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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EST

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this hour's headlines story. on saving a key cold war. with. washington the move. it's ready for. britain's
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prime minister a. government document suggests a second referendum. for. all the dizzying. live from our international news center here in moscow this is our team a warm welcome to the program i mean an all new to our top story russia germany's top diplomat. if this isn't to walk away from
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a key cold war era missile treaty following a meeting earlier in moscow they stated the move on to mines global stability. if we could offer the us leaves the i.n.f. treaty the whole system of arms control and the stability of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty movie under threat. we are really interested in saving the i.n.f. treaty and russia can assist us in russian and german foreign ministers do seem to be on the same page as they met here in moscow for for the for a press conference here in the russian capital discussed a wide range of issues and of course one of the dominating topics was the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty between russia and the united states now washington announced that it wants to withdraw from this treaty and this decision raised concerns not only in russia but throughout europe as well german official
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michael moss said that the u.s. withdrawal will undermine stability and it has for the treaty itself my grandma says it should include more countries he suggested china for instance the force i couldn't imagine that someone in europe would be interested in a new nuclear arms race and the only option to prevent it is to continue the i.n.f. treaty but the i.n.f. treaty as it is now is not enough we need to expand it because there are plenty of new autonomous weapon systems including those in cyberspace and they should be regulated no only the u.s. and russia should be included in the treaty the other states as well like china the united states is accusing russia of violating the treaty however most sco is ready to continue negotiations despise washington's ultimatum like approach russian foreign minister lavrov says that the united states are not taken into consideration the fact that the missiles that they're talking about are not board.
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the i.n.f. treaty. in those little should you go to the united states both blaming russia should violations of the treaty don't take into consideration the fact that russia has c n n. that are not included in the treaty the united states says it will withdraw from the i.m.f. treaty with russia as early as beginning of next month now to give you some background about this agreement it was signed by american president ronald reagan and soviet leader mikhail gorbachev back in one thousand eight hundred seven and its effect just a year later now the grievances pilate's that both countries should destroy all ground based missiles with a range of five hundred fifty five hundred kilometers. or fears of an arms race for not only prompted by the missile treaty dispute they were further exacerbated donald trump on veiled plans for a number. of america's defense capability took in defense and we're also talking
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offense you know we can't forget enough and see that again when we have the finest weapons in the world and we're ordering the finest weapons in the world america's just published the first review of its missile defense program in almost a decade and it besides plans to deploy twenty new ground based interceptors in alaska as well as new radars and sensors besides plans to use laser armed drones and stealthy f. thirty five jets the donald trump administration wants a leap in technological development the president is keen to get a space force we will recognize that space is a new world striding domain. with the space course leading the way. the u.s. president is talking about ok maybe not star wars but militarizing space for sure the ultimate goal is to be able to take down enemy missiles even before they leave the air. space of what the president calls rogue countries did call out north korea
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and iran but in the program review you'll also find russia and china we are committed to establishing a missile defense program that can shield every city in the united states our goal is simple to ensure that we can detect and destroy any missile launched against the united states anywhere anytime anyplace among the threats donald trump pointed out specifically were hypersonic missiles a system capable of launching such weapons called was successfully tested by russia at the end of december. the us withdraw from the anti-ballistic missile treaty which was the cornerstone in the field of non proliferation of nuclear weapons and deterring an arms race has forced us to respond by creating new weapon systems to overcome these missile
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defense systems there is no analogue of this system in the world according to the russian side the reason they're ramping up their r. and d. in strategic defenses is america's overblown military budget and everything it's being spent on parity means global security. well the russian foreign affairs ministry has expressed its concern with american plans to develop space defense on this calling for a dialogue with the white house while political analyst chris bambery told me earlier that the latest moves by donald trump can only lead to more militarization . what we have in the white house is very much a president who is pushing for easy pushes away despite criticism of our eyes and despite criticism within the administration within the defense the defense department's any new arms race no which is what trump is threatening particularly with china china is no could go bankrupt and in fact. one of the concerns of
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american defense and the defense department the pentagon is that this is going to encourage the further militarization of china which up until now has not gone don't the rules of trying to catch up with the united states militarily happy to have its own economic power but if this begins its own arms race gets under way attacking china and russia by the americans actually china could step up to the mark and that is a concern in the miracle military who are criticizing trub over not the treaty but over the decision to launch this new militarization of space. a newly linked document shows that despite teresa mayes objections the u.k. government has been exploring the possibility of a second break said referendum the revelation comes after m.p.'s emphatically rejected the prime minister's original e.u. divorce deal this week plunging the country deeper into political crisis well the
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paper sets out a timetable for a second vote indicating that the whole process could take up to a year that includes seven months to the legal groundwork and a further three months at least for testing the all important question it also this case has other practicalities including the length of time necessary for campaigning well initially media question their legitimacy of their liko ever done in street confirmed such a document exist while denying the government is actively planning for a second vote they said the paper is purely for illustrator of purposes and reiterated the prime minister's position that brags it will go ahead. there are those who want to see no deal and those who want to see a second referendum potentially frustrate bret's it a second referendum would lead instead to further division is my duty to deliver on
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the british people's instruction to leave the european union and i intend to do so . meanwhile the leader of thing opposition labor party has said are the conditions under which he would support a second vote cermak corgan said that was so named people's vote would be better than a no deal scenario and that of course is this by the initial referendums once in a generation tag all the options are on the table including the public vote option which we made clear in our conference motion which was i have to remind you unanimously agreed by our conference last september the european union would extend article fifty if the government requested it to hold a general election or if there was a prospect of a second referendum so you're opinion would love for britain to cancel brix it but merely to for parliament to work out what the board actually should be doing with brakes it two and a half years after the start date. would agree to that. a recent
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poll meanwhile has found that if a second referendum were to be fined a majority of voters would choose to remain in the e.u. it's the biggest surge in support for remain since the twenty six team breaks in but there's polly boy who explains a rerun of a referendum would be the first time. the people may have voted but the british parliament is in political turmoil over what the u.k.'s departure from the e.u. should look like and if some politicians get their way whether it should happen at all to this issue but to the electorate what the possibility of. the british public to get back. to reconsider this great city is a cause for deception but most of those people that promise to help you know why we bothering to leave and. still subject to all the rules over on the continent these slighted politicians will be hoping that perhaps the imperfect but stable
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relationship between brussels and london could be heading towards their union if a deal is impossible and no one wants no deal than who will finally have the courage to say he was the only positive solution is so if you think their people have voted then think again governments have been known to ignore a referendum result or to. ireland learned this the hard way twice in two thousand and one after a smallish campaign irish voters rejected expanding the bloc east island effectively put a spoke in the e.u.'s wheels when it was keen to invite nations like romania and bulgaria into the club so the e.u. irish government invested in a big yes campaign and a year later the vote was rerun.
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the majority of votes against the proposal. the irish decision on the use defacto constitution the lisbon treaty suffered the same fate majority in favor of the proposal. that i see dear sold as a sign of confidence for the irish people and european union as a sign of their desire to be all hearted members of the opinion. before the break that shambles it was the greek debt crisis keeping e.u. officials are put night. in twenty fifteen the new greek prime minister staged a referendum in which greek citizens overwhelmingly rejected the e.u.'s austerity policies but brussels imposed them anyway those living in the birthplace of democracy well pleased with what they saw as an undemocratic process.
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and this one may not be related to the e.u. but it is related to britain in twenty twelve voters in the city of manchester rejected having elected mayor but a couple of years later david cameron's westminster government imposed them on the region anyway late last year the e.u. is top court ruled that the u.k. can unilaterally stop gregg's it stressing that the twenty sixteen referendum here wasn't legally binding so technically in terms of the law the u.k. government is free to do whatever it chooses be it plowing ahead with leaving or nothing into river shore stopping brags it would be a failure to deliver on the will of the people but after two and a half years of political turmoil here in the u.k. public opinion has shifted the latest polls now show that some fifty six percent of
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u.k. voters would say no to bragg's it and given the circumstances there are now plenty of politicians he can break the bread as it promised and sell it as the noble thing to do. just time lining things while speculation over a second vote continues trees a man has just three days to come up with a new deal to present to parliament on monday. ok to the headline stories hundred russian part troopers have been braving heavy snow and icy sky as they hold their first tactical sizes of the year our teams maria phenomena travel to western russia to watch them being put through their paces and perform some her wheezing feats. cliffy shuttling
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founded almost ninety years ago for the russian airborne the sole forces also known as the considered to be among the live finest fighting forces in the country for additional blue berets and drawing on the floor of the suv all the elite fighters in russia today the races you can see are replaced with wide problem was the guys are going to the skies today clear for the troopers were the aircraft all the equipment should be very carefully checked obviously any mistake could cause the law is all these young military man feel
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. have to. thank you love with the it feel. feel feel feel rushed to carry to for is a full feel and any promise to take any fees you don't feel in an interagency now like this one all said and done they proved this field you are you for life today was that. then i was right. but he. doesn't exist tell. us which of. those.
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two bills and with. america's longest ever government shutdown and shows no signs of ending donald trump seeks to raise funds for his controversial mexico border wall the us president has been at loggerheads with the high speaker nancy pelosi with the democrat representative non calling on trump to postpone his state of the union address which is an unprecedented request from her and in typical fashion responded . i'm not denying the platform rob was saying let's get a date when the government is open let's pay the employees maybe he thinks it's ok
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not to pay people who do work i don't and my caucus doesn't either. due to the shutdown i am sorry to inform you that your trip to egypt and afghanistan has been postponed we will reschedule this seven day excursion when the shutdown is over. i am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate i also feel that during this period it would be better if you were in washington to go shooting with me obviously if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial that would certainly be your prerogative.
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if you wish and look you accept even. a wall fine for this place and all of. the time that. this will not find out that time. still to come china fires a warning shot had counted it with a bottle for tech dominance moving the story in ninety seconds. that entire collection of countries and regions that have been the main economic. players for decades now over time they're going to become just much more players
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the world is going to evolve china india middle east africa. under certain scenarios they're going to represent about eighty percent of world g.d.p. at the end of the century and that scenario is where they do catch up in terms of productivity growth. you know world's big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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hello again a global smartphone security battle is brewing account of this president has been warned by b. chinese ambassador to the country of repercussions if weiwei is frozen night from building next generation infrastructure there germany is another western nation considering action against the tech giant over national security concerns here's what the chinese ambassador to canada had to say the canadian government does by way from participating in the five g. network then ask for what kind of repercussions they'll be i'm not sure but i believe there will be repercussions for a producer for our news agency explains what's behind a fifth generation tech race involving washington about snowballing this spirit between beijing and ottawa. it's a pretty matts comes down to who is going to dominate the five g. race five g. is the next generation network which will provide a faster and quicker internet speed will you be able to upload files or chat with your friends via what's up is the ground or facebook i get this is just for the
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average the user like me and everybody else but for big companies this means big bucks and guess who wants to be first in this race it is imperative that america be fruits in fifth generation where a list acknowledges there's one thing that stands between the u.s. and all that money and that is why the chinese firm that has now deployed its products and services in more than one hundred seventy countries around the world is the world's leading telecommunications equipment manufacturer now that makes the u.s. worry u.s. prosecutors are now building a criminal case against the chinese firms accusing them of stealing trade secrets from american companies senators are now trying to impose a bill to ban the cells of u.s. ships and components the chinese firms and the reason of course because they believe that the chinese firms in the u.s. are acting on behalf of the chinese communist party pretty much spying is really serious concerns among u.s. officials for a potential role in cyber espionage z.t.
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and walk away threaten the security of our networks due to their close ties to the chinese government cooperate has reportedly of course they deny any connection between them and the government and beijing and they still stay confident that they will lead the race in the five the technology but the u.s. of course is actually pressuring its allies to ban it and has already been banned in new zealand taiwan and australia and the u.s. government continue to pressure its the u.k. norway france and germany czech republic poland and jumpin to follow the same path as them and all this of course crisis as the world is on the horns of a dilemma where the fall of way or the fall of the u.s. despite efforts in markets creating fear about. using politics to interfere with growth customers continue to trust us and continue to work with us and build networks with our technologies it's like running a race we are leading and we'll see whether this is indeed a case of actually
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a security issue or this is just competitors pressuring governments around the world i spoke to political analyst joseph chang on this he is of the view that while security concerns may be a big issue china it's too important to cut economic ties with. both of them and to realize that industrial be on the internet it's p.r. nature of the income gap that by most major power within the world including china including kind of and pop up beat the united states authorities have been collecting evidence of eco appear to be on the tiny. ration but at the same time in most countries in the world who would not want the china market and they certainly find that doing business with china is still very important so they are negotiate and time it is operating within the state. doping scandals rocking the sporting world as an athlete strive to gain an edge
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over competitors is nothing new but this might be. i think. we were way ahead and had played loosely than they went to the bathroom for ten minutes and came back with huge audi's everything runs well for them they go to the toilet and them don't throw another bad bone when they come back. though so. the dutch certainly lost against the belgians and found an excuse i've never heard of could kind of competitions. will cain no i stick to beer and bust teas but. if
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you're in the export you get money man would console a possible problem with the cane. deck starting cameras follow a former hitman of colombian drug kingpin pablo escobar around his home time after twenty three years in prison the testimony is often chilling on the program starts in moments. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand the news business is just the dance the right questions the ban the right answer.
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questions. when lawmakers manufactured him sentenced him to public wealth. when the roman clauses project themselves. with the primary go around the lives only the one person. doing all middle of the room signal. to. relieve his relief. when our child's seemed wrong wrong when all were all just all. in the world to get to shape out just they become educated and in gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look
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for common ground the. and. i got real money i was. just i don't hide oh i lost his boss because i just begun to got that if i let me just go to the media which was you know. let me put your money a month on what those with the fairness want to go to your poor mother when i mean what i thought i mean to india thank you if you really do any of. it. showing us you know what i was you know. not just i mean what almost what i'm already put a spit up out of me just going to. make chicken just i had a. funniest moment if it's an italian on low. and in the up on what i
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think there's a let's go. see the thing because i did because. i always had a were do. my thing with lassie equal kind of woman you just bumped into already yes it will be one of the things i've been calling quincy and i think. it's in the this is quite a focus on the voices you know i mean for. me when i look at what i mean by that anybody made a comment to you when they were going to see me but the best.


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