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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST

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oh. you only. have a minute to minute you know michael you know. i'm. on a particular. company. what a tough day for the british prime minister the u.k. opposition leader. the. british. plan was overwhelmingly rejected by.
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a major brand of men's shaving products. called. how dear. presumptive presumptuous as you imply. evil by nature i completely disagree and think it's absolutely fantastic that focusing on the positives there's actually a way to generalize men being. on the positives there is actually some men out there doing the right thing. the green new deal or us project to cope with the economic and ecological issues is raising concerns among politicians and green activists themselves.
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in the sixteenth and eight zero zero. one am here in moscow it's already becoming a busy day for your welcome to the program. in the most important vote since the day of the referendum and twenty sixteen the parliament has overwhelmingly rejected to reserve major e.u. divorce deal the prime minister lost by a whopping margin of two hundred thirty votes it is the biggest defeat of the government in modern british history. this is the most significant for. any of us will be told this is a catastrophic defeat for this government the greatest for more than a hundred years humiliating defeat for the government. are you leaving. are you. sure you are not. the person you are you are legislate the government must surely see
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the inevitable commie scotland the european union is more popular in the polls from the united kingdom on the prime minister should do whatever it is clear that the house does not support this deal but tonight spirit tells us nothing about what it does support now tabled a bunch of note. that i want to reason raise how fashion are of political disasters but this one might just top them all she failed spectacularly to push her brags that deal through parliament is a deal that she spent months negotiating with brussels and it failed the defeat and the level of defeat is unprecedented that launch in of defeat which she lost by politicians from all sides of the political spectrum were united in that opposition to the deal they all said that it ceded too much power to brussels and that it left
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northern ireland in a potentially perpetual state of limbo so the deal is in tatters and it looks like in relation to the break that agreement it's back to square one for to resume a there is a rather more pressing issue for her now and that is that she's got to see your another leadership challenge but now this time it's the leader of the opposition party labor jeremy corbyn immediately often to resume a lot of the tempering. he said that he tabled a motion of no confidence in the prime minister so for the entire day they're going to be debating whether they've got confidence into reason may's leadership and at the end of the day it will be put to a vote now it looks as though it's reason they will be able to see off this leadership challenge of course many of us will remember that she managed to see off the leadership challenge from within her own party just at the end of last year so it's expected that all her road conservative politicians will support her otherwise
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they'll risk a labor government which is something that despite all their disagreements they can all agree that they don't want and also the democratic party of northern ireland which supports to reason may they have a confidence and supply agreement in parliament they have also said that they will support to reason may in that vote so she will then need to get back to the issue of salvaging this bragg's it deal and at the same time a lot of all the forces coming into play as we speak now the politicians the in parliament the pundits on t.v. are talking about calling for a second referendum there is one side of the political argument here that says that this can only be solved by another vote on the issue the other side of the argument those hard core brands that is the ones that want to leave here at any cost well they say that britain should just leave on the twenty ninth of march this impending
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brags that date even if there's no deal they should just crash out of the e.u. on w t o terms so it's a very difficult brenda's it process now nothing is clear all the options are still on the table and a lot of different ideas and opinions on how this should pay out europe was also eagerly awaiting the outcome of the vote the e.u. politicians quick to react austria. the czech republic said that governments were ready for any type of berks it the president of the european council suggested that the u.k. simply stay in the e.u. off the maize defeat while the president of the european commission says he regrets the results and wants the u.k. to clarify what it's planning to do next other e.u. officials also urging london to make clear its next steps. if that proposal goes into direction of a more deep relationship with the european union we are ready to do so
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we are not against this and on the on the country secondly we. want what we don't want is that these mass in british politics is now transfer that and importance in european politics it's not what do you keep. the next steps on our side we really remain united and determined to reach a deal to stick to our agreement. vs the new and so smart and easy to make proposals that you can't come to a deal when we come close a plot pretty well m.p.'s who are voting inside hundreds of people from both the pro e.u. and pro breaks at camps gathered outside the houses of parliament funding the area into a cough any of us. i know you are hurting the. police deployed extra forces to the area but the
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atmosphere remained calm and peaceful and george here people on both sides wanted masefield to be voted down no deal bricks of tears were hoping the flood would stop all rolling finally well many remain as have their fingers crossed it will trigger a second referendum. oh i believe we should do what you. know and just because she voted one doesn't mean you can reflect on how maybe more options it is binary and i'll sign it i think that people have the right to change their minds and that most people don't support rights anymore people were promised all sorts of things in twenty sixty which had not been delivered which were incapable of being delivered by the leave the right to. was free to disagree with. professor the london school of economics alan scared writer and broadcaster jonathan fry i think the future of brecht's it
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is very. it is a model that is a fiasco it's all largely the private businesses for centuries deliberately go ahead with a plan which for months everybody knew wasn't going to work she's facing the consequences but it will take a couple weeks before the atmosphere clears out any indication at all of where would like is to go deal was very unpopular among the british people opinion polls gave it about twenty percent support eighty percent of the seventy eight percent of the country were against it the big question really which has to be answered is not a reason i big question what is the labor party going to doing because generally these very big unions. the physician is he has suggested repeatedly that he could read about if you label drugs good for jobs and good for everybody despite trying. to do so very interesting to see if he
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changes his mind on this or regarding the confusion the concerns and even the hype the deer a tutor takes a look now and see if any of the issues should be taken seriously. is britain's brag since august spiraling out of control we've decided to press the pause button and get some perspective on how justified their parent mass hysteria is from both leave us and remain is first up we have the rejected deal with jeremy corbyn being its most outspoken critic the prime minister has negotiated a botched worst of all worlds deal which is bad for britain leaving the country in even definite halfway house without a real sight some generous acco the disappointment of the labor party leader one of the reasons that the u.k. will still have to conform to the rules in one way or another yet shall bania the
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man behind the deal himself. clarified the rules from the very beginning the tradition last for twenty one months during this limited period of time do hold you are we continue to apply to do you the divorce bill now this one is a big remember when most of the u.k. papers were dominated by headlines like the eclipse as potentially the customs union without and divides up the united kingdom between great britain and pesos nine billion for nothing in return the likelihood is that the u.k. would probably have to pay out a similar amount if they were to remain in the the e.u. on the other hand will also stick to commitments made before break that happened the united kingdom should pay its share of the commitments taken during its membership all e.u. projects and programs will be financed as forseen under the current multi annual financial framework no deals with other countries that it's the fear right this deal will deny the u.k.
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an independent trade policy while potentially keeping us out of existing e.u. trade policy we would be cut off from the world with our trade and economy regulated from brussels but there's another side to this story as the world trade organization director general puts it himself it's not the end of the world trade will not stop it will continue in memory as will be negotiating with the u.k. the legal basis on which that trade is going to happen it doesn't mean that you have a disruption in terms of trade flows or anything of the car in the model automatically so now that may's deal has been shelled for the time being surely some people should be happy wrong brace yourselves for the worst or at least that's the narrative that the media has been pushing right from the start playing to be unable to fly from the u.k. to the e.u. and vice versa creating chaos in airports though before this is not an apocalypse movie or is it could britain be isolated overnight will. all planes be grounded
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after brags that well the easyjet chief executive your hand went doesn't quite mirror that sentiment but if there is a deal to know you are very very. confident that fly will continue to march twenty ninth if you're not frightened yet and this guardian article will send shivers down your spine but the reality is only thirty percent of all imported projects is provided by the e.u. but what about the meds forty five million packs of medicines leave the u.k. every month to go to europe and thirty seven million packs of medicines come to the u.k. it will still be able to trade with the e.u. on the basis of easier over time with pharmaceutical products it would be difficult to imagine that the e.u. officials would allow british citizens to be without essential medication just because they decided to leave the union wouldn't it well maybe they should have been clearer with their messaging it turns out that the feeling of uncertainty due
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to bragg's it has been pushing some nationals in the u.k. over the edge i want to the british government has somehow a tress this very issue you citizens and their family members living in the u.k. by twenty nine march twenty ninth see will be able to continue receiving u.k. benefits really the same terms as now it's no wonder that brags that saga is troubling the minds of both u.k. and citizens with the instability of a country in turmoil and who can blame them especially if you're fed fear in the papers on a daily basis more or less screaming the end of the world is nigh in a day or two to r.t. . a major brand of men's shaving products is facing a backlash over its latest promotional video the target audience has apparently been left unimpressed by the efforts of gillette to respond to the me too movement with a number of dislikes under the video on you tube far outweighing the likes. masculinity
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. is this the best a man can get. is it is prey going on far too.
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we put the issues raised by this advertisement to us steve malzberg a t.v. host and political commentator and. founder of new nude diversity how dare joe to lead be so presumptive as to why presumptuous as to imply that men are evil by nature and boys are evil by nature and need them to lecture to us to us males otherwise they get to turn into homophobes it and bring people up and rake people and abuse people this is. god not i completely disagree and think it's absolutely fantastic that focusing on the positives that's actually always a lot of people that generalize men for being sexual predators awful being a negative and with the attitudes but in fact the ads from gillette is focusing on the positives that it's actually in fact some men out there doing the right thing it presents as if the majority of men are being stopped and by these these
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few good men who somehow overcame their masculinity at birth and they've developed into the keepers of the bad majority of men who are masculine the overwhelming majority of men by name sure are going to do the right thing why is that a bad thing to highlight the best way the best version of yourself whether you're male or you're a female what's wrong with highlighting the best version of the what's wrong with inspiring meant to be the best men that they can be that i don't see anything wrong with that and i think they should carry on doing as that's what they say this video shows the masses of men as he will and the few trying to stop them and by the way boys will be boys there's nothing wrong with you don't a boy's getting into scuffles with boys i did it in my youth all my friends did it we grew up just fine these days if
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a boy just you. oh. a good thought seventy eight years old six years old pierce is a girl over to give it to be suspended from school as a blot on his record for life if he goes like this bang bang in a schoolyard maybe you know innocently at five or six years old he's suspended this is crazy stuff of course there will be somebody that will be boys but what does that mean what does it mean are we allowing ments always have fights in the street do we condoning it is ok boys a boy so it's ok to fight it's ok to do this in u.k. especially with not being such a high rate we condoning it by saying oh no it's ok but it will be boys it's ok to be violence ok to be aggressive no it's ok to not be aggressive it doesn't it doesn't affect you masculinity it doesn't demean you must the nitty and if you are threatened by this by this ad if your masculinity is threatened then you have to question what you what masculinity means to you. concerns are being
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raised over the green new deal the u.s. economic stimulus program addressing both. economic inequality and that of climate change but it's not just politicians but environmental activists as well that are all raising the alarm and daniel hawkins picks up the story. climate change and the planet's ecology the biggest issue of the twenty first century according to many the biggest threat ever faced by mankind according to some and one group has the answer the green new deal will make america one hundred percent green in just ten years a proposal born within the sunrise movement a self-proclaimed grassroots environmental youth group now supported by multiple figures in the democratic party in particular fire brand new comer alexandra your quarters. now to her climate change is a war that must be won and evil that must be beaten through mass concerted action
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on a national level what could go wrong. if you. were. almost surely the reuss felt program has its opponents green politics has never particular appeal to conservative republicans but the eleven page green deal plan does raise questions beyond just partisan politics some green activists of ringing the alarm saying the devil is in the details. the problem with her plan is that it you know it's the placement of committees and that's the point that in just three and business leaders you know who knows if they have the real id really on the side of the people business and industry leaders are really concerned with their own bottom line so who's going to be in charge of fifteen person select committee with minimum
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accountability to vote as one target is a national small grid a high tech energy network to maximize efficiency but some see an old willian throwback behind the good intention this is really a gigantic gift telkom industry and it also allows and limited surveillance of citizens with a smart creative anyone can find out where you are and what you're doing if they have access to smart grid anytime every single building will have to meet new standards like it or not who's defining how i define comfort and safety in the privacy of my own home the democratic national committee no thank you you know the republican national committee no thanks you see huge open door she knew violate people's privacy activists also fear that an excessive role would be given to corporations and venture capitalists the plan also promises to virtually eliminate poverty in the united states create
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a new banking system might even bring about full social justice and equality but there's just no specifics on how that's going to be achieved aside from unlimited investments or maybe has come a long way i think they would have been able to raise a lot of money and have been able to influence quote unquote influence a lot of politicians on capitol hill this is not a new thing politicians get by and so all the time they're going to use in alexandria cage records days because they feel like she's young she can connect to people in a different way than they will be able to so they put how their friends say ok we need you to push a big give someone your friends that are in congress to push his will on capitol hill it's very little true grassroots and mostly things that have been orchestrated for a very long time behind the scenes with the plenty of cash behind. new green focused policies are needed a.s.a.p. polls even show most voters agree with implementing the broad ideas of a green deal within the next decade but in its current form with big questions on
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transparency and accountability and even how this would fit in with the u.s. constitution so many this may seem less twenty thirty and more nine hundred eighty four. tensions are rising between latin american neighbors venezuela and brazil president nicolas maduro slammed his brazilian counterpart as a latter day hitler in a tirade launched after brazil called into question the results of the last elections in venezuela. i to them are going to see. here we have brazil in the hands of a fascist. oh is hitler in modern times he is he has no courage nor will of his own because he is a puppet. a donor was inaugurated last week and the event was met with criticism from some south american countries of the us. the venezuelan opposition has slammed him as a. meanwhile brazil is also focusing on getting the support of america with both
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countries cooperating against quote authoritarian regimes in the region for zero also decided to create to ease gun ownership restrictions and like the u.s. moved its embassy in israel to jerusalem or of brazil's new president has said that the u.s. will be allowed to operate a military base in his country you know it seems that donald trump really like this is brazilian counterpart. they say he's the donald trump of south america and he's happy with that like well one of the first fruits of these improved relations is the approval by brazil of a strategic partnership between two aircraft companies and boeing is expected to accelerate growth on the global aerospace market brazilian journalist bro alterman things to both sonata is trying to pivot his country towards the united states there is no doubt that both are now the east changing brazilian foreign policy plays in the county as a very clear us ally he's point
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a few is very clear first of all the white house is doing western civilization government and the second point president it will only go development time to do. both. corp and third point do raise new rules for buy. ease organize. well lesion again proved received. porkies back to faith us as gemini in latin america. the right wing alternative for germany party has come under intensified monitoring by the country's domestic intelligence agency the aim is to determine the extent to which the party is extremists and a number of german m.p.'s have welcomed them and. yes. he is our first the try and
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have tea party is given the status of a test case secondly the young alternative is declared a suspicious case and thirdly the movement within the f.t. the wing is declared a suspicious case. the decision to put the a of d. on the investigation is correct our democracy must protect itself from its opponents even if they act under the guise of a party. in a four hundred fifty page report the intelligence agency classifies the a.f.p. as a phone to investigate and i would states this will not involve full on surveillance of the party however the regional youth wing of the f.t. has been put under surveillance because of suspected ties to extremists earlier my colleague neil harvey spoke to peter bistro on the party's foreign policy speaker in the bundestag he says the if he supports the work of the secret services but does suspect political bias. are you helping you helping yourselves for example some of your members at times of these language that's been considered by some as
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inappropriate i believe andras then heart insulted muslims and what they consider sacred doing you more harm than good or is that just the nature of your organization actually you know we have a center of example us of our for the things. i call it. political parties we're saying the same way our politicians are they say it's no problem this is all is just destroyed it's more our talk make it our beliefs to come into it on television and then. people will say if the party has nothing to hide you've got nothing to worry about you know let any surveillance carry on how would you feel about that well we don't listen to hire you know you're an asset or on time to that we are supporting you you were to go out of this service. again on the pointers.
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if the secret service words were properly you would do and they were secret but now you are facing totally of course i don't really it. does sound of the so-called secret is this downsizing didn't he does seeing it all better than the euro one of us. some of our less so this is the only also. new york authorities have announced that an od had exhibited featuring saudi arabia's fly will be moved from its original location that of the world trade center that's off to families of nine eleven terror attack victims deemed the proximity of the artwork to ground zero as insensitive to america's twenty two shots reports. this candy nation's art exhibit here at the world trade center campus has been making major headlines specifically for this nine foot piece of our
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right here wrapped in the saudi arabia flag and it's been causing serious backlash because of its location here at ground zero. the sculpture of part of an exhibit called candy nations depicts the flags of each of the g twenty countries as nine foot tall wrapped candies installed back in december the sculpture stands tall right next to the oculus one of the buildings that replaced the original world trade center the installment sparking fears backlash since fifteen of the nineteen attackers on september eleventh were saudi citizens. as a result port authority officials have decided to remove the art exhibit and place it somewhere else after receiving countless complaints from social media users and local victim groups the agency said in a statement to r.t. we have been in contact with the nine eleven memorial and various stakeholders and in full collaboration with the artist will relocate the exhibit from its current location we believe the solution respects the unique sensitivities of the site and preserve the artistic integrity of the exhibit many of the victims' families and
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survivors have sued saudi arabia claiming that it helped plan the nine eleven attacks however the saudis tonight its involvement a coalition of family members of nine eleven victims and survivors said in the statement that the sculptures presence at this site depicting the k s a kingdom of saudi arabia flag is an outrage just a front to the nine eleven community and all other americans who. seek justice for the attacks on our nation on september eleventh two thousand and one however not all agree and then people have been unreasonable to just blame an entire nation more than terrorists. there's more to it than that i think. it should stay here because it's for everybody and like you said everybody you at the end whereas that spent what happened the exhibit which was created by french artist lawrence jim kelly in two thousand and eleven has been shown in twenty five countries and according to the port authority additionally garnered this.


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