tv News RT January 20, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST
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the demonstrations went from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know war here. is. spilling into the fall the ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i read that. that the u.k. is congressman dick hale says that he's either well mainly rejects the prime minister's gregg's it deal with gift of that backing in a vote of no confidence all the way the day. calls intensify for donald trump's
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impeachment as the u.s. president is hit with a slew of allegations of wrongdoing but he says he's not going anywhere. the peach somebody that's touring the great job that's the way i view it. and disagrees interior minister hits out at france accusing the country of harboring dozens of dangerous fugitives and demanding the extradition. a very warm welcome you watching the we can here on r.c. international all the latest headlines and a roundup of the stories the shape the week but first the u.k. was thrust deeper into political turmoil this week after to resign may's proposed the e.u. divorce deal was dealt a crushing defeat in parliament the following day though the prime minister's so often no confidence vote called by the leader of the opposition leaving the country
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no closer to a breakthrough on brics it here's a quick recap of all the drama. i . put up. or you know what i'm doing with. the country and up here in this old me to you frankly oh a little cold but it's the five hundred years from now we're going to resolve these questions reject this deal reject this deal because of the wrong we could do. yeah i still write two hundred until you know used to the last form drilled in the thirty two children lose i didn't have it it is clear that the house does not support this deal.
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let me be ordinary so i am sure you would be able to change the government good thing want. to the right we are not inferior. to the larry three hundred twenty five and please if this house has expressed its confidence in the gulf of mexico or. will it be the other way. just by to resume a's commitment to delivering on briggs that document revealed on thursday that the government has been exploring the possibility of a rerun of the vote the paper sets out a timetable for a second referendum indicating that the whole process could take up to a year that includes seven months to lay the legal groundwork and a further three months at least at least for testing the question it also discusses
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other practicalities including the length of time necessary for campaigning well initially media outlets questioned the authenticity of the leak however downing street confirms that it was genuine but denied the government was being actively planning for a second vote is that the paper is purely for illustrative purposes and reiterated the prime minister's position that brags it will go ahead meanwhile the leader of the opposition labor party has set out the conditions under which he would support a second vote blue options are on the table including the public vote. option which we make clear in our conference motion which was i have to remind you unanimously agreed by our conference last september. even before the referendum i remember talking to some of the people organizing the leave campaign and i had imagined that they would have a whole should draw of parts of the european legislation they had to go up or so they could quite happily live with them so they would come out of the traps after
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the referendum if they wanted to and so this is what we're for against it it took three years we've begin to make that process and that's partly because the conservative party is very divided on what to do but it's also true the opposition is very divided so we have all these divisions and they council cross parties and they cut across the country to well a recent poll has found that if a second referendum was to be held a majority of voters would now choose to remain in the e.u. so is the biggest surgeon support for remains since the twenty six thing breaks that vote and there's probably boycott explains a rerun of the referendum wouldn't be without precedent. the people may have voted but the british parliament is in political turmoil over what the u.k.'s departure from the e.u. should look like some politicians get their way whether it should happen at all to this issue but to the electorate what else can we possibly do. to the british
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public to get back. to reconsider this is a cause for deception but most of those people that promise to help you know why we bothering to leave and. still subject to all the rules over on the continent these slighted politicians will be hoping that perhaps the imperfect but stable relationship between brussels and london could be heading towards their union if a deal is impossible and no one wants no deal then who will finally have the courage to say what's the only positive solution is so if you think their people have voted then think again governments have been known to ignore a referendum result or to. ireland learned this the hard way twice in two thousand and one after a smallish campaign irish voters rejected expanding the bloc east island
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effectively put a spoke in the e.u.'s wheels when it was keen to invite nations like romania and bulgaria into the club so the e.u. irish government invested in a big yes campaign and a year later the vote was rerun. the majority of votes against the proposal. was the irish decision on the use defacto constitution the lisbon treaty suffered the same fate the majority in favor of the proposal. that i see dear sold as a sign of confidence by the irish people and european union as a sign of their desire to be all hearted members of the opinion. before the break that shambles it was the greek debt crisis keeping e.u.
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officials put night. in twenty fifteen the new greek prime minister staged a referendum in which greek citizens overwhelmingly rejected the e.u.'s austerity policies but brussels imposed them anyway those living in the birthplace of democracy well pleased with what they saw as an undemocratic process. and this one may not be related to the e.u. but it is related to britain in twenty twelve voters in the city of manchester rejected having elected mez but a couple of years later david cameron's westminster government imposed them on the region anyway late last year the e.u. is top court ruled that the u.k. can unilaterally stop gregg's it stressing that the twenty sixteen referendum here
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wasn't legally binding so technically in terms of the law the u.k. government is free to do whatever it chooses be it plowing ahead with leaving or nothing into river shore stopping gregg's it would be a failure to deliver on the will of the people but after two and a half years of political turmoil here in the u.k. public opinion has shifted the latest polls now show that some fifty six percent in u.k. voters would say no to bragg's it and given the circumstances there are now plenty of politicians keen to break the bread as it promised and sell it as the noble thing to do. well as calls for that second referendum continue to grow to resume a will be back in parliament on monday to present a revised version of a briggs it plan to m.p.'s. critics of donald trump hit the president with the baron of new misconduct claims this week they range from obstructing justice to
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lying to holding the u.s. hostage over his controversial plan for a five billion dollar border wall for his opponents there's only one solution. reports. from dirty filthy dossiers to sexual misconduct allegations illicit business deals on and on you name it chances are trump was accused of it weekly this week it's the seat president donald trump directed his longtime attorney michael cohen to lie to congress according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter and even as trump told the public he had no business deals with russia the sources said trump and his children if donald trump jr received regular detailed updates about the real estate development from cohen whom they put in charge of the project specifically to alleged law enforcement officials anonymous of course as is
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tradition claim to have seen documents regarding the proposed construction of a trump tower in moscow markedly one of the original authors couldn't clearly state whether he's even seen the documents is our answer would put any lawyer to shame i don't think we've said that we haven't. but i will say that i'm very confident that your colleague said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these document i'll just say that we we've seen documents we've been briefed and we're very confident in our reporting you can imagine how embarrassing it must have been for buzz feed when robert mueller by no means a fan of trump and the guy investigating the u.s. president came out and dismissed these reports buzz feed's description of specific statements and characterization of documents and testimony and not accurate yet
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still the pundits call it a bombshell why is anyone's guess the other recent bombshell came from the washington post which claims. that trump tried to can see details of one of his meetings with putin according to current and former officials anonymous as is tradition the constraints that trump imposed the part of a broader pattern by the presidents of shielding his communications with putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high ranking officials if he's been destruction from fully knowing what he has told one of the united states marine adversaries the bombshell kind fizzles out in the twenty fourth paragraph where the washington post admits that trump allows most of his contact with putin to be monitored like his meeting in hamburg where then secretary of state rex tillerson was present trump of course dismisses it all as fake news attacks against him defamation
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i've never worked for russia you know that answer better than anybody i've ever worked for russia not only did i never work for russia i think it's a disgrace that you even ask that question because it's all big fat holes it's just dark but the democrats being democrats now want to raise hell over this they want the interpreter from the helsinki meeting between trump and putin to spill the beans they hope anything to get a trump if i had a choice i'd rather not do that with the with the interpreters but we may have no choice we'll have to see down down the road what happens but we want to get to the truth impeachment they cry impeachment impeachment impeachment almost thirty chavez at this point the trump seems particularly concerned
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you can't impeach somebody that's doing a great job that's the way i view. france has been rocked by a tenth consecutive weekend of yellow vest protests. save affording living standards of eighty thousand people turned out to rally in cities across the country moving in paris and though the demonstrations in the capital began peacefully it didn't take long for the tensions to flare. the two i am utterly. utterly. thank you. thank. you. thanks to.
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the latest wave of protests came in spite of the french president's attempts to quell public anger by launching a three month long national debate it will see a series of meetings held across the country between citizens and elected officials and the manual mccrone has promised it will result in a new social contract aussie francis spoke to a representative of the yellow vest movement about mccracken's initiatives and how he sees the protest campaign unfolding. there are more protesters compared to last week as the number of people grows every time as for micron we still have not seen any change things are continuing just like before we have not received the response that we were expecting whether there are national debates or not he still doesn't want to answer our main question was the question of rubber bullets used by law enforcement has become a topic of discussion we need to talk about it because there have been lots of seriously wounded people there's not much information about it on t.v.
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it is almost rubber bullets have been frequently used for unknown reasons there were reports last week of people being shot by rubber bullets when they hadn't done anything since it's. the italian interior minister my fair salvini has called on emanuel mccrone to hand over tens of feet you just say of terrorist suspects believed to be sheltering in france with the story has solid to betsy off to decades on the run one of italy's most new tourist criminals finally steps back on to home soil says a petition charged with four murders was part of the so-called great but gates that terrorized the country back in the seventy's.
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q he is into a prison sentence but tiste escaped to france now under the so-called to me to hone doctoring by which foreign terrorists were given safe haven if they had to announce their past crimes france welcome to him with open arms for decades he enjoyed something of a celebrity status becoming an author he mingled with the literary elite and politicians now the success in bringing him to justice has led to italy to call on other countries including france to stop the whole bring terrorists. to the fridge president to return to italy to fugitives that should not be drinking champagne under the eiffel tower should be rotting in jail and it's it's really worlds france to hand over more than thirty over these champagne terrorists.
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the list includes no cisco an entity who said to live in this house south of paris . i think that over the full two years we could find a solution to this story as has already been done in the history of the world in civilised countries it's time to turn the page but i've never done what they accuse me of i am absolutely innocent a warrant from an n.t.'s extradition is currently being looked at and it's likely that he won't be alone in wondering if onse is about to give him up but there is a big but french officials have said extradition conte to be pursued in most of the
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cases. as the statute of limitations here would quash the proceedings with tensions between the two countries already at a tipping point over migrants the forthcoming elections and italy support for the movement this seems to be no sign that president mccall has any intention of allowing salvini to claim a home run show that even ski altie show let so the law. we need fighting this week in the libyan capital tripoli left thirteen people dead and fifty two others wounded according to the country's health ministry sadly a journalist working for artie's video news agency raptly was among those killed mohammad ben khalifa had been working with the place since twenty sixteen and had produced around thirty stories for the agency his fellow colleagues have described him as a brilliant journalist and humble individual here are some of the last images he
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captured during his reporting along with a recap of recent events in tripoli. would be. ruptly was saddened to learn of the death of journalist mohammad been a khalifa who lost his life during clashes in tripoli over the past three years he worked with us to deliver high quality reports in difficult circumstances we send our deepest condolences to his family. but as well as the president is facing fresh
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challenges to his authority as he begins his second term in office on wednesday a group of exiled military officers called for nicholas materialize overthrow saying the army must reject his leadership in the wake of last may's disputed and the action they've always dressed support for the opposition need one he also has washington backing and says his party is ready to form a government with more on the growing crisis his kind of more. one has declared himself to be the interim president of venezuela he's choosing not to recognize the inauguration of nicolas maduro the president who was just sworn in no election took place to select one who is the head of the national assembly at this point he is granting no legitimacy to the venezuelan state and it's worth noting that the u.s. government loves him this is what was said by u.s. vice president mike pence is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power who is
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a prisca villa's wailin people who for. the united states strongly supports the courageous decision by. the president of the national assembly to invoke constitutional protections and declare the country's presidency vacant now at this point rumors are circulating that donald trump is planning to recognize the unelected leader good wedo as venezuela's head of state marco rubio the u.s. senator is trumpeting the call from the us his perspective since we've recognized the legitimate president c. of the national assembly president pending a new election i think that the time has come to expel them a dural appointed ambassador and allow the new constitutional president to appoint replacements the washington post even gave a platform to publishing an op ed that he wrote now doesn't that sound a lot like foreign meddling the usa has been pretty open about choosing to side with the opposition against venezuela's government back when she was in office this
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is what nikki haley said. at the united nations the systematic oppression of the venezuelan people has become an active threat to the entire region for the safety and the security of all people in latin america it is time for men to to go back in september the white house would not deny that it had met with people that were plotting a coup to overthrow the venezuelan government when asked about the issue it simply gave a vague statement about democracy and since then we actually heard donald trump calling for the violent overthrow of the bettas wayland government. a regime that frankly could be toppled very quickly by the military or the military to do that the washington post in the new york times two top newspapers in the usa have both published op eds calling for the military to overthrow the elected government in venezuela now u.s. leaders say this is simply out of humanitarian concerns they only want to intervene to rescue those poor oppressed venezuelans socialism has bankrupted the oil rich
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nation. and driven its people. into abject. poverty as we've seen the completion of venezuela's collapse into dictatorship we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option there is no greater chose today than the full scale dismantling of democracy and the heartbreaking humanitarian disaster in venezuela but how exactly can u.s. leaders claim that they know what havre to venezuelans want venezuela is facing a deepening economic political and social crisis but we can't possibly understand this crisis or see a way out of the crisis without understanding u.s. intervention the end the us has been trying to topple this government since the year two thousand two thousand and one and so i mean the us is not promoting democracy in venezuela the u.s. is stepping up in intervention in a moment in which it sees that it now has an actual possibility of overthrowing the
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government the u.s. particularly is threatening to recognize this opposition as the legitimate government and it is threatening to impose heightened oil sanctions so that it would not only import venezuelan oil and refine it in the united states the purpose is not to bring democracy the u.s. doesn't intervene in other countries in order to bring democracy to those countries that it intervenes in order to secure its own interests so it if it bolsters recognizes and props up dictatorships when it's in its in the u.s. interest to do so and a choice to bring about regime change through elections in which it intervenes in those actions so the usa says that it wants democracy in venezuela well nothing sounds more democratic than having the military role in the capital and overthrow the elected leaders caleb mop and marty new york. another doping scandal has rocked the wealth of sports this time it's one of its more genteel disciplines that is being affected and in
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a rather unlikely way. we were aware how that had played flawlessly than they went to the bathroom for ten minutes and came back with a huge audience everything runs well for them they go to the toilet and them don't throw another bad ball when they come back. though so i woke up the dutch certainly lost against the belgians and found an excuse i've never heard of cocaine in its own competitions. ok. jane no i stick to beer and pasties but. if you are unwilling to export you get money now would console a possible problem with the cane. thanks for joining us this hour on
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r.t. we're back in just over thirty minutes with all the latest join us then if we can. you know world's big partners through a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now
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we're watching closely watching the hawks. countries gone into a nihilistic fever that's why i think they've got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take them to charlotte is the genius is this the quintessential american hero this is it we've come a point around which alan what he's done since we always are on the bridge is simple this whole culture is really important because. we're starting last with this is going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast and i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more gondo than it may be completely different but the end of this journey. reflect there's someone else living inside of me or controlling my body.
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the byproduct of that drug is because like severe depression. because it will need one to zombie it's crazy. you know and we don't have to do anything it's not our fault you know she's crazy and all that. appears traumatic things long time to get rid of. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five
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hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom but. you want to make sure that the quantities not just a slogan of misery but it also is associated with a rise in this the need of how can you have a rise in the stuff. by having people who are rich saving investing. broadening increasing the size of the national park so that you can distribute gold to everyone.
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