tv News RT January 16, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EST
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i. i. i i. i. i. breaking news from syria this hour the u.s. confirms its soldiers have been killed in an explosion in the strategic syrian city of miami beach an attack which has been claimed by islamic state. u.k. prime minister faces a vote of no confidence shortly after she suffered the biggest parliamentary defeat
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in modern british history as both sides of the bright debate unite against her. ministers have gone but the shambles has remained unchanged point of credibility as a government for. what you just call. and europe was quick to react to the outcome of the vote and some senior politicians saying the e.u. would make no further concessions another's urging the u.k. to clarify its plans and also to come physical deadlock in venezuela with the opposition leader and i'm seeing a plan to oust elected president nicolas maduro and create a new government until new elections can be held. hello there well can you watching r.t. international just seven pm here in moscow. now we start with breaking news because
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four american soldiers have reportedly been killed a man from explosion rocked a crowded area in the center of the syrian city that's according to media reports the official u.s. army twitter account confirmed casualties but didn't specify the number of those killed local media though published a number of five video c.c.t.v. footage capturing the moment we're going to show you now word of warning though you might find the images disturbing. you really should. islamic state has claimed responsibility for the blast shortly after the attack u.s. military vehicles were filmed close to the scene by artie's video agency ruptly here's a video sent by rep prefer a man big boss on the ground also confirm that u.s. troops have now placed the whole city or locked pentagon military helicopters also reportedly arrived to evacuate the injured so let's get some more details now from
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all this layer paula good evening again this. american soldiers have been killed a significant development. at seven years a significant development we've heard from the spokesperson for the u.s. led coalition against islamic state known as operation in here when it was old now he has confirmed that they are american deaths although he hasn't given any specific numbers however we are hearing from local sources that for american soldiers have been killed turkish media is reporting that there are wounded american soldiers who have been airlifted via helicopter to nearby hospitals now at the same time the spokesperson has said that they are gathering information and they'll release a report as soon as they have updated information but he did say that the american troops were on patrol in the city what we do know according to eyewitnesses is that there were more than a dozen walking. down the main street is near
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a busy market it is also near a cafe where we've heard from eyewitnesses there was under way between members of the military council and what they say are some foreign dignitaries who don't have any information as to the nationality of those in the meeting we assume they were american having said that though there are reports that there were also three inch troops in the area now the american president donald trump has been briefed on the situation and has said that he is monitoring developments the figures of those who have been injured and killed continue to fluctuate the latest figures we've received off sixteen people who have been killed but we still waiting for confirmation of that as you mentioned the city is in lockdown people are not being allowed to move around and american troops have been stationed at the entrances and exits to the hospitals of course among those injured and killed awesome valiant's who just found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time and not islamic state has claimed responsibility they say that they were targeting u.s.
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backed forces and that it was a suicide bomber with an explosive vest who carried out the blast it was quite a heavy blast in the area you do see storefronts you see windows and you see cars who have all been damaged at the same time there were military vehicles military helicopters on the scene to try and control and contain what had happened there is a lot of talk back on social media between kurds and turks each blaming each other because of course the man bridge is an important area it's in northern serbia and this incident comes just weeks after the american president donald trump made the surprise announcement that he is withdrawing american troops from syria but that withdrawal will take time and in the meantime you do have american troops who continue to conduct patrols in the area so it is an area that holds interest to both the turks that could see who currently control the city the americans the
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russians and now islamic states we will bring you more as we get more information. ok thank you poor that was a poor slayer for us there with the latest on this story get more comment matty from jonathan steele he's an international affairs commentator and joins us this evening a good evening to you jonathan how significant do you think this attack is given the fact we were told wormy by donald trump himself that i still had been defeated in syria not long ago exactly as i was fired measures is very serious indeed for the americans and if it is confirmed later that fall u.s. troops were definitely killed i would is the highest single just total since the u.s. arrived two and a half years ago in northern syria sir it would obviously put a lot as a state into the iris is defeated it is quite a coup fires his command be just more than two hundred miles away from nearest circle concentration virus fighters as are still holed up in parts of the euphrates
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valley near the border with iraq so it would mean that they managed to get to syria so. several hundred miles into u.s. occupied syria and its fullness trust city how might this impact america's policy in syria the moment they had said they were going to withdraw do you think that will speak this will speed up the river or you could argue it's a reason for america to stay well i think that's exactly the kind of thing that will be argued now in washington it's hard to know what trumps instance will be there might be one instinct from him might be as much or one saying we're going to get revenge or the children are going to retreat and we will say. and we are still inches or it might be you saying look this was unwinnable it's pointless it was a known object is defeating iris large areas and taking away its territory has been achieved and therefore we're leaving and this killing really shows that it's not no
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conscience training any longer so it could go either way. also we have to put this into context only because looking over at syria we do know that i saw has been on the back foot and largely pretty much the feted which he say this is perhaps just the final throw the dice by i saw would you anticipate perhaps that we have a state is how weak they've become. rather than again it's hard to predict which one is a real reacclimated sort of sit back and. ask themselves on the back what the managed to achieve and leave it is a one off although no trying to repeat it but it manages a very tense area between turkey and united states emeritus had promised more than two years ago as a tradition of his would withdraw from the city and the u.s. would remain there and the kurds are still there and turks. said that the u.s. has betrayed them and not fulfilled its commitment and broken its promises and so
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on and each actually do love to hear talk. of the same time syrian government is trying to take over if the americans. do a deal with the troops to come in and to take a chance or it's a very conflict euro area. now this adage in bridge entire surgeons it makes it even more complicated hill and makes it even more difficult to resolve the wood assuring. us it will. really have to see you know how trump reacts as the trustee to see whether he. will once there is a johnson and johnson says ok jonathan good to speak to you are going to have to leave it there is jonathan steele international affairs commentator thank you. now the pressure just keeps piling up on the british prime minister's treason may the moment because the day after suffering the biggest defeat of a government in modern british history over her breaks into four steals she now faces a vote of no confidence to see evening with all the details on this is the situation
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. what comes next is indeed another crucial vote for the british prime minister who is continuing to struggle for survival and really hanging on for dear life as we speak now following last night's crucial and massive defeat at the house of commons where she lost by two hundred thirty votes on her bracks that deal that she has been fighting for for two years three some may certainly face lots of humiliation today a new day she's already back at the house of commons where she's facing a crucial vote of no confidence that was put forward by the opposition party leader jeremy corbyn last night the house of commons today she's being accused just having lost control she's being accused of being in denial she's being accused of not listening to the will of the people accept her etc etc she's been facing quite a grilling in parliament not just today but certainly in the previous days as well
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. to defeat the worst part of any you keep government westminster keel engine oil on a customs union in denial on no deal in denial on the amount of money being spent preparing for a no do. on last night's results be talked about being in denial the only person in denial in this chamber is him because he has consistently consistently failed to set out what his policy on the brakes is this government has failed in our country it cannot govern cannot command as opposed to most people facing the most important issues. at the moment which is predicted they failed again on the last of our last night on lucky child described as the key issue facing this country. with every other previous prime minister faced with this defeat on snowy day
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looking very sorry. we would be able to come along. well the best case scenario for the british prime minister as we speak is a very very long day of accusations and hanging by a thread but she gets to keep her job the worst case scenario is she might be shown the door later today if this vote of no confidence does not go in her favor now still m.p.'s have several hours to go where they're going to debate this and we are expecting results to be announced around seven pm local time now just to be clear many of the predictions here despite theresa me having seen this massive defeat last night are still pointing towards her being able to stick around and survive yet another vote of confidence out the house of commons because the math continues to be in her favor and also there are plenty of conservative. party m.p.'s who
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might have said no to her deal last night but who probably wouldn't want to see developments such as opposition party leader jeremy corbyn coming to power so all of those things could be coming into play and for now predictions are that she will be able to make it again through that difficult situation but again we'll see that in the next couple of hours as things develop here in westminster the bigger questions are what happens afterwards because if she wins she gets to stick around but what does she do because she couldn't you know go back to appease her obviously very angry try. to find out what it is that would make them happy or take that to brussels where the e.u. have said they wouldn't want to renegotiate the deal that was said no to last night so it's very difficult and many people here have been saying that's like it or hate
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it or want to rescind me to go nobody is thinking her position is easy in this particular sense and also if she loses then obviously what's expected is a resignation a possible general election more chaos it has to be said that here in the u.k. people are not just experiencing brecht's that fatigue but certainly election fatigue would be an issue as well because many people remain or leave want this to move forward while obviously things here have been at a deadlock with so much uncertainty about what's going to happen next so still all of the possibilities of this new deal brags that no bracks and second day a second referendum or general election reshuffling the government all of those are still possibilities as right now at this minute it's clear that the u.k. is somewhere that is much more uncertain than when this whole process began for europe was eagerly awaiting the outcome of the vote to the politicians quick to
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react spain austria and the czech republic said their governments were prepared for any type of breaks it some other european leaders also expressed their readiness for anything. regarding the future relations the reserve course the possibility of further defining certain points if this helps to avoid a hard break that scenario will of course do everything to find an orderly solution but who are also prepared if there is no orderly solution we still have time to negotiate but we are now waiting to see what the british prime minister proposes we were always the u.k. work to move from its red lines of the costumes union in the single market the position could evolve also leaders have long lamented that result from the two thousand and sixteen referendum but now that that deal that was on the table has been outright rejected by parliamentarians in the u.k. it seems that they think that the only option now is for the u.k. to remain possibly via a second referendum anglin merkel the german chancellor said there was still times
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for talks and clarification there was also clarification from claude the president of the european commission who said he regretted that decision by the u.k. parliament meanwhile the president of the european council donald went even further saying that there was only one positive solution and that of course it seems to be a day in the year now other e.u. leaders have pretty much had it too at the back of their teeth with the decision from the u.k. with leaders from italy and france trying to put their own country's interests first rather than k. president michael is even to some degree started to give the u.k. the cold shoulder. the u.k. is heading towards a no deal despite there being no agreement it scares everybody the first losers of
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this are the british people maybe we can improve on one or two points i don't really believe that because we went to so far as we could in the existing agreements and just in. order to try and solve a problem of british internal politics we want not defend the interests of europeans the plenary session is taking place currently in the european union parliament it's being led by people of course talking about breaks it might have been hoping that they could have been dotting the i's and crossing the t.'s on this deal today but not so it looks like it's back to the drawing board and in fact there are warnings now that are high risk no deal is a very likely outcome. of a no deal has never seemed so high our goal is to avoid such a scenario but we also have a responsibility to remain cool headed which is why i wouldn't turn. to for this possibility many voices are now suggesting that a second referendum is
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a very realistic possibility but briggs it is a warning that if a second referendum takes place it might produce the same result but actually with a larger majority for leave if the trial becomes complete and we are forced to vote in a second referendum you may be in for a big surprise the british may be a very placid people very laid back but i promise you they get pushed too far it's a law that will roll or we will be even more defiant if we have to fight a second referendum i will win it by a majority. of reporting there words like no deal breaks is no so second referendum being thrown around we take a look now at some of the doomsday predictions. is britain's brags and saw this spiraling out of control we've decided to press the pause button and get some perspective on how justified their parent mass hysteria is from both leavers and
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remain is first up we have the rejected deal with jeremy corbyn being its most outspoken critic the prime minister has to go seriously the boxed worst of all worlds deal which is bad for britain leaving the country in an indefinite halfway house without a real say some journalist acco the disappointment of the labor party leader one of the reasons that the u.k. will still have to conform to the rules in one way or another. yet michel barnier the man behind the deal himself clarified the roles from the very beginning the tradition we last for twenty one months during this limited period of time do hold. we continue to apply to do you. the divorce bill now this one is a big remember when most of the u.k. papers were dominated by headlines like these it gives us potential in the customs
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union with out and date divides up the united kingdom between northern ireland and great britain and pays thirty nine billion for nothing in return the likelihood is that the u.k. would probably have to pay out a similar amount if they were to remain in the the e.u. on the other hand will also stick to commitments made before that happened the united kingdom should pay its share of the commitments taken during its membership all e.u. projects and programs will be financed as forseen under the current multi annual financial framework. no deals that with other countries that it's the fear right this deal will deny the u.k. an independent trade policy while potentially keeping us out of existing e.u. trade policy we would be cut off from the world with our trade and economy regulated from brussels but there's another side to this story as the world trade organization director general puts it himself it's not the end of the world trade
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will not stop it will continue. as will be negotiating with the e.u. . the legal basis on which that trade is going to happen doesn't mean that you have a disruption in terms of trade flows or are becoming more moderate on the ticket so now that may's deal has been shelled for the time being surely some people should be happy wrong brace yourselves for the worst or at least that's the narrative that the media has been pushing right from the start plane to be unable to fly from the u.k. to the e.u. and vice versa creating chaos in ports before this is not an apocalypse movie is it. could britain be isolated overnight will all planes be grounded after brags that well the easyjet chief executive doesn't quite mirror that sentiment. deal so no you're. confident that fly will continue to march with if you're not frightened yet in this guardian article
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will send shivers down your spine but the reality is only thirty percent of all important projects is provided by the. but what about the meds forty five million packs of medicines leave the u.k. every month to go to europe and thirty seven million packs of medicines come to the u.k. it will still be able to trade with the e.u. on the basis of easier time with pharmaceutical products it would be difficult to imagine that officials would allow british citizens to be without essential medication just because they decided to leave the union wouldn't it well maybe they should have been clearer with their messaging it turns out that the feeling of uncertainty due to bragg's it has been pushing some nationals in the u.k. over the edge i want to the british government has somehow address this very issue . family members living in the u.k.
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by twenty nine march twenty ninth see will be able to continue receiving u.k. benefits the same terms as now it's no wonder that brags that saga is troubling the minds of both u.k. and citizens with the instability of a country in turmoil and who can blame them especially if you're fed fear in the papers on a daily basis more or less screaming the end of the world is nigh in a day or two to r.t. . now elsewhere venezuela is facing political deadlock after the country's opposition leader announced his party was ready to form a new government but after he refused to recognize the authority of president nicolas maduro who's just been sworn in for a second term so let's get more now from our he's kind of off and he joins us good evening calipso what lead us then to this point. well there has been strife in venezuela both economic and political and we just saw the
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inauguration of nicolas maduro after his reelection but that inauguration was condemned throughout south america by a number of u.s. aligned countries now it's also surfaced that at this point we've heard there's been a phone call between u.s. vice president mike pence and the leader of venezuela's opposition and in that phone call mike pence expect expressed displeasure with venezuela's internationally recognized government and you know voice some praise for the opposition forces this is some of what mike pence said. is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power who is a precise the venezuelan people who for. the united states strongly supports the courageous decision by. the president of the national assembly to invoke constitutional protections and declare the country's presidency vacant now at this point there are rumors that the u.s. president donald trump might be considering to actually recognize the venezuelan
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opposition as being the legitimate government of venezuela now that would clearly be meddling in venezuela's politics and the u.s. has been quite clear that in some cases it does meddle in the case of other countries politics for the sake of what they consider to be the cause of democracy let's take a listen i don't mess around other people i will. only for the very good i didn't do mine video and those former cia girlie for a very good cause interests of democracy. now it has been reported that meetings have taken place that the trumpet ministration has had some dialogue with military forces and rebels in venezuela that were talking about some kind of coup against the internationally recognized government led by the united socialist party now at this point the white house is not being completely upfront about what exactly went on what they are saying is that dialogue with all venezuelans who
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demonstrate a desire for democracy is taking place and that they seek to bring the positive change to a country that has suffered so much under so that's what we're hearing from the white house we are hearing these rumors they do plan to recognize the venezuelan opposition but that is not yet confirmed we do know that there was a phone call so it seems that the united states that has long supported the opposition to the venezuelan government may be escalating that support but as of yet we're waiting to see what will happen ok thank you for that kind of. and thank you for watching so you can catch up on all of these stories also at our website at r.t. don't call plenty more there to enjoy to have a look at it when you can and that's it for now we're back again at the top.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamped each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich point six percent market saw thirty percent rise one of your thumb with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first shut in bitcoin rose. twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one doesn't show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust.
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everyone's story is different wants half is different you don't know what's actually going to hit you. like i was pretty comfortable in my life before this happened. earthenware dad for a. got me into this. you know i was a middle child. contrary he was the day. this is some day he was doing to just you know make sure he can money in his pocket. it was like me had to look out for me can but nothing happened to to the baby. i just hope that people can understand that i was a person who didn't deserve to die who didn't deserve to be shot fourteen times.
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