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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the taliban says it's behind an attack on a military training base in afghanistan that has reportedly killed one hundred twenty six military personnel. monday. prime minister the message that the best way to avoid a brags that no deal is to vote for her deal as theresa may looks to rally m.p.'s in parliament is that of offering an alternative plan. and u.s. led coalition acknowledges a suicide bomb attack on an american convoy it follows an assault on wednesday which called for u.s. troops.
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it's eight o'clock am moscow and you're watching all international live from our studio with me welcome to the program. we start with the breaking news from afghanistan where one hundred twenty six security force members have reportedly been killed in an attack by the taliban according to reports the taliban struck a military training center in made in water province and in an area just southwest of kabul we heard from a local resident. district in wardak it was around six o'clock there was a very big explosion i thought there was an earthquake it was very strong. local reporter assault on pfizer he says it's been difficult to get accurate information on the attack. there have been some conflicting reports about the casualty figure because early in the morning local officials announced that the casualty figure was twelve and around thirty others have been wounded but later the government office
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shows actually were not providing access to journalists to know more about the figure because it was quite a huge blast as we spoke to the locals there the building that was directly attacked by a humvee type of military vehicle packed of explosives partly part of that was collapsed and many of the intelligence officers and personally who are joining for breakfast actually left on the. remnants of the building and lost lives it was two vehicles and five attackers involved into the attack and the second vehicle was diffused by the security forces but also it took four and a half hours to encounter all the insurgents there then later prevent
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shell council member claim that more than fifty people have been killed that all of them were the member of the afghan intelligence security forces a source from the ministry of defense told us in a condition of anonymously that the casualty rate is beyond one hundred which is really shocking because it could be did this type of on the n.d.s. or afghan national security services members we had found political analyst abdel bari atwan who believe this attack shows the taliban's power in the region and it marks a huge setback for the u.s. and its allies. i believe this is actually a message from to a meeting or bigotry should take place to do the. same. message that we have. on the ground and you have to listen to us and accept our conditions otherwise we are going to leave all the talks it is really really
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you will sit back while the american people their allies against president crime is actually he doesn't know what to do without them i wouldn't be surprised if the american actually to submit to the taliban to. reach an agreement although courses to be actually pulled out seat lee from this correct. u.k.'s prime minister looks to garner support for her divorce deal saying she will not betray the twenty six thousand private referendum but as theresa may focuses on negotiating the plan heavily defeated in parliament last week the opposition leader has said she is in denial for all the ins and outs of the debate happening right now in westminster we have our london correspondent polly lloyd standing by polly you've been busy watching what's going on what has the prime minister said so far.
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well it looks like to reason may's plan b. is simply insisting on plan a to resume a claim that she'd held cross party talks and that they'd gone positively that she didn't go in there with any conditions although she refused to rule out a no deal scenario she refused to delay britain's departure from the e.u. which is set for the twenty ninth of march and she scrapped any idea or reiterated her of opposition to any idea of a second referendum she said it would be a betrayal of the twenty sixteen vote so to resume a. is trying still to tweak her original deal the one that crashed and burned in parliament last week it was a historic defeat an unprecedented one but she's still trying to change that deal just enough to push it through parliament by winning over the doubters essentially
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on her own side and in the conservative party and in the democratic and unionist party of northern ireland which is propping up minority government now the main change is that she wants to secure her deal in order to push it through is so the thought issue of this irish backstop she says she's going to be talking to politicians in parliament in order to understand what it is they need changed then she'll try to secure that change in order to make them support that deal it isn't clear what she can secure though in relation to that deal whether she wants to change the legal text of the with lord withdrawal deal or come to some sort of bilateral treaty with dublin between london and dublin that dublin has already ruled out so to resign may's plan is to do more work on her plan and come back to the house which is something we've heard of already we had that in december when
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she postponed tara riginal vote because she knew when to fail and she failed to get anything from brussels on that particular occasion jeremy cool been the leader of the opposition labor party reminded everyone of that he was pretty critical of the prime minister's not so new plan he said that essentially two reasons flogging a dead horse and the house is dead set against her deal especially if she's not prepared to shift any of her red lines which she isn't so it all sounds a bit like deja vu to resume a said in her statement that cross party talks were a success which. isn't what any of the opposition parties have had to say about it and she may have failed to get across party consensus on anything in terms of how to push the braggs it plan going forward but the sort of anti government cross party push is actually gathering steam various politicians have perth forward
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amendments to block a no deal bragg's it and. m.p.'s want to introduce a parliamentary bill that could delay britain's departure from the e.u. and it could maybe lead to a second referendum as you well depending on which side of the fence you're on some are calling it this sort of seize control plan others the pro-government side are saying actually this is a plot and an insurgency in fact downing street spent the weekend trying to warn of the dangers of hijacking this what they said was hijacking the braggs it deal so the unveiling of plan b. has really entrenched both these opposing sides it seems on one side to reason raise trying to tweak something which failed spectacularly last week and she's tweaking it she wants to tweak it just enough to win over her side of the house the
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leader of the green party in that debate just said she's acting like she lost that vote by thirty votes are not two hundred accusing her of being in denial and on the other side there is this quiet growing push to wrestle control of the braggs it process from to resume and her government and to try to have a softer bragg's it all or none at all a second referendum so rather than saying a coming together of the house to decide a way forward we're seeing a stratification of both sides further divisions as we hurtle towards bragg's it day which is the twenty ninth of march. and the prime minister refuses to move that day so it does look as though it is the twenty ninth of march regardless of whether there is a deal in place. come fusion term or polly thank you so much for keeping across this and we just all go after wait for that day's only the twenty ninth of march thank you. u.s.
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led coalition in syria's confirmed a convoy carrying both its troops and kurdish militia members has been targeted in a suicide car bomb attack in the northwest of syria information on casualties are difficult to verify but no u.s. troops were injured according to coalition officials artie's policy has the details . it certainly seems as if islands is on the rise what we know is that a car bomb exploded near a militia checkpoint as a kurdish led force was accompanying american soldiers close by now we are hearing that five kurdish fighters have been killed this happened in the northwestern syrian town of data and so far we have heard from a spokesperson for the u.s. led coalition who has said that there are no americans among the casualties we can confirm a combined u.s. and syrian partner force convoy was involved in an apparent vehicle borne improvised explosive device attack today in syria there were no u.s. casualties we will continue to review the situation and provide updates as
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appropriate now last week a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest outside a restaurant in the northern syrian town of man british and in that explosion there were four american troops who were killed. now this is just yet another attack on kurdish and coalition forces since the american president donald trump made the surprise announcement that he was withdrawing all two thousand american troops from syria in december there was a phone conversation on sunday between trump and the turkish president the one in which everyone said that the turks were ready to take over security in man bridge
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how this is fighting the kurds who are the majority in that area and they've been appealing to both the syrian government and russia for support. straight to security and political analyst oh martin a shabby things around the program it's the second attack on u.s. troops in less than a week. in your opinion do you think trump was premature in claiming that the u.s. had won the fight against eisel as many politicians including republicans said they thought it would be a bit mistake just hold that we just have a quick listen to what the critics said about trump. colossal my mind mistake a grave error it's caught everybody off guard and will of the actually pay for it here which dramatically said this isn't a life i'm speechless today just that's not only going to hamper our current operations it's going to double or triple the ranks of isis because when we leave they're going to say look we just defeated the united states. so was he
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promised you and claiming that the u.s. had won the fight against i still. yes well the attack today and now the americans are saying that no americans were among the soldiers but it was a joint patrol apparently but anyway the attack today by isis comes two days after mr trump himself attended the ceremony for the burial of the other four american soldiers and two civilians that were killed on january sixteenth so he's feeling the heat now and they he had declared that you know that isis was destroyed and it's time to pull out the two thousand troops that he had deployed in two thousand and fourteen in order to fight against isis the criticism doesn't only come from from the congress it also comes from his military his political staff within the administration let's not forget that jim mattis resigned for secretary of defense because of this move by mr trump there seems to be confusion within the administration mr mr brett mcgurk who was the u.s.
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envoy in the fight against isis also commented by saying i called him mr trump doesn't have a plan for syria this is a very dangerous situation it's dangerous situation for american troops themselves and for their for their allies the kurds who they had supported for so many years but it's also dangerous in the international fight against terrorism and isis because the american presence there and the tension that it is creating. stopping is an obstacle for the syrian army supported by the russian army and by the iranians to complete what they had started so successfully they had the syrian army is the is trying to clean up its own sovereign territory from these terrorists and it's supported by official invitation. government and by the russian army and the iranians to come in and support the syrian army and the syrian army and the
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russian army ever doing an excellent job and everybody recognizes this this this problem now will create a vacuum. when the americans decided that they were going to withdraw from syria there is a risk of creating a vacuum and this this is a big risk and this is a very dangerous situation and it's going to give more momentum for the isis and for the terrorists and this is the problem there should be more coordination and let's hope that in the coming weeks there will be more coordination with the turks the turks are ready to fill out of the vacuum. your previous commentator just said they want thirty two kilometer security zone this is problematic for the syrians because the syrians want to control the whole territory however this can be negotiated and i think russia has a main role to play here in the fight against terrorism i mean you've mentioned. you've mentioned the turks that turkish presence he's offered to handle security as you mentioned in the region in a phone conversation with don't jump on sunday how likely is it that the u.s.
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except and effectively backs on the kurdish fight is. this is the this is the confusion in the american administration for so many years they paid a lot of money and they put a lot of effort to support the kurdish forces in the northern part of syria and now they want to abandon these kurds and so they want to find a balance between the two and it's a very difficult balance to find and i think the main role is the role to be played from moscow in order to resolve the situation so i think it would be an american interest for the americans to ask moscow for its help in resolving the situation that is what i think as an analyst. and if they do go ahead and take that off why do you think it's going to leave the kurdish population. well that is a problem the kurdish population are syrian the ones who are in syria actually and they are the responsibility of the syrian government and the actual kurdish leaders
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have started negotiations for an agreement with the syrian government and i think these negotiations they are discussing some kind of autonomy for the kurds in the in the areas where there is a predominant kurdish population this agreement is possible however that it would not be easy because there has been a very difficult war and there's been a lot of bloodshed in syria it will it could happen if the americans allow it to happen and i think the kurds have to learn their lesson once and for all like many people all around the world that if you work for the americas they're ready to abandon you at any time without any guarantees for your safety and that's what they have done so many times before in so many heated areas around the world. in a shop a security and political analyst thanks very much for sharing your thoughts on this subject thanks very much emma. and you signed both feet is standing by an incendiary report which claims that donald trump instructed his former lawyer to lie to congress about a proposed isn't still in the ship the article details an alleged confession by
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michael collins a special counsel on his investigation into election meddling so it was dismissed the story but in the media as a bombshell moment diane holkins breaks it all down for us. it's been a while since we've seen another leak story or accusation linking president trump to the kremlin just about a week or so in fact one of the latest allegations coming from democratic representative eric swalwell telling one of us and we see to add to the mounting collusion evidence do you believe the president right now has been an agent of the russians yes i i think there is more evidence that he has yes and i think all the arrows point that direction i haven't seen a single piece of evidence that he's not sound like a double negative or logical fallacy don't be confused so on in the burden of proof upside down being lenient with evidence required to prove guilt or innocence in this case is the latest trend is there even a need to show evidence anymore take the recent buzz feed reports alleging trump
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ordered his former lawyer michael cohen to lie to congress the evidence being source is news travels fast on the story was jumped on by the media president trump is facing new scrutiny today over a report that he told his personal attorney to lie to congress about his business dealings with russia we have breaking news tonight on the russia investigation here's what buzz feed news is reporting tonight bombshell report coming from buzz feed news president directed his attorney to lie to congress about the moscow tower project congressional democrats calling for an immediate investigation declaring the trial must be impeached if the story is true special counsel moves office has a reputation for stonewalling questions no comment the most common response sources or not but even they took the highly unusual step of denying the story when pressed buzz feed were less than clear exactly what evidence there was or even if it had been seen by the report's authors have you seen any of that other corroborating
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evidence no i don't see them personally i don't think that we've said that we haven't and your colleagues said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we've been i'll just say that we we've seen documents we've been briefed and we're very confident in our reporting. senator lindsey graham is the latest victim of wild fire news seem to have all begun with a questionable jokey allegation from comedian chelsea handler that graham was the victim of blackmail based on his sexuality it was then taken up by the chairman of the democratic coalition citing you guessed it an unnamed republican source before going even more mainstream and both media and politics before donald trump got elected lindsey graham called donald trump a racist xenophobe bigot or it could be the donald trump or somebody knows something pretty extreme about lindsey graham they got him a triumphant tweet from representative no more on the latest kremlin compromise i am pretty sure that there is something happening with him based on what evidence
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what fact that's a remarkable comment to make about a sitting u.s. senator. the the the evidence really is. present to us it's being presented to us in the way that means as the whirlwind of smoking gun stories leaks from unnamed sources and allegations on collusion intensifies impeachment remains at the forefront of the agenda evidence. that's a secondary issue. political analyst charles hotel thinks it's a lawman how quickly media spread such serious uncorroborated accusations here is become a one johnny one note operation they are out to get trump in the main they didn't like the election results they wanted hillary clinton in there they just appear to be grumpy dissatisfied nonobjective. on a witch hunt here this is not a light accusation came out of a buzz feed this is
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a very serious accusation it's like crying shouting fire in a crowded theater theater when there's no fire and he's amazing to me how much the mainstream press jumped on this story in the last twenty four hours and it's also frankly quite amazing that the special counsel's team has come out the same with his stories totally bogus. opinion is to sanction a handful of russian individuals in connection with the script in case last year in the u.k. more on that right after this break. you
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want to make sure that the quality is not just a slogan of misery but it also is associated with the rise of the start of the believe how can you have advice at the start. by kevin. saving investing. rolled in increasing the size of the national park so that you can distribute every. welcome back to the program the e.u. has imposed sanctions on russian individuals that believe that connected to this
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case the former russian agents on his daughter were poisoned in march last year in the english town of souls bri london another western capitals directly accused russia of orchestrating the incident something that moscow has strenuously denied of across life. of a for details medina more cyrus shows how has russia reacted to this. well russia has the can damage this new wave of first saying sions coming from the e.u. with the country's foreign ministry saying that moscow reserves the right to respond. our position remains firm it is illegal to introduce unilateral restrictive measures by bypassing the un security council brussels once again demonstrated its disregard for the collectively developed mechanisms for international cooperation the unilateral placement of punitive illegitimate tools is fraught with increased high handedness in international relations and the erosion of international law. the e.u.
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has introducing sions against the had of russia's military intelligence agency the g r us and his deputy and this comes as part of a new wave of think sions the regarding chemical weapons now the e.u. council has recently adopted this new regime under which the e.u. will now be able to impose sanctions on persons and auntie's involved in the development or use of chemical weapons regardless of their nationality or location and apart from the top g.r.u. officials the e.u. sanctions two individuals whom the u.k. earlier called the g.r.u. agents allegedly responsible for the poisoning of script and the u.k. or welcomed this move and also called these anxious sanctions tough action against irresponsible activities of the g r u. today's new sanctions deliver on of to take tough action against the reckless and irresponsible activities of the russian
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military intelligence organization the g.r.u. which puts innocent british citizens in serious danger own souls bru last year. back in march last year a former double agents of his cripple and his daughter yulia world poisoned in salzburg england were the nerve agent russia denied british accusations of its involvement and offered to help in the investigation however of these offer a was declined instead to london expelled twenty three russian diplomats as a punitive measure and a many e.u. states afford to move and moscow expelled an equal number of european diplomats in response now this whole incident agreed the fact it's russia u.k. relations it certainly did meant in a caution of a thanks for the update on these latest sanctions like wanted. over eighty thousand people participated in yellow protests in cities across france at
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the weekend and with violence continuing to flare over dissatisfaction with the government and rising living costs it's got the country's medics on high alert. we have first aid equipment on the bus bandages and the septics state equipment to try to help as much as possible at the scene so that when emergency services arrive the injured are in a much better condition. we are here to help the injured no matter who would help everyone who needs our help.
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my colleagues were here last week on the seans elisei helping as street medics including me and head. come to france and hope for the people of french demonstration here. and french have a very friendship last ten weeks coming here saturday for say a day and held for the people to hear as this trial. lasts. i'm not even going to tell you about the way we felt we're not going to go into details it's horrible. look at.
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her do not know. and i'll be back in about thirty minutes with a. documentary called the pal. now i was always brought up to trust doctors you know a lot of people say i trust doctors they know what they're doing. until you find out though they don't and from there it is a snowball effect when you're hurt by something or medication especially. the doctors almost become. defensive when you're trying to tell them things like this and they up and they're only answer is the try more drugs and try more drugs and try more drugs. and it's just scary and it's and it's tiring don't go to your psychiatrist they get offended because they have feet of sand is selling a false product so they get very angry as
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a group i mean they're always upset but as a group they get angry they might even lock you up for wanting to come off you psychiatric drugs they do get paid i mean they do get paid per kid per you know household whatever so you know i don't know how where that. system on something so who can pay for it so the poor the disadvantaged. foster children medicaid pays for it that's a governmental agency that pays for medications for people who can't children people who can afford it. older and people who. are sixty five and older medicare pays for. military people try care.


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