tv News RT January 21, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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the only number you need to remember one doesn't tell you you know for a minute the one the only one but. you can't wish away no deal. you say the european union or you have a deal this really does feel a bit like graham told. the prime minister presents head back to plan b. to parliament off ten plan a was resoundingly rejected but critics say she has failed to make any real changes. and that's how the ban says it was behind an attack on a military training base in afghanistan that kills more than one hundred military personnel. and italy accuses france of treating african countries like colonies and fueling the migrant crisis.
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it's just ten five am head in the russian capital this is asking international. suffering iraq will defeat in parliament last week a correspondent ali boyko who's been following the developments in westminster. bulling last week's vote it is clear that the government's approach had to change this isn't called parliament from different parties and with different views the government has approached these meetings in a constructive spirit without preconditions and i'm pleased that everyone we met. i'm pleased that everyone we met with the same approach moved through your position prior to politician came out of those meetings with the same response contrary to what the prime minister's just search there was no flexibility there were no negotiations nothing. well it looks like to resume
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a plan b. is simply insisting on plan a to resume a claim that she'd held across party talks and that they'd gone positively that she didn't go in there with any conditions although she refused to rule out a no deal scenario she refused to delay britain's departure from the e.u. which is set for the twenty ninth of march and she scrapped any idea or reiterated her. opposition to any idea of a second referendum she said it would be of the trail of the twenty sixteen vote so to reason may is trying still to tweak her original deal the one that crashed and burned in parliament last week it was a historic defeat an unprecedented one but she's still trying to change that deal just enough to push it through parliament by winning over the doubters essentially
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on her own side and in the conservative party and in the heat the democratic and unionist party of northern ireland which is propping up the minority government now the main change is that she wants to secure her deal in order to push it through is so the thought the issue of this irish back stop she says she's going to be talking to. politicians in parliament in order to understand what it is they need changed then she'll try to secure that change in order to make them support that deal jeremy corbin the leader of the opposition labor party reminded everyone of that he was pretty critical of the prime minister's not so new plan he said that essentially to reason is flogging a dead horse and the house is dead set against her deal especially if she's not prepared to shift any of her red lines which she isn't so it all sounds a bit like deja vu what makes us think that what you tried to agree to go should in
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december will succeed in january this is pretty good this really does feel a bit like ground hold. so the unveiling of plan b. has really entrenched both these opposing sides it seems on one side to reason raise trying to tweak something which failed spectacularly last week and she's taking it she wants to take it just enough to win over her side of the house the leader of the green party in that debate just said she's acting like she lost that vote by thirty votes are not two hundred accusing her of being in denial and on the other side there is this quiet growing push to wrestle control of the braggs it process from to resume and her government and to try to have a softer bragg's it all or none at all via a second referendum so rather than saying a coming together of the house to decide a way forward we're seeing a stratification of both sides further divisions as we hurtle towards
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a bragg's it day which is the twenty ninth of march and the prime minister refuses to move that day so it does look as though it is the twenty ninth of march regardless of whether there is a deal in place no professor tom brokaw's believes to reason may has abandoned one promise after another. the real heart of her argument today was that she was going to be if members of parliament agreed this this deal which they rejected in the biggest defeat in modern poetry history if they were only to support it but she promises that she was going to be open to a constructive of the way forward but again for almost two years she's been promising to work across different parties she's are promising to be open he for the loop and she's been shown to do anything that she members of her own cabinet did you know what her deal was until this past september when they begin to resigning from a government over the deal so i think this is really too little too late
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a lot of it done in bad faith she has no imagination really. to move forward she seems to just want to stick with their plan and force it through a parliament and the public who doesn't want this is publicly popular and i think that really constitutionally intolerably. to afghanistan now a hundred twenty six security pass now have been killed and the taliban according to defense will say this that's how the band struck a military training center inmate in wardak province to the southwest of the capital kabul we had from a local resident. the large explosion hit this area and broke the window panes in my house ambulances transferred the injured and that from the same to the hospital. it was around six o'clock there was a very big explosion i thought there was an earthquake it was very strong local
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reports hasselt on facey says it's been difficult to get accurate information on the balmy. there have been some conflicting reports about the casualty figure because early in the morning local officials announced that the casualty figure was twelve and around thirty others have been wounded but later the government office shows actually were not providing access to journalists to know more about the figure because it was quite a huge blast as we spoke to the locals there the building that was directly attacked by a humvee type of military vehicle packed of explosives partly part of that was collapsed and many of the intelligence officers and personally who are joining for breakfast actually left on the. remnants of the building and lost lives
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it was two vehicles and five attackers involved into the attack and the second vehicle was diffused by the security forces but also it took four and a half hours to encounter all the insurgents there then later prevent shell council member claim that more than fifty people have been killed that all of them were the member of the afghan intelligence security forces a source from the ministry of defense told us in a condition of anonymously that the casualty rate is beyond one hundred which is really shocking because it could be the deadliest type of on the n.d.s. or afghan national security services members we had from paris can misstepped o'berry outs when he believes the bombing was intended as a direct challenge to u.s. forces in afghanistan. i believe this is
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a clear message from taleban to our meeting all neatly straight in taking place today and door. saying this message that we have. on the ground and you have to listen to us and accept our conditions otherwise we are going to leave all the talks it is really really you will sit back while the american people their allies in afghanistan president donald trump is actually he says that he doesn't know what to do with afghanistan i wouldn't be surprised if the american actually sunk to submit to the taliban pressure to. reach an agreement for their forces to be actually pulled out safely from this crap. francis summons the italian ambassador for some provocative remarks from the country's deputy prime minister they waited to my other case paris of pursuing a colonialist policy in africa and west wing the migrant crisis china depends kaye
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reports. france and italy have quite a long story of fighting as e.u. elections edged closer the two countries are increasingly looking to bolster their allies and to drown out the rival italy's it deputy prime minister has laid the blame for the on going my current crisis here in europe with france saying it's impoverished african nations with its colonialist policies. we must address the causes of this crisis because people are leaving africa in part because some european countries led by friends have never stopped being colonizers he even went as far as calling for brussels dissension paris now some might say that it's a bit rich to lay the blame on france's colonial past given that italy too had colonies but to my use beef is that a cooling to him france has never let go there of dozens of african countries in
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which france prints its own currency the franc of the colonies and with that currency french public debt is financed by italy's been ruffling matt corns feathers for a while including in its support for the yellow vests movement been a french as i hope for the good of the french who are a great people that they come out of this moment of crisis macron was a laboratory invented product to stand in the way of any change on the horizon that seems obvious to me now. while rome's hand of friendship is being offered to world's other e.u. nations disgruntled with the influx of migration including hungary in poland they calling for a european spring french president has taken up the fight media care facility and he's just like it is indeed clear that today there is a strong opposition between nationalists and progressives and i will not give
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anything away to nationalists and to those who deliver this hate speech and so if they wanted to see me as their main opponent example they are right. france and italy have many bones of contention immigration settlement in libya relations with russia and they can't even decide on leonardo da vinci's legacy but they do have one thing in common both want to take the lead within the e.u. charlotte devinsky. paris. germany has banned a major iranian airline from using the country's airports citing security concerns a government spokesperson explained the move to. its cannot be ruled out at this airline could be used to transport things to germany that affects our security concerns this is especially true against the backdrop of terrorist activity intelligence on terrorist activities from the iranian side and the rain entities in
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europe in the past for mohan there is the second largest airline in iran is privately owned with no direct links to the iranian government they carry operates routes across asia and europe including four flights a week between germany and tehran. mohan air has been under u.s. sanctions since twenty eleven washington has accused the company of transporting arms to so-called terrorist proxy groups including house butler providing support to the syrian government the trump administration has welcomes chamisa sishen to ban the airline. we fully support the actions of a by germany to counter iranian sponsored terrorism in europe by banning flights exports commercial air support iranian terrorism by transporting operatives weapons and funds throughout the middle east and beyond. the u.s. welcomes germany's decision to deny landing rights to iran's my hand or the airline
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transports weapons and fighters across the middle east supporting the iranian regime's destructive from bishops around the region we encourage all our allies to follow suit to petco and lest rayna rothfuss believe spell institution is an attempt to gain favor with the us administration. iran is. really under pressure since donald trump has gotten out of the nuclear deal germany followed a request of nato countries but all united states. air there are many used to hold the ruble and. we. in respect of that relations to it to the united states to with stand there with this move has happened just two days before our foreign minister. will be receiving
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washington so maybe it's also thought to be like a president like a gift that tyco master wants to bring to washington. there's always two sides to one story and that's the case a for a standoff between the student wearing a make america great again cap and a native american veteran the video taken in washington d.c. went viral staring outrage in the media. more pain looks at what's not being reported. a visual like this will get your blood boiling hot in the catholic high school student who comes face to face with a native american elder in a viral video is now responding to the media went wild a youth in trump's trademark tat disrespecting an elderly native american disturbing viral video has sparked outrage toward covington catholic high school just stirring viral video shows a modern teen seen make america great again perhaps harassing a native american outer in washington
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a troubling incident at the foot of the lincoln memorial and it wasn't just any native american this guy is a vietnam veteran he was instantly turned into a hero by celebrities and the media this is appalling the ignorance the goal the disrespect is shameful that native american man showed incredible strength and dignity i heard him say you know down. here i sit here i have to we have to stay strong. and the one who all that anger and all of that. wanting to. have to freedom to just rip me a park but there's always more to the story than a single snapshot. that may come out your credit you. look at it. we think.
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we've got. that right yet it turns out that the boys were taunted rather hatefully by black nationalists and others and all kinds of hate was unloaded on them simply for wearing trunks a baseball cap and furthermore unlike those trying to provoke them the boy in the picture he simply stood silently however he did put a defiant grin on his face this is. the reason. the young man has now penned his version of events he's getting death threats from across the globe i'm being called every name in the book including a racist and i will not stand for the small black character assassination of my family so some channels are now editing the story but the damage is already done cable mop and r.t. new york. the u.s. led coalition in syria has confirmed
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a convoy of its troops and kurdish militia members has been targeted in the suicide car bomb attack. has the details it certainly seems as if islands is on the rise what we know is that a car bomb exploded near a militia checkpoint as a kurdish force was accompanying american soldiers close by now we are hearing that five kurdish fighters have been killed this happened in the northwestern syrian town of data a spokesperson for the u.s. led coalition said that there are no americans among the casualties we can confirm a combined u.s. and syrian partner. convoy was involved in an apparent vehicle borne improvised explosive device attack today in syria there were no u.s. casualties we will continue to review the situation and provide updates as appropriate now last week a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest outside a restaurant in the northern syrian town of man bish and in that explosion there
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were four american troops who were killed. now this is just yet another attack on kurdish and coalition forces since the american president donald trump made the surprise announcement that he was withdrawing all two thousand american troops from syria in december there was a phone conversation on sunday between trump and the turkish president added one in which everyone said that the turks were waiting to take over security in man bridge how this is fighting the kurds who are the majority in that area and they've been appealing to both the syrian government and russia for support security and pets columnist him on the shabby says the u.s. withdrawal could play into the hands of terrorist groups the attack today by isis
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comes two days after mr trump himself attended the ceremony for the birth of the other four american soldiers and two civilians that were killed on january sixteenth the criticism doesn't only come from from the congress that also comes from his military it's the political staff within the administration a loss on my mind mistake a grave error it's caught everybody off guard and will of the actually pay for it here would dramatically say this is an obama like move when the americans decide to declare that they're going to withdraw from syria there is that is go of creating a vacuum. this is a big risk and this is a very dangerous situation and it's going to give more momentum for the isis and for the terrorists this is the confusion in the american administration for for many years they paid a lot of money and they put a lot of effort to support the kurdish forces in the northern part of syria and now they want to abandon the kurds and so they want to find a balance between the two and it's a very difficult balance to find and i think the kurds have to learn their lesson
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once and for all like many people all around the world that if you work for the americans they're ready to abandon you at any time without any guarantees for your safety and that's what they have done for many times before and for many years around the world. social media giants face kiss trying to tighten its rules some place collapses high saying to prevent election interference our goal was to get to a global solution and so until we can get to that in june we have to look at the different elections and what we think we can do. facebook's new rules will however depend on the region in nigeria and ukraine for example only advertises located inside the country can run electoral lads in india facebook vows to create a library of all adverts used during campaigns and elections in the european union will get a similarly transparent system. r t c n n n e l and i have a car to discuss the role of social media in political campaigns with our guests i
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think we're seeing a massive increase in the volume of political advertising across all social media platforms and arguably it is having an enormous effect on the most recent elections because it is a technology a hugely enormously disruptive technology that's deployed at a scale that's absolutely unprecedented in. modern human history and one of the big problems i think for for people who are trying to deal with facebook and trying to control those advertising is first to establish to what extent these advertisements . influence operations what everyone's goal and what impact they're having you know in terms of regulating facebook that's obviously another story and you know i think facebook realizes it's kind of living on borrowed time relatively unregulated what comes next is another question how much frankly regulation of facebook outside the u.s. is a trade barrier as opposed to something that's truly done to protect citizens
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that's another question as well there are always a element of vested interests in any kind of regulation that facebook needs to act globally in terms of its transparency just just looking at a line here seventy four percent of facebook members don't know that the social network maintains a list of their traits of their interests in order to target them. it was the whole the whole principle around the advertising based internet model that facebook and google are kind of par excellence example zoeth then people could receive highly specified advertising in highly particular places of high particular times of the day that increase the quality of their lives obviously you know in many respects the technology was there in my opinion and i don't think technology has made the kind of contribution that everybody was hoping for but i think if people were exposed to the extent to which all that data is being used and where somewhere out
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in the ether there's a profile for them that's an explicit detail i think they'd be freaked out i think the big challenge here is literally the volume of information facebook and twitter and other people are trying to improve the efficiency of their algorithms but they have a long way to go do i and the further they go the more the bad actors are actually going to try and innovate in order to try and beat the algorithms it's going to be a very difficult tells the greater issue is that around what facebook is going to do next so face because already describing itself now as it looks like it they don't say they're a technology company on the one. but now they're becoming an ai company that's an algorithm based company i would say the problem for regulating legislating about facebook is that we saw this at the zuckerberg here it's october hearing that these members of congress were clueless about how facebook functioned remember senator orrin hatch talked about the internet being
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a bunch of tubes several years ago and it's kind of almost twenty eighteen iteration of that in the six months before the congressional hearings where jack dorsey was brought in and so people wrote in and there was an empty chair for google at some stage they didn't make as some are you know there was there was a very definite change in the air and you could tell the government u.s. government was asking the silicon valley giants a very very serious questions and i think what we're seeing now is some of the responses that have come out from the kind of pressure that the silicon valley found itself in the way that facebook is going to be brought to kind of bear. is through litigation somebody like what happened with eighteen t. the big phone dry it was that not really was broken up in the court because then you had to submit documents submit yourself to testimony under oath if you lied to would be penalties that's the way to facebook i don't think congress frankly has the car acidy to get to the bottom of it in a way that the litigation process does. this when security forces have to taint
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twenty seven members of the national guards accusing them of launching an uprising against the government the arrests were made string a prearranged a prieto and raids in carcass this happened often national guardsmen reportedly captured a police captain and stole a cache of weapons that incident was funded by street unrest near the police station resident set fire to trash and chant of course for president nicolas maduro to resign and were dispersed by riot police. the international athletics association has created forty two russian track and field athletes to compete in international of. hands but only and a neutral status. the i am doping review board has agreed that the applications of forty two russian athletes have met the exceptional eligibility criteria to compete in international competition as neutral athletes despite the latest ruling the russian athletics federation remains under sanctions those have been in place since
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twenty fifteen when the world anti-doping agency accused russia of state sponsored de ping many clean athletes have been barred from international competition since then so short of a professor. told us that the action taken against russian competitors has been excessively harsh. the i believe there are obviously coming you put a lot of criticism because they are deliberately excluding russian athletes that they know are clean but be coarse it wants to be fair it is a lot of individual athletes to compete by so you know not really russian athletes though neutral athletes you're almost inviting every single person who will be watching them to realize that they are russian i think simpler to killer and sport in general really does need russian dissipation every major global event suffers as
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a result of not having russia there i think at some point possible over the next eighteen months that has to be. which we call it a relaxation of the punishment on russia. the world's twenty six richest people now in as much as the poor half of the world's population that's according to reports from the british charity oxfam going underground slipped into the story you can watch the full show on wednesday but paris some of the highlights . are saying that picture getting worse and worse we're seeing more and more wealth being concentrated in the hands of heroes fewer people in here but we're also seeing these really stark pictures of you know these vast numbers of people who don't have access to education or health you know vast number of people living really on very little money in with very little well then you know what we see consistently is that wealth days undertaxed actually. we see the poorest people in
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the world paying huge amounts of tax in income tax will be eighty whilst wealth is is not really taxed appropriately and then very little money being able to be spent on public services like health and education that could be a real equalizer for those people living in poverty in their poll we identify a number of countries the brazil it examples where the poorest ten percent. spending a higher proportion of their income on top three things like income tax and the eighty the richest on a big if because a wealth tax is also a small just four cents on every dollar of tax revenue that created wealth why it comes from well the taxes the rest comes from taxes on purchasing an income. for more details on any of our stories camas just a click away we'll have you headlines around tough and how.
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you want to make sure that the quality is not just a slogan reason rebut it also is associated with the rise of the believe how can you have it was it was done. by. people who. say you. invest. rolled in increasing this over the national park so that you can distribute everything. there's not any gold left essentially in the earth's mantle i predict as i've said before that i predict as i've said before that once the central banks find it difficult to buy any gold whatsoever they're going to start buying bitcoin demanding that point to their strategic reserves of course russia's been rumored as a possibly the first to go down this we don't know the details.
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