tv News RT January 21, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EST
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oh. the new sign buzz feed defends a controversial report implicating the u.s. president in a serious crime despite the science that special counsel robert miller's office rejected it as in i'm sure it's. the same source that we use now sort of standing behind it as our. time for plan b. the u.k. is a prime minister prepares to return to parliament with a revised the e.u. divorce deal as a top cabinet minister warns the whole break state process is now at risk of being to rail. and a federal judge in new york blocks an attempt by the trumpet ministration to cut a question about citizenship to the twenty twenty census describing it as unlawful
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we got reaction to the ruling. so this isn't about expanding voting this is about the republic and these it is majority white freedom browning country this is all about should people here really really feel what the sense is to say yes i mean you're a legally no i'm not a citizen of course they should it's common sense. very good morning to you you're watching r.t. international with me the carin top story this hour the news time buzz feed is standing by an incendiary report it recently published which claims that donald trump instructed his former lawyer to lie to congress about a proposed business deal in russia buzz feed insists that it trusts its sources who remain unnamed in the article. well i can't talk about the timing of when we've
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spoken to people but i can tell you that yes indeed this is the same sources that we used in that story are standing behind it as are we. the reports which details on the alleged confession by michael cohen to special counsel miller's investigation into election meddling caused a sensation in the media and it wasn't long before the president's critics were talking about impeachment president trump is facing new scrutiny today over a report that he told his personal attorney to lie to congress about his business dealings with russia we have breaking news tonight on the russia investigation here's what buzz feed news is reporting that ice bombshell report coming from buzz feed news president trump directed his attorney to lie to congress about the moscow tower project congressional democrats calling for an immediate investigation declaring the trial must be impeached if the story is true however special counsel robert miller's all things took the unprecedented step of clemency on the report characterizing it as a not curates fast a ministry of praise from the u.s.
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leader. appreciate you coming out. mr president did you really say that why would he all of a sudden thank robert miller the man who's had collusion allegations under the microscope who's been busy trying to look for stuff that would easily mean and for mr trump if there's anything to be found weird that i hear it right. i think very appropriate. but. this is what we got for miller speedball buzz feed's description of specific statements and characterization of documents and testimony are not accurate we're used to not hearing from mr miller after compromising bombshells explode but it's not like there is now some good new chemistry between the president and the special counsel or that the hunt for
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collusion evidence is over it's that the quality of this particular bus fede piece put robert miller in a position where he had to say something but when it comes to what it says in the report oh you'd love it if you're a democrat or any other trump hating type president donald trump directed his longtime attorney michael cohen to lie to congress according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter so why would god trump haters smelling blood evidence from sources which the reporters don't name. sources. sources you can find this word all over the article eventually though we find out from one of the authors they've never even seen the papers i.e. the evidence have you seen any of that other corroborating evidence no i don't see
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them personally but the folks that we've talked to the two issues that we've spoken to are actually one of the recently read in to that aspect of the especial counsel's investigation i don't think that we've said that we haven't seen him up but i will say that i'm very confident that your colleague said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we've been i'll just say that we we've seen documents we've been briefed on documents we're very confident in our report but anyway we're guard loose of everything i've just told you about what was the instant effect of the buzz feed scoop everyone's getting the impeachment buzz this information if we learned to be true shows there was obstruction of justice if these facts are true this is suborning perjury and there's no question it's an impeachable offense if the president directed michael cohen to lie to congress she should resign but if he doesn't resign he should be impeached the economy is one of the best in our history with unemployment at
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a fifty year low and the stock market ready to again break a record set by us many times and all you heard yesterday based on a phony story was impeachment you want to see stock market crash impeach trump media is become a one johnny one note operation they are out to get trump in the main they didn't like the election results they wanted hillary clinton in there they just appear to be a grumpy dissatisfied nonobjective. on a witch hunt here this is not a light accusation came out of buzz feed this is a very serious accusation it's like crying shouting fire in a crowded theater theater when there's no fire. it's amazing to me how much the mainstream press jumped on this story in the last twenty four hours and it's also for a good quite amazing that the special counsel's team is covered the story is totally bogus well it's simple calendar mouth the next white house election is already next year so whatever is dreaming of impeachment is running out of time you care to
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impeach somebody that's doing a great job that's the way i view. the u.k.'s prime minister looks set for another tough week in parliament to reason they will address m.p.'s later on monday layouts her plan b. for bragg is it following the historic defeat of her proposed divorce deal last week but it's not clear whether she'll be able to break the current impasse and reports the now emerging that two groups of m.p.'s are seeking to remove the possibility of a no deal scenario and potentially delay the withdrawal date all that's drawn harsh criticism from downing street there is a danger the parliament you'd start brags that any attempt to remove the government's power to meet the legal conditions of an orderly exit at this moment of history significance is extremely concerning parliament said to the people of this country we will make a we make a contract with you you will make the decision and we will honor it but we are now
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getting our some of those who were always absolutely opposed to the result of the referendum trying to hijack bricks at an effect steal the result from the people those are the groups of m.p.'s who reportedly seeking to take a no deal bragg's it off the table the labor party is also calling on the government to rule out scenario and preserve close trading ties with the new reports also indicate that one of the groups of m.p.'s will present a bill that could force the extension or suspension of negotiations beyond the withdrawal deadline in march they could also trigger an attempt to for a second referendum. as a divider of a briggs it deepens in the u.k. many in europe are weighing in on the debate piece all of the reports. well on sunday evening we heard from ireland where dublin is said that there will be no bilateral agreement with west minister to try and circumvent the so-called irish backstop to prevent a hard border with northern ireland government spokesperson and dublin said ireland
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negotiates as part of the e.u. twenty seven and well the dismissal of a bilateral agreement was also echoed here in germany as well where the foreign minister heiko must describe the idea of a bilateral agreement a little opaque and saying that would have no effect on what had already being negotiated with the commission the chancellor angela merkel was also weighing in on breaks that over the weekend saying she'll do everything in our power to make sure that there is a deal before that march twenty ninth deadline the reason for her quite serious reaction comes down to jobs because depending on who you speak to there's potentially millions of german jobs that rely either directly or in directly on trade with the u.k. and they could be put well very much at risk if there's no deal breaks if the chancellor said that she will work tirelessly to find a solution of the weisse history will judge we have to pursue this separation
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process responsibly so that in fifty years people won't shake their hands and say why we're in the able to find a compromise of this all comes as the great and good of german politics business one death less ticks all put their name to an open letter to the nation of britain saying look you go this was published in the times on friday it was signed by the leaders of the social democratic party the green party and. the new leader of the christian democratic union party relatively new at least she was she took over of course from i'm going to merkel just at the end of last year in a seen by many as pretty much. the heir apparent to take over the job of chancellor when mrs merkel steps down was also signed by the c.e.o. of daimler and on former germany will go against lehmann in the letter they britain for its historic commitment to the continent of europe saying that
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during world war two britain forty to protect the freedoms in the rights that are now cornerstones of the european union and following that horrific conflict that britain didn't turn its back on germany it also spoke about the the single seize that make britain britain and how much germans love them would miss the legendary british dark humor and go into the pub after work hours to drink an ale we would miss tea with milk and driving on the left hand side of the road and we would miss seeing pan too at christmas therefore britain should know from the bottom of our hearts we want them to stay or welling good boat in reality we are sixty seven days out from march twenty ninth breaks that deadline and reality no party has a clue what's going to happen next. seven people have been arrested during
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clashes with police in greece and sixty thousand protesters rallied in the capital a journalist working for the sputnik news agency and twenty five police officers were injured. i. was. the greek or thirties used crowd control equipment to disperse protesters clashes broke out in athens outside the parliament building this sunday against a deal between greece and its neighbor macedonia to rename the country and in turn allow its accession to nato the deal was see the country renamed to the republic of north macedonia in order to try to end the dispute over the name shared with
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northern provinces in greece however some greeks feel it's an attempt to appropriate historical and cultural heritage and are strongly against it the agreement could be ratified on monday and would then go to a vote later next week. for decades greece's ford bristly over neighbor macedonia's name because athens border region is also called macedonia one of the country's official names safeway on short for the former yugoslav republic of macedonia stopped it laying claim to the rich history of that name after all military genius alexander the great still study to walk out of these around the world was born in macedonia without blocking its neighbors nato and the e.u. membership over the issue they finally agreed to name the republic of north macedonia macedonia as parliament probably amended its constitution to ratify the name change but greece's politics means it has yet to do the same
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for the great comeback to say is as far as the west is concerned it's all about later. the whole issue and the reason that the greeks are very angry about this agreement is that for the first time british you bring the name of macedonia. we cannot accept that and that's why we are reacting but the worst thing is the purpose. of the e.u. they don't care very much about the agreement per se what they want is to have scorpio join name. that is big. or go over to a low spoken joining me resolution was adopted by the demonstration which.
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actions of the british the public through the parliament tried to convince the members of parliament not vote for that because it would have just focused on. as total lunar eclipse was visible across much of the western hemisphere and europe earlier this morning with the moon turning a crimson red it's being called a super blood wolf moon super moon means the moon appears larger than usual as seen from earth and wolf moon simply refers to its appearance in january it's a rare event and will only have them on small this century on the thirty first of january twenty thirty seven. i'm older than runner has completed a stunning feat of physical and running fifty kilometers through the siberian wilderness in minus sixty degree told he took on the grueling challenge to raise awareness about cerebral palsy and to help youngsters suffering from the disorder.
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such an inspiration principle still to come this hour including how a new york federal judge has bloke's an attempt by the trumpet administration to add a question about citizenship to the twenty twenty census we'll take you through that after the break. you want to make sure that the quality is not just a slogan of misery but it also is associated with the rise in the startup of live how can you have a rise in the standard of living by having people who are rich saving investing. broadening increasing the size of the national park so that you can distribute balls to everything. in a world of big partisan loot lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to
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dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back to new york federal judge has blocked a trumpet ministration initiative to add a question about citizenship to the twenty twenty census. the decision to add
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citizenship question to the twenty twenty census even if it did not violate the constitution itself was on the roll for for a multitude of independent reasons and must be set aside. a question about citizenship doesn't also appeared on the survey since nine hundred fifty the proposal to add one is highly controversial as the census numbers are used to determine the amount of house representation as well as funding that each state gets critics say that such a move would marginalize democrats voting migrant communities and play into the hands of the republicans well as commentators from both sides of the debate for their thoughts on the judge's ruling. by the funny that the g.o.p. is finally concerned with the voting rights act after spending so long and trying to basically get rid of that which they successfully did in two thousand and fourteen via shelby county versus eric holder i mean so this isn't about expanding
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voting this is about a republic can be said is majority white people was worried about browning country afraid about electorate of in a lecture and that is increasingly becoming hostile to a party that is going to extremely hostile to them i mean let's be honest our country of laws not a country of men and their opinions you know what is right and it the republican and it one hispanics you know how good the battles in the presidential race played a bit between between mitt romney john mccain and donald trump with hispanics donald trump so many many hispanics like republicans like this dance like what we're saying so let's not make it seem like it's black against white and you could be categorized amounts of evil people just spanish we're talking about asian people we're talking about people from africa and the caribbean and you're talking about florida for instance the one point four million people who just got their voting rights back ok are the majority of them are black and brown people who are probably
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not going to be voting for the republicans voted for them in jail it is for just like a criminal like a criminal not steve elliott i'd rather be august the rapists and violent crimes joke after voting rights absolutely i mean style is that the republicans just got shellacked and california and the house orange county turned blue and this is a reaction to that i mean they think that the republicans are trying to manufacture a situation where they will still be able to retain power through an outdated an antiquated electoral college and also through spirits questions that are really meant said manufactured republican control what they really need to do is prove to the people that they have better policies and that's why they will and if they can do that they won't lose the house of representatives in twenty twenty maybe when it back but this is this is a reaction to that you know sit. i would like i would like everybody to run on i would like the next presidential election to be on if you're here illegally should
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you be forced to tell the government you're here illegally and seventy five to eighty percent of americans would say of course just like they say of course the fed up orders of course have ice of course those sanctuary cities your your your democrat party as losing on immigration left and right this is all about should people here really really fill out the census and be quiet to say yes i'm here illegally no i'm not a citizen of course they should it's common sense. i have eighty thousand people participated in yellow vests protests in cities across france at the weekend and with violence continuing to flag of rising living costs it's called the country's medics on high alert.
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we have first aid equipment on the bus bandages and t. septics first aid equipment to try to help as much as possible at the scene so that when emergency services arrive the injured are in a much better condition. we are here to help the injured no matter who is injured it would help everyone who needs our help. three of my colleagues were hit last week on the sean city say helping as street medics including me. and head. come to france on help for the people of french demonstration here. and french
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have a very friendship come on the last ten weeks coming here saturday for say a day and held for the people to hear as this trial held florida. florida yellow lasts. i'm not even going to tell you about the wounded we've helped we're not going to go into details it's a horrible. look at. the public how. and hygene campaign in new zealand has left people outraged to have been dubbed by some as casual racism this pano sparks a wave of criticism after a labor m.p. in new zealand posted a picture of it on social media it featured
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a white girl telling her black friends that he should visit the toilets before entering a swimming poll they asked campaign has received a range of responses. it's funny it's first glance but then you realise that racial profiling and it's not funny and you are. oh even a stop running around the pool you my sleep don't fall on your sense of entitlement why does it have to be. debited kelly and paul again in the pool to. buy things the sign is racist to those with already formed racist attitude to people who are truly no traces is just to keep from the public information so on. why is this culturally insensitive to people that precious it was the other way round i don't think a single white person would be offended. the two characters henry and molly have featured regularly in open the advertising campaigns nevertheless
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the city's council has apologized and taken down all of the signs we got reaction to the story from radio host and journalist john gold and he thinks the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. i think it's nonsense and what i saw when i looked through the post was two children i didn't see the color of their skin to be honest with you how does i understand it one of the other posts is a larger post it's the black ink who is telling the white go to make sure she goes the truth some people just want to see racism everywhere and all this does is divide us even more people prefer it if it was to white children then people would say i want to include in people of color some people just want to see racism where there is no racism listen let's work together when there is real racism when somebody is stopped from getting a job will go on in school college because of their color of their skin know their
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cultural background that's when we should challenging unknown opposed to like this he just makes the whole thing ridiculous not to alter for example goes out with an asian british that he says british issues may be skin he's brown we don't need to be making an issue of this we need shifts galang and challenge real racism. well they would all say we love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories so do get in touch by following us on social media and the comments will be back in about thirty minutes with the latest headlines join us then become. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to.
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have to go right to the press this is what the four three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. first city. but there's someone else living inside of me controlling my body. the byproduct of. that drug is because like severe depression. because it would only meet him into a zombie it's crazy. you know i mean we don't have to do anything it's not our fault you know shoes crazy and all that. took years to come the addict takes a long time to get rid of it. in
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twenty forty you know bloody revolution of you to crack the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just the lawyer i mean you know liz put the video through to me in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of two. the fourteen. those who took part in this did over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these another that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics. i'm sure. i'll see that.
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hello and welcome to cross talk all things considered i'm peter lavelle buckle up and brace for impact trump introduced a star wars two point zero and calls for impeachment russia gate morphs into treason gate. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have victor allege he is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dmitri bob and she is a political analyst with international and german cross-talk rolls in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated mark let me go to you
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