tv News RT January 16, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EST
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know. activists the prime minister now faces a vote of no confidence. europe was quick to react to the at come up with some senior politicians saying the e.u. would make no further concessions in the u.k. to clarify its plans. to come a major brand men's shaving product. takes a. change in the world of your. advertiser based philosophy what are you doing if you insist. trying to give us some kind of an all clinical. since the us media are accused of being in cahoots with the f.b.i. . and trying.
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hello there welcome just gong to pm here in moscow you're watching international and the most important vote for brics it since the day of the referendum back in twenty sixteen the u.k.'s parliament has some facet rejected turris amazing e.u. divorce still the prime minister lost by a whopping margin of two hundred thirty votes it is the biggest defeat for a government in modern british history. and this is the most significant. that any of us will be partial to this is a catastrophic defeat for this government the greatest for more than a hundred years humiliating defeat just for the government want to. leave. i am doing i. should move in the playground you just straight the government must surely have to
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see the inevitable coming to scotland the european union is more popular in the polls from the united kingdom on the prime minister it is clear that the house does not support this deal but tonight tells us nothing about what it does support now tabled a bunch of no confidence. pages were voting inside hundreds of people from both pro and camps gathered outside the highs of parliament to voice and chant their failings right was shot. by a. place to put extra forces to the area but the atmosphere remained calm and peaceful the majority of people on both sides wanted made steel to be done deal breaks tears were hoping the vote would trigger a hard exit from europe while many remain as had their fingers crossed. trigger
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a second referendum that i believe we should do quite right now and just because you voted one doesn't mean you can reflect and have maybe more options it is binary little sign of i feel that people have the right to change their minds and that most people don't support race anymore. three. people were promised all sorts of things in twenty sixteen which had not been delivered which were incapable of being delivered by the lever where europe was also eagerly awaiting the outcome of the votes with the politicians quick to react spain austria and the czech republic said their governments were ready for any type of brics it r.t. showed it to be in ski takes a look now at how the rest of europe has reacted. even leaders have long lamented that result from the two thousand and sixteen referendum but now that that deal
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that was on the table has been outright rejected by parliamentarians in the u.k. it seems that they think that the only option now is for the u.k. to remain possibly via a second referendum anglin merkel the german chancellor said there was still times for talks and clarification there was also clarification from claude the president of the european commission who said he regretted that decision by the u.k. parliament meanwhile the president of the european council donald went even further saying that there was only one positive solution and that of course it seems to be a day in the year now other e.u. leaders have pretty much had it to the back of their teeth with the decision from the u.k. with leaders from italy and france trying to put their own country's interests first rather than a president might call as even to some degree started to give the u.k.
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the cold shoulder. the u.k. is heading towards a no do despite there being no agreement it scares everybody the first loses of the british people maybe we can improve on one or two points i don't really believe that because we went to so far as we could in the existing agreement. just in order to try and solve the problem of british internal politics we want not defend the interests of europeans but plenary session is taking place currently in the european union parliament it's being led by people of course talking about breaks it might have been hoping that they could have been dotting the i's and crossing the t.'s on this deal today but not so it looks like it's back to the drawing board and in fact there are warnings now that. high risk new deal is a very likely outcome. of a no deal has never seemed so high and our goal is to avoid such
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a scenario but we also have a responsibility to remain clear headed which is why we will intensify our efforts to put this possibility many voices are now suggesting that a second referendum is a very realistic possibility but briggs it is a warning that if a second referendum takes place it might produce the same result but actually with a larger majority for leave if the trial becomes complete and we are forced to vote in the second referendum you may be in for a big surprise the british may be a very placid people very laid back but i promise you they get pushed too far it's a law that will roll or we will be even more defiant if we have to fight a second referendum and we'll win it by a big majority. ok well we can talk about the economic ramifications now because he joined by a market analyst based in london craig good afternoon what a mess the u.k.
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seems to be in. what's been the reaction in the markets so far. the reaction been relatively muted so far to say that coming on the back of a lot of volatility in the pound the pound is roughly where it was forty eight hours ago shows just how open the remainder of this period is we have one or two boxes now with a vote of no confidence in the government a day there'll be another box checked off but it still seems there's many many avenues that we can go down before we reach exit day whenever the big knot leaves plenty of possibilities for exit again assuming that we actually hit exit and that this isn't provoked the thoughts of a. uncertainty isn't there always know that the markets don't like that what perhaps would give trade isn't the market's confidence at this stage.
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but i think one thing that's actually giving the markets confidence at this stage is the overwhelming majority in parliament against no deal breaks it and the reason that is is because regardless of the vote to happen in twenty sixteen alternately it's m.p.'s that have to sign off on this deal and if the noble majority is against no deal and are working behind the scenes to prevent it from happening through various legislation which is making to resume a job or even more difficult then the chances of it actually happening are still slim especially given the fact that the u.k. and unilaterally withdraw of article fifty at any stage due to the cooling of the european court of justice this means this reduces the possibility and that's what's stopping the pound falling further joining this uncertain period if it all becomes apparent at any stage craigs it. was going to become more likely what would be the reaction then how bad would it be for the british economy do you think.
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you know i mean it's always dependent on the varying degrees of a hard drugs and no deal breakers it would of course be the hardest version of brakes it which we can envisage and i think it would be pretty devastating in the short term for the u.k. economy and i don't mean to overplay this i'm not talking great depression in the country but at least in the short term or do you think recessions are a high possibility or high likelihood i do think they're all going to be difficulties on the borders for example which is going to make life challenging particularly like say from an economic standpoint that will take its toll in the markets and i'm typically looking for example at the pound here which tends to be the primary reflection of these near term risk but we would see it reflected elsewhere things like government bonds would would would see we'd see the yield for here because that would factor in fewer rate hikes over the. in years so yes there would be an economic impact and that would take its toll on the markets but that isn't the worst case scenario. again i do feel and i want to stress this i do feel
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like the worst case scenarios possibilities are fading because of the significant opposition to this in parliament and really for me the only possibility now for nobody or breaks or anything that resembles it comes from a second referendum in which the people actually vote for. fascinating stuff craig we'll leave it there good to told you have craig a market analyst in london thank you. well after her parliamentary trancing theresa may now has three days to come up with norton as who breaks it plan though before that she does have to survive a vote of no confidence table by the opposition as we were talking about there are these twenty boyko looks at the possible outcomes the deal is in tatters and it looks like in relation to the break that agreement it's back to square one for to raise them a there is a rather more pressing issue for her now and that is that she's got to see your another leadership challenge now this time it's the leader of the opposition party
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labor jeremy corbyn immediately after to resume a last ten francs he said that he tabled a motion of no confidence in the prime minister so for the entire day they're going to be debating whether they've got confidence into reason may's leadership and at the end of the day it will be put to a vote now it looks as though it's a reason they will be able to see off this leadership challenge of course many of us will remember that she managed to see off the leadership challenge from within her own party just at the end of last year so it's expected that all her road conservative politicians will support her otherwise they'll risk a labor government which is something that despite all their disagreements they can all agree that they don't want and also the democratic party of northern ireland which soap. thoughts to reason may they have a confidence and supply agreement in parliament they have also said that they will support to resume a in that vote so she will then need to get back to the issue of salvaging this
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bragg's it deal and at the same time a lot of all the forces coming in to play. another news america's indecision over whether it's staying or going as regards syria could go on for some time that's what russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov hinted at his first big media conference of the new year. used to be a problem when there are problems with regards to america's plans a trust withdrawal was supposed to happen in two months when this was six months it's like mark twain who said it's easy to quit smoking i've done it a thousand times also it's an american tradition. ok let's cross live now to our correspondent in franken who is actually at that q. and a session a lot talks about elian just going through some of the cane points some of the other ones he might. pander hi well first of all
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just want to go back to lab rob's take on washington's plans to leave syria it didn't really sound critical as you've heard perhaps skeptical is the better word here and it was quite surprising i should say to hear sergei lavrov talk about all kinds of deliveries and supplies for. american troops in that country the point that he made was that the point that he made for americans why aren't you being as efficient when it comes to these kind of deliveries of humanitarian aid to the refugees there now the very first question of the press conference was about the potential collapse of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty washington wants the treaty scrapped because of alleged violations by russia and mr lavrov explained why the very latest attempts to find common ground
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and save the treaty failed. a constructive move but it was a few screws that are the constructive proposal of the russian side to allow the united states at the expert level to inspect the nine and seven to nine missile which they suspect of violating the treaty however the united states arrived with a pre-determined position which consisted in an ultimatum and in demanding that we under. american supervision destroy this missile it's launches and all equipment associated with it. previously we've heard many times that the landmark i.n.f. treaty is a real pillar of security in europe so this time we even heard surrogate of move on by saying that he's counting on european states in this case to. the population of oxford to go to we are still ready to work to save the treaty on medium and shorter range missiles i hope that the european countries that are
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interested in this will also make efforts not to bounce to america's opposition and not to accept statements to nato blaming russia we will try to ensure that washington takes a more responsible position. my question was about paul whelan an american as we first thought who was charged officially with espionage here in moscow just before new year's eve however later we found out that the man also has the passports of the u.k. canada and ireland surrogate lavrov said that diplomats of any countries that will request some sort of access to the man who's accused of spying here in russia well get that axis and then he went on to talk about russia's transparency record when it comes to this case and he said that it's nowhere near to a total lack of transparency on the british side when it comes to the script
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poisoning case. we will not act like a british colleagues we will act in accordance with an obligation zone the international treaties and in accordance with diplomatic decency ask for information regarding what we learned this suspected of we have provided it but i assure you that there is more information regarding wheelin than about the location of sin again scrape out. and even our top story of this hour was brought up and that is of course the brags that the deal and further negotiations however surrogate lavrov didn't talk much about this he says that it's up to the countries that want to meddle or interfere in other states affairs and according to the russian foreign minister moscow doesn't get involved in these kind of things. this type of psychology characterizes
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countries and politicians willing to meddle and somehow orchestrate processes in other countries we don't do that it's not our way of conducting diplomacy and i wouldn't say anything about brics it there's always someone ready to say that russia is rubbing its hands and rejoicing. so that was what a bit more than two hours of speaking to the journalists with a whole variety of international issues covered as usual by the russian foreign minister sergei. thanks for the update of any pranking for us there in the center of moscow thank you. major brand of men shaving products is facing a backlash over its latest promotional video the target audience has apparently been left unimpressed by the efforts to let to respond to the meeting movement the number of dislikes under the video on new cheap far outweighing the likes.
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we believe in the best in men while sweeny. just say the right thing. to act the right way. who. already are. but is not enough. because a voice watching today. want to put that to good pandering a term to capitalize on the conflicted new feminist narrative all mundine privilege perpetrate dessen all women being virtuous victims yeah a lecture from a razor blade company just needs advertising solving device of complicated social issues.
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aren't you selling razors yet but if you do it in changing the world here. retirees are based philosophy what are you doing if you insist. on trying to give us some kind of moral guidance chemical. this stuff we come to you for. we put the issues raised by this investment steve malzberg a t.v. host and a political comment also. she's the founder of the new nude and diverse to greece. why is that a bad thing to highlight the best way the best version of yourself whether you're a male or you're a female what's wrong with highlighting the best version of the what's wrong with inspiring men to be the best men that they can be that i don't see anything wrong
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with that and i think they should carry on doing as they see this video shows the masses of men as he will and the few trying to stop them and by the way boys will be boys there's nothing wrong with a boys getting in the scuffles with the boys i did it in my youth all my friends did it we grew up just fine these days if a boy just you know puts. it for seven eight years old six years old this is a girl on the cheek instantly he's suspended from school he has a blot on his record for like if he goes like this bang bang in a schoolyard maybe you know innocently at five or six years old he's suspended this is crazy stuff of course that will be somebody that we boys but what does that mean what does it mean are we allowing mental always have fights in the street do we condoning it is ok but he's a boy so it's ok to fight it's ok to do this in u.k. especially with not being such
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a high rate we condoning it by saying oh no it's ok but it will be boys it's ok to be violent it's ok to be aggressive no it's ok to not be aggressive it doesn't it doesn't affect you masculinity it doesn't demean you must the knitting and if you are threatened by this by this ad if your masculinity is threatened then you have to question what you what masculinity means to you how dare you so presumptive as presumptuous as to imply that men are evil by nature and boys are evil by nature and need them to lecture to us to us males otherwise they're going to turn into homophobes it and bring people up and break people and abuse people this is. not complete to see. in think it's absolutely fantastic they're focusing on the positives there's actually always a lot of people that generalize men for being sexual predators awful being a native of the attitudes but in fact. is focusing on the positives there is
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actually in fact some men out there doing the right thing it presents as if the majority of men are being stopped and you know by these these few good men who somehow overcame the bascule birth and they've developed into the the keepers of the bad majority of men who are masculine the overwhelming majority of men by sure are going to do the right thing. like you had here you're not donald trump's facing a number of investigations into alleged ties with russia the weekend it was revealed the f.b.i. started its probe the moment he entered office this has led some to suspect a different kind of collusion this kind of explains. it's been a leak to the media that during the presidential campaign the f.b.i. investigated donald trump to see if he was working for the russians now the f.b.i.
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investigation found nothing however the fact that it even took place is being described as a scandal within itself but the reality is that the f.b.i. has a long history of looking into top u.s. government officials and their ties to the rue skis for example they were all over vice president henry wallace when he called for a more peaceful approach to the soviets the real peace treaty we now need is between the united states and russia on our parts we should recognize that we have no more business in the political affairs of eastern europe than russia has in the political affairs of latin america western europe and the united states at that time the mainstream media dragged him through the mud and let's not forget george mcgovern the liberal senator who was investigated also by the f.b.i. we all know that for years liberals and progressives were called soft on communism in moscow agents this charge was even leveled against dr martin luther king jr they investigated henry wallace f.d.r.'s vice president they tried to smear him as a communist wallace was condemned and seen as
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a threat not to the american people and national security but the security of the interests of these powerful people for whom the agency's work and not for the american people but here's the kicker what's different is that these investigations never came to light they were kept out of the public eye until documents were released two years later but what seems to be revealed here is the close relationship between the intelligence agencies and the press and b c editor william arkin recently resigned in protest of the fact that the way he sees it american media is essentially just being used by intelligence agencies the generals in the national security leadership that runs the country and now also has the commentators in the analysts who populate the news media really are not people who we can look to as saying while they won a war they they avoided a war they achieve some magnificent. jack to in fact they are the custodians and the architects of perpetual warfare it's much more open and that's very chilling
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actually journalists are sucked into want to be close to those in power and it's become really taking dictation in many ways of whatever government tells them the vetting process the challenger in particular on national security and issues and foreign policy now they can go right out in the open and there's no filter there's no skepticism about this as we have in the past and so you've got journalists openly siding with the intelligence agencies as if they have paid assets of those agencies so rather than learning anything scandalous about donald trump what we actually learned something scandalous about the mainstream media. r.t. new york and that brings you up to the news this hour we're back again at the top of the next. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. i've been seeing the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in. more than ten thousand dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global to the ultra rich wheat six percent
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market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred trees per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one distance showed you know for two minutes the one and only. oh. we've. got any. bets on us. so i know you're not.
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giving up as i must. already. be in the. media. so who is christopher manny well i grew up in several small towns throughout the midwest. from a good christian family. and joined the national guard and then eventually college and along force. i did thirteen a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my peak knew that they
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could trust including the street people. you know a lot of people don't realize but i was a single parent raising two chances farai my place as a street racist guy. ends puerto rican in mexico and my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report a guardrail why couldn't you just talk to the fact the matter is that's only to try to do and the attack was so quick and so violent you know i kept pushing them off and he just kept texting what was going through your mind at that point. just to houston if you don't think. we've got a fourteen. and fifteen gosh our way there's no stippling. for a bird or bird gun powder particles on a scale and surrounding any of the entrances so. that fire was not what that strike and this as a quest for manny what he shot at the center of the main set of i'm not saying that
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