tv News RT January 18, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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continue to print to keep the answers going on this insurmountable pile which means while they come gaps are guaranteed to increase which means the g.l.a. show movement is going global and the global insurrection is upon us and that's a guarantee. of. germany sets out its stall on saving a key cold war era nuclear arms treaty with the u.s. about to pull the plug on the agreement that is as russia warns washington the move that could threaten global security saying it's ready for dialogue. an american born iranian t.v. anchor visiting the u.s. is jailed as a material witness abilities now confirm we speak to
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a friend of the detained journalist who says she has been in contact with her family a mug shot was taken without bond that she was given. in contravention to islamic dress code. that she wasn't since and given to quote things. dress president slams a report by buzz feed news claiming trump instructed his former lawyer michael cohen to lie to congress. are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our team international john thomas certainly glad to have you with us russia and germany's top diplomats have condemned washington's decision to walk away from a key cold war era missile treaty following a meeting in moscow stated the move undermines global stability.
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after the us leaves the i.n.f. treaty the whole system of arms control and the stability of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty will be on the threat. we're really interested in saving the i.n.f. treaty and russia can assist us in the i.n.f. treaty as it is now is not enough we need to expand it because there are plenty of new autonomous weapon systems including those in cyberspace and they should be regulated not only the u.s. and russia should be included in the treaty so other states as well like china the u.s. has said it will withdraw from the i.m.f. treaty agreement with russia at the beginning of next month moscow says it's invited us inspectors to examine the missiles which washington claims violate the treaty but to no avail the i.n.f. treaty was signed in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven by ronald reagan and mikhail gorbachev and it took effect a year later it stipulated that both the us and the soviet union will destroy all ground based missiles with ranges between five hundred and fifty five hundred
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kilometers fears of an arms race were not only prompted by the missile treaty dispute they were further exacerbated after donald trump unveiled plans for an ambitious expansion of america's defense capabilities. token defense and we're also talking offense you know who can forget offense either can we we have the finest weapons in the world and we're ordering the finest weapons in the world america's just published the first for a view of its missile defense program in almost a decade and it besides plans to deploy twenty new ground based interceptors in alaska as well as new radars and sensors besides plans to use laser armed drones and stealthy f. thirty five jets the donald trump administration wants a leap in technological development the president is keen to get a space force we will recognize that space is a new world striding domain. with the space force leading the way.
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the u.s. president is talking about ok maybe not star wars but militarizing space for sure the ultimate goal is to be able to take down enemy missiles even before they leave the airspace of what the president calls rogue countries did call out north korea and iran but in the program review you'll also find russia and china we are committed to establishing a missile defense program that can shield every city in the united states our goal is simple to ensure that we can detect and destroy any missile launched against the united states anywhere anytime anyplace among the threats donald trump pointed out specifically were hypersonic missiles a system capable of launching such weapons called was successfully tested by russia at the end of december.
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the us withdraw from the anti-ballistic missile treaty which was the cornerstone in the field of non proliferation of nuclear weapons and deterring an arms race has forced us to respond. and by creating new weapon systems to overcome these missile defense systems there is no analogue of this system in the world according to the russian side the reason they're ramping up their r. and d. in strategic defenses is america's overblown military budget and everything it's being spent on parity means global security. the russian foreign ministry says that america's new defense strategy is a clearly confrontational nature and aims to assure washington's military leadership political analyst chris bambery thinks the trumpet ministrations policy is bound to lead it to a greater arms race. what we have in the white house is very much a president who's pushing for easy pushes away despite criticism of our eyes and
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despite criticism within the administration within the defense the defense department's any new arms race no which is what trump is threatening particularly with china china is not going to go bankrupt and in fact one of the concerns of american defense and the defense department the pentagon is is that this is going to encourage the further militarization of china which up until now has not gone don't the rules of trying to catch up with the united states militarily happy to have its own economic power but if this begins its own arms race gets under way attacking china and russia by the americans actually china could step up to the mark and that is a concern in the merican military who are criticizing trub over not the treaty but over the decision to launch this new militarization of space. a newly to document shows that despite teresa mayes objections the u.k.
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government has been exploring the possibility of a second to bragg's that referendum the revelation comes after m.p.'s emphatically rejected the prime minister's original divorce deal this week plunging the country deeper into political chaos. now the paper sets out a timetable for a second vote indicating that the whole process could take up to a year that includes seven months to lay the legal groundwork and a further three months at least for testing the question also discusses other practicalities including the length of time necessary for campaigning a media outlets questioned the legitimacy of the leak however downing street firms such a document exists while denying the government is actively planning for a second vote it said the paper is purely for illustrative purposes and reiterated to the prime minister's position that drags it will go ahead there are those who want to see no deal and those who want to see a second referendum and potentially frustrate. a second referendum would lead
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instead to division it's my duty to deliver on the british people's instruction to leave the european union and i intend to do so. meanwhile the leader of the opposition labor party has set out the conditions under which he would support a second vote jeremy corbyn has said that a so-called people's vote would be better than a no deal scenario despite initial referendums once in a generation. all the options are looked table including the public vote option which we make clear in our conference motion which was i have to remind you unanimously agreed by our conference last september eleventh what should happen right now is that we leave on the twenty ninth of march on w t o terms because that's what's written into the law but the problem you. the parliamentarians the m.p.'s are against the people the people's decision back in the referendum in
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twenty sixteen so i think over the next ten weeks the six hundred fifty m.p.'s are going to try to do everything they possibly can to extend article fifty overturn article fifty or have another referendum and to set themselves against what the people have decided i really don't think that there's a majority in parliament for completely overturning breaks and repealing article fifty it's doubtful whether there is actually a majority for extending or to article fifty either or or having people's votes so without a majority for any one of these particular options we will leave. because that's what's already written into into law. switching gears now u.s. president has slammed a new report by buzz feed news that claims that trump instructed his former lawyer michael cohen to lie to congress white house press secretary sarah sanders says no
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credibility should be given to these claims. that's absolutely ridiculous i think that the president's outside counsel addressed this best and said in a statement earlier today is categorically false and the report has created a minor sensation in the media but there is some concern about the author's credibility our correspondent in washington dan cohen takes up the story buzz feed news released a major report alleging that u.s. president donald trump has received ten personal updates from michael cohen and encouraged planned meetings with russian president vladimir putin. president donald trump directed his longtime attorney michael cohen to lie to congress according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter and even as trump told the public he had no business deals with russia the sources said trump and his children if the and donald trump jr received regular detailed
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updates about the real estate development from cohen whom they put in charge of the project a michael cohen is the former lawyer of donald trump he was sentenced to thirty six months in prison after he pleaded guilty to lying to congress about the trump tower plan he's also admitted to campaign finance violations tax evasions and fake fraud and of course he's a key figure in the moeller investigation where the so-called russian collusion probe this report is being treated as a bombshell president trump is facing new scrutiny today over a report that he told his personal attorney to lie to congress about his business dealings with russia we have breaking news tonight on the russia investigation here's what buzz feed news is reporting that ice bombshell report coming from buzz feed news president trump directed his attorney to lie to congress about the moscow tower project congressional democrats calling for an immediate investigation declaring the trial must be impeached if the story is true and the two journalists
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wrote in their article that they didn't actually see the court documents or any evidence that they base their reporting on rather they were briefed by two anonymous law enforcement officials and jason leopold that one of the authors of this buzz feed article has a history of fabricating sources back in two thousand and two he had an article retracted on salon dot com alleging that thomas white who was then secretary of the army attempted to cover up massive losses of the energy giant enron while he was an executive there and in two thousand and six leopold reported that coral rove who is a senior advisor to president bush. told him and other officials that he was going to be indicted in the case of the former cia agent valerie plame rove was never indicted and the story fell apart that's just a small sample in a long career of this kind of chicanery regarding the cohen story today leopold told m.s.n. b c that he had actually seen the evidence showing that trump instructed michael
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cohen to lie to congress and it's a total contradiction to what's written in the article and what his co-author has said i don't think that we've said that we haven't. but i will say that i'm very confident that your colleagues said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we've been i'll just say that we we've been documents we've been briefed on documents and we're very confident in our reporting despite these discrepancies this story being based on anonymous sources and leopold's history of journalistic malpractise we've seen some democrats promise that they will investigate the report calling the allegations against trump quote among the most serious to date some have even gone so far as to call for president trump's impeachment so we'll have to see how this one pans out. well let's cross a live down to washington to michael patrick flanagan who's a former congressman thanks for being with us here on r t international so in your
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opinion how believable is this buzz feed report especially since its authors gave different answers as to whether they have actual evidence. buzz feed has problems all the way around not to mention the people who actually write for it. the authors have real credibility problems they can't get their story straight and their sources whatever those are named an unknown which we've gotten used to in this country is being credible there once was a time not very long ago or an unnamed source wouldn't even be used in an article unless it was of the grave and most urgent need in something like this would be an article that would percolate for weeks and get solid sourcing out before it was published. this is insanity the bubble the left wing bubble that wants to get rid of this president overturn the twenty six thousand election will seize upon absolutely anything to get it moving in that direction cohen supposed to testify
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before congress in a short while and so maybe this is been manufactured to give some interest in and relevance to that continued testimony by this perjurer by this liar by this guy you can't form a sentence in the english language without without the indicting him self over it so i am at a loss as to the excitement over this there's there's no there there on top of which the president through his counsel denies it flatly so you know if there's evidence it's hard to say that you deny something if there's evidence for it you know you tend to hedge it you tend to make weasel word it they're not weasel wording at all they just deny it flatly because it probably is and so well there is a renewed push in the media for donald trump's impeachment i say in the media and not specifically in congress because the democrats are very careful especially considering what happened back in the ninety's with clinton but. there is renewed
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support for impeachment i mean what if trump really did tell cohen to lie isn't that encouraging perjury. well i don't know if he and if he informed his counsel to tell lies i don't know if i tell you to murder someone of my guilty of murder i don't know. that question all by itself is a question of legal legal import that the house judiciary committee would have to weigh out deciding in impeachment but i don't think we're anywhere near that i think that this is just more crap shoveled out by on name sources to guys who a print anything and i don't think there's a there there. all right so the report claimed donald trump had business dealings in russia which he has previously denied. if that were true is it illegal i mean he did deny it to the american people but there is evidence that suggests that he was working on getting a tower here moscow what about the legal ground there. is
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a businessman he's allowed to do what he has to do if he was president at the time he was doing it there's probably some ethical questions but i don't know about illegality and he certainly if he used his office to to accomplish a deal of some kind well that would that would be problematic but of course that didn't happen if he was working on his business while he was running for president i'm not even sure that's a problem although that's a little murkier but if you know if you're desperate to impeach the guy you leap upon anything. president obama wrote books for because he wanted to inform the world of his livelihood because he wanted to make a buck while he was running for president and while he was president are these illegal activities i don't know but certainly no one's talking about taking actions against obama or his administration for trying to to to improve his financial condition while he was president maybe we should have made it but the point my
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point is is a long way around this president has denied wrongdoing there has been no evidence that he has done any wrongdoing and if the press needed something to talk about guys like this are happy to provide a couple of days one cycle worth of stuff all right very interesting to hear your thoughts michael patrick flanagan former congressman here with us on our team international. and switching gears now u.s. court finally sheds light on the case of an american born iranian journalist who has been detained without charges more on that after a short break you are watching. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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when british voters said yes to leave the e.u. the clock started ticking towards march twenty ninth was bragg said it is clear what members of parliament are against what is not clear just what the support time is running out is a compromise still. that entire collection of countries and regions that have been the main economic. players for decades now over time they're going to become this much more players of the world is going to evolve china india middle east africa. under certain scenarios they're going to represent about eighty percent of world g.d.p. at the end of the century and that scenario is where they do catch up in terms of productivity growth.
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welcome back this is hard to international law from moscow now anti-government protests in a town near to loose in southwest france have ended in fierce clashes with police the demonstrations come ahead of the french president's visit and yet more yellow vest protests expected nationwide over the weekend. i was you know going to vote for him the. world oh i know. we're not going to use don't don't even look we would like president to hear us he can fill his pockets while his people are dying at any moment who could be left earning minimum wage and would. no longer survive i want you to find a solution to this situation she turns deaf ear and we're tired of it. the. president
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has met with around six hundred french mayors to discuss how to tackle the yellow vest movement in the town where this latest rally took place was put on lockdown prior to my visit the protests were first chartered by the post fuel price hikes back in november with the grassroots group claiming tax reforms have decreased living standards in the country earlier we were joined by french journalist america who thinks only micron's departure will appease the yellow vests. only the resign nation of president mccrone could become people's anger he's now trying to to organize a big debate at that is that his last card but according to a poll fifty two percent of the french do not intend to participate in this big debate and sixty seven percent think it would not so with the yellow vests crisis
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even to the french can get rid of micro. they have to get rid of macross policies and macross policies if it's means the e.u. mccrone the government are highly connected with their image with their program. doesn't seem to suffer from this lack of legitimacy and he doesn't realize how serious and dangerous it is for everybody in france is completely dismissive is stone deaf. the u.s. district court for the district of columbia has produced an order shedding light on the case of an american born journalist who was detained at st louis airport without charges earlier this week now according to the document. shami who works for the english language iranian news channel press t.v. has been detained as a material witness she has been appointed as she has been appointed an attorney but has not been accused of any crime authorities also confirming that the journalist
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will be released after she testifies in a grand jury investigation earlier we spoke to her friend who told us she has been in contact with the hashemi family. i've been in regular contact with mises children who are all in america decades of experience in journalism and her family are very concerned and the only information and contact the family have had with my z. is a telephone call to her daughter on tuesday where they received information from my . daughter that she had her job she is a muslim woman who was job a veil covering such as full time wearing at the moment that was taken off against her will mug shot was taken without her job on it she was given only a short sleeved t. shirt in contravention to her own islamic dress code her as she she was and that she had gained another t. shirt just to be able to cover some of her hair she also told her daughter that she
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wasn't given adequate food because she was not given. a motion or a vegetarian option to say the only conversation they've had with her she told her daughter that she only been able to eat a cracker or some bread that came with that food since being detained. fifty nine year old hashemi was born melanie franklin into an african-american family in new orleans and converted to islam following the one nine hundred seventy nine iranian revolution since two thousand and eight she has lived in tehran and been a prominent journalist and presenter for press t.v. show me was reportedly visiting relatives in america and was thought to be filming a black lives matter documentary tensions have been high between the u.s. and iran a since donald trump's arrival in office with washington recently accusing tehran of fabricating charges against four u.s. nationals some have been handed a lengthy prison sentences last year washington also abandoned the iran nuclear
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deal effectively shutting down constructive dialogue between the two countries the iranian foreign minister has called for journalists release. she is a famous shouldn't she's done nothing but journalism and the rest of mrs house. is a really create affront to freedom of expression a political abuse of an innocent individual. i believe the united states should be so easy if you go for the debate that doesn't back in let's say thirty five minutes with a full look at your news stay with us and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be rich eight point six
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percent market saw thirty percent your home with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember of one one this will show you can't afford to miss the one and only. rich terminal debt build up that no amount of economic activity going forward will ever provide the tax revenues sufficient to pay down the steps or past the point of no return we've gone through the debt looking class this means only one outcome that central banks will continue to print to keep the interest going on
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this insurmountable pile which means loss an income gap are guaranteed to increase which means the movement is. going global and the global insurrection is upon us and that's a guarantee. if like there's someone else living inside of me like controlling my body. the byproduct of that drug is the cause like severe depression. because it will meet him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault since crazy and all that. six years traumatic takes a long time because. when
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i came back from iraq out of marijuana her was cocaine methamphetamine so anything that's altering trying to get us out. that bad mindset using the chemical that would be self medicated. i want to be drinking and drinking ino new just killing myself. out the whole links drink to get drunk alcoholics drink to feel normal. that's why it's this way drug addicts do. a shot while still for the next. star cool under which these guys are breakthrough to it it just means to. reduce need to be hoped and pushed on by the v.a.'s r.'s drugs bill and stuff they need to be built. they've really shouldn't be looked at like numbers they should be looked at like people if they go
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to a veteran center for health issues be considered as someone who really needs attention . and. i. think i was. just i don't hide oh i lost his boss because i just got to be just part of the media which was you know. maybe four pm on a month although she doesn't want the pressure on us into law to go to show your true mother when i mean we have to i think. you know if anyone. is.
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showing us you know what i was you know. not just i mean what almost what a lot more people have spent up out of me just go to. a checklist i have a lot coming up from all of their business i get on loans. and india when what i think there's a must go. to. the. place . i always had a were do. my thing with lassie equal kind of woman you just got to thirty years equestrian to be getting up there calling quincy i think. it's the. focus on the voices that i mean for. me when i took them out that i mean by that anybody made a comment to you when they were going to see me but they have been.
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