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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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lent it. to a gas and water cannon are called into action in paris as anti-government yellow vests stage for a tenth consecutive we kind of cross france despite president launching
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a national debate to placate the protesters. both the u.s. president and special counsel robot forcefully reject an incendiary new buzz feed reports on alleged wrongdoing by donald trump. and from the airport to a jail cell all she speaks to a friend and former colleague of an american born iranian journalist detained in the u.s. saying her freedoms are being abused in the press t.v. is a material witness in a case which hasn't as yet been disclosed. she is an american journalist and she's been detained without charge without information so it's truly very concerning. it's ten o'clock here in moscow and you'll want ching international live from a studio with me. in a day or two to welcome to the program attend consecutive
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a saturday of yellow best protests have taken place nationwide in france have a what they call rising living costs and government policies despite the president micron's efforts to quell the unrest by launching a national debate which he's promised will result in a new social contract take us all to kind of work and profile face to disperse the demonstrators. thank. you for seeing the first tensions here in paris today as act time is under way of the. over in the distance you might be able to see the water cannon they're trying to disperse the protesters away from this area we did see protesters actually trying to break down some of the traffic lights and we've also seen tear gas being just mostly looks like there's some people down on the ground
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a little bit further over that boy it sure looks like a potentially could have remained she is now as you can see the protesters are trying to throw back at the tear gas of pellets now she would say the police. official figures from the interior ministry say around seven thousand people are out in paris today taking part in this tense weekend of protests according to those figures across france it's twenty seven thousand individuals that is followed lower than the figures we saw just a week ago when there were more than eighty thousand people out across france but the surely shields of all students just future egypt those figures from the ministry over the interior well as we can see there is anger on the streets now let's take a look back now at that anger that's been bubbling owes us since november seventy.
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no the course is the right one and we don't come to change it just because the wind is blowing. i will not concede anything to those who want destruction and disorder. i. take my share of responsibility. as you can see some damage to a vehicle that protesters trying to throw projectiles to wards of police on sunday that being dragged away looks like they've received an injury as
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a result of something that's been hit and then you can see just chaos ensuring as a trying to get somebody injured out of these crowds at the moment there's also being months of violence against journalists in these protests and it was actually a protest underway today against that violence i can just hear behind us something sounding like it's being snatched up i mean really has just gone from total calm to chaos in just a matter of moments. during this protest was meant to be in tribute to the people who have joined in these protests since they began and also been injured in these protests and he looks like it could be even more injuries today.
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firmly rejected a damning new report by buzz feed news which he claims instructed his former lawyer michael cohen to lie to congress about a planned business deal in russia cohen is among those being investigated in the russia collusion probe the investigation itself is being led by special counsel of up at miller who the president for not giving the both feet article any credence i think. the. great work. with great journalist and i appreciate your coming out. right i think very appropriate so i very much agree that. the report detailing cohen's alleged confession to special counsel melissa investigation into election meddling has caused a sensation in the media it was branded a bombshell article and immediately led to talk of impeachment. president trump is facing new scrutiny today over a report that he told his personal attorney to lie to congress about his business
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dealings with russia we have breaking news tonight on the russia investigation here's what buzz feed news is reporting or idolised bombshell report coming from buzz feed news president trump directed his attorney to lie to congress about the moscow tower project congressional democrats calling for an immediate investigation declaring the trial must be impeached if the story is true the media quickly picked up on the story despite the fact that the whole piece is based on anonymous sources are washington correspondent dan cohen takes up the story buzz feed news released a major report alleging that u.s. president donald trump has received ten personal updates from michael cohen and encouraged to plan meetings with russian president vladimir putin. president donald trump directed his longtime attorney michael cohen to lie to congress according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter and even as trump told the public he had no business deals with russia the sources
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said trump and his children if i think and donald trump jr receives regular detailed updates about the real estate development from cohen whom they put in charge of the project a michael cohen is the former lawyer of donald trump he was sentenced to thirty six months in prison after he pleaded guilty to lying to congress about the trump tower plan he's also admitted to campaign finance violations casually and thank god and of course he's a key figure in investigation for the so-called russian collusion probe and the two journalists wrote in their article that they didn't actually see the court documents or any evidence that they base their reporting on rather they were briefed by two anonymous law enforcement officials and jason leopold that one of the authors of this buzz feed article has a history of fabricating sources regarding the cohen story today leopold told
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m.s.n. b c that he had actually seen the evidence showing that trump instructed michael cohen to lie to congress and it's a total contradiction to what's written in the article and what his co-author has said i don't think that we've said that we haven't met but i will say that i'm very confident that your colleague said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we've been i would say that we we've seen documents we've been briefed on documents we're very confident in our report we've seen some democrats promise that they will investigate the report calling the allegations against trump quote among the most serious to date some have even gone so far as to call for president trump's impeachment so we'll have to see how this one pans out. charles over tile and political analyst charles thanks for coming on to the program now in your opinion how believable is this report. it's a fairy tale minutes it would seem to me that it's high time for the people in the
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western in quotes mainstream media to get a grip chase facts report facts weave facts into cogent analysis but buzz feed in my view as a wholly discredited frankly alternative news site alternative facts then this case once again has blown and narrative into smithereens it is amazing to me how much the mainstream press jumped on this story in the last twenty four hours and it's also frankly quite amazing that the special counsel's team has come out to say what is the story's totally bogus yeah i mean left a look at the authors they gave different answers didn't they as to whether they had actual evidence so it is interesting why the media has jumped on to this. well the media is become a one johnny one note operation they they're out to get trump in the main they didn't like the election results they wanted hillary clinton then. they just appear
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to be a grumpy dissatisfied nonobjective. on a witch on here and actually you know i've not been very positive about the special counsel muller's operation but i do give them credit for coming forward quickly to credibly debunk this story and i think it's a fair point that giuliani the trump team have investigations like this are supposed to be secret there are many unfounded allegations that will come forward it's the our government authorities have tremendous power and these in our country are innocent until proven guilty so if there are charges let them be brought forward let there be a defense and let's get to the bottom of the but leaks from the prosecution if those did a q. occur are very serious crimes indeed you say serious we've had this question of an pietschmann and we've seen it since the inauguration of trump and there seems to be
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of a new push in the media now calling for that all that any grounds to support it you think. none that i've seen so far i mean we need to remember that under our system in america impeachment you only get impeached means indicted if you can be credibly accused of what are called high crimes and misdemeanors those are not traffic tickets those are not alexion law offenses those aren't even tax matters those are very serious crimes indeed it's only happened at the presidential level twice in our long history over two hundred years so what we're talking about now don't strike me as crimes at all let alone high crimes and misdemeanors and i think it's really irresponsible of the mainstream press to do what they're doing i forget who was it said a light can travel halfway around the war world before the truth has a chance to catch up and you see this in the last forty eight hours this story came out c.n.n. m s n b c cried impeachment apparently over two hundred separate times dan rather
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came out of the woodwork a disgraced former c.b.s. anchor jumping on impeachment right away let's get to the facts of what really happened here and let's actually think about investigating some real crimes like clinton foundation matters which really deserve to be investigated charles i suppose the question is you know what if trump really did tile cullen to lie what does that mean and what would it mean if that indeed is the case. well i mean telling somebody to lie before a. proceeding in congress or judicial proceeding is called suborning perjury that is a very serious crime and i highly doubt that donald trump would have done that. i highly doubt that any serious political player would would dare do something that stupid so this is not a light accusation that came out of buzz feed this is
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a very serious accusation made more so in the recent hours with the people coming back and doubling down claiming as in that clip that they have actually seen the evidence of this these are very serious charges to make it's like crying shouting fire in a crowded theater theater when there's no fire so we need to get the bottom of what truly did happen here and if these are yet another set of false accusations out of buzz feed shame on them ok charles i'll tell political analyst thanks very much for coming on to the program thank you. needs can certainly spread if it hits at particular narrative and that's exactly what's put in republican senator lindsey graham in the mainstream spotlight off a comedian tweeted that russia hasn't cornett. lindsey graham is so obviously being blackmailed by russia.
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a republican just told me that. graham is going to trump and in directly putting because he's being blackmailed rather he thinks it probably involves some pretty serious sexual kink. before donald trump got elected lindsey graham called donald trump a racist xenophobic bigot or it could be the donald trump or somebody knows something pretty extreme about lindsey graham. i am sure there is something happening with him based on what evidence what facts that's a remarkable comment to make about a sitting u.s. senator. the at the evidence really. present. presented to us in the way that.
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it's not your friend who is disrupting democracy everywhere and i mean the united states and in me a democracy to interfere in our elections we don't care why we're going to hit you and hit you hard on russia. it's not a normal country. still to come germany joins the ranks of western countries dialing up the pressure on chinese telecoms giant huawei thoughts right after this break. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get us out of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. please reach terminal debt deal the no amount of economic activity going forward
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will never provide the tax revenues sufficient to pay down the step we're past the point of no return we've gone through the debt looking glass this means only one outcome that central banks will continue to print to keep the interest going on this insurmountable debt pile which means loss an income gap are guaranteed to increase which means of the g.l.a. show movement is going global and the global insurrection is upon us and that's a guarantee. of. welcome to the program at least sixty six people have been killed and dozens of
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others badly burned in a pipeline explosion north of mexico city. it's believed to have been caused by thieves who were trying to siphon off fuel oil had reportedly been spilling out for several hours before the blast happened and officials say hundreds of people were filling up plastic containers the nation's president is now promising a crackdown as this weekend's blast marks one of the deadliest explosions in mexican history. and american born journalist who works as a news presenter on iranian state t.v. has been arrested in the u.s. as a material witness in an undisclosed case a court order revealed on friday that although she has been detained she's not been charged with a crime. general
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ok. well the fact that certain dietary restrictions with just natural instructions were not being accounted. for had staff had been the answer will. be. we are concerned by the arrest of a journalist for iranians say to be shamy we have serious concerns about her detention and we urged american authorities to clarify the situation. she's a famous journalist she's done nothing but journalism. mrs hosiery is
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very clear affront to freedom of expression a political abuse of an innocent individual. i believe the united states should release even giving the. all she has spoken exclusively to a close friend of the jailed iranian t.v. anchor she shared her concerns about the legality of these detention and the conditions she's being subjected to in custody the only information and contact the family of hundred miles here is a telephone call to her daughter on tuesday where they received wiring information from him as he had told her daughter that she had had jobs a muslim woman who was a hit job a veil covering some. time wearing at the moment that was taken off against her will the mug shot was taken without her job on that she was given only
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a short sleeved t. shirt in contravention to her own islamic dress code her that she that she wears and that she had to gain another t. shirt just to be able to cover some of her hair she also told her daughter that she wasn't in absence given adequate food because she was not given allow muslim option or a vegetarian option on tuesday the only conversation they've had with her she told her daughter that she only been able to eat a cracker or some bread that came with that food since being detained if they had questions about four miles here in regards to an issue she would have all of them that is what her son has said look children have been subpoenaed as well and they have no idea why you can imagine how worried they are for their mother and how nervous they are about the situation marcy is an internationally known journalist and she's been a journalist for many decades she is an american journalist and she has been
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detained without charge without information so it's truly very concerning. according to the court order which was issued by a u.s. district court in washington d.c. we must testify before a grand jury investigation after that she'll be released however many are still concerned by the detention including a number of human rights groups. there's a grand jury investigation nobody knows what it's about and she's being held as a material witness which means that she's not the person accused but they think that she knows something about a crime a felony a very serious crime and it's serious enough that a judge has authorized her arrest so whatever is happening it is under the supervision of the judge what's disturbing is that two of her children were also subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury here in washington d.c. so what could she possibly have been involved in that her children also would know
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about she has the rights to do journalistic walk for whichever outlet she chooses to do in any part of the world that she chooses to and she also has the right to travel freely as a journalist and as a citizen throughout the united states that she's a journalist on this we're saying now donald trump's america journalism is a crime you know i have no other answer to that that the children i have a cat all the organizations they all stink information as to why she is being detained there's something very dark going on in the united states at the moment you know there's islamophobia there's this anti iran sentiment there's this anti media anti journalism sentiment unprecedented times in the united states and i said that my friend i'm a journalist and she's a fighter a journalist as has been victim to that and it's unacceptable and the lack of information is unacceptable and the family is demanding to know what is going on with their mother their grandmother that you know she is
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a sister she was traveling to the united states to. see her ailing brother she has the right to do so without fearing detention taking an internal flight. as the backlash against weiwei grows germany has not joined the list of western countries considering locking the company out of its next generation mobile network the chinese telecoms giant has been embroiled in controversy and stands accused spying on behalf of beijing his polyploid take on the story. huawei if you think owning one of these. chinese phones is risky in case you missed this try working for the company that makes the. chinese tech giant huawei which is mandarin for web definitely not spying on you ernest is finding itself under a spot of pressure foreign nations also known as western comparative to is accused of having links to the chinese state and including but doing was first spying into
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all of its products it's more of a hunch than an evidence based conclusion but that is enough chinese friends also different to their western made counterparts because that cheap and they may be spying on you as opposed to i phones which are expensive and definitely spying on you most worried on the five eyes nations the international spy services which is but one tongue. of the world will know one way is well ahead in developing and selling its five g. network five g.'s the network in the future it will allow your bathrooms scales to directly tell your fridge who's been eating all the pies and as one of the internet of things will probably be in charge the first time a driverless car is down a group of koreans because of the potential for espionage the f.b.i. director even said that chinese are in a ship of five g. networks present to us via the use q what looks suspiciously like politically motivated arrests market manipulation and unproven accusations to protect those who
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are nothing like a good old pudge to protect free markets and the rule of law is chief financial officer was the first to go arrested in canada at the request of the washington apparently for breaching sanctions on iran which is such a political double whammy for america next hour while away employee was arrested in poland on espionage charges and chinese five g. networks could soon be vanden britain australia has already started china called it western egotism and double standard. what i'm going to say you can have a certain sympathy for western governments are no fans of uncertainty many don't know exactly who's doing the spying facebook google or that marianne and running foreign competitors from your her ma care that's not bad for the bank balance either. i'm going on nodding off. and i'll be back in around thirty minutes with more updates but first it's going
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underground. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race and his on off and spearing dramatic development only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical darren time to sit down and talk. you want to make sure that the quality is not just a slogan for misery but it also is associated with the rise in the start up of leave how can you have a rise in this the by having people who are ritual saving and
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investing. roldan in increasing the size of the national park so that you can distribute ball to everything. we're going underground amidst a crisis in the british government coming up in the show in a week of unprecedented turmoil in westminster the name of the labor prime minister who defeated churchill than one hundred forty five was never forgotten we talked to lord deathly grandson of one of britain's towering socialist leaders clement attlee and as a minority government prepares for plan b. after teresa mayes contempt and on president the defeats in parliament we get both
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sides of the debate with may's former home office minister norman baker and consultant editor of the ms daily mail andrew p s plus. questions to the prime minister but after the biggest defeat in history can juries of even call itself the prime minister also more going up in today's going underground the first after a week of crisis in westminster affecting arguably not just seventy million in britain but about half a billion of the e.u. jeremy corbin's labor party chose to reference one u.k. politician named again and again and tuesday's biggest ever defeat of a british prime minister he and his health secretary are in bevan famous for creating the national health service clement attlee was name checked on a street sign in a labor broadcast as tories were congratulated for voting for themselves on wednesday to keep theresa may prime minister a country that believes they have. no choice right. country. the names of clement attlee and the man he defeated after leading the u.k.
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to victory against the nazis were talks stones in the defeat of teresa mayes breaks a deal this is the this should be a historic day for the future of our country and parliament this was once a chamber of winston churchill and clement attlee instead if you did a day of high farce and self-delusion but as the late world war two veteran harry leslie smith who also featured in this week's labor broadcast said they believe that jeremy corbyn made him think of arguably britain's greatest post-war prime minister to may yet i may call a minute and. reminds me of clement attlee in one nine hundred forty five and i think if he puts his shoulders to it way oh i think he can be. a man who changes. england for the better just as clement attlee did someone who would not agree is the grandson of time undoubtedly david cameron's former whip in the house of lords british tory government via lord death you served in yugoslavia.


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