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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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you know what. venezuela with president accusing the u.s. . is also a total hole of relations between the two countries. us buzz feed on the ferocity of the donald trump made his lawyer. says it's inaccurate so here on the program we look at buzz feed's truth. germany says it won't be cowed by a u.s. threat of sanctions over collaboration on a russian gas pipeline project was the european commission all of a sudden legal changes to complicate and slow down stream to.
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the program here on the international the news team here in moscow rounding up this worldwide had. two people have reportedly been killed in ongoing venezuelan protests against president maduro there are also reports that demonstrators set fire to a police station in the north of the country it all comes off the motorway a furious response to a statement from the u.s. vice president mike pence who branded a dictator and then called for regime change. i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one god oh the president of your national assembly to assert
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that body's constitutional powers declare madeira your server and we set a seat in the vice president of the united states broke all the rules of the game he spots while talking in that video is that he was drooling his eyes were moving like this what did he smoke we don't know nicolas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power i've made the decision and given a no just the chance through the republic to initiate a total and absolute revision of our relations with the government of the united states of america the u.s. government is openly taking sides in venezuela's internal affairs right here now the country is once again a hot spot as president my duros inauguration was branded illegitimate and woodrow himself branded a usurper opposition leader one white though says he's ready to take over as the country's leader he's declared himself to be the interim president and he refuses to recognize the inauguration of president by duro but one problem why go with
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never actually elected president and the vice president of venezuela del so you rodriguez responded to pence on twitter accusing him of verbal incontinence and said pence is interventionist and serious statement reveals the clear intention of the u.s. government to undermine the country's public powers and encourage the extremist sectors of the right to a coup d'etat venezuelans defense sovereignty and peace appends also voiced support for protests that have been small in numbers but have been quite violent.
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both supporters of the government and the opposition are planning marches for wednesday to commemorate the fall of a military government in one thousand and fifty eight and now washington has thrown it full support between a figure who was never elected sounds a lot like meddling right we can blame the us for what's happening because u.s. has created what's happening on the ground the chaos and the social upheaval has been largely caused by us middle us says no it has no right whatsoever they are not they are not the global president they are not the global elites they are not they are not the government of the of the globe to us you know actions like you know acts like a sociopath and so sociopath would justify these kind of illegal actions you know
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saying that oh we have the right right to go in and save democracy or or or or institute do obviously when the us doesn't even institute democracy in its own country basic logic tells us that these people are that they're hypocrites these u.s. government officials are outright hypocrites because their track record tells us otherwise in regard to what they really really think about democracy they just don't like the results that that were put through that that came out of those recent elections in venezuela. meanwhile in neighboring brazil t.v. outlets c.n.n. is expanding its reach in latin america by opening a portuguese language stations however the team heading the new operation doesn't quite seem to fit the traditional c.n.n. mall.
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three sils donald trump extreme views on a variety of things telling a congresswoman she was not pretty enough to really express. like. a military dictatorship. this isn't. some people might try to tell you that it's
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a beneath you might even start to believe this is opinion. but it's not. is and. now we have asked c.n.n. to comment on these appointments but we're not exactly holding our breath meanwhile another us media outlet buzz feed insists that one of its audit was described by a special counsel robert moses office as not accurate is actually true the story allege that donald trump ordered his lawyer to lie to congress but it's not the only accusation of inaccuracy that buzz feed's been facing as much as did now investigate. tough times if you work at buzz feed lots of criticism abuse the outlets getting these last few days and no it isn't for the post about seventeen adorable cats at work or for their quiz which tells you which muppet you
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are no one reason is buzz feed's sensational story about trump ordering his lawyer to lie to congress about a proposed trump tower in moscow huge deal this i'm solid my sources are solid this reporting is accurate a bombshell new report from buzz feed news certainly explosive reporting and without question this is a big one it is breaking news perhaps major breaking news thing is if it sounds too good to be true it probably is what buzz feed wasn't counting on is robert mueller his team itself publicly dismissing buzz feed's story as nonsense but freeze description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony of teen boy this office regarding markku cohen's congressional testimony on accurate buzz feed's bad luck didn't then
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their next one of its journalists after watching a cut clip of an alleged conflict between a bunch of teenagers and the native american man went on a tirade about how white the root cause of the evil. of the conversations over the past twenty four hours how deeply familiar this look is it's the newco white patriarchy of course but that familiarity that banality is part of what prompted visceral reaction this is a spectacular it's life in america once again the story fell apart after a full video of the confrontation became available showing that the kids did nothing wrong it wasn't the. harassing people yet they're now getting death threats and that tirade is still up so here have some more authentic buzz feed funny adamant pictures none of it all that surprising when you take into
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account who founded buzz feed jonah peretti founder and c.e.o. and apparently noted fraudster the big obstacle has revealed how mr peretti in two thousand and three stole the identity of a well known gun activist set up a website in his name and sent out hundreds of thousands of emails pretending to be someone he was not in an effort to sway public opinion on gun control in effect a massive fake news disinformation campaign he was sued for that and settled eventually. after a year and a half we finally reach a legal settlement peretti also apologized to gold blasts and took down jeff gold black dot com i received an undisclosed monetary settlement or take mr other little stunt detailed in the article this upset that some student had set up
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a dating website rejection hotline with a similar name to his own dating website rejection live on bread he set up a website legibly for the express purpose of defaming someone ruining a person's reputation emails contained multiple lies about me and betrayed me as an arrogant jerk who was bragging about how i was stole the idea of the new york city rejection line reportedly and that website was also shut down as part of the settlement truly the apple didn't fall far from the tree begun by a man who seemingly specialized in fake news and disinfo mazen in my lightning and defaming people buzz feed continues the family tradition of these when it started posting these sixteen adorable pops. we have asked of us for you to comment on the allegations we are standing by. the construction of the nord stream to
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pipeline to deliver gas from russia directly to europe is causing geo political concerns negotiations in brussels between russia and ukraine and the e.u. regarding the current gas transit route which goes through ukraine and fail to lead to any concrete agreement and europe is out of the blue all of a sudden making changes to his legislation that will complicate and delay at the construction of this new gas pipeline. the commission remains fully committed to the guards that active amendment our aim is to have a coherent set of energy rules applied to offshore pipelines. cities in the case. of youth on the shore of pipelines meanwhile the u.s. has its own fears over the construction of a pipeline with trunk repeating many times that it plays into russia's hands the
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u.s. ambassador to germany sent out a rather large warning that sanctions may almost certainly be apply to any and all countries that support north stream to. as you are aware the united states strongly opposes nord stream to the pipeline poses serious geopolitical consequences to our european allies and partners we continue to stress that firms operating in the russian energy export pipeline sector are engaging in activities that carry significant sanctions risk and germany's energy minister says big business threats won't do rail a project that is mutually beneficial for all involved. it's me so i'm trying for engineer you see i work as a federal minister i'm standing here not pale not shaking i'm not afraid if someone sends a letter i can deal with it russia has been aren't reliable partner for fifty years on not just officials but also the german public support the construction of the pipeline but more than seventy percent saying it's right to push ahead political
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analyst thomas fassbender things that the us is afraid that russia and europe will become closer both economically and strategically be a north stream too is a certain fear of growing importance of growing dependence a piece of europe as a whole or even not germany on russian gas there is an underlying fear that russia might interfere with the domestic politics and the bible and is of course used as an instrument also to move against or to decrease the power and the influence of those in europe who favor a stronger and a more normal relationship neighborly relationship with russia again. russia and the u.s. are in a ciccio strategic rivalry there is of course a certain fear in the us that europe and the us at and russia might move closer
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together. israel's a left wing at metz party has launched a campaign drawing attention to a municipal ban on women appearing on billboards is also suing the city of and i put out an ultra-orthodox district just east of tel aviv which has been removing women from local advertisements for example the leader of another left party c.p. livni shown in yellow was erased from this ad leaving only her male colleagues livni responded with a video of herself standing in front of the billboard and voicing her criticism. but everybody i think should leave that's not my face they're asking to ring those or you'll think face is always rarely women over fifty percent of the population that's your voice men and women who want israel to be a liberal state join the fight against this. that's it that's all that's how it
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should be. i think it's it's wrong to blur the face of a woman can't you control yourself even a little bit i mean you can't see a woman's face anywhere without getting aroused what's wrong with you it's a very plenty of this is a free country we've asked the city authorities to comment on the issue it's not just featuring human women that have been banned last year an image of smurfette from the comic strip the smurfs was removed from a billboard but i but i already said they were concerned that the cartoon character might incite the feelings of the city's residents we spoke with a former deputy mayor of the israeli city of it on and she told us that all folks communities ignore the law when it comes to religious rules. in a bucket that is an ultra orthodox community they feel that they have the right of though it's illegal to take it down but these women they bought the space for their
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pictures for the billboards they paid for the space like everyone else does and it was taken down so of course it's not legal i must explain the situation however to the old church on the docks community it does not matter if it's legal or illegal it's something according to their rules and regulations which is ultra religious rules and regulations they say that a face of a woman can that to be seen as shown in public in public domain and i play the most or still coming away here on this wednesday or program on including a thousands of people on the streets of the spanish capital protesting alternative tuck's services like that story and much more just a moment. patters
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financial survival guide i don't buy a i because on a futures. face some of the finest as the last of my age in the future crack up watched kaiser. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get a little world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. when i was told small seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me world police yet to shape our disdain becomes to add to it and in gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look
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for common ground. good to have you with us today. protests in madrid entering this day with thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets demanding tougher regulations for alternative services such as. one demonstrator is in a hospital in serious condition after apparently trying to jump on a moving car you saw the pictures right there many of the protesters there wearing the the yellow heifers ability jack it's a clear nod to the mass protests that have been gripping france as of late and some of the city's main roads have been blocked as a result of the rally the protesters have been burning tires and rubbish bins and
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similar scenes have been witnessed in barcelona ongoing since last week. and that is ambassador to the united states says canadians are the ones at the receiving end of china's fury over american efforts to get the c.f.o. of chinese electronics while away extradited. we don't like that is our citizens who are being punished the americans are the one seeking to have the full force of american law brought against men one job and yet we have the ones who are paying the price while ways chief financial officer was detained in december at the request of washington or they were released on bail she is accused of violating u.s. sanctions against iran and the arrest to cause a diplomatic rift between canada and china with beijing detaining two canadian citizens and recently sentencing a third to death a drug smuggling in china has both canada and america to correct their mistakes and free mismatching. the mighty anyone with normal judgment can see that canada has
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made a serious mistake on this issue from the very beginning we edged the canadian side to me to leave release man one show and protect him it just cement writes we also strongly urge the u.s. to immediately correct the mistake withdraw the arrest warrant against men one show and not make a formal extradition request to canada woman and no one canadian journalist told us the dispute has created an impossible dilemma for the country's government or the canadian judicial system this is shameful but it's being done because of the pressure coming from the united states and canada have not too many ways to resist that pressure china could hurt. i guess the united states can hurt and even more so now that being a small country if defenseless country really. has to to opt
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for the lesser of two evils the united states do whatever the late no matter what and so. there can still be some anger you know. the ambassador can be speaking on the news or you know to american authorities making statements and those not in the position. are you there in the united states will have to suffer the consequences. in a fresh attack against a manual italy's interior minister any has called on the french people to get rid of their president. in the i hope the french can free themselves from a terrible president and the opportunity will come or may the twenty say when finally the french people will be able to take back control of their future destiny and pride which are poorly represented by character like macro tensions are rising ahead of e.u. parliamentary elections which do take place in may and they're seen as
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a battle between a centrist politicians who like micron advocated for greater integration and populists like solving any who call for a new europe. or soften his remarks about micron or just the latest in a string of verbal attacks from italy on its neighbor on monday france some of the italian ambassador after italy's deputy prime minister and the we did mio accused paris of pursuing a colonialist policy in africa and of worsening the migrant crisis. we must address the causes of this crisis because people are leaving africa in part because some european countries led by france have never stopped being colonized. a little bit been a french easy i hope for the good of the french who are a great people that they come out of that moment of crisis micro it was a laboratory invented product to stand in a way of any change on the horizon that seems obvious to me now. earlier we spoke
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to a political analyst alessandra polity who believes that there is a personal ill feeling between the french and italian leadership important countries within the e.u. disagree strongly and not just because they are interests that can be negotiated but because there is a sort of you feeling personal feeling the important thing is not really what mccoll does indeed it's not even true that you know the currency that is adopted by a number of african countries generates migration problems precisely towards the it is less than ten percent of the view legal migrants arriving in italy come from it's all about it's about consensus it's about all slow creating the image of quote unquote a diversionary truly that deputy premier is very interesting in expanding is electoral
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results also visa vi his own coalition partner. and now to something on the gentler side of news in an unlikely turn of events a homeless man has been given a chance to pieces life back together a special story unfolding in southern russia and it is all thanks to one particular person. yes. i came home from work and saw a man lying on the floor where the browns are now standing it was cold outside. yeah i invited the man to my place i said come in let's have some tea and then we'll see what we can do.
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i handed the phone over to surrogates the moment he said hello i heard his daughter song and she then started asking him why did you do that surrogate to started crying but his still tried to calm her down saying don't cry my little girl don't cry. i was crying hysterically when i hit from dance i bought a nice eight k. and rushed across the way he was.
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like and she says she all of doubts apprentices were happy to lend her tent they've donated money to pay for his rehabilitation everyone's chipping in to help. that's the end of our program here on this wednesday when ossie international to thank you very much for sharing a time with us today with all of us here at aussie international in moscow we are back at the top of the hour my colleague andrew fama manning the helm with more of your. country has gone into a nihilistic fever just want to thank and hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the charlatans the genius of the
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quintessential american hero this is it we've come a point around which element is done something we always are on the margins simply on this whole gun culture is really importing american jobs. we're starting last with is moving ahead of east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more gondo than this maybe completely different but the end of this journey. we settled for the past couple of years some feedback and pits and these islands off there but the reality is the may still be a shit and is covered in this fine lair of micro plastics mind seal very.
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the biggest thing and it shocks me is that we've never had an empty. like the contents of the something of an albatross. people obviously come in they just throw them into the water as disposal it may not be harmful for that little fish that it's one fragment of plastic but once a. it makes it way up the chain it's getting to levels that are. twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we hear i mean. spilling you know to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine
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in these another coup that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. hello and welcome to cross talk for all things considered i'm peter lavelle another russia gate bombshell fizzles this time it was buzz feed this prompted the intercept to write beyond buzz feed the ten worst most embarrassing u.s. media failures on the trump russia story has hatred for trump destroyed the profession of journalism.
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crosstalk in the media i'm joined by my guest him black in washington he's a poet.


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