tv News RT January 15, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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. biggest parliamentary defeat in british history. now tabled. no confidence. with a deal shot down the. vulnerable position as she prepares to face a vote of no confidence in a government. reacting to news of the deal. president of the european council hinted at the possibility of the u.k. remaining in the. getting thanks for joining us this is. in a historic vote prime minister teresa mayes brags that divorce agreement has been rejected by the u.k. parliament two and a half years after britain's referendum to quit the european union and on the back of months of negotiations with brussels and p's overwhelmingly voted down the
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proposed deal defeated by a margin of two hundred thirty votes it's been called the biggest parliamentary loss in modern british history. as the story. this is a catastrophic defeat for this government as the greatest for more than a hundred years you really could defeat for the governments of europe the greatest defeat for a government since the nineteen twenties in this house i've always believed that the best way forward is to leave in an orderly way with the goods to you. the government must surely have see the inevitable coming to scotland european union is more popular in the polls from the united kingdom from the prime minister should i ask members on all sides of the house to listen to the british people who want this issue settle. and work with the government to do just. now to build a bunch of no confidence. to it will be going home having suffered
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a pretty spectacular defeat she she's failed to push through her brags that deal through parliament it's a deal that she spent months trying to negotiate with the european union but she hasn't managed to sell it to the politicians back here in the u.k. the scale of the defeat is unprecedented and politicians from all sides of the political spectrum here in the u.k. came together in order to oppose it they said that it ceded too much power to brussels that it left northern ireland in potentially a perpetual state of limbo so the issue is pressing to say the least we've got on the twenty ninth of march that little bragg's the date edging closer all the time and just on top of that to add to the thoughts she's going to be having before she goes to bed tonight she's got the pressing issue of a little leadership challenge to see off another one that actually jeremy corbyn
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has triggered a no confidence motion in to raise amazing leadership so all of tomorrow parliament will be. bating whether they support to resume a's leadership and at the end of the day it should come to a vote now it's looking like lee that she will win that confidence motion because one thing that the conservative party will be able to agree on is that they need to support to reason may as leader otherwise the prospect of a labor government gets substantially higher d.v. the democratic unionist party of northern ireland have also now said that they will support her so she is likely to overcome that and then she'll have to get back to the task at hand which is figuring out how to save bread and all the while at the same time other forces are coming into play as we speak the pundits on t.v.
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the politicians in the commons chamber they are talking about the other options on the table now and the calls for a second referendum are getting much louder as are the calls from the hard core bragg's that is the ones that want to leave the e.u. quickly and in quite a severe fashion they're saying we need to just crash out of the e.u. with no deal and w t. when the twenty ninth of march comes around and over in brussels the president of the european council donald tusk has just reminded everyone the one solution that will get everyone out of this pickle parliamentary pickle that we found ourselves in is just canceling the entire bragg's it process all together that came straight from the e.u. council president's mouth he said if a deal is impossible and no one wants no deal then who will finally have the courage to say what the only positive solution is now there have been from brussels
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before that all of this can just be scrapped and we can go back to being members of the european union. this is a pretty loud manner and last year just at the end of it sometime around november the e.u. highest court ruled that article fifty can be reversed so an interesting new development in that a lot of different forces coming into play trying to influence what happens next in relation to this rather difficult bragg's that process the president of the european commission john claude young who also tweeted that he regrets the moment that the risk of a disorderly withdrawal of the u.k. has increased with this for a. while m.p.'s were inside voting hundreds of people gathered outside the houses of parliament our correspondent explains. but in the chamber of course it's a bit of a coalition of remain as and leave as who opposed the act. that was put forward by
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to resign may i suppose a bit of a muted reaction on the ground because of course there were a number of leavers who were cheering very loudly when the votes came through the leaders waving the union jack flags and as for those waving the e.u. flags remain as i suppose from their perspective well series amazed it was an offering anything which the current agreement the u.k. has as parts of the member of the e.u. gives them things like access to the single market and so on it's unclear whether that vote inside parliament today will do anything to really bridge the divisions which are have risen up in this country since that vote in june of twenty sixteen in particular divisions within families within towns and cities and friend groups and even the visions within political parties of course to resume a losing the vote because around a hundred of her own m.p.'s stood and voted against germany corbett of course also has divisions within the remain voting cities who vote labor but also those in the
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labor lines in the north of the country who voted labor as well so both parties as well as many other sections of u.k. society remain divided on this question today and i suppose the mood is what comes next and the question is answered. they will be parliament that is will be debating a no confidence motion in teresa mayes government. speak now and scared is the americas professor of international history at the london school of economics good evening to you alan appreciate you taking the time it's been a long and busy day for anybody following politics don't skate you council president took the time to kind of stir the pot and open the door for the u.k. staying within the european union do you think there is a realistic chance of that happening or not. no and i think it would be counterproductive that he said. if anything at all merely hard in the will of the city is to make sure that bricks it actually happens and preferably on the twenty
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ninth of march this year. jeremy corbyn is another one who's seen an opportunity trying to take advantage called for a photo no confidence in the government is demanding the general election just how likely is that to happen. well it's very unlikely because the chances are that the conservatives will unite behind me to morrow and the people supporters well in which case you'll get three was a small majority. it was an outside chance that she could be defeated in which case he would have a good chance of the being into an election where he would win the general election is quite another story because after all he's been trailing theresa may however often she'd been he's even less popular than she is so it's by no means obvious that if there were a general election that called would win it and he doesn't have
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a policy on the merely says that he wants to go back to brussels and renegotiate in this deal and get a better one and all brussels is saying that isn't possible. and so he's he's not really giving anybody. a rational alternative and i'm not sure he would win a general election like the position of jeremy corbyn as you just explained that is that kind of sum up the whole briggs's fair asco that there's a lot of people who know what they don't want but no one's really outlining what they do want. well there are a lot of people who do know what they want the hard line brick city is merely want to come up with a new deal and for britain to leave the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march if before then the european union which will offer a decent free trade deal then they would accept that but lacking that quite confident that leaving on w t o would not be
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a disaster tour but would offer opportunities and would save is a great deal of money by the way. there are others hardline remain as who of course would like to reverse the whole process altogether and take up an offer of staying in the e.u. but i do think they've got a majority and i think the country be outraged to discover that it had voted by a majority you over a million to go to the european union in then discover that it's part of it terence wanted to keep it in. i don't see the remain as a game to win and then there are all sorts of people in the middle with very strange views and i did saying they'd get enough support to force them on parliament so it is a model it is a fiasco song launch of the prime minister's fronts and she's deliberate it's on the head of the plan which for months everybody wants to tell you what you are now she's faced with the consequences but that will take
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a couple of weeks before the atmosphere clears up and we've got any indication at all of where we're likely to go if i knew that the people voted to leave the e.u. devoted bragg's it do we know what public opinion was on tourism may's deal did the m.p.'s represent the people their constituents when they voted against it or they are representing their own political interests. no the deal was very unpopular among the british people though opinion polls gave it about twenty percent support eighty percent of the seventy eighty percent of the country were against him ok so where do we hear about the where do we go from here because you know the clock is ticking people are now saying we need to be talking about an extension of the deadline i mean if two and a half years more than wasn't enough. what's the solution to the messages of the million dollar question but can you think of a way out well extending the deadline isn't that easy because
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a judgment by the european court of justice not so long ago said we could repeal article fifty but we could only extend. the period in which we've got to go see it if it was. part of a meaningful negotiation not just a temporary thing so i'm not sure it's legal on the european law in any case there are european parliamentary elections due to be held in may and the piece will take up the seats in july so you have the added problem that if you want to extend. out to fifty if you get passed a law even pass may means that britain may have to hold elections for the european parliament which i didn't think the european union mormons and finally do you think we'll see more of the sort of doing mongering coming from the remain as they seem to have reveled in the fact that there's been no clear way forward should we expect
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more headlines of how this is going to cause more economic instability in the. oh yeah you know you expect all sorts of headlines about how exit without a deal the the sky will fall in the universe be they'll be biblical plagues the death of the firstborn the economy will collapse housing will collapse everybody will drop dead from lack of food water medicine this saying all these things already the trouble is no one believes in alan or i believe what you've been saying appreciate your views and it's i'm scared i'm outta professor of international history at the london school of economics many thanks i think it. is run of some of the world news for you now after months of violent protests across france president emanuel macaronis bidding to engage the nation in a move that with cynicism by political foes a twelve week public consultations now underway it's to address issues behind the yellow vests movement so the dubious give reports on how the initiative is going
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down with the public. we've seen the crowds as usual for justice i get a scope that's probably a few hundred for trying to hundred fifty maybe three hundred fifty have come here and that every point in this roundabout they are being stopped by the security forces for moving one group actually made a run for it they ran up the road and it looks like they were attempting to enter. the town over bush to hold troy and get closer to the action president michael is here in the town today to launch that national debate these debates are to take place across france these opportunities to listen to the concerns of people people couldn't say what they concerns of the internet they can take part in the debates and he's saying that this could change the new contract with the people here in france but yes we've already seen the groups trying to to run off from the main crowds and as
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a result of that security forces tightening the area here completely also deploying tear gas was sold out and pepper spray being used on some of the protesters who have been trying to push the police we're going to turn around and you might also see that enforcement supreme buttin including a water cannon down there hasn't been used so far but it is there overseas as a deterrent now the debates are going to be held in areas like the town halls we've been speaking to some of them as fronts to get their thoughts on this ground national debate rose. i met with the end of vests in my area this time just saying they're just using benefits and doing nothing you know i've seen people who have no money to pay salaries to their employees i meet such people every day when. he's talking about the president's letter there are so many questions which marriage are supposed to give answers to it will be very. difficult
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even if we start opening special locations to receive people should mirrors be doing that we have questions tens of miles before we even reach the outskirts of town we saw security forces on the roundabout on the major junctions and when we tried to enter the town we were told that because we didn't have accreditation for the actual event which is taking place in the term hall that we couldn't pass annoyed that with our cotton north we decided to walk in and actually we've been speaking some of the protesters here who say that only residents all of the town all being allowed in and some of those have actually been denied access if they move wearing the yellow vests for the moment there is anger and apathy with this idea of the yellow vests this yellow vest movement has been going on now since november seventeenth and at times we've seen some of the worst violence in moving half a century here in france as a result of that the government has given many concessions that so far it doesn't
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seem to be enough for the core supporters of the ship visuals who still seem to have the support of the majority of french people when it comes to the polls let's take a look at the time line of events since this protest movement started back in november seventeen. honestly this is the right one and we're not going to change it just because the wind is blowing . i will not concede anything to do see what destruction and disorder. i take my share of responsibility.
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a major brand of men's shaving products is face ridicule over its latest promotional video the target audience has apparently been left somewhat unimpressed by the effort on you cheap the gillette out as we watch more than three million times and it did have sixty thousand likes but it also talked up more than three hundred thousand dislikes. against you. is this the best a man can get. is it is pretty going on far too.
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we put the issues raised by the. founder of need diversity and staples book t.v. host political commentator this is a scene this is outrageous this is piggybacking on a study by the american psychological association which declared that mass. is a threat it's harmful to society that is such a bunch of garbage i can't even begin to describe how much garbage it is how dare
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you so presumptive as to wade presumptuous as to imply that men are evil by nature i think they've done an amazing job i think in fact if everyone focusing on the negative i think as a male brand they're focusing on the positives as actually always a lot of people that generalize men for being sexual predators awful being a negative and with the attitudes but in fact the ads from gillette is focusing on the positives that it's actually in fact some men out there doing the right thing by stopping things in the street stopping people from committing negatively the overwhelming majority of men by sure are going to do the right thing the men who don't are the minority and you spell that out spelled out the prop up of the exact problem it presents as if the majority of men are being stopped and by these these few good men who somehow overcame their involved
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masculinity at birth and they've developed into the the keepers of the bad majority of men who are masculine i think as a male brat and i think is focusing on both i do think that the point made at the moment is quite ridiculous and i again i completely agree because it's too much on the negative side the right thing and you are completely dismissing the positive side and you have to be very. biased in this kind of point to be then amazes me that you let would get politically here they had. of calm under pressure from feminist groups in a group said have this agenda and that's why they did it god don't think they woke up one day and said hey this is the right thing to do you know they might have had threats of boycotts or whatever believe me there was stuff going on behind the scenes and they made a big mistake as evidenced by the dislikes on the video that you alluded to by more than one. dislikes and i think a lot of men are good at not frequent any longer and i am one of the you know we've
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times changing you know it's been decades and decades that things have been changing there's a lot of feminist talk there's a lot brands that have a social responsibility to do with feminist movements why shouldn't there be for some one form for masculinity why shouldn't a masculine brand and a brand for men focus on something that will create positive social change for men i don't see nothing wrong with that and i think they're taking up the social responsibility as they should be and i will carry on buying gillette so even if it's not targeted to me i'll carry on buying it i'm sure many others would as well . at least seven people have reportedly been killed in a terrorist attack on a five star hotel and office complex in kenya's capital nairobi one of the death toll could climb to fourteen according to local war three workers who spoke to the media coddling terrorist group al-shabaab has claimed responsibility for the assault eyewitnesses describe scenes of carnage and saw several are known to charge the building two explosions followed by the gunman opening fire police have
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responded and said that they're in the final stages of securing the complex includes both offices where international companies are based. it was just. i didn't. do much for. your stomach rats are reportedly preparing subpoenas for donald trump's interpreters who worked on these meetings with flood e-mail putin and this is over concerns the american president could have concealed incriminating information
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about his alleged ties to russia if i had a choice i'd rather not do that with the with the interpreters but we may have no choice we'll have to see down down the road what happens but we want to get to the truth comes after the washington post reported that trump went to extraordinary lengths to conceal the content of his meetings with the russian president allegedly confiscating notes his interpreter had made other articles published at the weekend suggested might be a russian asset u.s. president was quick to react. i never worked for you know that. not only did i never work for russia i think it's a disgrace. because it's all a big fat hole it's just. a trump also lashed out to the media saying it's getting crazier every single day another big story of the weekend was the inquiry opened by the f.b.i. on whether the trial was secretly working on behalf of russia. the probe was
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reportedly initiated after trump fired f.b.i. chief james komi last year and the president had these say on this too. so the people doing the gauges were people that have been born that are known scoundrels there i guess you could say dirty cop so what you say should i have confidence that the f.b.i. or zealots is a disease when i see more and i see all of these people what i see lisa and her lover as their so says there's a good half year you see what they said about me having nothing to do with adverse to go to the election is next year so what the republicans and other people are going to be asking is why don't you just wait and get him out the old fashioned way by beating him by coming up with somebody better than actually the asons of what this thing is because in this froth and in this frenetic this move to say impeach
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impeach i respect lease him again i don't think anybody really understand what impeachment means the american public is complete and totally tone deaf at this point by virtue of this incessant russian collusion russians buying russian does. the american public it doesn't make any sense nor we've heard a big cheer waited to it anything new anyone russian involvement here american public has have said said enough with this police give us a new country maybe make it chinese just to mix it up a little but americans are tone deaf when it comes to everything in any they russian. use of conflict in syria have left scars on the country and its people and its citizens are still having to fight for an rebuild their lives is the story of one boy.
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that my friend and i were playing ball with found something in our backyard was even though it was a mortar shell started to play with it down we decided to put it in the basement and that's when the explosion happened. a few outlets friend died in that explosion so my son got multiple injuries and doctors had to amputate one of his life so there was a risk he would lose the others i didn't know what to do. in the hospital my trash and dr galea. appreciate you staying with us sort of busy news evening here on our to international day stick around my colleague initials seth will be here fresh to bring you right up to date.
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mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. president donald trump has repeatedly said the u.s. will withdraw from syria it would seem he's the only one in his administration backing this move is trump in charge of his own foreign policy are john bolton and my campaign actually michelle.
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