tv News RT January 18, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EST
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shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at like people if they go to a veteran center for health as should be considered as someone who really needs attention . thank you. we work or group. that to. her. we have written this to resume a rush to conjure up a new e.u. divorce deal a leaked government documents suggest that second record random now be on the cards
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. and new theater of war donald trump unveils a number bishop plans of u.s. missile defense systems into orbit. to russia's foreign forces the put to the test in their first tactical training exercises of the year r t is there to witness will be dizzying auction. and the celebrate his live video to follow as the first level is usually due to his unique take on the me truth movement claiming it is no longer a force for good. a very warm welcome you are watching r t international with me and our top story this hour a newly leaked document is showing that despite to raise them
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a strident denials the u.k. government is considering calling a second gregg's it referendum it comes off of the prime minister's original e.u. divorce deal was met with a resoundingly rejection from m.p.'s. there are those who want to see no deal and those who want to see a second referendum and potentially frustrate brax it a second referendum would lead instead to further division is my duty to deliver on the british people's instruction to leave the european union and i intend to do so a government document has been leaked outlining how long it would take for legislation to pass that would authorize the holding of a second referendum a so-called people's vote it's a one page memo and it says that it would take around seven months for that legislation to be drafted and to pass and then another twelve weeks for the electoral commission who are responsible for organizing elections here in the u.k.
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it would take them twelve weeks to come up with the question that would be on the ballot paper and now that timeframe which is around ten months to a year would mean that it would be impossible to hold a second referendum by march twenty ninth and that of course is the date that the u.k. would leave the news of the government they've been asked about this document and they say it's merely for illustrated purposes and that they're not planning on proposing a second referendum it was a short paper setting out factual detail on the number of months that would be required it was produced to inform the discussion respected this issue to be brought to the meeting it was illustrated only opposition is that a second referendum won't be happening and it's not just the conservatives who are on the pressure to hold that second referendum jeremy corbyn he's the leader of the labor party the leader of the opposition here in the u.k. and it is thought that up to a hundred of his own labor m.p.'s would like him to hold and put up the position
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that labor wants a second referendum also said made it very clear that all the options are on the table including the public vote option which we make clear in our conference motion which was i have to remind you unanimously agree. our conference last september the european union would extend article fifty if the government requested it to hold a general election or if there was a prospect of a second referendum say you're opinion would love for britain to cancel brix it but merely to for parliament to work out what border actually should be doing with brics it two and a half years after the start date you would agree to that a new poll has found that if a second referendum worked to be held a majority of voters would now choose to wear maine in the queue is the biggest surge and support for remains that it's the twenty sixteen brags that vote and there's probably boyko explains a rerun of the referendum wouldn't be without precedent. the
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people may have voted but the british parliament is in political turmoil over what the u.k.'s departure from lately you should look like did some politicians get their way whether it should happen at all to this issue but to the electorate what else can we possibly. do the british public to get back. to reconsider this brics it is a call for deception but most of those people that promise to help you know why we bothering to leave and. still subject to all the rules over on the continent of these slighted politicians will be hoping that perhaps the imperfect but stable relationship between brussels and london could be heading towards their union if a deal is impossible and no one wants no deal then who will finally have the courage to say what the only positive solution is so if you think their people have
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voted then think again governments have been known to ignore a referendum result or to. ireland learned this the hard way twice in two thousand and one after a smallish campaign irish voters rejected expanding the bloc east island effectively put a spoke in the e.u.'s wheels when it was keen to invite nations like romania and bulgaria into the club so the e.u. irish government invested in a big yes campaign and a year later the vote was rerun. the majority of votes against the proposal. was the irish decision on the use defacto constitution the lisbon treaty suffered the same fate
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the majority in favor of the proposal. at c.b.s. lot as a sign of confidence about the irish people in european union as a sign of their desire to be all hearted members of the european union. before the break that shambles it was the greek debt crisis keeping e.u. officials are put night. in twenty fifteen the new greek prime minister staged a referendum in which weak citizens overwhelmingly rejected the e.u.'s austerity policies but brussels imposed them anyway those living in the birthplace of democracy well pleased with what they saw as an undemocratic process. and this one may not be related to the e.u. but it is related to britain in twenty twelve voters in the city of manchester
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rejected having elected mayors but a couple of years later david cameron's westminster government imposed them on the region anyway late last year the top court ruled that brags it can be reversed unilaterally by the u.k. stressing the referendum in june twenty sixth in wasn't legally binding so technically in terms of the law the u.k. government is free to choose whatever route it wants spirit plowing ahead with gregg's it or snapping it into reverse shore stopping brags it would be a failure to honor the will of the people but given the political turmoil that unfolded here in the past two and a half years there has been a shift in public opinion the latest polls show that now fifty six percent of u.k. voters would say no bragg's it so given these circumstances there are plenty of politicians here keen to break their brags that promise to. you said it as the
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noble thing to do. laser armed drones space based fences and ground based missile detectors that's all on donald trump's military wish list the u.s. president has unveiled plans for an ambitious the expansion of america's defense capabilities after the pentagon published a review outlining the threats facing the country and breaks down the development were gardeners of the term spy world's strongest men to dodge questions about a new global arms race well we may have to come to terms with reality in some kind of form it's definitely begun it is not enough to merely keep pace with our adversaries we must outpace them. at every single turn we must pursue the advanced technology and research to guarantee that the united states is always several steps ahead of those who would do us harm who will always be at the
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forefront of everything with the us withdrawal from the anti-ballistic missile treaty which was the cornerstone in the field of non proliferation of nuclear weapons and deterring an arms race has forced us to respond by creating new weapon systems to overcome these missile defense systems now we hear that russia has an advantage yes that's true there is no analogue of this system in the world america's just published the first review of its missile defense program in almost a decade and it besides plans to deploy twenty new ground based interceptors in alaska as well as new radars and sensors besides plans to use laser armed drones and stealthy f. thirty five jets the donald trump administration wants a leap in technological development the president is keen to get a space force space is a new world striding domain. with the space force leading the way
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it's ultimately going to be a very very big part of our defense and obviously. the u.s. president is talking about ok maybe not star worse but militarizing space for sure the ultimate goal is to be able to take down enemy missiles even before they leave the airspace of what the president calls rogue countries we will ensure that enemy missiles know saying sure on its own in the skies above it won't happen regardless of the missile type or geographic origins of the attack mr trump did call out north korea and iran but in the program review you'll also find russia and china however when it comes to the whole space force idea a great deal of the tall g.'s yet to be developed so the president wanted to make
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sure the cash goes that way in his speech but if you thought all of this wasn't about the nearest future we think the best approach is a network of satellites and low orbit we're getting started on that this year among the threats donald trump pointed out specifically were hypersonic missiles a system capable of launching such weapons called was successfully tested by russia at the end of the seven. and i'm good at the avenue guard system is invulnerable to any current or perspective missile or air defense system of a potential enemy this is a big victory for our country. according to the russian side the reason they're ramping up their r. and d. in strategic defenses is america's overblown military budget and everything it's being spent on parity means global security. from a u.s.
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congressman ron paul told is the movie is not just about politics. well i think the biggest issue here is somebody going to make a lot of money on it you know it reminds me of star wars a few years back that never really developed but people got excited about it and you know i'm all for having defensive weapons if necessary but quite frankly i can't quite see the danger that they're talking about that we have to now go much further into debt on something that may take many many years and there's questions on how well it would work but we were already running a tree and our debt every year and in this this can't be paid for out of the bar and money and i just don't see see the danger that that they're claiming but there's a lot of a lot of support for it especially the people who get to build this is a boondoggle for a lot of people so i think the military industrial complex is very very powerful very very influential and every congressman in the in the states here has
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some type of military operation that is they build weapons so there's an interest in the house and the lobbying is very heavy and frequently it goes along further than most people would guess that it should. be hundreds of elite russian paratroopers have been braving heavy snow and icy skies as they hold their first time to collect the year even though we have a notion to travel to western russia to watch them being put through that pace if a full and some have racing feet. i.
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found it almost ninety years ago the russian airborne assault force is also. known as the considered to be among the finest fighting forces in the country for additional brazen strike on the sure of them assumed all the elite fighters in russia today the raises you can see are replaced with why the problem is the guys are going to the skies today. feel. for the troopers board the aircraft all the equipment should be very carefully checked to see any mistake could cost the lawyers all these young military man. loses.
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power the way. russian paratroopers are told to lend any time to take any fees we don't see on any to raise the net like this one all said and they proved this field during trade like today was the limit on os right now. trying to find a warning shots like canada as a battle with the west for tech dominance looms would have the story for you right
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after the break. you know world's big partisan brute lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. seem wrong but i. just don't. get to see palin is the answer. and in detroit because the trail.
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once and many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. welcome back china's ambassador to canada has his how to adjust in trudeau's government warning there will be consequences if while away is frozen out of the country's five g. network kind as it is one of a number of western countries considering taking action against the chinese tech giant over security concerns. if the canadian government does buy and walk away from participating in the fi g. network then asked what kind of repercussions there will be i'm not sure but i
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believe there will be repercussions are directly producer evangelos tips us takes us through this snowballing dispute between china and canada. it's pretty much comes down to who is going to dominate the five g. race five g. is the next generation network which will provide a faster and quicker internet speed will you be able to upload files or chat with your friends via what's up is the ground or facebook now again it's more efficient than the previous one which is four g. and it's much much faster as i said earlier but i guess this is just for the average the user like me and everybody else but for big companies this means big bucks and guess who wants to be first in this race it is imperative that america be fruits in fifth generation where a list acknowledges there's one thing that stands between the u.s. and all that money and that is why the chinese firm that has now deployed its products and services in more than one hundred seventy countries around the world is the world's leading telecommunications equipment manufacturer we even surpassing
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last year apple as a second largest when it comes to manufacturing cell phones now that makes the u.s. worry u.s. prosecutors are now building a criminal case against the chinese firms accusing them of stealing trade secrets from american companies senators are now trying to impose a bill to ban the cells of u.s. chips and components the chinese firms and the reason of course because they believe that the chinese firms in the u.s. are acting on behalf of the chinese communist party pretty much spying is really serious concerns among u.s. officials for a potential role in cyber espionage given their reported links to china's state security services and while way threaten the security of our networks due to their close ties to the chinese government cooperate has reportedly of course they not any connection between them and the government and beijing and they still stay confident that they will lead the race in the five egypt ology but the u.s. of course is actually pressuring its allies to ban it and has already been banned
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in new zealand taiwan and australia and the u.s. government continued to pressure its the u.k. norway france germany and. in the czech republic poland and japan to follow the same path as them and all this of course crisis is as the world is on the horns of a dilemma whether to follow or to follow the us despite efforts in markets creating fear about way using politics to interfere with growth customers continue to trust us and continue to work with us and build networks with our technologies it's like running a race we are leading we'll see whether this is indeed a case of actually security issues or this is just competitors pressuring governments around the world. a photo of a ten year old canadian boy dressed up in full drag and third next to a naked drag queen has caused shock and outrage online the boy is a child drag star known as queen taisha but the image led many to question whether
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it's appropriate for a youngster to be involved in the world of drag some accuse the parents of child abuse but the boy's mother has defended his passion he knows there are aspects of drag the he's not allowed to apply to his show. well the photographer behind that's come to controversial images defended the accompanying article saying it was a balanced and thoughtful piece about the issue of sexualizing children despite that though he subsequently deleted his social media accounts psychologist dr r. an imitator told is that children dressing up in drag is not an innocuous past time as some claim. i've taught human sexuality almost twenty years nearly eighty times my mother opened up canada's first sex store so i am not prudish i am as a liberal and open minded as you get but i'm also a psychologist and you don't need to be a psychologist to know that
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a child engaging in this type of behavior where their self image their identity is totally centered around sexuality now some people say well he's just dancing around he's a dressing like a girl that's not sexual anyone who knows the history of drag queens knows that there is a sexual component is it the only component no but it is a large part of it so to have a young child parading around for money doing things that is associated with an adult form of sexuality. where they are completely objectified people are not going there for their personality they're not going there because they think that they're intelligent or charming all the charm might be part of the persona they're going there for this other part of it to somebody as that of the each team or an adult wants to engage in this fine but when you're young child you're still trying to find out who you are you still trying to gain a sense of who you are in this world and that who you are is purely about your
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image and about your sexuality regardless of what they want to claim this is what how other people are seeing them it will have a lasting impact on most children. to a developing story now we're hearing that two russian su thirty four military jets have collided about the sea of japan thirty five kilometers off the russian coast one of the pilots has reportedly been pulled from the water alive rescuers are searching for the second pilot the jets were carrying out training exercises at the time of the accident is believed that human error was the cause we'll keep you updated as worse even more details. let me to campaign against sexual assault has been making headlines since twenty seventeen but it was founded over a decade ago and some now suggest it has lost sight of its original goals superstars levity and follows their first love or. explain two words that he
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believes me to has been subverted and that the movement no longer speaks for the vulnerable and marginalized. you know my. my my god there are six. ships they say this is the only view. of. black we mean. me and hears a goat or a proposed that. they know race they're pretty good for us and believe me he's no longer what it was. no this excessive nature say you are wrong you are stupid and so one of the last of the fact that me to wait but it only makes the day it doesn't stop us social
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problems. daily exploitation and so on and so on. let's be frank although they speak about us what they really be today if. it won't make peace lead the main. disease the big movement but how. distraught that if the long. easy mode this late god the least individual has. need to move them. and this interview is that positive a new miniseries on to his party is called how to watch news you can find the full lesson of this is a campus site on our website and channel. well thanks for joining us this hour we're back in thirty minutes with all the latest join us then.
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officer. told to get up off the ground the officer began to pet him down to. hurt them place on the sounds of kind of fighting into the grown man like wrestling essentially the officer of the guard go through his job. was to go away from the officer. out of his group. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then what happened on three swung as i was just hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the two and the kind with back to where they were so the answer is back here they're high again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on three.
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manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling class is to protect themselves. we can all middle of the room sit. in the. room. hello welcome to so if you have gone sophie shevardnadze the us has been shattered by the longest ever government shutdown in the us history how grave can the
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consequences great well i talked to laurence kotlikoff professor of economics in boston university and write in candidate in twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election. and american politics is paralyzed the president congress a cornerstone golf over the mexican border. leading to a record breaking government shutdown who has the most resources to win the tradition what needs to be done to break the stalemate and what will the fallout look like those involved. or as quickly go thank you very much for being my pleasure tonight welcomed pleasure to have you with us as well as you all very very clever here on my program but we love you on our channel so it was a lot about donald trump is a loggerheads with congress the man in five billion dollars to build his wall with mexico obviously something that democratic when congress want to give it to him so do you feel like it's a win or lose situation as a zero sum affair was is there
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a way out of this thing. well there is a way out we're chiz that what the democrats want is to have amnesty amnesty for the millions of young children who grew up. because you know grew up not as citizens of the us but grew up in the us because their parents brought them over. and got them into the country and the parents or don't have legal status but the children have been living in the u.s. i'm a gone into the military and if the president would make a humanitarian deal on these. young people give them grant them citizenship. i believe the democrats would give in on this wall and we would have to get them back to work he's asked from sas that you know he's klink the high ground i think that he promised this was for an election campaign when he got elected say god did what he promised and then i say.
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