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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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demands the. zero sum game mentality of like. down the events in your. e.u. commissioner called. told ukrainians they have to decide whether they want to be with russia or with the europe this is a provoke it if statement provocative question it's just reflects imperial thinking that's not in line with the decisions we made all together in the oas see and then russia e.u. contacts the talks that we see underway in serbia with. the e.u. talks. tell serbia shamelessly that first it has to recognize cost of his independence and then join. e.u. russian policies hell that's not that's just. shameful.
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i have often said the e.u. likes to brag about its unity but its consensus is often forged by using the less common least come denominator policy that you have the aggressive minority demanding that other e.u. countries. share their anti russian position their discriminatory position against russia so i would recommend that the e.u. abandons this. logic you see as well let's go back to the times when great european leaders like to go in other politicians in later years. came up with the dreams in this in so having a unified space from the atlantic ocean to the ural mountains first and then to the pacific we have. i always see documents only when russia nato documents equal and
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indivisible security for all somehow this doesn't work out practically and so we would like to resort to this kind of mentality this kind of philosophy of mutual cooperation based on the proper balance of interests and not just certain countries imposing their will a small group of countries however influential the are imposing their will on others. there which. many to bow to. the script in motion through the theater in the region of the dollar store have subsided does that mean that there are north talks on this issue or maybe it all just happens but behind the curtains and the steel. are no well yeah if you produce this question. much earlier i have
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already. said nothing inning you put it has to do with the international law and the rule based approach. which is the input for something supreme importance. there. acknowledged by the un security council and approved. of these agreements all the matters which have to deal with this crisis should be resolved between she and donors and little girls for the help of the oist see. if you stipulates that noisy mission should be in ukraine not only in the region of donbas know in your crane in the regions where this mission should be mandatory and the compliance with the human rights going vacation and other conventions and agreements when these missions that we've. it would have
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started to face certain challenges in terms of their security if there were any incident says you know one of the officers on them died but it sure goes of a landmine and been a dead four and you think that it would've man he was a u.s. national by the way because of the investigation mr geisha in the movement new poll showed that this mine was not planted by the. bushel so when you put you through the officer by the soldiers soft on bus and longer then this is just a geisha stopped immediately and for some reason we called upon the boise and a special monitoring mission officers to be more transparent in their reports. sure sure and you should most affluent they say the least of that happen to this is that we. border on the number of shelling and the number of victims but there is nothing about who initiated the shelling in the finally last year we saw the first
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reports of where the oil you see presented to the detail was. a belt she got to the side who started the shelling and who died. that report. is detailed enough to make everyone understand that the ukrainian which is soldiers are shelling the you could reach the settlements of dumbass and logan square and they really soldiers of lugansk are live fighting in return a sort of the statistics shows that the same goes for the victims superman among the peaceful population speaking about this most tawfiq since we have that meeting . you're not going to google swims up and i like to say that many times referred to my beautiful before and western colleagues who say that it's all the blame is an on
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going to lugansk. that they are to be blamed for starting every group has but as you know our media reporters work twenty four seven there on both sides of the canticle line on good little line and report on these events in all the universe and developments which alter what is really happening in donetsk and lugansk the whole of the information. and for the ordered to my western but it was ruth counterpose who defies the real facts i suggested that the western jewel novelist completely should go to the risk controlled by the ukrainian forces i cannot recall a single name a single verse of the whole be good a part of the working there even. from time to time out of the saying that they should be there twenty four seven if they don't want to the b.b.c.
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was there once but no one else went up there if journalists want to detail before the truth b.b.c. you were a news story or any other media outlets to switch then do so or you should go there but if your government does not want you to go there if you do that place of donations. struggle then i refer to you with my suggestion that you go and start working there on the western side of the conflict line there it was going to all by ukraine but you can get way more information from being there rather than just reading something on line you can be coming back to the monitoring mission and to the security issues they. experienced. because of the response to the concerns voiced by germany and france we suggested the offices of the o.c.
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mission should be armed with light. fronts. they refused but you saying that the oil see has no experience in peacekeeping operation then president putin's with questions to those that initiated the reason lucian to create a un mission to defend to protect the lives of the ois see monitoring after says. that resolution was very simple it was based on an international agreement on the mandate. of the oil seal of the us and we were going to feel that it was for the good of the efforts. to support the misc agreements regardless of where all of the monitoring mission offices could be they should be protected defended by the un peacekeepers peacekeepers the whole notion that was in our initiative i want western carlos u.s. colleagues and for most of who responded to that with their rules which occurred
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came up with that rule he is a special envoy for the future settlement of the crisis that this is more to the rules he said forward so youth would be more were against the misc agreements he did not want to shoot with a view of the. new rules to help of two people decides to come to agreement on board he wanted to deploy thirty thousand or human to military officers his rule under the un ban us was to have a weapon to be sure was moving all the equipment and everything and still to control over the perimeter with mildly us territory than disband the. soldiers who were fighting. for the territory required to disband the police and send the un police instead of also could install the un administration on this region which would be settling every issue but that's
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the rule he came up with that's the us rule but that means that there would be no elections basically instead of a consensus of a compromise which should be reached between keven dharm bass it could be simply an imposition of a unilateral. agreement and position of one a swirl that is why we acted as we acted we believe we should and when you move. we should not substitute the international law with the most rule to all who came up with i think everyone understands clearly why we need to do that but again if you do many. shows to many countries but to say that we are nothing but some our goals and that reduced the only way to do it is to make us rich like a future late that's what they want but i sincerely hope that our colleagues from
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germany and france who scientifical more through. their means because women board for the members of the international community including the us would finally succeed in making the two sides sit at the table for negotiations and and facilitate the implementation of the misc agreements. he insisted. and we'll be dipping in and out with sort of a laugh or throughout the day here on our to for the meantime to your other news in the most important vote for president since the day of the referendum and twenty sixteen the u.k.'s parliament has overwhelmingly rejected to resume a z e u divorced he'll probably missed or lost by a huge my. of two hundred thirty five it is the biggest defeat of a government in modern british history this. significant.
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any of us will believe. this is a catastrophic defeat for this. great one hundred. defeat for the government want. to. share in the. new. government must surely see the inevitable. scotland european union is more popular in the united kingdom. it is clear that the house does not support this deal but. tells us nothing about what it does support now tabled. while voting inside hundreds of people from both the pro e.u. and. outside the houses of parliament bunging the area into
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a cough and you have. i was shot my god oh my god i. am going to take the police deployed extra forces to the area but yet most fear remained. story here people on both sides wanted made a deal to be voted down no deal perks for two years were hoping to vote would start the perks of both finally rolled many remain as had their fingers crossed it would trigger a second referendum i always believe we should do what you know and just because you voted one doesn't mean you can reflect on how maybe more options it is binary lol so i know i feel that people have the right to change their minds and that most people don't support rights anymore. it was a very good thing which. people were promised all sorts of things in twenty sixteen which have not been delivered which were incapable of
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being delivered by the lever. joining me live to discuss how europe has been reacting to the vote so charlotte what are we hearing from the e.u. . well e.u. leaders have long lamented that to vote in the referendum back in two thousand and sixteen for the u.k. to leave the european union that's something they didn't want to happen while they've been negotiating for the past two years for this deal now that deal has been outright rejected by the british parliament we're seeing leaders show their true colors suggesting possibly that they could be a second referendum and the u.k. could remain part of the union so many details coming out from angola merkel the german chancellor her reaction to that saying that there is still time for talks and she's urging clarification from the united kingdom also heard from the president of the european commission include young who tweeted about this again
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saying he would. did the fact that that deal had been right rejected by the british parliament and he was also urging that clarification as soon as possible meanwhile . don't ask who is the president the european council went even further than that suggesting it was only one positive solution and that would be of course a second referendum and remaining as part of the european union now leaders in europe have long been fairly unhappy with the ins and outs the to ing and fro ing from the united kingdom the indecision so much to the point that we've seen leaders in italy in france sort of pretty much shrugging their shoulders and saying it's the brits again now they're putting their own interests first and essentially have been showing the u.k. the cold shoulder. context for a whole devour the u.k. is heading towards a no deal despite there being no agreement it scares everybody the first loses the
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british people maybe we can improve on one or two points i don't really believe that because we went to far as we could in the existing agreements and just in order to try and solve a problem of british internal politics we want not defend the interests of europeans but. well plenary session is taking place currently in the european union parliament it's being led by people of course talking about breaks it might have been hoping that they could have been dotting the i's and crossing the t.'s on this deal today but not so it looks like it's back to the drawing board and in fact there are warnings now that our high risk new deal is a very likely outcome. it. could be no deal has never seemed so high our goal is to avoid such a scenario but we also have a responsibility to remain cool which is why i wouldn't turn. to liberal for this
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possibility. well many voices are now suggesting that a second referendum is a very realistic possibility but briggs it is a warning that if a second referendum takes place it might produce the same result but actually with a larger majority for know yet what they do if the trial becomes complete and we are forced to vote for the second referendum you may be in for a big surprise the british may be a very placid people very laid back but i promise you they get pushed to say it's a lot. more we will be even more defiant if we have to fight a second referendum i will win it by a majority. parliamentary trouncing theresa may has another headache she's now facing a photo of no confidence to use poly boyko now assessing the possible outcome. the
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deal is in tatters and it looks like in relation to the break that agreement it's back to square one for to raise the may there is a rather more pressing issue for her now and that is that she's got to see your another leadership challenge now this time is the leader of the opposition party labor jeremy corbyn immediately after the reason i last had friends that he said that he tabled a motion of no confidence in the prime minister so for the entire day they're going to be debating whether they've got confidence into reason is leadership and at the end of the day it will be put to a vote now it looks as though it's a reason they will be able to see off this leadership challenge of course many of us will remember that she managed to see off the leadership challenge from within her own party just at the end of last year so it's expected that all her own conservative politicians will support her otherwise they'll risk
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a labor government which is something that despite all their disagreements they. can all agree that they don't want to and also the democratic party of northern ireland which supports to reason may they have a confidence and supply agreement in parliament they have also said that they will support to resume a in that vote so she will then need to get back to the issue of salvaging this bragg's it deal and at the same time a lot of all the full says a coming into play professor at the london school of economics islands good writer and broadcaster jonathan fryer they both think the future of brics it is very uncertain. it is a model it is a fiasco it's all love to the prime minister's fault since she's deliberately go ahead with the plan which for months everybody knew wasn't going to work she's faced with a come squids is about to take a couple of weeks before the atmosphere korea's any indication at all of we would
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like is the god deal was very unpopular among the british people opinion polls gave it about twenty percent support eighty percent of the seventy eighty percent of the country were against it the big question really which has to be answered is not of the trees and i the big question is what is the labor party going to doing because generally cool business be very ambiguous about had she walked from a good position he is he has suggested repeatedly that he could bring about a new labor dregs that would be good for jobs and good for everybody despite the fact you said there is not going to be another do you so very interesting to see if he changes his mind on. a major brand of men's shaving products is facing a backlash over its latest promotional video the target audience has apparently been left rather unimpressed by the efforts of gillette to respond to the me tube
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movement the number of dislikes under the video on you tube far outweighing the lines. we believe in the best in men whilst we. just say the right thing. to act the right way for. you. already are. but some is not enough. because a voice watch today. i want to put that to good pandering a term to capitalize on the conflicted new feminist narrative all mandane privilege perpetrate dessen all women being virtuous victims yeah i lecture from a razor blade company just what the world needs advertising so in divisive
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complicated special issues that no work. kaypro are you sell and razors you. do and you change the world here. retires or based philosophy what do you do if if you insist. on trying to give us some kind of moral guidance clinical. so we come to you. you put the issues i raised by this advertisement to steve malzberg let's see if you host a political commentator and. founder of new new good and diversity why is that a bad thing to highlight the best way the best version of yourself whether you're
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a male or your female what's wrong with highlighting the best version of the what's wrong with inspiring men to be the best men that they can be that i don't see anything wrong with that and i think they should carry on doing at that flat base this video shows the masses of men as he and the few trying to stop them and by the way boys will be boys there's nothing wrong with a boys getting into scuffles with young boys i did it in my youth all my friends did it we grew up just fine these days if a boy you know puts a get for seven eight years old six years old this is a girl on the cheek and it's a. he was suspended from school as a blot on his record for life if it goes like this bang bang in a schoolyard maybe you know innocently if i were six years old he suspended this is crazy stuff of course there will be some way that we boys but what does that mean what does it mean are we allowing mental always have fights in the street do we
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condoning it is ok boys a boy so it's ok to fight it's ok to do this in u.k. especially with not being such a high rate we condoning it by saying oh no it's ok but it will be boys it's ok to be violent it's ok to be aggressive no it's ok to not be aggressive it doesn't it doesn't affect you masculinity it doesn't demean you must the nitty and if you are threatened by this by this ad if your masculinity is threatened then you have to question what you what masculinity means to you how dare. you so presumptive as to a presumptuous as to imply that men are evil by nature and boys are evil by nature and need them to lecture to us to us males otherwise they're going to turn into homophobes it and bring people up and wake people and abuse people this is. god not i completely disagree and think it's absolutely fantastic that focusing on the positives that's actually always
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a lot of people that generalize men for being sexual predators a little being a tease and with the attitudes but in fact the ads from gillette is focusing on the positives that it's actually in fact some men out there doing the right thing it presents as if the majority of men are being stopped and by these these few good men who somehow overcame their masculinity at birth and they've developed into the the keepers of the bad majority of men who are masculine the overwhelming majority of men by sure are going to do the right thing. tensions are rising between latin american neighbors venezuela and brazil president nicolas maduro has slammed his brazilian counterpart as a latter day hitler in a tip raid launched after brazil called into question the results of the last recent elections in venezuela i didn't want to see here we have brazil in the
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hands of a fascist. is hitler in modern times he is he has no courage nor will of his own because he is a puppet. was inaugurated last week and event met with criticism by most south american countries the us and e.u. the venezuelan opposition has slammed him as a you so. early brazil's a new president both an auto accuse the government of violating the rules of a south american trade bloc brazil has also recently made efforts to court america with both countries cooperating against quote authoritarian regimes in the region brasilia also decided to create to ease of gun ownership restrictions and like the u.s. moved its embassy in israel to jerusalem more of a brazil's president has said that washington can operate a military base in his country and it seems donald trump really likes his brazilian counterpart they say he's the donald trump of south america and he's happy with
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that like. well i want to first fruits of these improved relations as the approval by brazil of a strategic partnership between two aircraft companies. and boeing is expected to celebrate growth on the global aerospace market brazilian journalist and things that both an auto is trying to pivot his country towards the u.s. there is no doubt that both so mad at least changing brazilian foreign policy place in the county as a very usa ally he's point a few is very clear first of all the white house is the western civilization. the second point president development. to do all of. the ration and third boy raise new rules before. he's nice lesion again through to see
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if goldman porkies act to face us. in latin america. the program for this hour here on out see international and the stories you missed however you can find at your own leisure at odds he called in the meantime your program returns at the top of the hour. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept it over checked. so when you want to be president and you. want to. have to go right to the press this is what before three of the more people. i'm interested in the water.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only. flick there's someone else living inside of me like controlling my body.
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the byproduct of that drug is the cause like some fear depression. because it will need one to zombie it's crazy. you know and we don't have to do anything it's not our fault the sins crazy and all that. took years to combat it takes a long time to get rid of.


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