tv News RT January 16, 2019 3:00am-3:30am EST
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shotwell silver. star cool under which these guys are blowing through to it it just needs to. be just need to be helped and pushed on by the v.a.'s. they need to be built. and they that really shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at like people if they go to a veteran center for health issues be considered as someone who really needs attention. to. you on the ship or in the primary ground you just straight after a heated debate in parliament. reject their vision of to resolve the jubilation of both pro and activists the prime minister now faces
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a vote of no confidence. that europe was quick to react to the outcome of the vote with some senior politicians saying the e.u. would make no further concessions and others are urging the u.k. to hurry up and clarify its plans. a major brand of men's shaving products finds itself under fire for its me to win takes aim at so-called toxic masculinity to put the issue of the debate. how do you hear it be so presumptuous as to when presumptuous as to imply that you are evil by nature in fact this. is focusing on the positives that actually always a lot of people that generalize men for being sexual. and sectors of the us media are accused of being in cahoots with the f.b.i. after the latest round of anti trump.
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world news on the hour every hour this is your wednesday program here when our. in the most important vote since the day of the referendum and twenty sixteen the u.k.'s parliament has overwhelmingly rejected to reserve maizie you divorce deal the prime minister lost by a whopping margin of two hundred thirty votes it is the biggest defeat of a government in modern british history this is the most significant. that any of us will. this is a catastrophic defeat for this government greatest for more than a hundred years humiliating defeat just yet for the government who want. to. share in the playground. the government
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must surely have see the inevitable coming scotland european union is more popular in the polls from the united kingdom on the prime minister should no doubt it is clear that the house does not support this deal but tonight tells us nothing about what it does support now tabled abduction of no confidence and. while m.p.'s were voting inside hundreds of people from both the pro e.u. and. gathered outside the houses of parliament plunging the area into a company of china. i. think police deployed extra forces to the area but the atmosphere remained calm and peaceful majority of people on both sides wanted maize deal to be voted down no deal breaks or tears were hoping the vote would actually stop. the bricks and ball
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finally rolling while many remain as had their fingers crossed it would trigger a second referendum and always believed that you could right. now and just because she voted one doesn't mean you can reflect on how maybe more options it is binary and i'll sign it i think that people have the right to change their minds and that most people don't support rice anymore. i. was afraid i did think it was people were promised all sorts of things in twenty sixty which had not been delivered which were incapable of being delivered by the leavers parliamentary trouncing theresa may has another headache now she's facing a photo of no confidence. looks at the possible outcomes. the deal is in tatters and it looks like in relation to the break that agreement it's back to square one for to raise the may there is a rather more pressing issue for now and that is that she's got to see your for
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another leadership challenge now this time is the leader of the opposition party labor jeremy corbyn immediately after to resume a last ten brags that he said that he tabled a motion of no confidence in the prime minister so for the entire day they're going to be debating whether they've got confidence into reason may's leadership and at the end of the day it will be put to a vote now it looks as though it's a reason they will be able to see off this leadership challenge of course many of us will remember that she managed to see off the leadership challenge from within her own party just at the end of last year so it's expected that all her road conservative politicians will support her otherwise they'll risk a labor government which is something that despite all their disagreements they can all agree that they don't want and also the democratic party of northern ireland
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which supports to reason may they have a confidence and supply agreement in parliament they have also said that they will support to reason may in that vote so she will then need to get back to the issue of salvaging this bragg's it deal and at the same time a lot of all the full says a coming into play. europe was also eagerly awaiting the outcome of the vote with the e.u. politicians quick to react spain austria and the czech republic said that governments were ready for any type of brooks said on the french president says that the e.u. is highly unlikely to make any further concessions. the u.k. is heading towards a new deal despite there being no agreement it scares everybody the first losers of this are the british people maybe we can improve on one or two points i don't really believe that because we went as far as we could in the existing agreements and just in order to try and solve the problem of british internal politics we want
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not defend the interests of europeans. the president of the european council donald tusk has suggested that the u.k. simply stay in the e.u. after may's defeat for the president of the european commission says he regrets the results and wants the u.k. to clarify what it is planning to do next other senior officials have also reacted of course if that proposal goes into direction of a more deep relationship with the european union we are ready to do so we are not against this on the on the on the country secondly. what what we don't want is that this mess in british politics is now transfer that an important in european politics it's not for the u.k. to. the next steps on our own or our side we really remain united and determined to reach a deal to stick to our agreement. of we have the plan for twenty months of march
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and easy do not make proposals that we can't come to a deal then we come closer to the operative professor at the london school of economics alan scared and writer jonathan fry i think that the future of brecht's it is very uncertain. it is a muddle it is a fiasco it's all largely the prime minister's fault since she's deliberately go ahead with a plan which for months everybody knew wasn't going to work she's faced with the consequences but it will take a couple of weeks before the atmosphere clears up and we've got a. any indication at all of where would like to go good deal was very unpopular among the british people opinion polls gave it about twenty percent support eighty percent of the cuts seventy eighty percent of the country were against it the big question really which has to be answered is not of the reason a big question is what is the labor party going to doing the cause jeremy called in
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is being very ambiguous in her head she walked from a good position is he has suggested repeatedly that he could bring about a label bragg's good for jobs and good for everybody just by you said they're not going to be another do you so very interesting to see if he changes his mind on. a major brand of men's shaving products is facing a backlash over his latest promotional video the target audience was apparently left unimpressed by the efforts of gillette to respond to the me too movement with a number of dislikes under the video on you tube far outweighing the line. we believe in the best in men's while sweetie. you just say the right thing. to act the right way. and you already are.
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a lot of conflict potential less year especially because certain western countries led by the united states are reluctant to accept the objective reality of the emerging multi-polar world and because of their desire to impose continued posing their will. through propaganda economic. leverage and sometimes even by direct force on demining international institutions and international law replacing it with a certain. rule based. order a new term that they has been going to recently. because were they invent new rules based on the current political situation in order to put your breasts or. was there sometimes even their allies. bypassing international organizations. developing some initiatives
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through a narrow circle of parties misrepresenting it as making sense of self the international community will continue tearing down major international documents. something we saw yesterday during consultations in geneva between american and russian representatives. like your pick for problems related to the i.n.f. treaty. excess abates the deficit a mutual trust. under the circumstances we continued to pursue our trek policy for protecting the russia's national interests. produced you looking for collective solutions. to address problems that
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face older countries and resolve those problems based on international law shaped. fairer and more polish centric model of world order as is required by. reality to be we worked closely with our allies and partners in the studio. e.u. c s brics c.e.o. . we work to constructively in global. governance structures like the united nations and the g twenty s. but. as the chair of the e u we can to. strengthening research going to see sion aligning what we do in the eurasian economic union with the if you chinese initiative for one built one road and also. forging. your relation partnership.
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as you know these processes will be open to other countries and. alliances in europe and asia as international terrorists are being defeated in syria this allowed us to strengthen. the position so the syrian government the congress of syrian dialogue took place in sortie and based on their russia turkey and iran worked on forming the constitutional committee which you and eventually the government and the opposition approve the list of members of this committee of this creates a condition for studying the political. process in line with the un security council resolution twenty two fifty four which to resolve the syrian crisis we also supported positive trends on the korean peninsula based on their own that put
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forward by russia and china of course this would require certain steps from the other parties as well in response to what pyongyang has been. doing in a positive way. to the caspian sea that's a unique. source for the water. but if we made progress there we also continued working on the cyber security and the un approved a two resolutions proposed by russia this year we continued developing contacts with the russians living around the room. on october thirty first and the first we held this six international congress sold russians living abroad. for so we continue to develop an educational ties cultural toddies presenting the best
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achievement so russian culture and art to the war old helping other countries for trained personnel of course the world cup was the highlight of twenty eighteen this was the triumph of popular diplomacy. millions. of. guests visited russia we plan to step up our efforts we've got. a universal anti-terrorist coalition led by the un mobilizing the international community to fight. drug trafficking in other kinds of organized crime will continue working in syria and on the korean peninsula dealing with other crises as well in the middle east in africa and also in ukraine where there is still no alternative to food and complete implementation of the minsk accords we are still interested in in the midst of resuming normal.
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relations with the united states in the e.u. based on mutual respect for each other's interests of course we will continue responding to increased military activity by nato and we deplore. deployment of the motor infrastructure along our borders our utmost priority still ensuring russia's security and creating favorable conditions for our country to develop successfully he increasing the welfare welfare of our people we are open to working with everybody. who doesn't make our bilateral ties. hostage. there is short term political goals those who are willing to cooperate in the fairway looking for mutually acceptable compromises that would work for all of. you in conclusion i would like to remind you even though i don't have to do so for
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you i believe that several days ago we had mass media day in russia so i would like to. address all of you sitting here in this room and. also the entire media community in russia and we appreciate the work that you do. for we are thankful for. your efforts to maintain high professional standards in journalism and we are interested in continuing working with the year in various formats and the we will certainly continue paying special attention to the matters of the free operation of journalists we will insist that all the states respect international guarantees of security and freedom of operation for journalists thank you i will now take your questions. thank you very much.
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good afternoon mr lavrov if i may i have a question which has to do was the situation with. the tension has been for a long time sometimes again will there be any additional measures to tackle situation is russia think it's possible to exchange it for someone maybe they can be some. sort of was going on the people if. it was draw from the i.m.f. treaty it will moscow consider prolonging the start treaty at old. as regards. we've given you a number of. the actions that are being taken through international organizations and through the journalist association and also in our bilateral contacts with other countries we encourage them to put pressure on the key. so
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that the ukrainian authorities stop persecuting journalists. on their. treason. i don't think that this idea of a swap which some people may think is interesting i don't think this. would mark to be the ukrainian authorities to resume respecting their obligations. as regards journalists rights and this will only. add to the people who want to use . journalists as bargaining chips in their. in their political games but we will do our best to make sure that. the truth prevails and that is journalist is released and resume he's professional activities this is not the only problem really. good to draw on alyssa in your green. i think we're almost told the russian media prison here in this room are in
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their van from working in ukraine or very much limited in what they can do now is regards the i.n.f. treaty like i said earlier yesterday on fortunately. the constructive proposal that russia put forward. and. allowed the united states to see what this missile. of the russian missile that they suspect of violating the treaty terms really ease. was undermining us because the united states. brought this. they feel that they had a pretty determined position when they arrived for talks demanding that the we completely destroy and dismantle this entire program when b.s.t. americans why they were not been willing to look at our proposal and
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a look at the specific. parameters of dismissal. they. carry fused so listen to us and they did not listen to. our proposal so what we suggested we might do which you. would. like axis offering axis. and also to listen to what we the problems that we have with some violations by the u.s. so this so the their their position was that we violate the treaty and they don't so they keep insisting that we do certain things and they will not do anything and of course nothing good can come out of such a position but are you really and this is just. if you continue. their
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policy of tearing down all the treaties that form the system of stability. let me go he a.b.m. treaty the treaty. and now the new start treaty many countries are concerned even this treaty will be eventually dismantled by the united states we hope that this is not true and we're actually i should say that we are still willing to discuss saving in after treaty i hope that european countries who want to see this treaty are rescued i think they're more interested than anybody in making that happen because i hope that they will not just follow blindly the united states. and accept what you need to leadership says blaming. russia. and disregarding all the arguments provided by moscow instead i think they could put pressure on washington asking it to take
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a more responsible stance. regarding. it with the with regard to be international community especially european countries. and we did new start treaty we do our best to remove whatever reshoots the united states might have with that. we have but we would do is assure that. we are. taking steps to explain this issue they were some legitimate questions we presented arguments to american experts and experts from other countries as well so we hope that sooner or later professionalism will prevail and convince of the professionalism and responsible position with regard to the international community now c.b.s. news police.
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please press the button. mother of all. i depart and i'm elizabeth palmer from c.b.s. good morning can also be with them. it's alleged president trump hasn't shared the contents of his conversations with president putin including with some of his officials we wonder in the interest of transparency whether the kremlin which has had interpreters present then has taken notes might share the contents of those meetings. just. you know. it's hard for me to comment what's going on in the united states regarding those accusations against president trump claiming that he's a russian agent. plus a russian spy basically. for the american media i would
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see this. undermines the journalistic standards. and i just can't believe that american journalists and american journalists are sincere in doing such things there is a thing called the culture of diplomacy the culture of talks the culture of international relations what this means is you have to observe certain rules of decency of certain standards. certain norms but going through this far as i know the u.s. constitution says that. a particular president has the right to determine. foreign policy and now. it is being attacked by congress and we are aware of it and your colleagues have been reporting regarding
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that but this doesn't mean that these attacks are constitutional there is still a legitimate so i won't comment. on the actions taken by the administration in line with the authority that the president has but since you asked this question since you raised this issue i would like to point out the following. what you know. we. would in these being accused of. being some subversive goals of talking to americans about the accused basically every russian citizen whether an official or like butta national just into vigil wants to get education or talk to american colleagues the cues are people of.
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pursuing some hidden agenda undermining american interests pursuing some legitimate goals however if you look at people that american diplomats in moscow talk to. you will see that. the russians. blacklisted by americans are exactly the people that american diplomats talk to the most and yet nobody accuses these americans diplomats for talking to people they shouldn't be talking to people who are banned from entering the united states. and one more comment. but in europe this is just an example. that shows how absurd the present situation is you have special counsel moller he's been working for almost two years he has questioned dozens or hundreds of people
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and yet we see no leaks that would corroborate some kind of collusion. between president trump and the russian federation we haven't seen any evidence and no leaks and this is very weird for the us system usually you have leaks almost immediately yes there were certain leaks and there were certain facts that were discussed regarding not only. in this matter how ukraine meddled in u.s. elections but never russia let me just give you one example we. could. michael flynn who was the president trumps national security advisor for a few days secure welcome to so i took a look at. it it's basically two things that consular moller accuses him of first that he gave
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a call before this was before the inauguration he called the russian ambassador said he stood out and asked mr russia not to respond to sanctions that president obama imposed during the last days of his presidency with sanctions against russia fully in the past russia not to. respond in kind to avoid confrontation so what's wrong with that is this. america's best interest in the future. of people like a member of for the u.s. administration has six or russia not to seize american property and not to expel american diplomats so that doesn't want to accusations against poland and the other accusation i think was. but i feel like you he asked him.
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