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tv   Politicking  RT  January 18, 2019 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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the abnormal time part of the government is shut down eight hundred thousand americans are not getting their paychecks millions more americans are suffering because of the absence of those paychecks so the president can't treat the situation as normal what is the state of the union is totally abnormal at this moment so i think she's perfectly right and she pointed out you know many presidents up to the time of woodrow wilson submitted most of the presence or not all of them submitted this state of the union message in writing so i think that for the president to think that this is. time is normal that these in normal times he's just wrong he doesn't understand the pain that americans are feeling what do you think is going to happen oh i think he's he doesn't yet understand the pain that people feel. he's is a very cruel person it turns out i mean look at the program that he had to separate children from parents allowed us government officials to tear children out of their
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mother's arms and i mean it took a public outcry for him to say oh maybe there's something wrong with this he didn't see that it was wrong to get that from the get go and he says oh american workers who are laid off they're perfectly happy not to get that paycheck well there was just a recent poll that showed no the american workers who've been laid off they want to get paid for working anybody want to get paid for working so i think he doesn't understand the pain that people are feeling as a result of his actions maybe this will wake him up. to leave the shutdown. he should open up the government he should first of all i mean nobody should have to pay the personal price of having him try to fulfill his campaign pledge then number two he should go and read the constitution very short little pamphlet taken just maybe an hour maybe less to read on the plane you could read instead of going
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to the golf course and realize that there are three branches of government and really two that deal with appropriations that is congress and the president the president can't have his way all the time and when he wants it he's got to deal with an equal coordinate branch of government which is the congress so he is going to have to give will the congress have to give maybe but he is not moving one iota and not only moving but he's making other people pay the price he's holding eight hundred thousand american workers high and their families hostage he's holding their creditors hostage and now we see the economy is going to be affected much more seriously than they ever anticipated what kind of price is america going to pay for his stubbornness and he doesn't even really understand what the role of congress is so as i said open up the government read the constitution and sit down and negotiate in good faith. as you jumo the bases you served on judiciary
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william barr on the ones confirmation hearings this week to be the next attorney general what did you take away from since the moment. well i thought. he's obviously experienced smart lawyer but i was very troubled by some aspects of his testimony for example his refusal to say that he'd make the moeller report public he's going to issue his own report well that could be a cover up report i mean the american people i think should be able to see the mulla report and he should make a commitment to do that the second thing is he should have made basically the same commitment that elliot richardson made which is that. he would basically resign if there was any effort to try to limit not just stop the investigation but to limit the investigation of mohler and the third thing is i wrote an op ed piece
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that appeared in the washington post earlier this week saying that he's tried to revise history to suggest that president trump can't be prosecuted for obstruction of justice and particularly he misstated the facts about the nixon impeachment that's totally unnecessary and the fact is how much room historical revisionism are we going to go through for the republicans to make their point to try to put the president above the law what that worries me very much what would be the reason for not making the mobile report public. well that's the only reason not to make it public well there could be a few legitimate reasons for example it could be grand jury material and there so you'd have to read back that there could be some classified materials there you have to redact that but other than that it should all come out because we should not have a cover up period we've been through cover ups they're bad for the country they're
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bad for democracy they're bad for our government and so we should have committed to making that public subject to issues of grand jury confidentiality or subject to issues of class government classification how weird is it elizabeth you've been around awhile to have an american president being investigated by the f.b.i. about whether. he was acting on behalf of form of farm country. well i i mean i think it's terrifying actually i mean i served in congress we had to deal with the nixon impeachment we had to deal with issues of presidential war making powers we were in the vietnam war when i took office i mean they were very serious issues no one ever thought at least as far as i know no one ever really thought that the president was. an agent of
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a foreign government that never occurred to anybody but now what we see is really really troublesome i think it's troublesome to to have an f.b.i. investigator present known wants to have that kind of thing happen but the fact of the matter is there was a lot of smoke and there still is smoke i mean we have a couple of things going on we have the fact that president trump called on russia to hack. the the clinton e-mails we also had president trump's family son and son in law meeting with people who wanted to who came to to the meeting saying russians who came to the meeting say this meeting is to give dirt on hillary clinton and as a sign of the support of the russian government for your election well wait a minute. we're going to take america can american can it's going to take support
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from not just a small country but one of our major opponents contenders maybe don't call it an enemy but it's certainly and then tag an ist have him how could he have done that so we know that that's happened and on the other hand we see that the russian government intervened on his behalf that's been well established not only by all the intelligence agencies but by the muller's grand juries so that's been established and what do we see on trump's part ever since he's taken over as president he has fulfilled putin's agenda peace tried to get the u.s. at of nato now if the information is but come public he's met with putin in private he's attacked the european union he actually downgraded them diplomatically without discussing this with congress i think it was last week or the week before he is. supported right wing governments in europe is attacked our allies in europe he's
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carried out putin's agenda i mean it would have been inconceivable if you ask me i'm never like trump i never thought he was fit or qualified to be president but if you'd asked me is he a russian puppet i was at are you out of your my but the evidence now is too serious and too substantial and it's scary and that's why we have the house intelligence committee is going to be looking at this and we know that molar has been looking at this would be huge big through michael coleman. were some of. the i think it's going to be it's going to be devastating to trump i think it's going to be like john dean's testimony and i think he's going to give a lot of other information about. misconduct by trump possible criminality by trump in a variety of areas including russia including. campaign finance clearing dealing with other women. it's going to be
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a three ring show. ten rings you voted to impeach nixon were you in the house now were you on the judiciary committee would you vote to impeach trump. well i think let's put it this way i think this substantial amount of evidence suggesting that he's committed impeachable offenses struction of justice. dangling pardons before people he's also taken emoluments that wasn't part of the nixon effort there are some other things that he's done the failure to protect the united states there are many things that could be impeachable offenses the problem is that they haven't been aside from muller we don't know whether miller's fully investigated them but is now on the public record we don't have a full investigation of any of these things and they need to be fully investigated so if i were in the house of representatives i would be urging desperately
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intensely for the congress to conduct investigative hearings on presidents payments from foreign governments that. how these pardons were dangled what role did he play in that the firing of call me when he called all kinds of people in his administration and said you get the call me to drop the f.b.i. investigation we that information hasn't yet been public a so those are the kinds of investigations that need to be conducted once those investigations are completed and we have a full record then at that point it may be appropriate to commence impeachment proceedings congresswoman holtzman always great talking with you thank you so much thank you larry great to talk to you congresswoman a loser holtzman we stand for so much for taking the time today we'll be back with more politicking right after the break.
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aeroflot russian and i guess. you know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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aeroflot russian and light this. country has gone into a nihilistic fever that's why i think they've got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the charlatans the genius of this place especially american hero this is it we've come a point around which alan is going to say we always are on the margins something.
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called the culture saying party. we're starting last with this is the beginning heading east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the bees and i. i want to leave now doesn't get any more gone down the less it may be completely different by the end of this to. join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. that entire collection of countries and regions that have been the main economic. players for decades now over time they're going to become this much more of the players of the world is going to evolve china india middle east africa. under
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certain scenarios they're going to represent about eighty percent of world g.d.p. at the end of the century and that scenario is where they do catch up in terms of productivity growth. go back to politicking turning now to our political panel the batman and robin. politics homeless problem that man. amy holmes is co-host of the p.b.s. show in principles you should. build for us progressive commentator and author host of the bill fresh show on the young turks network his latest book trump must go the top one hundred reasons to dumb truong and one to keep him high let's not amy speak of blow c.s. king trying to reschedule all submit in writing the state of the union what do you make of that. oh if he could schedule it our if he could put it in writing that would save us so much time. and state of the union speeches they're never good
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they're rarely memorable i think a lot of americans would appreciate that something that was really strange about the story that came out of politico was that apparently democrats had been planning for quote unquote months. to ask the president to postpone the state of the union so this idea that it's because of the government shutdown belies their own planning if it dates back months i think going to learn more about it and i don't anticipate that the president is going to pass up the opportunity to speak to the nation and school of the congress bill. i think it was a bold brilliant move by speaker pelosi i think it showed a couple of things number one it underscores the fact of the trunk shutdown which continues rolls on no end in sight and no apparent willingness on the part of the president to even give a damn about it number one number two it shows that there's a new sheriff in town and there's a new power political power in town that donald trump is going to have to deal with
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and i don't think he yet realizes that so maybe amy may be right knowing donald trump will schedule something else maybe somewhere or somewhere somehow but it won't have the glory and the honor and the pageantry of a state of the union address and we may not have one this year bigger issue in the isis has claimed responsibility for wednesday's suicide bombing in syria killed cysteine people including four americans and any honestly i thought i says was defeated. well i think that we don't really know the definition of defeating the enemy in the age of terrorism isis in terms of controlling land that seems to have been defeated but when you come when it comes to jihadi terrorists that are willing to strap bombs onto themselves and blow people up i think that this is a problem that we're going to be living with for a generation or two and that we can't say ever say that we've defeated radical
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islamic jihadism but in terms of isis as an organization it's been very much degraded the land that they captured they no longer control the same goes for al qaeda after nine eleven in our efforts to snatch them. but al qaeda still exists in a certain form and you have their you know costly morphing changing their names they have the known wolves lone wolves who commit terrorist acts in their name it's a dreadful problem that every american president i think is going to have to deal with should trump not have said they were defeated bill and. does this give him more reason to leave syria or more reasons to stay i think it undercuts everything donald trump has been saying about syria amy is right the idea that we defeated al-qaeda and will never have to worry about them again is absurd and the idea that isis even though their territory has shrunk dramatically that isis is no longer a factor is absurd and that was proven in wednesday's bombing i thought the most
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important telling point to me was when senator lindsey graham the new chair of judiciary interrupted the second day of hearings for william barr to publicly scold the president i mean and this is donald trump's be f.-f. to scold the president said we warned you not to just abruptly pulled american troops out of syria i think getting out a series a right thing but in the right way and the right time and it's not precipitous overnight there's still a job for them to do amy is is putin now the most powerful person in the world. particularly you know shirtless and riding horses and petting tigers but let's remember that russia does not have the economic strength or the military strength of the united states of america it's a very fundamental ways but he certainly has been very clever and very effective at turning the political parties here in this country against one another meddling in
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our election and let's not forget that that whole steel dossier that was paid for by the clinton campaign through her through the law firm that involved what's called compromise that that was fed to christopher steele by russian agents a russian a thrilling hated agents to use to smear donald trump so president sorry lot of your putin has been very effective i think at disrupting american politics bill yeah i think what you see right now is that world's two greatest democracies the u.k. and the united states in disarray for sure. and vladimir putin stronger than ever i think on the world scene today he is the strongest. world leader the sun's on all trumps wrong as a servant i mean like bill and talk about in terms of what you know what it is going to migrate try to grievance or political agreements the united states leads in that you know. what do you mean donald trump said we got a new trade agreement with mexico and canada it doesn't exist kind of congress
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hasn't endorsed it so what's the accomplish there nothing at all the point i wanted from final point about putin is i mean that's what i find strange is a lot of people do is that putin continues to dominate and donald trump continues to kiss is but basically to the point where the f.b.i. even thought that he might be an agent of the russian government that shows you how strong putin is hi what's your reaction amy to. william bars confirmation hearings did he do well. i think he's going to become the next attorney general of the united states he did well he was measured he is he's very of certainly very much in command of himself and the facts the sixty eight year old has already served as attorney general under the first george bush george h.w. bush so i think it's sort of a foregone conclusion that he will become attorney general and that it was sort of interesting to put both sides in an awkward position that he's such good friends with robert mueller that their wives go to bible study together mr mueller has gone
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to two of his daughters weddings so there are a lot of questions they like what is this going to mean i think it means that donald trump was certainly willing to nominate him knowing this information and another little bit of background here that mr barr had actually already been asked by president trump to be on his personal legal team he declined and yet he was still nominee by the president like end of this means that we have confidence in the you know the final results i interviewed mr barr a few times use again i thought very bright on top of things do you think he will let the mall or report go public that's what he says first i do agree with amy i do think he will be confirmed he was a very good attorney general under a very good president this is a different time i think it may be more of a rocky road for him but he said things yesterday that i found very reassuring and i think donald trump must have found pretty troubling i mean he did say that this
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is not a witch hunt contradicted the president he said the motor vessel geishas should be allowed to continue to its conclusion he would not fire robert muller on a smile or did something criminal basically and to your point larry that when the report comes out he will make sure that the congress and the american people get to read the report and rudy giuliani doesn't get to edit it first now i love hearing that i hope i can believe him i do believe him but he's got to make donald trump a little uncomfortable. amy the house has repudiated convincingly steve king and while the republican who has demonstrated let us say a still of the to nonwhites should the dozens be got about this. i would like for president trump to congratulate congress on passing this resolution against congressman king and larry i can reveal to you number of years
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ago i interviewed congressman king on a radio show that i had in washington d.c. and he made racially incendiary remarks to me not realizing that i was black and when i informed him he of course became very nervous and anxious and his producer or rather his communications director asked if i would go to lunch with mr king so that he could apologize to me and i said sure and i suggested that we meet at the smiths which we did a restaurant washington d.c. that's historically black i have long been an opponent of congressman king i think he's a racial art arsonist i think he's poisonous and i agree with republicans like mitch mcconnell and lynne cheney and kevin mccarthy who say that he should find another line of work get real how did he get all like the bill. well one thing you got elected with a lot of help from donald trump donald trump bragged about the fact in the oval office that he had raised more money for steve king last year than anybody else i just want to say first of all kevin mccarthy has not asked for steve king to get
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out of congress mitch mcconnell did and liz cheney did kevin mccarthy stripped him of his three committees i don't think that's enough i think they should have booted him out of the house but my question is about steve king why did it take so long for republicans to do this i mean you can go back decades and find incendiary racist comments just as amy knows this is steve king this made throughout his life saying that no nonwhite ever contributed anything to human civilization and among other things and the other second question i have is why steve king and why haven't they condemned donald trump who has also made some racist remarks particularly after the charlottesville as we know branding all immigrants from mexico rapists are criminals. he's seen kings an easy target donald trump so tough target they went after steve king or frey to donald trump guys amy to start with you know we go to c.n.n. when's the shutdown going to end. oh boy larry i don't know any better that you do
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or bill or even the rest of washington lindsey graham the senator from south carolina has said that he thinks the sides are dug in he's trying to bring together a bipartisan group to fund the government for three weeks on the promise that there will be discussion about funding the border wall and finding some sort of compromise but it seems like both sides think that they're winning this thing i don't think that they are i don't see how this ends other than through compromise which has even been suggested by the washington post editorial page five point seven billion dollars for the border wall which by the way we already have seven hundred miles of so this whole argument that it's immoral is just silly and belies the fact that democrats have voted for border barriers in the past in return for some pats legalization for minors who were brought to the united states illegally by the their parents through no fault of their own i think that deal seems reasonable i think there are a lot of people who want it but you need to get democratic leadership willing to get on board and have this discussion not nancy pelosi saying i'll give you one dollar and that's it that's not negotiation you know that's absolute is i'm. just
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a second here there is a solution i mean you started out right the solution is to reopen the government the government has nothing to do with the wall the only reason they're tied together is because of donald trump's stubbornness and ego so the solution is as lindsey graham said as mitch mcconnell said before the first of the year or the solution is reopen the government and then during that time maybe it's a month maybe it's three weeks to go she border security that is the solution republicans in the senate are for it but mitch mcconnell won't let them vote for it democrats in the house and a lot of republicans on the house are for it and the only person against it is donald trump the miss mcconnell says he won't even discuss it until donald trump says i'll sign it if you pass that that is not leadership that man robin amy holmes will do thanks. always love having you on here's
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a problem checking out that several of them thank you viewers for joining us on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget use the politicking ash tag that's all for this edition of politicking. teraflops russian headlines. you know world of big partisan new digs a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that
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made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. and. terror of russian airlines.
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so. let's. look at. the. rich terminal debt build up that no amount of economic activity going forward will ever provide the tax revenues sufficient to pay down the steps we're past the point of no return we've gone through the debt looking glass this means only one outcome the central banks will continue to print to keep the interest going on this
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insurmountable debt pile which means wealth and income gap are guaranteed to increase which means the g.l.a. show movement is going global and the global insurrection is upon us and that's a guarantee. that. germany sets out its stall on saving a key cold war era nuclear arms treaty with the u.s. about to pull the plug on the agreement that is as russia warns washington the move that could threaten global security saying it's ready for dialogue. in.


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