tv Cross Talk RT January 22, 2019 8:30pm-9:00pm EST
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the worst most embarrassing us media failures on the trump russia story has hatred for trump destroyed the profession of journalism. crosstalk in the media i'm joined by my guest him black in washington he's a political analyst commentator and host of the tim black show and in fort lauderdale we cross to john cardillo he's host of america talks live on newsmax t.v. all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate him let me go to you in washington. when i. heard the buzz feed story break i just waited for it to be debunked like all the other ones and we could spend the entire program and then some listing each and each individual one and who did it and why it fell apart and so i was very gleeful that it was debunked because it was a short amount of time and that muller did it on top of that there and then
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watching cable. primarily the more liberal stations tried to explain it on c.n.n. we got this from jeffrey toobin on a panel the larger message that a lot of people are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president and they're willing to lie to do it and i don't think that is true well when he said that i said jeffrey toobin that's your right and i've been saying that for two years and the question is and i said in my introduction it's just the hatred of trump made journalism dysfunctional almost irrelevant now go ahead jim and one in washington yeah yeah i agree well i agree first of all thank you for having me prove to you yes you're right jeffrey toobin he said a true statement that was a very true. what you just said was that fake news he's absolutely right that they
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are descended greatly to the public trust in fact this seems like more of a race to the bottom of public trust every time one of these stories comes out period or. a great poll with the late great. when people show you what people show you who they are believe them people are starting to believe that the media the corporate media is pretty much full of it peter ever saw them lose trust in it to stay exactly where their cups will you know and they go and they go to john in fort lauderdale this is chris cuomo on c.n.n. about the buzz feed quote moeller didn't do the media any favors tonight and he did one he did do one for the president i mean if that doesn't show his open box he is right there i mean that the thing is i look at this and i look at it only as an exercise and i don't watch very much of it because it's a very very repetitive it's not fact based and it is
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a lot of it is just ideological platitudes but he's actually showing what the what c.n.n. and amisom b.c. and others are like there is no self reflection is there about their behavior and how they see the world go ahead john and for a lot of. well no you know i look at anybody who's going to worry about what freight oh chris cuomo thinks is out of their mind anyway but what he said is part of a bigger problem a larger problem right it underscores it cuomo and the rest of his buddies over at c.n.n. brian stelter of the n.s.a. n.b.c. crew they automatically assume that anyone who is even perceived to be anti trump is their ally there was this expectation that robert muller was going to do their bidding by implying that maybe there was some weight to the buzz feed story which was not to look to anonymous sources then as you know peter peter carr muller spokesman comes out on the record he says. there's nothing here it's completely
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wrong furthermore rudy giuliani a guy that's been out there beating beating the hell out of miller and his team agrees with them one time and says look i've spoken to miller's team as the president's outside attorneys the other outside attorneys we all agree there's nothing there buzz feed got it completely wrong the mainstream media by the way still can't bring themselves to admit buzz feed was wrong they've got the reporters on the reporter saying well our reporting will bear out to be true well maybe it was misconstrued but we don't really know what muller knows maybe his spokesman is doing the flexion to throw trump off the problem with the mainstream media and why jeffrey toobin was right even though he was doing it a backhanded way is time again time after time they discredit themselves and this week was a great week for them they had the buzz feed story and then this native american diet hacking those kids they were debunked within minutes i started on the buzz feed story earlier about ten minutes after it dropped even wound up getting
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a retreat from president trump when i said i told you all the buzz feed story was nonsense i mean this this is so transparent but isn't it sad that we're at a place where we have to doubt the media we have to doubt every left leaning journalist as to whether or not the book it's not even if they're sources are accurate peter tim it's the sources even exist you know it's one of the it's me go back to. him you know i mean i don't know how many of these. shells of fizzled i'll a few dozen at the very least here they always drop in one direction though don't think it's never been the other side and so i'm willing to allow and because i work in media i can understand when an outlet makes a mistake and you go out you come around said we got our facts wrong we're out we apologize to our audience i'm going to be more careful but it's always in one direction and there is hard i mean and then they take it off the. internet they try
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to delete it everywhere and and then they don't learn from it they're just looking for the same mistake to be made again because it's there do it with such ideological glee and this is tim this is what's getting them in trouble they're ideologically blinded because of their hatred now i am a conservative i don't like everything donald trump does and i do criticize donald trump but i do it based on facts ok not because of my ideological tilt go ahead tim you're right it does it does appear to be just coming from one direction the false stories of stories that don't exactly pan out to be what they claim to be a sort of like a misrepresentation of buying a view of who are you think is a good deal because it could all be flat out it's a limit part of that is not so much about the liberal or of the conservative go i think it's more about profits no one is sixteen see it that way and next to an extra ten million dollars peter john to million dollars on the trial coverage and
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then they want all of the second presidential debate they may they so rates were forty times more than what they usually would sail so you put the put to work through together you get four and what you get is a media this focus on profit that focused on accuracy i just got looked at that very true i mean i mean trump is a good brand for the liberal media ok but to play and that and that i can understand the bottom line i don't have a problem with that per se ok but what i do have a problem is is debasing journalistic principles because we have fake news ok all right that came out as a result of the election but now we have something that is like acceptable fake news if it is if it is a political to your ideological goal go ahead john. well. this is all about profits a costs a cable operation millions of dollars a month to be carried on the major cable operators if you just cable for get
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broadcast right to be carried on a comcast directv dish you're spending millions of dollars a month well you need to create theater straight down the middle news is no longer that profitable it's not going to sustain those millions a month in carriage fees it's not going to sustain the production teams you need to go out and do the research so all of these outlets are playing to their own echo chamber we've come to accept that and i think the smart consumers of news get it but there's still an expectation of honesty like you peter i admit i'm a conservative commentator but i bring people facts statistics exact data i look at it through my bank if i bring up f.b.i. data about black on black crime sure the left is going to hammer me and say well those numbers are accurate but there are societal and sociological causes for it fair that's a legitimate debate right but i've had commentators on the left say well those f.b.i. numbers are lies because the f.b.i. and law enforcement is corrupt and they lied about those numbers you can't debate
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from that position because it's a fallacy from the outset so it's fine to me anyway if somebody has a political bent we know c n n n m s n b c r laughs that's fine present your data through that lens but at least do it honestly that's what. that's the point john and we go back to t.v. i mean honesty is the point here i mean parent me and not honest ok we saw that with this story with with buzz feed and what i would really bothers me is that i don't i don't have a problem wearing your you know your politics on your sleeve as a matter i actually respect people that do that ok but tim i mean just claiming that you know they are down the middle and we're neutral and were fair or i mean that is just being intellectually and morally dishonest tim. yeah like i said like us there before peter i just believe it's a factor of economics i mean if you really want to get to the crux of the matter you've got to go back to ninety ninety six jhumpa good stuff bill clinton for
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passing the seller communications that allowed that works that was five used to be six to zero ninety percent of our media so that's where the problem lies there's no diversity in the coverage and people have to play to an audience and i think that's really what the culprit is i don't think that the folks at m s n b c care too much about bashing trump they don't dislike you up they just love the money from trump remember when obama was in office and we heard all this talk about obama's tailored suit i mean they talked about that like it was big news there they were debating mustard on obama's hamburgers that he was america that of your you know the mustard that didn't work because hillary said you got to have hot sauce put it so like this was the thing the whole thing would obama but you know so it doesn't matter who's in office but the aggregate themselves with donald trump is negativity and that's the problem is to john's point it's not about the substance of the policies i like
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policy debates they debate about troops personality and yes it's not going to win me vote exactly exactly and say he did so well he did so well done steak air now he's a russian spy i mean the connections they make are are simply asinine and bizarre well well because they say he should have never been president and they still can't get over it so they said oh you know i mean it was those those cuban cricket see you know they were being run by vladimir putin in cuba you know and then people believe that they can believe that kind is that i gentlemen to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on media stay with ard. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they did accept the reject.
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so when you want to be president and you. want to be. the two going to be pros this is like the three of them all can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. city. in a world of big movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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there's not any left especially in the earth's mantle i predict as i've said before that was the central banks find it difficult to buy any gold whatsoever they're going to start buying bitcoin point to their strategic reserves russia has been rumored as a possibly the first to go down this pass and we don't know the details but some one of the major central banks will start putting big along with gold into their strategic reserves and this will set off a mad scramble for gold and that. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know lawyer here i mean put it into a pretty. they believe is that an idea belonging to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four to. those who took part in this today over five
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billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. welcome back across the uk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the media. ok let me go back to john in fort lauderdale i agree with you in the first part of the program we're talking about the bottom line in a trump is a good money machine you know hey trump and you can make money but i think there's a it's more. there's more breath to this here and i think that we see the cultural divide come out so much on cable and it's so condescending i mean you know the
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trump went through you know the real estate wars and the tabloid wars a new york i mean he's got a really thick skin ok fine ok i don't agree with everything he says i don't agree with everything that he and what he does ok however the way the media treats supporters of the president i find it will quite disgusting to be honest with you it's demeaning it's condescending and in there they show that they're morally superior and that's what really gets on my nerves when i watch m.s.m. b.c. and c.n.n. go ahead john in fort lauderdale. well look that's exactly i mean think we have we have a nation of three hundred thirty million people right two twenty two thousand twenty two hundred twenty five hundred counties in the united states but if you look at where news is created it's new york washington d.c. to what extent you're kaga what the advertising agencies los angeles with media and in the in the hot season south florida palm beach in miami all liberal hotbeds but
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more importantly peter it's the same people they just move around depending on where it's cool to be so you've got a handful of people in the grand context of the population of the united states in these four or five places that all have contempt for what's called me slider of a country right so they look at the sixty three million americans who voted for trump as these trog luddites these neanderthals who who you know just want to go out there and shoot anything that moves and they they hate people of color and they hate jews and they hate muslims and and they're an educated and ignorant because these elitists this handful of elitists in the ad agencies the newsrooms these editorial directors news directors they all go to the same cocktail parties they all go to the same dinner parties and they mock the rest of the nation when in reality the rest of the nation is as educated they make very good money and their common sensical they see through this nonsense well look the media elite with
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a grasp on the message can't have people seeing through the veneer so what do they do well they're terrified they're nervous wreck so they resort to ad hominem attacks they they try to insult them and degrade them so that other people will want to move away from them and hang out with the cool kids at the new york d.c. l.a. cocktail parties the internet has been an amazing tool to smash that veneer right because now there's so much content and there debunked in real time if the internet didn't exist that buzz feed story would have been taken as truth and used an impeachment proceedings the mainstream media as hysterical peter there hysterical. they can no longer send out the message they want to send their debunked in real time the truth is getting out there but it's what you say they have contempt and disrespect for mainstream america and mainstream america is rebelling to you know tim in washington they just don't understand half of the country they simply are
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out of touch with it and i think the most important thing that probably happened other than what was done to bernie sanders was that one speech that hillary clinton made is that deplorable and i think that that energized i knew a lot of people in the us during the summer leading up to the election and that was what i kept hearing over and over again did you hear what she called us and the media echo that in the media is there is there they call conservatives and members of the republican party that they use a dog whistle all the time when it comes to like issues of race but when i watch c n n n m s n b c they are the dog whistle it's over and over and over again they are the one that plays as they are the ones that divide people and and this identity politics is just on steroids which most of the country at least probably half of it i could i could i understand it but i don't agree with it and i think it's
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condescending to individuality and personal choices ok they know nothing about me but because of what i look like they know everything apparently i think that that's the definition of jim crow itself go ahead tim in washington. yeah you know you're going to see this happen right as we move or that's what it's already where people are looking at people like her as if they're going to be the new company give obama its a b. she is just more platitudes and more identity politics a look i don't care what color a candidate is or politician is what i care about is all the policies actually going to be effective at long last to make a long story short they really really is no policy points that are directed towards the people but they give us these platitudes like the talk of the black folks who talk of the gays and talk about latinos to a lesser extent but where is the substance in the policy that will actually benefit these people so that's what we have a problem with i did it in politics is they use it as
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a mechanism to attract the voters because we know that the black population are the most loyal voters of america they vote that the percent for the democratic party but what do they get out of what did they get one of my objectives what if they get there what did they do and that's you know the because he'll be because you know he'll be a traitor you'll be a traitor if you decide on your own you must go with the pack ok or you're a traitor to your party that stands quote unquote so much for you ok let me go to john. the stories about trump are just endless ok i mean by the time we get done check twitter i'm sure there's a new one but remember when trump was he had a what was it a football team at the at the white house and he ordered out a fast food which i thought was kind of hysterical i thought it was funny i like the pictures i thought of it it was if you know it was good nice touch i mean for donald trump it was a nice touch and then he talked about salads and then for like to happen new site he says saks is because he said his wife might be able to fix them up a solid i mean i don't understand why they spent hour after hour talking about that
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kind of thing that doesn't make it better people's lives all it does is shove down an ideology down people's throat and it's in its is a form of virtue signaling which doesn't pay for a meal ok it doesn't go ahead john. that incident right at the clemson tigers at the white house shows how out of touch the media is with america most of america likes fast food they like burgers and how out of touch are they to think that a bunch of high school football players would be offended that they had burgers what their billionaire president used dug up with porn stars i mean these guys were loving every minute of it and that shows you how out of touch the mainstream media is right i mean he's people have no idea how normal americans live how normal alpha males in their twenty's who just won the n.c.a.a. football title what you don't want to act and where they want to be the players loved every minute of it america found it in deering and down to earth and it was
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a really good moment for the president for the white house for the team but a bunch of soy boy beta male elite essence got all in it to z. because the you know the nutrition the calorie count wasn't properly labeled on the burger and oh my god he might have gotten chick fil a and always a massage and it's raised but i mean it's so ridiculous that we're left we're laughing at them that i don't know i'm not i just think if someone's in an airport and they see this program to see her i guess we will trigger someone someone will be triggered logic programming. to me i don't know gary agreeing or disagreeing was cold cold it was cold who was cold fast food a couple of the you know what a code burger fries there's nothing worse than coke. and i'm sure you can i'm sure i'm sure there was a c.n.n. correspondent there and their hair was on fire and it warmed up to burgers ok don't
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worry about it ok these are tough guys are these are tough guys ok more seriously. what is the state of journalism because it looks like it's just advocacy that's really what it is. they all do their lobbyists ok some of them have a pretty face some of them can read it. you. you know some can even ask some questions but i mean i don't see any real quality coming out as matter fact i just see first for power way too often go ahead you know what thank you peter you know george orwell once said that journalism writes what someone doesn't want you to print right so that would be the case but he didn't leave you could make it up as you go along being he didn't mean you could have various sources oliseh very anonymous sources and see he did mean for them to try to make money off of donald trump and forget all the facts so yes you know journalism is taking a big hit right now blame us the blame the liberal media the corporate media but i
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look at fox news too and i wonder if they just try to balance it on a couple of spots loses the most successful news program see it into their message b.c. got their pockets turned inside out with cups in their heads i think they're really want to live in it i think it's all across the board you have the same problem i mean but let me let me let me add something little that is going to hang on hang on and out on to say in fairness you know tucker carlson is not exactly the same is hannity and laura ok. ok there that i see that they do have a balance there though i mean those are the three programs that i watch at fox so it does cover a lot of area go ahead john in fort lauderdale you know it does and i agree with both of you but here's the other issue right even fox is missing something on fox is best night best night barring debates they get about five million viewers while sixty three million people voted for donald trump what are the other fifty eight million people watching that's a question i ask myself every day and what content do those other fifty eight
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million people over ninety percent of the trump voters that aren't watching fox news on its best night where are they what are they watching and what are the current networks the current cable outlets the broadcast outlets lacking that's that's preventing or causing those fifty. a million people i mean i go i think i have an answer to that i think a lot of people more and more so people are watching podcasts on you tube but it's very and if you look at the hits you know your program and you know it's alternative like to me and john both of you here and cross talk to you is well we do pretty well people are being turned off by these this corporate message that is ideologically directed in one direction here last last few seconds go to tim go ahead. thirty seconds go to you peter there are also lots of newspaper they're also watching their paychecks their debts or their bank accounts get smaller and smaller their watch and it just gets live overseas that also motivated those those voters
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that just what they want still in the news ok gentlemen that's almost run out of time here but one thing is for sure the way the russians what russia gate is done to journalism i have to wonder if it's ever going to recover as all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in washington and in fort lauderdale and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time remember crosstalk rules. effect on the face if you come back to that island so often but the reality is there may still be a share. have it in this fine lair of might create
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a lot of. the biggest thing shut least that we've ever had and. like. the something of an albatross. people. obviously come in they just throw them into the water as disposal it may not be harmful for that little fish that eats one fragment a classic but once it makes its way up to us in the food chain it's getting to levels that are harmful. join me every thursday on the elec simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. flick there's someone else living inside of me like controlling my body.
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the byproduct of that drug is the cause like some fear depression. because it literally need him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault you know she was crazy and all that. took years to come that it takes a long time to get rid of. me and i mean i didn't you know use my. own cd it's one of those things about. those whom you know most of it possibly into yours and yours it was never will just
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relations between its lee and francis a new lie to me from terry minister calls on the french people to get rid of president micron. both say this how the u.s. government throws its support behind venis way this opposition needs are immense political chaos and cracka. the united states supports the courageous decision by one god or the president over your national assembly to assert that body's constitutional powers and the russian foreign ministry responds to new revelations that the famous person on location after the poisoning of former russian spy say. it was a senior u.k. military doctor.
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