite a tough manner mr allowed made it clear that japanese officials should forget the idea of questioning russian sovereignty over the islands if they want to get the peace agreement talks go on. this is a basic position and if progress on other issues is going to difficult without a step in the right direction to do that tension obama france from japan to the fact that the issues of sovereignty over the islands are not discussed this is the territory of the russian federation just a little later the japanese top diplomat said that despite the differences the two sides must find common ground so the moscow summit and the ministers appearance was
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meant to be all of moscow and tokyo's attempt to fix everything and sort their issues out but the u.s. and china and it up being mentioned too that's all because just a little earlier the japanese prime minister's aides said that america should be looking to the appearance of the signatures for that peace agreement because according to him that would help stem the tide of china's influence in the region mr lavrov called that statement outrageous and went on to say that he had warned the japanese delegation that moscow is absolutely not a fan of the idea of america developing its missile systems in japan according to certain. that would hurt russia and china as well that's how china was mentioned twice. concerns are rising over
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a new israeli road it segregates israeli and palestinian drivers israel's transportation minister says that it will make jerusalem stronger the critics say it only deepens divisions on reports from both sides of the highway welcome to the latest controversy here in the west bank behind me is a newly inaugurated five kilometer stretch of road with a physical barrier might come up with now this barrier stipulates israeli and palestinian drivers it's going to take a drive. this is the israeli side of the road it connects to roussillon with the settlements so most of the drivers here are still is now the only palestinians who are allowed on this side of the road are those who have special interest permits for jerusalem i'm filming with a palestinian cameraman and he has to carry his permit with him all the time in case we get stopped it's more claims that this new barrier strengthens the connection between the settlements and you recently and also helps ease traffic
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they do believe that primarily it's to further separate and dominate and of jerusalem to make it more accessible easy access to those living in the settlements so they can get to jerusalem faster we need to find a way that both sides can use the same streets even lee it's not fair it's not ok for. the group to be like that to me to be some food we've had to travel quite a distance to do we do turn and we're now coming back down the same road we were driving along the earlier just in the opposite direction so all the drivers you see here are palestinian they have no permits to enter jerusalem and for them this wall is nothing short of blatant discrimination they call. that the apartheid war. some of. the israelis open this new road is a main route for the palestinians to connect the north of the west bank to the east
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and west because they want to control the old route which connects the mala i do mean and not to settlements with the jordan valley seconds that's a lot of this road doesn't help without its people as these really government claims they met this road to close down a lot more street in the future and the make it only for the israeli it took more than ten years for this road to open because of a dispute between the israeli police and army over who would control a checkpoint here and there are other divided roads in the west bank but none of them have a war separating the two sides the road to resolving divisions here just got longer forty three hour west bank. has erupted in south africa after a local health department there reportedly told white doctors not to apply for a number of new positions a leaked document shows the department's aiming to hire four hundred sixty six black doctors while targeting also thirty two indian twelve white and four mixed
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race professionals we are unapologetic about addressing these imbalances of the past south africa including cause remains an unequal society with limited opportunities to self development those who historically oppressed or the political party the democratic alliance expressed outrage over the policy claiming the health department is acting racist and going against constitutional values white people currently make up around nine percent of the population in south africa we spoke to guess with very different views on the race divisions in the country. this is not the first example of hiring policies being discriminatory particularly against white people and i would say that it is racist but i wouldn't say that it's surprising and that's why ny kind of the member of course in south africa we know that you are coming from and called the up out of date with a white sheet for which you've made more people that use them to play doctor as we
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rejected the priorities was given to the white people unfortunately that legacy is still continuing the government is more willing to work with companies and is willing to tax them less if they hire more black people and if there are more black people who own shares in the company yes while there are. advantage at vantage white people who do have money from either success recently or success from that's carried over from before the change of government this doesn't change the fact that this is not a fair policy and white people having all this legit e.s.q. villages that today i changed from the previous government of up but date but instead of trying to lend a. hand in hand with their counterparts they see themselves as. the black people that they are the elite group they control the governments they control the business they control the education our black people i speak live people are poor
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and white doctor has immigrating only to either countries once they've got to eat and they don't watch two or two i was brought out of it because in a black township to to save in the hospital stairwell clinics the only solution would be to recruit small eucalypt people so that to let people who can be separate well a lot of white doctors who have worked in these poor rural areas they have not been able to to do business with the majority. because the majority is interested in black doctors but the majority is not interested in becoming doctors they're more interested on living off of government benefits and not working hard enough to have doctors from their own communities. a video of canadian authorities taking a newborn baby girl from the arms of a crying mother has sparked outrage and warning you may find the following scenes upsetting are you going to comply we're going to have that physically or. i don't
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want to. go are you going to work on the steps to get the review that. you. in the video policeman explained to the babies being taken into care the woman to being accused of being drunk when she arrived at hospital to give birth but according to the family lawyer doctors said she wasn't intoxicated lawyer also said the authorities have demanded the family remove the video from the internet or else it might hamper their case in getting back the baby heartbreaking and indigenous childbirth from her mother's arms by the state again this is not just part of canada's history it's today's leave reality we're failing in break and silly ation on every front imaginable when it comes to discriminatory treatment of indigenous
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people the united states and canada follow the same ill principles the mother was already seeking help from manitoba child and family services and they took a baby with scans reason stupid move because other women will get the picture and not seek help racists. anymore the canadian child services or thora he claims that the right decision was made despite the fact around eleven thousand children are currently in care in manitoba province where the incident occurred in the ninety percent of them are indigenous and indigenous activist laura williams thinks this practice is due to the residential school system. prematch this is every weekend and it's going to have been a q. and a in the very beginning when they got her rank made it a lot to take a shower and they were in a residential well how are. you know when you have the police who are taking you know each other and throwing them in his residential well rather church where they
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didn't report to. use for child labor you know you have all the help back. you know but rather have the workers there already are that will to try to get children back that they are no where to children are taken and that. kind of housing so that howard has you know no other children and then i still move there in you know if you know. there should basically down to two hundred dollars they're writing or two hundred dollars in writing trying to get her children back. if there's no mission like or. the british army has reportedly been forced to climb down following a revolt by a male so i'm just putting to reports in the u.k. press a female recruit was given a pass despite failing a key fitness test for an elite unit rather abandon our ability to complete grueling military operations in order to fall into line with political correctness
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or accept that there were some things females cannot do biologically if stand is a modified to accommodate women this would be awfully misguided the test because a thirteen kilometer march soldiers have to carry a heavy backpack and a rifle over an arduous to run and they must do so within two hours the rule state failure to do that results in an automatic disqualification from the rest of the course for i.d.f. combat soldier tommy gottlieb says it's wrong to ignore the physical differences between men and women. i think that we have to understand that there are some physical differences between men and women and we can't. disregard them we have to look at them and the knowledge of them and only by not enjoying them we can involve women into different army units and putting them in key roles in the army there are physical differences between men and women and putting i think as
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a truth that putting women into into these army units are important because the army can only gain from it you gain compassion you gain a different kind of dialect you gain a lot of different things and the physical aspect is a very important one but if you're talking about an elite unit you can take women that are elite in their physical abilities but even a woman that is elite in our physical is the best of the best in our physical ability will not come to be close to the man that is the fastest or best in his abilities and staying with l.t. international a bit with the latest at the top of the. you
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