tv News RT January 20, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EST
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a. position normally surviving a confidence vote just twenty four hours later. calls intensive. the us president has had with us. wrongdoing but he says he's not going anywhere. impeach somebody that's doing a great job that's the way i view it. in the country of harboring. dangerous fugitives. extradition. with the top stories from the past seven days down right up to the moment developments well this is the weekly on our to international a little unwelcome. the u.k.
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was thrust deeper into political turmoil this week after trees and maze proposed for steele was dealt a crushing defeat in parliament the following day though the prime minister sall for a confidence vote called by the leader of the opposition leaving the country no closer to a breakthrough on breaks and here's a quick recap of the drama. i . put up with. you know what i'm doing with. the country and up here and this almighty frankly i have little confidence that five hundred years from now we got a result of these questions reject this deal reject this deal because of the mom who could do. the right to under
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them to the no use to the last four hundred and thirty two shouldn't be. having it is clear that the house does not support this deal. he would have resigned because he would be able to choose the common good thing he wants. to the right. to the three hundred twenty five things that this house has expressed its confidence in the gulf. i. think the. other way. well in the wake of those votes the publication of a link to government document on thursday to the controversy over bragg said the paper explores the posse. berty of holding
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a second referendum and estimates that the whole process here could take up to year at that include seven months to lay the legal groundwork and then a further three months at least for actually just testing the actual question well the leak comes as a surprise to many may has remained adamant that she will deliver on bragg's it take a look this is what downing street had to say the paper is genuine they say but denied that the government had been actively planning for a second vote it sees the paper is purely for illustrate of purposes and has reiterated the p.m.'s position that britain will leave the e.u. meanwhile germy corben has said i think conditions under which he would support a second vote blue options are on the table including the public vote option which we made clear in our conference motion which was i have to remind you unanimously agreed by our conference last september eleventh even before the referendum i remember talking to some of the people organizing the leave campaign and i had
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imagined that they would have a whole show of parts of the european legislation they had to go up or so they can quite have to look with them so they come out of the traps profitable for them if they want to and so this is what will for two year. process and that's partly because the conservative party is pretty divided to want to do your position is very divided so we have all these divisions and they counsel cross parties and they cut across the country to well a recent poll has found that if a second referendum where to be held a majority of voters would not choose to remain in the e.u. it shows that support for remain is that it's highest level since the twenty sixth the embrace of bold and as poly boyko explains a rerun of a referendum well it wouldn't be the first time what it. the people may have voted but the british parliament is in political turmoil over what the u.k.'s departure from the e.u.
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should look like and if some politicians get their way whether it should happen at all to this issue but to the electorate what else can we possibly do. to the british public to get back. to. this brics it is a cause for deception but most of those people that promise to help you know why we bothering to leave and. still subject to all the rules over on the continent these slighted politicians will be hoping that perhaps the imperfect but stable relationship between brussels and london could be heading towards their union if a deal is impossible and no one wants no deal then who will finally have the courage to say what's the only positive solution is so if you think their people have voted then think again governments have been known to ignore
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a referendum result or to. ireland learned this the hard way twice in two thousand and one after a smallish campaign irish voters rejected expanding the bloc east island effectively put a spoke in the e.u.'s wheels when it was keen to invite nations like romania and bulgaria into the club so the e.u. irish government invested in a big yes campaign and a year later the vote was rerun. the majority of votes against the proposal. was the irish decision on the use defacto constitution the lisbon treaty suffered the same fate majority in favor of the proposal. that i see dear sloth as a sign of confidence by the irish people and european union as
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a sign of their desire to be all hearted members of the european union. before the break that shambles it was the greek debt crisis keeping e.u. officials put night. in twenty fifteen the new greek prime minister staged a referendum in which greek citizens overwhelmingly rejected the these austerity policies but brussels imposed them anyway those living in the birthplace of democracy well pleased with what they saw as an undemocratic process. and this one may not be related to the e.u. but it is related to britain in twenty twelve voters in the city of manchester rejected having elected men as but a couple of years later david cameron's westminster government imposed them on the
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region anyway late last year the e.u. is top court ruled that the u.k. can unilaterally stop gregg's it stressing that the twenty sixteen referendum here wasn't legally binding so technically in terms of the law the u.k. government is free to do whatever it chooses be it plowing ahead with leaving or not being into river shore stopping brags it would be a failure to deliver on the will of the people but after two and a half years of political turmoil here in the u.k. public opinion has shifted the latest polls now show that some fifty six percent in the u.k. voters would say no to bragg's it and given the circumstances there are now plenty of politicians he can break the bread as it promised and sell it as the noble thing to do. choppy waters on the banks of the terms calls for that second referendum continue to grow trees and they will be back in parliament tomorrow to present
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a revised version of plan to. ok moving on now critics of donald trump hit the president with a barrage of new misconduct claims this week they range from obstructing justice still holding the u.s. hostage over his controversial plan for a five billion dollar border war and for his opponents there's only one solution. from dirty filthy dossiers to sexual misconduct allegations elicit business deals on and on you name it chances are trump was accused of it weekly this week it's the seat president donald trump directed his longtime attorney michael cohen to lie to congress according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter and even as trump told the public he had no business deals with russia the sources said trump and his children
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if donald trump jr received regular detailed updates about the real estate development from cohen whom they put in charge of the project specifically to alleged law enforcement officials anonymous of course as is tradition claim to have seen documents regarding the proposed construction of a trump tower in moscow markedly one of the original authors couldn't clearly state whether he's even seen the documents his. would put any lawyer to shame i don't think we've said that we haven't. but i will say that i'm very confident that your colleague said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we say that we we've seen documents we've been briefed and we're very confident in our reporting you can imagine how embarrassing it must have been for buzz feed when robert mueller by no
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means a fan of trump and the guy investigating the u.s. president ok. came out and dismissed these reports buzz feed's description of specific statements and characterization of documents and testimony not accurate yet still the pundits call it a bombshell why is anyone's guess the other recent bombshell came from the washington post which claimed that trump tried to convey. details of one of his meetings with putin according to current and former officials anonymous as is tradition the constraints that trump imposed the part of a broader person by the presidents of shielding his communications with putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high ranking officials if he's been destruction from fully knowing what he has told one of the united states marine adversaries the bombshell kind of fizzled out in the twenty fourth paragraph where the washington
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post admits that trump allows most of his contact with putin to be monitored like his meeting in hamburg where then secretary of state rex tillerson the present trump of course dismisses it all as fake news attacks against him defamation never worked for russia you know that is are better than anybody i've ever worked for russia not only did i never work for russia i think it's a disgrace that you even asked that question because it's all big fat hoax it's just dark but the democrats being democrats now want to raise hell over this they want the interpreter from the helsinki meeting between trump and putin to spill the beans they hope anything to get a trump but if i had a choice i'd rather not do that with the with the interpreters but we may have no choice we'll have to see down down the road what happens but we want to get to the
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truth impeachment they cry impeachment. impeachment impeachment almost a fetish of theirs at this point the trump seems particularly concerned you can. impeach somebody that's doing a great job that's the way i view it. in greece say ten officers have been injured after they were reportedly forced into using crowd control equipment to disperse protesters clashes broke out in oftens i'd side the parliament building this sunday against the deal between greece and its neighbor mustn't delineates ruin the country and turn a lot it's a session to nate so what you're seeing are live pictures just in that square in the front of parliament as really darkness is the sending there more and more people have been making their way to the city center of athens lots of protesters
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even more riot police we saw earlier pictures running ballots stones being thrown a lot of riot police in full garb as you can see there really just this bursting as much as they counted taking away flags and possibly other at weapons from those protesters pushing them back at least from the front of parliament but just more on this deal it will see the country renamed to the republic of north macedonia in order to try and at this beautiful territories of police rather some greeks feel it's an attempt to appropriate historical and cultural heritage and are strongly against that the mutual deal could be ratified tomorrow and will then go to a fault a little bit later in the week. for decades greece's force basically over a neighbor macedonia's name because athens border region is also called macedonia
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one of the country's official names safeway on short for the former yugoslav republic of macedonia. stop the laying claim to the rich history of that name after all military genius alexander the great still study to walk out of these around the world was born in macedonia with athens blocking its neighbors nato and the e.u. membership over the issue they finally agreed it made the republic of north macedonia macedonia as parliament be amended its constitution to ratify the name change but greece's politics means it has yet to do the same. ok not too far away from there in europe the italian interior minister met the house calls on the money two hundred four tens of fugitive terrorist suspects believed to be sheltering in france charted dubin ski has the background on the latest. after decades on the run one of a to these most new tourists criminals finally steps back on to home soil says
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operatives steed charged with four murders was part of the so-called great but gates that terrorized the country back in the seventy's. to me is into a prison sentence but tiste escaped to france now under the so-called to me to hold on doctoring by which foreign terrorists were given safe haven if they had to announce their past crimes france welcome to him with open arms for decades he enjoyed something of a celebrity status becoming an author he mingled with the literary elite
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and politicians now the success in bringing him to justice has led to italy to call on other countries including france to stop hall bring terrorists. to the french president to return to italy to fugitives that should not be drinking champagne under the eiffel tower who should be rotting in jail eats it silly walls france to hand over more than thirty over these champagne terrorists. the list includes new cisco an n.t. who said to live in this house south of paris. i think that of the forty years we could find
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a solution to this story as has already been done in the history of the world in civilized countries it's time to turn the page but i've never done what they accuse me of absolutely a warrant from an n.t.'s extradition is currently being looked at and it's likely that he won't be alone in wondering if onse is about to give him up but there is a big but french officials have said extradition can't be pursued in most of the cases as the statute of limitations here would quash the proceedings with tensions between the two countries already at a tipping point over migrants the forthcoming elections and italy support for the movement they seems to be no sign that president has any intention of allowing salvini to claim a home run. r.t. show let law. the news continues after the break including people in iran rallying
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a slogan of misery but the it also is associated with the rise of believe how can you have a rise in this stuff. by having. saving and investing . rolled in increasing the size of the national so that you can distinguish everything. let's start back in north africa where renewed fighting this week in the libyan capital tripoli left thirteen people dead scores more wounded over fifty at last count outs according to the country's health ministry indeed
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a journalist who had worked with the associated press and video news agency ripley was among the dead. ben been contributing to our place since twenty sixteen unproduced around thirty stories for the agency his colleagues describe him as a courageous and talented journalist he survived by his wife and seven month old daughter here's some of the last images he captured during his reporting along with a recap of recent events in tripoli. this. but. as
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a ruptly was saddened to learn of the death of journalist mohamed bin khalifa who lost his life during clashes in tripoli over the past three years he worked with us to deliver high quality reports in difficult circumstances we send our deepest condolences to his family. protesters in the arena and capitol are calling for the immediate release of an american born journalist in u.s. to tension the presenter for iran's english language news channel a press t.v. was arrested on u.s. soil last sunday. hey if they were gay it would. mean was confirmed as a material witness by court documents in an undisclosed case but has not been charged with a crime really took place outside the swiss embassy in iran which acts as a mediator for american interests in the country as tensions between washington and
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tehran remain. generation seems ok but. the fact that certain data restrictions will just add to. the not being accounted. for head start had been the answer will. be. we are concerned by the arrest of a journalist for iranian state t.v. shamy we have serious concerns about her detention and we urged american authorities to clarify the situation. she is
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a famous should in this she's done nothing but journalism. the arrest of mrs holl sharif is a very clear affront to freedom of expression a political abuse. of an innocent individual. i believe the united states should review so you need you go to the you. well according to the court's order which is issued in washington d.c. has shown me must testify before a grand jury after that she'll be released however some have raised serious concerns about the conditions of her detention spoke exclusively to a friend of the jail the iranian t.v. younker. the only information and contact the family have had with my z. is a telephone call to her daughter on tuesday where they received wiring information from him as he told her daughter that she had her job she is a muslim woman who was her job
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a veil covering such as what time wearing at the moment that was taken off against her will the mug shot was taken without her job on that she was given only a short sleeved t. shirt in contravention to her own islamic dress code her that she. has and that she had gave it another t. shirt just to be able to cover some of her had she also told her daughter that she wasn't an ass and given adequate food because she was not given allow muslim option or a vegetarian option on tuesday the only conversation they've had with her she told her daughter that she had only been able to eat a cracker or some bread that came with that food since being detained if they had questions about four miles here in regards to an issue she would have all this of the matter is what her son. has said look children have been subpoenaed as well and they have no idea why you can imagine how worried they offer their mother and how
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nervous they are about the situation marcy is an internationally known journalist and she's been a journalist for many decades she is an american journalist and she has been detained without charge without information so it's truly very concerning is that a help or a hindrance being some which between russia and china are worlds apart but it's not a question to mongolia as minister of foreign affairs next. to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy the infantry shouldn't let it be an arms race is often the spirit dramatic development only. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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my body and we've. just got that already yes equestrian he. seem to. reflect there's someone else living inside of me controlling my body. the byproduct. the drug the the cause like severe depression. because they literally need him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault the shoes plays easy and all that for. years traumatic because of. are
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a. lot of welcome to worlds apart situated between russia and china then when the goal is the world's most landlocked country and yet according to my guest today this isn't a strategic quickness but rather a competitive advantage how has mongolia managed to overcome its geographical limitations and can if use this experience to punch above its weight in the geopolitical green or to discuss that i'm now joined by the. uncle as minister of foreign affairs minister is good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you for the petition now we are recording this interview on the sidelines of the valdai forum and many of the discussions here today are about ukraine and how it's being sandwiched between russia and the west led to a conflict mongolia also finds itself but the two great powers russia and china and
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