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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  January 21, 2019 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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greetings and salyut asians welcome back to a brand new week hog watchers week that begins with the celebration of the man the dream and the legacy of dr martin luther king jr the icon of the civil rights movement of the one nine hundred fifty s. and sixty's every year on the third monday of january we observe a national holiday honoring the life and work of dr king's and this year even u.s. president donald trump got in on honoring as he paid a visit to the stone memorial for dr king here in washington d.c. for a majestic two minutes of reverence and veneration. yes two minutes walk up lay the wreath and bounce was our president's version of praise for
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one of the biggest and greatest figures in all of us history not that the puff pieces mind my you know don't get me wrong not that the puff pieces you'll see on mainstream cable news are any more you know reverential than what we witnessed from the president on monday you know rare will you hear on cable news and today's news media will be discussed or even allowed to be observed dr king's stances against the vietnam war in the us military industrial complex not enough probably not going to see that very much today but this year one group of citizens did more to honor dr martin luther king jr than just another cute video package and a two minute wreath presentation they banded together and called for a new investigation into the still suspicious circumstances surrounding dr king's tragic assassination a group of at least sixty u.s. citizens called the truth and reconciliation committee which includes journalists lawyers artists historians and family members have signed an official statement calling on the u.s. congress to not only reopen the investigation into the assassination of dr martin
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luther king jr but also in the reopen the investigations into the assassinations of president john f. kennedy malcolm x. and senator robert f. kennedy as well for great leaders tragically cut down in their prime whose killers many believe were purposely never really brought to justice or to cover up the true reasons and possibly the institution behind their deaths so today let's truly honor the legacy of dr king and those other great men by not being afraid to ask the hard questions challenge the unjust and i'll always be watching the hawks. what. the. real thing is with. the part of. the day like you that i got. with. this.
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i. welcome everyone to watch from the arc so i am tired rover and i'm tapped wallace and today and ok i'm ok. yes it's interesting you know the seeing this group the you know the the committee basically say the truth and reconciliation committee basically come out a couple days prior to this and say look we need you know we need new investigations and not just the out luther king's death but these are no more grad no leaders in history that's incredible these are four men who were who spoke of peace who spoke of ending the military industrial complex who spoke of bringing soldiers home and that was dangerous yes still lives yeah that's. it i say that out loud. whoops but this is we've seen this i mean we were sort of all raised on this
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idea that it's not and this idea that also i think that most of us were raised on this idea that no nobody really thinks that they were just like killed and they had nothing to do with anything of importance just oh it was a lone gunman no way it was those it wasn't and no most people don't believe you know i think if someone just sixty seventy percent of the u.s. public now believes that john kennedy was killed in a conspiracy or you know more than we are we always walled and a lot of these are the ones too and the public inquest i think what's interesting is is this is what they're modeling this after and what they're saying this is going to be obviously if this isn't about. finding people and putting them in jail and it's about getting to the truth but i think how they're doing it is it is really interesting the group basically you know statement calls for this kind of public inquest and before into the four major assassinations they are modeling this after the truth and reconciliation hearings that were held in south africa after the fall of apartheid this tribunals which would hear testimony from there so you
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know living witnesses and legal experts investigative journalist historians and family members of victims you know they're basically saying look what happened in the past was not fully invested it officially investigated the way it should have been what was surrounding these four people we need to do that now while there's still witnesses while there's still people alive are still alive to get that on record well and i think a lot of people don't realize that for some of these cases it is on record that it was a conspiracy it is on record this isn't just you know oh excuse me i want to take my tinfoil hat off these are these things work question. which is chief counsel of the house select committee. on assassinations that may actually have to have one that determined in one nine hundred seventy nine that was that president kennedy was the victim of a probable conspiracy yes you know john lee harvey oswald didn't work alone and i mean that and then also you have the pentagon that whistleblower danaus berger
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served as a national security adviser to the kennedy way yes these are two people huge figures of history that signed are one of the sixty that signed this and yet like you said how would you get blake blakey one of the guys who was on the original house what committee you know who found probable if you're saying is that this should have gone further should have gone further i mean those two names follow newton first junior who's the nephew of reverend king reverend james i'm lawson's or near close collaborator with with dr king and is also a major figure in civil rights history you have the children of robert f. kennedy robert f. kennedy jr kathleen kennedy townsend. and that's just to name a few of those are big names in this but what's interesting about m.l.k. and you've talked about this for years is that this was already nation was already covered in a trial yes a lot of people don't know the and if you don't know this at home karada scott king in the end the family filed a civil suit in one thousand nine hundred nine i know a lot was going on against
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a man who claims to be involved in the assassination no amends this jury ruled during the civil case that the local state and federal governments were in fact liable for king's death and representative john lewis who by the way a seventy year old civil rights icon who was march the first day said i think there's a major conspiracy there was a major conspiracy to move dr king from the american scene i don't know what happened but the truth of what happened to dr king should be made available for history's sake look courts found this in a civil case you have people who are there at the time who say it didn't get handled and if there's anything these lies will come out and it's worse later it's time to clear the air. on friday january eighteenth u.s. government funded media agency voice of america reported that analysts were noting outgoing military chief general goddy eyes and folks had made a rare admission of the israeli military strikes in syria he told the britain's
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sunday times that quote in january two hundred seventeen we began attacking the infrastructure of the uranium we're building in syria the critical mass was from mid twenty seventeen they began attacking systematically a number of times each week without making any statements beneath the radar and early this monday the israeli military shocked many again by openly admitting that they had launched an air strike in damascus syria containing some ten cruise missiles at the damascus international airport the targets were according to israeli military contained a rainy and munitions storage intelligence sites and a military training camp and while the targets were rainy and at. three syrian soldiers were killed in the strike a fact noted and lauded by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and yahoo has stated we will strike at anyone trying to harm us but it wasn't just israel's recent openness regarding military strikes in syria against iran that has many scratching their heads it's why they're talking about it now here to help us get
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the facts of the matter is our t. correspondent r.c. america correspondent dan cohen thanks for joining us good to be with you dan you know it's interesting because what do we know about this this strike on the airport in damascus because you know naturally the thing is as it always is just pure off from spy israel where the you know just like we're sending rockets over was there any response from the syrian side of the border in this case well i mean no there was no there was absolutely no response i mean israeli media anonymous sources in israeli media said the day before this attack that the iranians are syrians have launched a rocket over into the golan heights and saying that's an attack on israel but of course the golan heights syria exactly that's occupied syrian territory it's been occupied by the israelis since one nine hundred sixty seven but there's and there's no proof that there was just an anonymous source but it was it was an attack on the damascus airport and actually just before an iranian civilian airliner for
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a flight from tehran was going to land that was actually forced to abandon the landing and fly into neighboring iraq so that's the closest they came to killing iranians but there are actually four syrian soldiers killed and six injured so i don't know how it's an attack on anything iranian or you know yeah yeah it's pretty incredible it doesn't make any sense and one of the parts that i brought up is you know many find the timing more about politics than security you know where is this we were going to go after a rainy and but netanyahu is making trips to chad and saying hey look at our great look what we've done one of the things former defense minister told the arab news that key question netanyahu is motivation. saying quote unfortunately everything is connected to it's political survival what does that publication give us can someone tell me what the benefit as besides politics do these upcoming elections mean that or at least they are analysts saying that there could be more ask elation as we get closer and closer to those you know could be in
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a fifth term for netanyahu well it's definitely a good question i mean there's no doubt that israel's had this long term strategy of keeping the war in syria going as long as possible but there are elections coming up in israel and netanyahu you know there's kind of a longstanding israeli political tradition of starting a war just as elections are coming up but israel netanyahu the prime minister is really kind of unable to i mean we saw in gaza about two months ago they were on the verge of an escalation and then kasam the under gave their kind of sent a message by targeting a bus that had just all the israeli soldiers had just left and said if you want to do this we can hit back and the israelis stepped down and then in lebanon israel's not really able to hit them because hezbollah is so much stronger than it was even in two thousand and six when the israelis basically ran back across the border with their tails between their legs so the only theater that israel's able to really do anything in is syria and you know the big the big enemy is iran so so if netanyahu
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says i'm hitting targets in iran it's kind of a way to show the public that he's strong. it's kind of that classic thing you see that over and over and we saw donald trump there's kind of something similar with that right after he took office when he launched the rockets into syria just kind of showing like look i'm a president and i can launch rockets in my opinion you know and that's the ugly part about it yeah man. then and health well and i mean the other thing is netanyahu is being challenged by benny gantz the former israeli army chief whose video whose campaign series just came out yesterday who was bragging he said only the strong survive and showed this drone footage of gaza after the two thousand and fourteen war just this kind of like devastation moonscape and so that's his competition so it's really like who can beat their chests the hardest politics destruction and war of lovely dad i got to say thank you very much dan cohen our to america's correspondent thank you very much for coming on the day. i was going to
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bangkok watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and see our poll shows that are three dot com coming up sean stone sits down with the executive director of the alliance to rescue victims of trafficking and to the sarnoff to discuss the latest in the fight against human trafficking so stay tuned to watch. the. show seemed wrong. wrong just don't. let me. get to shape out these days you can't answer. and in detroit because of the trail. when something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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there's not any gold left essentially in the earth's mantle i predict as i've said before that was the central banks find it difficult to buy any gold whatsoever they're going to start buying bitcoin and bitcoins to their strategic reserves of course russia's been rumored as a possibly the first to go down this pass and we don't know the details but some one of the major central banks will start putting in along with gold into their strategic reserves and this will set off a mad scramble for bar gold and it. looks like there's someone else living inside of me or controlling my body. the byproduct of that drug is the cause like severe depression. because it literally need him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault you
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know she was crazy and all that. appears traumatic takes a long time to get rid of. according to most experts and even the u.s. department of defense human trafficking is the world's fastest growing illegal industry with sex trafficking accounting for an estimated ninety nine billion a year according to equality now in fact both women and children make up roughly seventy one percent of trafficking victims. recently sean stone sat down with the author with author and executive director of alliance to rescue victims of trafficking conchita sarnoff sean began by asking her about u.s. president donald trump's recent executive orders on the problem of human
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trafficking since taking office in two thousand and seventeen let's take a listen. since two thousand and seventeen there have been eight executive order signed that aim to protect victims aimed to increase funding to organizations to federal agencies to law enforcement officials that protect victims that identify traffickers and that prosecute human traffickers so beside the executive orders which get very little attention and have gotten almost limited no if any press since the signing of those orders between two thousand and seventeen and today there have also been two very important laws passed sponsored by representative from new jersey chris smith the latest this year which was signed on january ninth two thousand and nineteen was the
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frederick douglass reauthorization of the trafficking victims protection act and that law that was signed by both house and senate. it gives the government including the state department different organizations of four hundred thirty million dollars over a period of four years and what the purpose of that law of course is to continue to protect the victims of trafficking not only sex trafficking but labor trafficking as well and as you know there is a growing amount of organ trafficking of children. sadly across our border so the most recent bill the frederick douglass signed two thousand and nineteen doesn't number of things and if you don't mind because of the. because of the
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extensive. items included in that law i wanted to to read. you what exactly the law provides so if you allow it it helps to educate children at schools across the nation with age appropriate prevention programs educational programs it also provides shelter which is the first time that any law in the united states since the first trafficking victims protection act was signed enacted under president bill clinton in the year two thousand there has not been a bill signed into law that actually provided funding for shelters for victims and this has not just the programs for the victims but the actual bricks and mortar. it allows and provides for funding for the reintegration of victims into society. it also provides and supports corporations to be able to
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have a traffic free supply chain this is an enormous step in the right direction and it's extensive and we can get into that and at another time it provides funding for training for u.s. government officials and airline industry employees currently delta airline and american airlines are two of our national. airline carriers that train employees to identify. traffic victims and identify traffickers and get in touch with the security at the local air at the airports nationally and internationally and it also provides oversight. for government employees so this law is quite extensive it is very important and it provides the necessary funding even though of course it is
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not complete in any way and there's. a lot of work to be done in terms of increasing awareness and i think one of the reasons as i think we have spoken before is that when you don't have enough shelters and i don't mean just open unlocked shelters but locked down facilities to rehabilitate and rescue the children who are trafficked for labor organs or sex it's very difficult for these victims to come forward and to escape their traffickers because they know that they have nowhere to go and the homelessness rate is so and the fear of homelessness is so incredibly big when it comes to traffic victims that sometimes and most of the times they. they opt to stay with their traffickers because they know that they have a bed to sleep on it not sure one thing that obviously has come up in the last few months six months or so has been this issue of detention at the border of children
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separation of them from their families there's been a huge outcry on these on this problem but the same time we don't seem to as you pointed out here as much from mainstream media when it comes to things like the desire to actually stop human trafficking and address the issue of human trafficking in the fact that there are cartels that are that are working to not only immigrate into the country would obviously cartels that are really very much behind this global ring of trafficking so can you address how the administration is basically its immigration policy is actually being proactive to thwart the cartels and undermine the trafficking absolutely as a matter of fact in the eight a few of the eight and i'm going to read them to you so we're clear on them given the number of executive orders not bills but executive orders that have been passed since the trumpet ministration came into power. in two thousand and seventeen alone . the executive there are five executive orders one and hansing pup. x.a.
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fifteen the interior to border security immigration and force meant improvement three protecting the nation against foreign terrorists and tree into the united states this of course included the cartels the mexican cartels the russian cartels or ukrainian cartels. chinese cartels etc. there has been another executive order was the task force on crime reduction and public safety. in forcing the federal laws with the request to trans national criminal organizations and the prevention of trafficking that was another executive order signed in two thousand and seventeen and the blocking of property of persons involved in serious human rights abuses this actually goes back to a law passed during the obama administration called the
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magnitsky act and that law had to do with mr bill browder and when he was in russia working in russia and the russian government. obviously abused not only mr browder is but his attorneys privileges and his attorney sergei magnitsky was jailed and tortured and eventually killed and so the magnitsky act was the precursor to the two thousand and seventeen blocking property of persons involved in serious human rights abuses then there was a federal interagency council on crime prevention and the last one of course the blocking of property of certain people regarding the situation in it that are one and that was passed on thanksgiving day or forgive me no it was november twenty
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seventh two thousand and eighteen and that had to do with the. car. tells that in particular in nicaragua and how those cartels are bringing in not only abusing children in country but trafficking across the border so you know you've got multiple executive orders that are focused on preventing trans national criminal organizations confiscating assets of traffickers and protecting vulnerable victims be they foreign nationals or american victims. but those are the executive orders and so we are actually seeing the application on the ground i mean are we look at what kind of statistics have we seen across the aisle in terms of the actual arrest of sure's you name it i'm sure there has been an increase of course an arrest the first thing that has to happen sean is as you can imagine is there has to be a the creation of
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a task forces and awareness and educational programs and amongst these task forces and federal aid interagency s. and organizations so they can best understand how it is that these trans national criminal organizations function and how they bring victims across the border which they do on a daily bases be it over the wall under the wall through the tunnels through air lines walking across our very porous border so you have to have you have to lay the found work the ground work which is where we are right now we are in the midst of not only providing the resources and the funding but we're also providing training. and providing educational programs to law enforcement officials
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across the nation including in homeland security and border patrol ice so they can best understand what they're up against with these trans national criminal organizations trafficking children across the border. here on earth it isn't easy to find records of ancient asteroids they've been building grown over for the most part but on the surface of the moon a history of outrage is all out for the universe to see and a new study has found that those craters can tell us all about the ones on earth we can't face the scientific found that the moon shares an almost identical history of asteroid bombardment and it was a doozy showing times when the. big hits came two hundred sixty percent more frequently than normal but the most interesting thing they suspect from this data is that all those earth craters last time there might not be as many as we thought because the moon data crater shows that earth had few far far fewer bombardments
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and thus craters two hundred ninety million years ago turns out the mone as more than a mythical block of cheese could end up holding the key to earth secret not even so i never thought about that but it makes total sense that the moon would share a lot of the same scarring from you know interstellar interstellar softball game that is to asteroids but we see you have more you know but at the same time there are times you know and there also are dinosaurs it's pretty cool you know that we don't want them we don't want that we don't want it or. not is ours so for you to remember everyone if it's world we're not told that we love so i tell you wall i love you i am a robot and out of the bar watching those hawks great. thanks
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guys especially as a survival guide. when customers go by you're reduced. to now well reduce the hours. that's undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy. buckle up and brace for impact trump introduced the star wars two point zero and calls for impeachment rush again. morphs into treason. in twenty four you know bloody revolution of you tube clip demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent
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revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always i mean your list book that you would leave me in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. and. those who took the lead invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. leaders . oh. but i.
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became prime minister present have breck's it planned to parliament's off ted plan a was resoundingly rejected but its critics say she has failed to make any real changes. the taliban says it was behind an attack on a military training base in afghanistan that killed more than one hundred military personnel. in this nie accuses france of treating african countries like colonies in fueling the migrant crisis. the latest on these stories had totty to stay with us they for cross told looking into the latest accusations against the trap and if you're watching in the u.k. that's a renegade thing.


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