tv News RT January 22, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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relations between italy and france detain you please an interior minister calls on the french people to get rid of president emanuel michael. washington throws his backing behind venezuela's non-elected opposition leader against the country's president amid a violent uprising across the capital. by mike pence the united states supports the courageous decision by one of. the president of your national assembly to assert that body is constitutional powers. the russian foreign minister response to new revelations that the first person on location after the poisoning of former russian spy sergei script was a senior u.k.
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military. good evening on a warm welcome this is international. in a fresh attack against the manual macro italy's interior minister salvini has called on the french people to get rid of the president. has the story when incredibly strong words from deputy prime minister feeney with relations already strained he's now poked away even further at president might go on saying that he hoped that france could soon be free of in his words a terrible president. i hope the french can free themselves from a terrible president and the opportunity will come on may twenty sixth when finally the french people will be able to take back control of their future destiny and pride which are poorly represented by character like mackerel. now all of this
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tension is bubbling away as european countries are ready to head to the e.u. parliamentary elections they can be taking place in may and leaders of countries have already been drawing the battle lines across europe on the one side populist politicians like salvini a calling for new europe one that's no longer dominated by france and germany and on the other it's centrist politicians like mark owen calling for greater integration now this attack is just the latest in a series from italy on france italy spain paris for the migrant crisis saying it's to blame because it never let go of its colonial times in africa and its rugby league say the wrong way of the packing the yellow vest protests. we must address the causes of this crisis because people are leaving africa in part because some european countries led by france have never stopped being colonized a. little bit been in the french i hope for the good of the french who are
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a great people that they come out of that moment of crisis was a laboratory invented product to stand in a way of any change on the horizon that seems obvious to me now. this latest outburst by salvini seems to mark a new low in relations between the two neighboring countries who are of course supposed to be on the same side so it's even ski r.t. paris germany's angela merkel and france is among the micron of signed a treaty to boost relations comes amid rising tensions though in the e.u. from bickering between member states and thirty other breaks it on the rise in populism right across the continent peter oliver explains. germany and france must tackle the challenges of our time hand in hand those were the words of angela merkel as she put pen to paper on the treaty of ark and now it was signed in historic city hall the the historic well significance of the place wasn't missed at
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all by anybody that was speaking in fact if you didn't know about the history of arkan after this well you clearly weren't listening it was charlemagne's capital it's changed hands numerous times between france and germany sometimes in bloody conflict over the centuries but the message that was coming from the leaders was the past is in the past but there are still battles to be for today and are there a stark now about populism and nationalism becoming stronger in our countries for the first time with britain a country is leaving me european union that is why they fascinate a renewed commitment to our responsibility within the european union the responsibility of france and germany in the early. wouldn't survive disunity it would make it di that is the new frankly german responsibility for europe given the tools in terms of security also exists in terms of
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migration environmental and digital transitions. that was echoed by the european council president who was also in attendance he said that there were those at large today that would seek to bring down the european union well his colleague the european commission president jiang chord younker was that little jollier he ended by saying long live franco german cooperation long live year up the whole reason that this treaty was signed in the first place isn't because there's any major conflict between france and germany right now thankfully not the reason it's being done is to try and shore up some of the cracks in the european union from the major cracks like break that up to the potentially major cracks the fact that italy hungary poland not of the. i want to play the game the way brussels wants to see it played and that is why brussels paris and berlin all came together to say that maybe trouble elsewhere but we are unified here so i had
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a look at what's in this treaty and why some of the plaudits mentioned today may be hard to put into practice in reality the draft of the deal was a little light on real details but there is a clear intent with it let's have a look at the deal was set for an increase in bilateral statements when it comes to major e.u. issues now this is something that's already fairly commonplace from the two now it's going to be in writing there's also plans full fiscal integration and what's being called the franco germany konami zone. on the military front both nations want their armed forces to be as into twined as their economies with germany and france combining to reinforce nato and defense also what's being called the fostering of a common culture in the ranks and a franco german security council so the brass the politicians pulling in the same direction there's also foreign policy goals which may prove
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a little less straightforward including a permanent seat for germany on the un security council but not everyone is happy about these e.u. powerhouses getting even more chummy and cementing their position within the bloc. europe is used to the franco german axis but we're seeking a new balance a new energy and in this sense poland and italy will be the protagonists of this new european spring there's also domestic upset over the deal alternative for germany say it erodes german sovereignty while the same sentiments have been echoed by the usual suspects in france she also couldn't by signing this act on the quiet in the way to market on committees treason with briggs's. on the bradleys of euro skepticism it makes sense that berlin and paris would look to team up but not brings us back to the question of foreign policy how will it be interventionist french sit with the germans for their caution.
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without. mentally changing its global military outlook it's hard to see how this deal will change much or anything at all peter overall. the political heat rising in venezuela and protests going at them more violent the u.s. says that it fully supports the country's opposition and its decision to form a new government u.s. vice president mike pence even spoke some spanish. mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one. the president of your national assembly to assert that body's
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constitutional powers declare your serp are and call for the establishment of a transitional government. yes the via conti us meanwhile the country's national assembly has gathered following violent protests earlier in the capital that comes after government forces branded president maduro as inauguration illegitimate auntie's done of course it has more. it's all out chaos in the streets of caracas with especially violent protests raging in the streets the beginning of the week saw an explosion of violence when government soldiers were arrested for stealing weapons in the capital right wing protests in support of them broke out into warlike clashes with government forces opposition a national assembly leader called for a meeting with my supporters to be held on wednesday but it's
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a bit too late to play nice as last week quite a declared venezuelan president nicolas maduro is entire claim to power illegitimate and c.n.n. announced the trumpet ministration may be prepared to recognize quiet o. as venezuela's unelected president as a result of venezuela's supreme court has declared the national assembly as political power null and void. trumps national security advisor john bolton didn't seem too happy today's action by the controlled supreme court was a predictable and. the united states resolutely supports the national assembly of. a democratic institution the brave to restore democracy the mainstream media has been adding fuel to the fire with headlines predicting
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a venezuelan doomsday going on for years already it's hard to tell if the opposition is really that popular but one thing is for sure the trumpet ministration and mainstream media might not agree on much but when it comes to venezuela the government must go. i can't speak now to a teal boron he's professor of political science at the university of when his ears professor are getting to protest the spreading it is just the country the trumpet ministration says it fully supports the opposition leader why do you think the us has taken the position. when i was there going to the us the sixth riemannian going to be getting meeting god well you go i'm going to but i'm sure they mean you notice notices week to bring us through the fuss in enormous quantities. nobody nothing i mean you've got to leave cd read out the u.s. government interest that means in all the freedoms on the public event that you go
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they have report that. doesn't we have suffered a new law that i make up for vacate so now this is a move on this but a move because they cannot decree not to go in the boxes and a day out of the promoting sort of poverty ensure that if you don't we can make a buck right because even that is going to mean that the i may be gone. in order gone just like our own government with if you break your knees to remove the bad or good us of a bad seed or even that isn't enough they follow the lead. and it was you do so by mike pence i know what sort of board i can get on government so i did this isn't completely your response to the t. here and you know these your eyes will say does you not sometimes do that maybe a few more ordinary bread and thought this money out of gold and you get some i think you know it was very very close to him that lehman between your bullshit here
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none that my ludo got their men on how they were good enough for me though it was mike then by order result and going to drive someone dies i thought he meant clue how to open the door cannot the process again even the minister. in this sense all sort of being in their framework of was no more going to be deep he said even between government or species so i don't regard a duck there may be kind of thought it it's up no more. died to him and i was to agree when we're equal nice and awesome you know what i'm going to see him in a thread or in any other place but the to me of the situation is very bad at the moment and that's an understatement you know people come for food if they can they call feeling good that there's nothing in the shops it's got so bad that millions of people fled the country a lot of them making their way towards the u.s. can can you have any sympathy for american officials saying that we need the
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situation in venezuela to improve that's why we're backing the position for our own self interest. one need really well given this really does it does your group that is a baby seem pretty good then sure this pope located in. la you may be seeing son who do it it's rare that one of the brother and he can but as we love each other when it's real i'm going to grant all i've been through in a different era by christmas other all over that maybe who are the ones that are not. going. to come. close to. god it was never not i didn't go over his grave they want ok well the good of the stock broke in day forty four the border today shows between business rela on the other companies which out of two said the out it would still be in this thread
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i mean it's really just ready to break but the broader he dug. in the reading in the us is so of course reality created because you might be dug in if they won't blow you up the other one who congress or that program has a video of it. frankly it's a norm jones he spoke on preaching about or i'll be your cd they created but already and then they won't go the other they'll save us all the secrets and they could add about a d.c. to a cure for the utility strains. only i know more stuff that he needs to that would be building a straight up orderly i would be beams over the video betty. of the downgrading probably see it. go there but you have to states. i guess our professor of political science and university point is there is professor many thanks for your time. to run. on
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to other news now there's been a new development in the script united kingdom has been revealed when the first people on the scene to administer hope to the poisoned russian spy and his daughter was in front of a senior army medic with the details his auntie's politica. was a senior army medic and her teenage daughter. it's been revealed were one of the first responders when again you were found collapsed on a bench and souls last march now the local teenage girl who recently undergone a first aid course at school and the family had been celebrating the girl's brother's birthday so they were out in the city center and the sixteen year old girl spotted the pair unconscious and she didn't initially thought that. was suffering from a heart attack so she quickly alerted her mother who happens to be
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a british army know that together the two of them gave the script files first stayed until the paramedics arrived now the reason we know about this now is because the mum in this story nominated her daughter for a local bravery award that was handed out by a local radio station and the radio station that handed out the award said that they didn't want any press attention immediately sort of in the aftermath of the script. which is why it's only become public knowledge now now as for the mother the mother's name is colonel allison mccord and she is now the chief nursing officer for the british army and she's got an o.b.e. she's had quite a career it's got a reset she's worked in kosovo bosnia iraq and also treating him in sierra leone it does appear that the girl and her mother and her mother live locally and allison
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mack. thought appears to have worked in some of the military installations around that area as part of her role in the british military now the russian embassy in the u.k. has published a statement on its website in response to the emergence of this story take a listen to what they had to say the fact that this young girl was present at the crime scene together with her mother allison mccourt who happens to be a conal and the chief nursing overseer of the british army and to the numerous extraordinary coincidences characteristic of the script els boys for the more one has to wonder why this information unusual as it is is only been made public ten months after the incident the russian embassy has long had a bone to pick with the way the british government has handled the the the aftermath of the script while poisoning ever since the incident took place the russian side has been asking for clarification over what happened as well as access
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to the victims who remain russian nationals as well and a calling for an open and co-operative investigation we've also asked the u.k.'s ministry of defense to comment on this story which they've said is a local story so they won't comment on it however they did refer us to to reserve may's original condemnation of the attack against sergei and. r.t. also request a comment from colonel allison the court but so far we've received no response. from. the world's political and business elites are gathering in the small swiss town of course for the annual global economic forum that kicked off today the u.s. delegation visit council sixty state one pump did make a special appearance fire video link so cross by to davos to check it is therefore if you've been covering events take us through them please honestly say what's been said on day one. well neal despite the fact that trump and his team are
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nowhere to be seen in davos this time around even though just last year trump was the main center of attention at this economic forum this time around we did get to see his secretary of state mike pompei will make a brief thirty minutes appearance of the viral video link from the united states to make an address in front of quite a considerable crowd and suit and to answer some questions on the first day of the forum here in davos and on russia and the u.s. according to mike pompei oh he's not expecting things to return to the past it's not the case that we are doomed to a cold war rivalry these two nations are the largest possessors of nuclear capability in the world russia is a formidable power in that respect and we understand that and so we need to ensure that there are conversations taking place so that we can prevent both proliferation
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and the rest the comes with the possession of those nuclear weapons. however according to the u.s. secretary of state america has some conditions for russia to follow first. we're looking for russia to begin to change its behavior and we hope that they'll return to the right course of action is to set a course of actions that lead them down the path of the rule of law in order to liberty if they do those things i'm confident that our two nations can prosper and grow alongside of each other we are not destined to be antagonists we can do better than that but it will take russian change in their outlook and behavior in the world in order to achieve that. well mike pompei also outlined some threats the way he described them some new some not so new and among those were for main one according to the u.s. secretary of state that was north korea's nuclear program iran's as he described it
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a foreign adventurism china despite the fact that he believes that a bright relationship lies ahead and islamic terrorism now also to answering a question about the america first message that trump so often reiterate and whether or not the u.s. is isolated the u.s. secretary of state denied this and said that this is something that is not at all the case something all the more so ironic given this was made in a statement thousands of kilometers away on a little bit more about why this could be the case we can now go to our report. not so long ago globalization was a very popular concept at the twenty twelve event for example here's what google's then c.e.o. had to say i assume that everybody here agrees that globalization is wonderful fast forward to today and praise for globalization is noticeably wearing thin. and
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produces winners and losers but now we have to look after the losers those have been left behind globalization euphoria has passed and as a consequence there's a pushback against institutions generally that framework of the alliance isn't treaties and norms underpinned by international law some nations are challenging that order because they don't think it affects the current reality the western leaders not finding time for the procedures get together this year is a reflection of how things have changed there are too busy putting out fires at home fires some say were partly controlled by globalization u.s. president donald trump has canceled his entire delhi. patients visit amidst a long as government shutdown in american history all thanks to an argument about a wall that's due to differences over immigration but its prime minister theresa may is staying home too as she has to figure out what to do with brax it itself marginally
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a result of the public wanting to take back control at home and the french president won't be spotted in davos either this year with the yellow vest movement ensuring that domestic issues rather than global ones are his priority added so that india's taken a rain check russia sending a fairly minimal delegation while the chinese leader sent his deputy this year's davos theme is globalization four point zero shaping global architecture in the age of the fourth and us trail revolution but how relevant is an attempt to decide how to move forward globally with interest from some of the key players directed away from whatever ends up being decided here reporting from davos honest as you're going to with r.t. . only the will county doping agencies decided not to reimpose a suspension on the russian on to doping agency that despite moscow missing a deadline to hand over key data little earlier i spoke with all sports correspondent elects to shed light on the situation. remember the missing of the
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deadline it was a bit of a scandalous headline in the global media didn't look good for russian sporting or thorough test on september twentieth last year after three years in the wilderness for the russian anti-doping agency the world anti-doping agency decided to reinstate rosado the decision which was criticized by many athletes worldwide nevertheless there were two conditions imposed one of them very important that the experts get access to the most called the board story the old anti-doping laboratory where the doping samples were kept the deadline was set to be thirty first of december on december thirty first the delegation of water reported that they came back from moscow empty handed there was a lot of outcry both on the critic side and some on the russian side saying that this access must be provided immediately so right after new year this access was indeed provided the delegation of water came to moscow up to all the samples and water has a very thorough explanation of exactly what happened the date it was not received by the thirty first of december twenty eighth usually
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a code signatory is then given at least three months to correct that non-conformity before referral to the c. c. but in this case want to follow the special found strength procedure this was probably followed by full cooperation by the russian authorities as a result of which an expert team was given full access to the moscow laboratory and was able to make forensic images of all the data from the laboratory instruments so the president of the world anti-doping agency craig greedy he lauded this decision today by the executive committee although he stressed that some of the members of that board war not really happy with the fact that russia missed the deadline but still decided not to impose any sanctions because that violation was insignificant and for the future of clean sport this decision was very significant it also shows according to craig really that there is a level of trust and cooperation between water and which he hopes will lead to effective work in the future for the fight against doping i'm guessing that was the
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u.s. representative. i remember as incandescent with rage at the fact that a result of this third line but like you mentioned there in the statement three months it's kind of standard practice what's the russian reaction been to this decision well the sports minister of russia bifocal of course i would say the chief negotiator between russia and the wall anti-doping agency he was very happy here welcome this decision said that this would bolster the cooperation and he hopes that cooperation will flourish in the future we also managed to get some comments from the head of assad mr gunnels who was also happy but he said specifically that today's decision is a big step for athletes. but i want to congratulate everyone that voted decided to reinstate resigned i also want to congratulate our sportsman and sports officials so we can now continue our work with mr gunness was also a very frank and very clear that the actual hard work begins now because not only there will be you know heavily scrutinized by the world anti-doping agency also
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that the board story which was the stumbling block the one which needed to get the access to it has to have access again in case water needs to come back to moscow to collect anything for the samples although they claim they collected everything so right now it's still it's not a finish line it's a lot of work ahead for restarted to be effective in its work a lot of sports experts will say you know world athletics isn't the same without a powerhouse like russia are involved in for the athletes to be involved. active and compliant so what's the future now for first and foremost after the daubing scandal twenty fifteen the trust has to be rebuilt and that is something that you know is step by step is happening between rosado and water as we can see also. the head of. specifically said that the russian laboratory the new restart of the boards or needs to get a credit and in order to obtain that accreditation the previous all the board story has to be completely transparent and open he hopes that happens every athlete. and
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russia should hope that happened because that's you know the future of all the federations depends on that what i cannot understand is that today we have a decision by water yet some people in the media come out and say you know this decision was bad and russia should have been banned again which begs for a question if these guys are advocating for a clean sport how would they want clean sport to be in russia if they don't want the agency tasked with providing that clean sport to operate normally in the country that's something i'm failing to to grasp and staying with all to international updates coming your way in half an hour. and twenty four to you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from
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being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the bottle revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we. put in the. new leader of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these another call that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. reading salyut taisha. welcome back to a brand new week watchers week that begins with the celebration of the man.
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