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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  January 17, 2019 1:30am-2:01am EST

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you know my back when i wanted to. ask but i. lost his bus because. the. so i was you're not. you're not just i mean. i'm already but it was sped. up and i must admit that he was i just don't get off on his english but those were the old. my family fussy. in the.
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greetings and. well i got i got some really really terribly disheartening new hawk watchers yes it would appear that yeah he will state of the union address you know washington d.c.'s mid winter formal might not be taking place this year thanks to president donald trump nancy pelosi in the going federal government shutdown i know i know we were all hoping for one to keep us warm on these cold winter nights here in america but yes sadly according to house speaker nancy pelosi the state of the union will more than likely be postponed. my friends listen and listen quietly
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and you just might hear of the gusts of the bitter are you see winter winds hundreds of capitol hill journalists cable news pundits and late night t.v. hosts wailing tears and anger over their lost ratings bonanza that is the state of the union oh. and yes watching grown men and women in bad suits applauding live we each other while standing up and sitting down more often than a cock with catholic mass is truly fantastic television there was another story this week of grown men and women in bad suits lying to each other on capitol hill that has a potential bigger impact on our lives than they postponed state of the union address i'm talking of course about the new attorney general confirmation hearings taking place this week and this very very peculiar exchange between minnesota senator amy club which are and nominee bob barr take a listen. so i want to ask you something i asked turning general sessions if you're confirmed will the justice department jail reporters for doing their jobs.
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i think that you know i know there are guidelines in place and i can conceive of situations where. you know as a as a last resort. and where a news organization has run through a red flag or something like that knows that they're putting out stuff that will hurt the country. there might be a city there could be a situation where we're someone would be held in contempt. putting out stuff that could hurt the country while that is frightening leave bag to hear from an attorney general. who i mean you know exams are is like that my friends that is why we always are watching the hawks.
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were pretty. good looks like real that this would be. as good a part of. what they like you like i got. with the please. please please. please. welcome everyone to watching the arc sirens i robot and out of the well as i'm ready to get jailed for say and stuff my heard. right purposely saying stuff that might hurt the best part is. you have to think about this literally though far. i don't
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know ok so anyway me i don't know if he literally i did like. the first time i really am. wow so i i'm curious what exactly in europe are there because there's apparently it's kind of very good we don't know what exactly would be construed as hurting the country according to mr william butler. it's kind of ridiculous that's the arabs are something that's hurting the country well that is that the end of it doesn't even give you any idea of what's what will you know there's no middle ground there's no understanding there's no what is that and here's the thing she asked a very specific question you know she did not hesitate she did not start or she said very clearly would you jail a journalist for doing their job. that job is protected. and yeah i know. this is exactly what i and other people here we all said about the way that arts he was treated during all of that and being treated as if somebody else
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gets to decide who is needy and who's not and it was like well you know if you do this you're going down a very slippery slope and it will be used against you and here we are and this is why this is why you don't use journalism as a weapon exactly and you know that his answer is kind of. because you know they've been trying to go after wiki leaks now you know that that's going to be top priority when they get in there plus the u.s. from what i understand can actually spied on journalists legally in this country absolutely this is we don't have laws protecting those kinds of things actually corkery or with the intercept reported that according to certain released documents obtained the u.s. government can monitor journalists under a foreign intelligence law that allows invasive spying and operates outside of the traditional court system the law known as the foreign intelligence surveillance act requires approval from the justice department's highest ranking officials in the.
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video that goes. through your notice is like. let's not let's not forget those two look you know james rise and all these the most associated with will blowers were hunted down and chased during the obama administration that in just a trump issue this is in the been a strange and this is you know it's kind of aggressively work and let's remember too d.h.l. is department of homeland security last spring was seeking out contractors to help them track the comings and goings of journalists bloggers and other media influencers through a database they were looking for a private company to do this the company would have twenty four seven access to a password protected media influencer database including journalists editors correspondents all. media bloggers the like all in order to identify any and all media coverage related to the department of the h.s. or a particular event that sounds creepy to me i'm sorry it's the modern equivalent of have you now or have you ever been or do you know anybody who is
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a member of my space. you know i mean this is we know you're on instagram have a tweet it is and i'm sorry the government shouldn't be making lists of journalists or bloggers or anything like that there's no excuse possibly that they could ever have for this kind of behavior. but seriously. the word. the cold hard facts are that men are still trapped in an antiquated world in which they are expected may require to adhere to stereotypes that not only assume men are intellectually incapable of thinking for themselves but also that any question of these stereotypes is an attack on masculinity case and point to what who premiered it's the best a man can get ad campaign during the one nine hundred eighty nine super bowl has flipped the script with this year's super bowl ad and a new slogan the best men can be the ad takes a long hard look at the effect of bullying sexual harassment and gender based aereo
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types the majority of the examples used in the out are how men teach boy of how men treat other men how men teach boys out of beat men and ultimately ask the question is what men are teaching boys the best a man can get of course because men haven't had to deal with marketing that criticizes them men's rights activists and failed c.n.n. host piers morgan tweeted i've used to let razors lend dollar entire adult life but this absurd virtue signaling p.c. may drive me away to come to a company less eager to fuel the current pathetic global assault on. what boys are boys what. ladies pierce figured out these spoke of his pain on good morning britain saying quote this is a result of the ongoing war against masculinity driven by radical feminists. he
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caught us just kidding actually piers the reason you are so triggered by the gillette ad sausages and meghan merkel's rejection of you is because you've been programmed to believe that the ads you grew up with they promoted domestic violence against women they told you we are in a man's world they insinuated women need a man to open a bottle and even allowed you to ponder isn't always the legal to kill a woman this was all to sell stamps coffee and beer the ads we women grew up with told us we were too fat too thin too pale too dark to feminine to masculine and generally that every inch of our bodies needed to be changed because men are disgusted by the natural female body except they wanted all the time it's very confusing so the reason people like piers morgan are so offended by what they see as p.c. culture run amok is because less than half a century ago delicate snowflakes terrified of social change got their way they got
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to segregate drinking fountains schools and lunch counters because they weren't triggered by being near those they sell for less than them they kept women out of boardrooms because their femininity was too distracting they publicly trash women who spoke up against sexual harassment and gave their abusers a seat on the supreme court of their shoulders sorry guys but the patriarchy hurts men too and if you think crying over razor commercial makes you masculine here's your kind of prove the point the ad was making. i got i got to say i'm offended by your toxic femininity right now just toxic which is just toxic angry feminism's is radiating from this are you kidding me there's a lot of. the. now if you're a bend by a razor blade. you have to seriously question your manhood you really like it if
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you're a very if a razor blade ad causes you to be like i'm offended i'm never going to use gillette ever again it's like our operation jumping on a movement to better their image and maybe sell more razor blades and promote a good message that's all it is it's not the end of the world i mean look piers swears get this piece of swears he's not a you know he's not angry about razors he tweeting no i'm angry and a campaign to end mankind which is strange and odd because he and other men's rights as active advocates have decried any suggestion that words like mankind are gender based uses and gender based anyway. until it changes in the next thing that's a good point it's absolutely ridiculous that anyone who is offended by it. you know asking men to be better men essentially but you really need to question him if you really had to ask yourself you know what was the whole am i getting this right. not
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to say that the ad is perfect right as far from perfect here's the thing you have to understand about advertising and i have to explain the cement because you guys have not had to deal with what we've dealt with for years for in other words marketing to men is it's not the same as my it's sort of the same but not the same as a marketing to women advertising works on this sort of idea of two basic catalysts the desire to gain approval from one's peers and the desire to do what is socially popular now the jhalak ad does the desire in men to gain approval but it also suggests that the popular social norms of boys will be big. ways is wrong so it's it's not a great ad and actually going to them because it's giving two separate ideas out of your logo at the start of the current of joke the botox experiment and b. but i think you know we hear that all the time talks are going to be doesn't really exist what the heck do you think feminism is about. a third the whole we get our goal of feminism is to topple the social norms i'll go this again for errors that
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everyone in the group to say it's the whole idea of feminism is to end equality is to topple social norms that put pressure on gender is too hyper sexualized our bodies use these subservient to corporate ideals of pleasure and pain or to only express our anger in specific ways toxic masculinity forces men to the side of sanders in order to get to the top of a social mountain toxic family and have been anybody does exactly the same and we as women are just now learning through me too and our treatment of other women that has fed them it does exist that's what we're working on so they don't. as we're going to break our quarters over going to let us know what you think the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and you tube and see our poll shows at our two dot com coming up we talk donald trump sprouse food nation and bam books in prison with author and speaker walk through dollars that stay tuned to watch.
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there's will be a whole cost going on america for profit and the drug companies are killing millions of americans for profit and if no politician does anything about it i mean i look around the world and i see these relational and the friends protests and i see that as growing going globally john locke said in sixteen to ninety i believe that if the social contract was broken then it's up to the people to revolt the social contract has been shattered revolution this is the son.
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of former secretary general of the united nations kofi anon once said literacy is a bridge from misery to hope and for an inmate locked up in here. and here in the united states of america the world's incarceration capital it's most often donated books that act as the bridge to hope this is why it's quite concerning when we see reports of the long time practice of sending books to prisoners is now being banned in states like pennsylvania yes according to slate dot com now no such direct donations are permitted instead the department of correction. says it's beginning a transition to e-books coupled with a bolster d o c library system in order to fight the flow of illegal drugs into facilities statewide but like most problems in this country this appears to be another case of blaming the object rather than the perpetrator because contrary to official belief most illegal drugs find their way into prisons prison employees like the one in pennsylvania who was recently busted for passing inmates drugs of
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years to do a good book i guess we should now claims who don't really like it anyway to help us do a few of us present punishment jumbo and a few other headlines this week is other speaker how do you feel about so do you should we ban it no. i haven't played it in the really. curious what you know as an author i want to do two things have you had prisoners read your books as an author and or book how are books important for the rehabilitation of prisoners i know we don't talk about rehabilitation in the us prison industry. but but how on that are available. to more jails to do book talks than of being to like literally book clubs. presence is so hard and so dangerous they can just see the conditions just drive people crazy that books books are one of the few things that help so many people get through that bit so the fact
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that like the jail woman did not people have that is just it's just goes to show you know let's blame the victims you know let's let's point the finger at the wrong people. one of the reasons they say they're doing this is is switching to something like an e-book and a reader which on the one hand seems like you could actually provide more it would be easier but it's so cost prohibitive that i have to ask do you think this is actually something that's helping to bring you know prison libraries into the future or is this just another way to scam off people. families on the outside that have to suddenly pay extra for something oh i'm so glad you asked that. it's a scam and there's a lot and it's not true because i've been to even more public schools than i've been to jails and they don't even have to redesign it so why are you going to start giving them the present is like it just doesn't make any sixty's any sense what they're trying to do is they're trying to stop protesters and people from like marching against it they want to just try to ease everyone to say look we're going
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to replace just with something better and it's not going to happen and you know honestly. it's very easy to send books to prisons without people smuggling drugs and you know because the books the federal prison every month you can ship it right to amazon so that the amazon box comes in what the amazon sale you slip it opened it up look inside of it no drugs just books and you get to the people who who ordered them or who are sent the people who are who are supposed to receive them i do it all of the time so i just i just don't think it's true. when you see these like reports of in the u.k. even they said that the biggest people bringing drugs and things like that into prisons were were there guards and that's unlike the u.k. you know here in time you see guys guys in georgia big group i think those are forty some odd guards got busted smuggling drugs into prisons in georgia i mean it's got all of those things words like you have to look at the employees yet nothing any reason drugs are getting and prison is me because somebody who works there are allowed only reason the only reason that is the the there's zero other
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reason for drugs at that way to get drugs and this is where it gets silly because they know this like they know it they know it but again like you said you know we don't blame the people it's actually causing the problems we figure out a way to put it back on the victims and you know the books and i pads you know they're going to be cost and sold you're going to cost of these prisoners money they're going to cost your families money going to download the book they'll be like twenty dollars and one hundred seventy so you know they'll charge more you're creating like a new like something new like a new revenue stream new revenue stream and a job because people are going to get a crack going to hear from. you know if it's. they actually ever get them if they get you know personally not to sound too radical but i think that every thing every president especially ones who exhibit good behavior under those conditions deserve a cell phone and they should be you know if you are already locked away you should be able to have contact with your family your children your friends something help you get through well there's a lot of people don't believe that there was the idea that originally prison was supposed to be a place to rehabilitate someone like lock them up throw away the key and hope they
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come back because you know that's what it kind of seems like to me you know yeah there's no there's no rehabilitation there's now this idea it's keeping people out of society but i don't know that it's ever i don't know that a president ever really been rehabilitated at least here i mean it was slave it's a way to get away with slave labor camps at least here and you know that became speaking of slave labor and cheap prices and i'm going to i don't. so this week president donald trump apparently due to the federal government shutdown is limited serving options at the white house had to serve the college national football champions the clemson tiger climbs and. he gave them fast food during the white house visit. what do you make of this now infamous kind of thousand burger dinner that goes with mcdonald's burger king when the now the president gives promise he promised taco bell was a good paper the whole meal. could just let you just
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it's just when you think you get what. it will surprise you you know. devon sent me a message earlier everyone was mad at michelle obama for trying to get kids to eat vegetables and i was like man like you have it right on here like you know. it's disgusting and it's his words very very very very very very very very sad. that. these are just facts i mean it seems. here's a billionaire i mean he bragged about a pig that he uses on money i'm like that's the best you could do like the restaurant here but there's a ranch that. literally three blocks from a block away there's a ton of great restaurants in the city some of the best in the world and you can just order a mop but i will say the one thing i found really ridiculous like if you are going to do this and you're gonna bring in mcdonald's and you're going to bring in fast
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food i think it was very un-american that trump did not include a make red we're going to have to not only that we like to play fair we like to play fair so we do have to acknowledge that there's not even each school so he's not giving them something that he doesn't. every child doesn't ever would do they remember of bill clinton back in the day would jog around washington and then stop by mcdonald's. truck it's k.f.c. what it makes in the fourth most elegant he said. because we're going to just let me ask you guys what was it like it was or you're both your producers on this is you know there's people though that argue that this is people are making too big a deal about this kind of thing and. curious like what do you what do you feel is it is people making too big of a deal out of this and this is kind of like so the president and some fast food the white house but a football team what does a really. i think it's a disrespect of the food itself it wasn't put out very well those fries were put in
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like cups you do like mouthwash and they were like dixie cups of fries under a lamp not even a hand lamp but i just i feel like if you're going to do that do it don't put a bunch of ranch dressing in a gravy boat that's like fine silver that was designed by a power hundred years ago by past presidents wife maybe don't put that in there just why couldn't you just. do the same thing yeah i also think people get a little too obsessed with every little thing that he's doing and of course he does this so that we don't talk about anything or i think it's disgusting and i think people have a right to be upset because if you're going to go to the white house first of all. you know some of the things that he said and some of the things some of his actions that turned off a lot of people which is why i had to go to state and go which is well a lot and i felt players so the fact that these young kids are going to the white house which might be their only chance to ever go to the white house and their loves and should at least serve a decent meal served fast food you can even but
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a time they got through security and all of this stuff that stuff is probably cold and disgusted and it's just it's just not cool like you know a billionaire flip show you know get some some duck and some some fancy gravy is some type of some lunch with drizzle over the top it's important for. me burgers and fries and that's something that you are in the club for you because you want to absorb some alcohol before you drive home while it's all over do you know what i mean that's a great point this is a look at it that's exactly the point when it's on the taxpayer dime it is fine linen and the fast food and everybody and if it's some or if it's you know a prime minister from some other country that we want to sell arms to they lay out the red carpet when it's just american football players and oh it's then it's like well though like cheeseburger or not that's the group that i thought was a really good point to the fact that look the these kids might not be able i mean they might not there's a person only trip over to the white house you know why get why it kind of have
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that memory when it could have been a little bit more like you said fancy burgers and i have to say that well he's on furlough right now because no no he gets to be a centrist and i think the president not a president has to eat there has to be on every problem and i would hope so will do walk ins are going to say thank you so much for coming on and it's always a pleasure having you on and look at your important of these many many issues affecting the world today thank you. if appliance sprouts two hundred thirty eight thousand mile. mirth doesn't make a life in the case of a cotton seed it does at least for a little while the chinese lender a chunk for beamed back images of the very first plant to grow as far as i'm aware on the surface of the moon the pod which cost one million dollars to design and also contains air water so oil east and fruit fly through this the chinese scientists are hoping to learn more about creating working biospheres and low gravity and high radiation environments however don't expect the lunar salad bar to
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open up just yet while the cotton seed did sprout it couldn't withstand the negative one hundred seventy degree celsius temperatures of a night on the moon's far side if you're more of a chris french fry chris kind of person don't despair though because four is also in the process of growing potatoes on the moon and they expect much better results for them in the next one hundred days it's. become so. the little guy didn't like those machines. but seriously why fruit flies like i got a fruit fly problem already at home like i don't need to worry about them going to the moon and having to deal with brute fly zones are annoying you can't get rid of those space is going to get rid of the. i don't i'm going to do i wanted to send us what i was. just going to show for the third member of the women's world if you're about to. tell you all i love you i robot on top of the wall is the problem with
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the talks never great they're invited. to get up off the. serbians. i heard them pranks on them sounds kind of biting into i mean grown man like wrestling essentially officer who . drew his chair on. which to do away from the office or the toys out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung at the officers hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the two and the kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on three.
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that entire collection of countries and regions that have been the main economic. players for decades now over time they're going to become much more players the world is going to evolve china india middle east africa. under certain scenarios they're going to represent about eighty percent of world g.d.p. at the end of the century and that scenario is where they do catch up in terms of productivity growth. because you know provision on my back when i wanted to. ask but i. just i don't hide away lost his boss because i just got the. resources you know. any. better honest.
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so i says you know what i was you know. you know just i mean what i'm already but it was just a lot of the media and the i mean we're going to. give it up as well i must say i mean i really feel that this will get us on getting noticed but those were the old . people are going to respond on one of this part of. this where this part of. my family policy you call a car bomb i just got that already and yes it will be and he could think of it but i think with you. this government has failed on contrary to feed from the government's prime piece of this house has expressed its confidence in the gulf. prime minister and now really have no confidence in politics.


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