tv News RT January 17, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EST
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trump when he was running in two thousand and sixteen articulated a vision of foreign policy that was clearly at odds with what you would consider the sort of post-war liberal international consensus that that americans want held . dear might be some claim that there are elements of that critique that has the liberty here's the problem though it's not enough to offer a critique you can say that there are problems with the existing foreign policy and then you have to offer something that's better person period alternatives and this is where i think trump is has failed miserably. the british prime minister now really wins the votes of no confidence in politics just a day off the m.p.'s roundly rejected it you did. that to raise the maze bassam is far from over she's now having to reach out to opposition leaders in an effort to
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break the gregs the deadlock they've been laying out that demands. the government must remove must remove clearly once and for all the prospect of the catastrophe of it no deal right certainly. and as well as a political crisis deepens with the us reportedly considering during its full weight behind the opposition leader after rejecting the jets of a sea of nicholas mature president to. stop harboring fugitives that's the message from a sleaze interior minister he's calling on the french government to extradite dozens of italian terror suspects who are believed to be hiding and from. a very good morning to you you're watching aussie international with me nicky ara great to have you. well it's been
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a turbulent week so far for the u.k.'s prime minister after her proposed briggs it deal was overwhelmingly rejected by lawmakers to resume managed to survive a no confidence vote on wednesday of by a margin of nineteen votes the victory which saw her deeply divided conservative party rally around her followed an impassioned debate in the house of commons. is to the right three hundred and. to the left three hundred twenty five so there are no use having. to run these at this house has expressed its confidence in the government try to end this government has failed our country is a defeat for the government with our own bank ventures and the opposition and the you know. what are you against this government to not take this responsibility likely in my government will continue its work to increase our prosperity mr speaker the right honorable lady will. be no nothing has
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changed prime minister we will also continue to work to deliver on the solemn promise we made to the people of this country to deliver on the results of the referendum and here. isn't it the case mr speaker that with every other previous prime minister faced with this kind of defeat last night they would have resigned well a win is a win but my god that was narrow speaking after the vote she said that the next step now with for her to get on with break that that big headache on her hands and in order to do that she's willing to talk to other political parties she said she wanted to start my own cross party bragg's it immediately after the vote in order to come to some sort of consensus on an alternative for exit plan that she could try. and pushed through parliament after her brags it planned
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a really tanked in parliament earlier this week to resume a sustained and unprecedented defeat on tuesday with the original plan she'd cobbled together but i have storage number of m.p.'s rejected it so after winning her no confidence vote she said she was willing to extend more or less an olive branch to other political parties in order to try to come to some sort of political consensus and she added for talking to her political foes she likes to stick to the circle of trusted friends and advisers so it is quite a departure from her usual type of politics so she said let's talk i take a listen to what the leaders of the other political parties in parliament had to say in response before there can be any positive discussions about the way forward the government of. the government must remove must remove clearly once and
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for all the prospect of the catastrophe of a no duel break certainly on the all the chaos that would come as a result of what i commit the scottish national party to working constructively with the government however i do think it's important i do think it's important that the car that we make it clear to the prime minister in the spirit of openness in these talks that the issue of removing article extending article fifty over people's fault and avoiding a new deal has to be one to t.-bo we have to be. on the basis that we can move forward and achieve the result which to unify all the regions and it's only you know if you can do well they see that she's politically weak right now and there they are backing her into a corner seventy labor m.p.'s came out publicly pledging their support for another vote where also hearing rumors from brussels that the e.u. is all right. be willing to extend article fifty not just beyond june which had
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been floated as sort of a potential extension period given the turmoil but given how big this political crisis surrounding breaks it is that you is reportedly mulling over potentially extending bragg's it all the way into next year so in two twenty twenty two reason is now expected to head to brussels for crisis talks on brags that it will be hoping to win concessions from the e.u. officials on to negotiate changes to the current deal that will be voted on by british m.p.'s on monday currently the u.k. shuttle to leave the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march as things stand the country risks crashing out of the block with no deal. there are back to the lead of the u.k. independence party and mark omened of the oxford crisis in research institute gave us their thoughts on the impasse in parliament and what it means for the country.
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the establishment remind us of being counter-attacking for the last two and a half years with the assistance of mrs my with the assistance of the commission to get to this position where we are now not really leaving this whole two and a half year political sharod has been conducted on the false premise that you can't leave without a deal and of course you ended up with a deal that nobody wants even before the referendum i remember talking to some of the people who organize you believe campaign and i had imagined that they would have a whole shed jewel of parts of the european legislation they had to go up or so they could quite happily live with them so they would come out of the traps after the referendum if they wanted to and so this is what we're offering instead it took three years we begin to make that process and that's partly because the conservative party is very divided to want to do it it's also true the opposition is very divided so we have all these divisions and they council cross parties and
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they cut across the country too. well while everyone was waiting for some reason may's post about a dress outside ten downing street some unlikely visitors showed up. with. a group of venezuelan military officers have stated that they do not recognize nicolas maduro as the country's president they made the statement in peru where they are in exile they lend their support to the opposition leader one quite oh
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here we supported by the us he says his party is ready to form a government after rejecting them is just a mistake of president nicolas maduro kind of more. popular one boy who has declared himself to be the interim president of venezuela is choosing not to recognize the inauguration of nicolas maduro the president who was just sworn in no election took place to select one weighed over as the head of the national assembly at this point he is granting no legitimacy to the venezuelan state and it's worth noting that the u.s. government loves him this is what was said by u.s. vice president mike pence nicolas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power who is a precise the villa's wailin people who for too long the united states strongly supports the courageous decision by. the president of the national assembly to invoke constitutional protections and to clear the country's presidency vacant now at this point rumors are circulating that donald trump is planning to recognize the
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unelectable. wedo as venezuela's head of state marco rubio the u.s. senator is trumpeting the call from the us his perspective since we recognize the legitimate president of the of the national assembly as president pending a new election i think that the time has come to expel them a girl appointed embassadors and allow the new constitutional president to appoint replacements the washington post even gave a platform to publishing an op ed that he wrote now doesn't that sound a lot like foreign meddling the usa has been pretty open about choosing to side with the opposition against venezuela's government back when she was in office this is what nikki haley said at the united nations the systematic oppression of the venezuelan people has become an active threat to the entire region for the safety and the security of all people and latin america it is time for men to to go back in september the white house would not deny that it had met with people that were
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plotting a coup to overthrow the venezuelan government when asked about the issue it simply gave a vague statement about democracy and since then we've actually heard donald trump calling for the violent overthrow of the venezuelan government it's a regime that frankly could be toppled very quickly by the military or the military to do that now the washington post in the new york times two top newspapers in the usa have both published an op eds calling for the military to overthrow the elected government in venezuela now u.s. leaders say this is simply out of humanitarian concerns they only want to intervene to rescue those poor oppressed venezuelans socialism has bankrupted the oil rich nation and driven its people. into abject. poverty as we've seen the completion of venezuela's collapse into dictatorship we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option there is no greater chose today than the full scale
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dismantling of democracy and the heartbreaking humanitarian disaster in venezuela but how exactly can u.s. leaders claim that they know what average venezuelans want venezuela is facing a deepening economic political and social crisis but we can't possibly understand this crisis or see a way out of the crisis without understanding u.s. intervention the end the us has been trying to topple this government since the year two thousand two thousand and one and so i mean the us is not promoting democracy in venezuela the u.s. is stepping up in intervention in a moment in which it sees that it now has an actual possibility of overthrowing the government the u.s. particularly is threatening to recognize this opposition as the legitimate government and it is threatening to impose heightened oil sanctions so that it would not only import bennis well than oil and refine it in the united states the purpose is not to bring democracy the u.s. doesn't intervene in other countries in order to bring democracy to those countries
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that it intervenes in order to secure its own interests so it if it bolsters recognizes and props up dictatorships when it's in its in the u.s. interest to do so and a choice to bring about regime change through elections in which it intervenes in those actions so the usa says that it wants democracy in venezuela well nothing sounds more democratic than having the military roll into the capital and overthrow the elected leaders caleb mop and marty new york. the attorney and terry i'm in a cemetery salvini has accused france of harboring fugitive terrorist suspects and is calling on a man who mccrum to hand over charlotte picks up the story of two decades on the run one of eight to. yes most new tourists criminals finally steps back on to home soil says operatives steve charged with four murders was part of the so-called great book gates that terrorized the country back in the seventy's.
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to me is into a prison sentence but tiste escaped to france now under the so-called to me to hold on doctoring by which foreign terrorists were given safe haven if they had to announce their past crimes france welcomed him with open arms for decades he enjoyed something of a celebrity status becoming an author he mingled with the literary elite and politicians now the success in bringing him to justice has led to italy to call on other countries including france to stop hall bring terrorists.
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to the french president to return to italy the fugitives that should not be drinking champagne under the eiffel tower who should be rotting in jail and it's only it's only world's france to hand over more than thirty over these champagne terrorists. the list includes new cisco an n.t. who said to live in this house south of paris. i think that over the forty years we could find a solution to this story as has already been done in the history of the world in civilised countries it's time to turn the page but i've never done what they accuse
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me of i am absolutely innocent a warrant from an n.t.'s extradition is currently being looked at and it's likely that he won't be alone in wondering if onse is about to give him up but there is a big but french officials have said extradition khant be pursued in most of the cases as the statute of limitations here would quash the proceedings with tensions between the two countries already at a tipping point over migrants the forthcoming elections and italy support for the movement this seems to be no sign that president michael has any intention of allowing salvini to claim a home run show that even ski altie charlotte so nor. the u.s. has said it will withdraw from a key cold war era arms control agreement with russia at the beginning of next month it comes after american and russian officials met in geneva for talks on the
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u.s. side concluded that mosco was in breach of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty a position long held by washington don't want to terminate everybody we're going to pull out that's that's important to the russians and they're not going to see that tradition right but they've been violated here for many years and it is russia's position that they're not going to play russia has dispatched been developing a destabilizing weapon systems for more than a decade so one has to ask how do you convince the russians to back into that outlook ations they don't think. in the light of these facts the united states today declared it is from russia in material breach of the treaty. would like to let them violate the nuclear agreement to go out if it was. not allowed to. we're not allowed to moscow says it's invited us inspectors to examine the missiles which washington claims violate the treaty but to no avail russia's deputy foreign minister says responsibility for the failure of the agreement lies squarely with
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america despite that flooded putin has said that there should be trumpet ministration changes mind russia is ready to hold talks on salvaging. the closure of the intention to withdraw from the i.n.f. treaty has become just another step in a sequence of similar actions it's obvious that such a course will have the greatest consequences despite the united states declared intention to withdraw from the i.n.f. treaty we are open to further dialogue on ways of preserving the treaty. washington's decision to tear up the agreement has also drawn criticism from many european officials who appear unsettled by the move. on we regret the withdrawal announced by the us we see this treaty as a very important arms control instrument and something that also serves european interests and therefore also german interest the announcement by the us that it's
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going to withdraw from the i.m.f. accord is regrettable the i.n.f. agreement has been an important pillar of our european security architecture for thirty years for us in europe it's of great importance we call on the us to consider the possible consequences if u.s. and russia need to remain engaged in constructive dialogue to preserve the treaty and to ensure. it to ensure its full and verifiable implementation which of course is crucial for europe's and global security the i.n.f. treaty was signed in one thousand eight hundred seven by ronald reagan and gorbachev and took effect here later it mandated both the us and the u.s.s.r. to destroy all ground by. missiles with ranges between five hundred and five thousand five hundred kilometers under the agreement and neither side has a flight to test produce only to floyd any such missiles and it's an.
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investigative journalist rick sterling believes that tearing up the arms control treaty could have caught a strong fake consequences there are elements in the administration who just want to withdraw they want to escalate the arms race they want to their goal is quote unquote to achieve regain nuclear suprema see this is actually hugely important it'll be very dangerous not just for the united states and russia but for the entire world if we see that continuation of this decline in arms control and a resumption of a full fledged arms race and some people say well there are other nuclear powers such as china and other countries but rather than tearing up the i.n.f. treaty what should be done is to expand it to include other other countries that would be a logical way to proceed tearing up the treaty is going to be a very it's going to be a milestone that has potentially disastrous consequences very dangerous.
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so to come this hour the u.s. vice president has held the collapse of islamic states self-proclaimed caliphate says dollars off the terror groups militants targeted american soldiers in syria a story on small observational. and. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development only loosely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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you know world of big partisan. lot and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back the u.s. vice president declares an emphatic victory of islamic states on wednesday just hours after the terror group claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on american soldiers in northern syria. thanks to the leadership of
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this commander in chief for the courage and sacrifice of our armed forces the caliphate has crumbled and isis has been defeated. the attack which mike pence did not make reference to in any speech took place in the kurdish held city of man beach the u.s. military has said two of its soldiers a defense contractor and a civilian were killed in the apparent suicide blast and three more service personnel injured as a dozen civilians also reportedly lost their lives local media have released c.c.t.v. images showing the moment of the explosion a warning you may find the following footage upsetting. the use of the same. u.s. military commanders there is the troops were conducting a routine patrol at the time of the explosion so the off the attack american military vehicles were filmed close to the scene by artie's video agency raptly
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a military helicopter reportedly flew in to evacuate the wounded former u.s. diplomat jim just chance told us he says that some politicians will use the attack to attempt to convince the president not to withdraw troops from syria. i'm sure we will hear or we will hear of some pressure on the president to slow down or even reverse his withdrawal decision from within his own to and from capitol hill and pushing also from from the media and the think tanks and so forth i hope he stays the course on getting out but yes i am concerned that those people will use this incident as a lever or as an excuse or a pretext to say you see mr president it would be terrible if we left syria there's a chance that he would respond to it by keeping the troops there or by slowing down the pullout i hope however that that is not his reaction. beach is a strategically important city and a seen as seen as pivotal in determining the power balance in the wider region but
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in a question of explains. man bishop is the best place to try to understand the complicated puzzle of competing groups and the ones united syria which is now so divided with the multiple wars tearing the country apart located east of aleppo and west of the euphrates river three hundred thousand people live in the arab dominated city has been under the control of kurds for the past two years ever since they drove out and now if we look at the map this city is a tense frontline for well average single party involved in the conflict first there are kurdish forces who for generations have been locked in a bitter battle with attacks those who are in the territory doing syria will learn the necessary lessons for us there is no difference between the warring p.g. the p. y. d. p. kerry kerry and we will very soon take actions and neutralize the terrorist groups
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in syria the kurds moving west of the euphrates was a red line for turkey and at the same time turkey considers the kurdish presence there a provocation on the other hand they sacrificed a many men and resources to wrestle control for myself and won't be leaving without a fight while those drops the u.s. right in it up to its knees which is friends of both had to bring in its own troops to keep turkey because away from each other but while washington was trying to keep the warring sides opponents as our forces were provoking the wrath of ankara. the us is in the process of creating a terror army on our border but we have to do is nip this terror army in the barred america do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us or we will run out of patience and the us also had a hard time pressuring the kurds to actually leave the town kurdish commanders
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have. made commitments that they will turn over areas to local populations as they have been so tremendously successful in liberating those areas from gosh we expect them to live up to those commitments well the ca's us still and the town and after trump surprise the world and now i'm seeing the was drawable of his troops the kurds still worried about the threat coming from turkey turned to damascus and ask for help bringing yet another player into town now there are talks of introducing a save zone to the area but even that won't help the parties to settle their differences which leaves the man bearish as a microcosm of the entire multi interest fight which is the syrian conflict. or the washington post's meticulous fact checking has been ridicule along the line as offered launched a special investigation into donald trump's recent fall food banquets at the white
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house the publication apparently thought it important to establish the true height of the president's pile of burgas. about one thousand. members. so we actually were going to dallas and burger king of america i wanted to see show was piled up a mile high. well thank god we have the washington post to dig deep into this important story best to
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gauge. well ma'am pulitzers all the wrong. this gives meaning to the. the russians. order security our nation world consists the crisis shut down billion dollars a new leader and i just want to feel him let's let me let me just let me just say what i think the president. thanks for joining us this hour nazi international we're back in thirty minutes with the latest we'll see you then.
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