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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EST

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but would you. please not believe the ways but i did one because that's the way. it looks. to me that it's a. good look. at the. movie . from. venezuela in chaos with president majeure accusing the u.s. of stoking the violent some small so valued to overhaul relations with washington. also this in the iranian journalist who was arrested and held in the u.s. as a material witness is set to appear in court later today we'll speak to one of her close friends at the later in the program. and germany says it won't be swayed by
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the threat of u.s. sanctions over the liberation of russian gas pipeline that is the european commission suddenly rolls out legal changes that will slow the construction all. of the welcome good evening six pm here in moscow you watching r.t. international now two people have reportedly been killed in protests in venezuela against president maturer there are also reports that demonstrates a set fire to a police station in the north of the country and it comes after a furious response to a statement from the u.s. vice president who branded him a dictator and also called for regime change. i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one god oh the president of your national assembly to assert
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that body's constitutional powers declare madeira your syrup or we set a seat in the vice president of the united states broke the rules of the game he spots while talking in that video he was drooling his eyes were moving like this what did he smoke and you don't know nicolas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power i've made the decision and given a no just the chance through the republic to initiate a total absolute revision of our relations with the government of the united states of america the u.s. government is openly taking sides in venezuela's internal affairs right here now the country is once again a hot spot as president by dros inauguration was branded illegitimate and himself branded a usurper opposition leader one white though says he's ready to take over as the country's leader he's declared himself to be the interim president and he refuses
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to recognize the inauguration of president by duro but one problem why do it with never actually elected president and the vice president of venezuela del so you rodriguez responded to pence on twitter accusing him of verbal incontinence and said pence is interventionist and serious statement reveals the clear intention of the u.s. government to undermine the country's public powers and encourage the extremist sectors of the right to a coup d'etat venezuelans defense sovereignty and peace appends also voiced support for protests that have been small in numbers but have been quite violent.
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both supporters of the government and the opposition are planning marches for wednesday to commemorate the fall of a military government in one thousand fifty eight and now washington has thrown it full support between a figure who was never elected sounds a lot like meddling right we can blame the us for what's happening because us has created what's happening on the ground the chaos and the social upheaval has been largely caused by us meddling us as no one has no right whatsoever they are not they are not the global president they are not the global elites they are not they are not the government of the of the global us you know actions like you know acts like a sociopath and so sociopath would justify these kind of illegal actions you know
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saying that oh we have the right right to go in and save democracy or or or or institute do obviously when the us doesn't even institute democracy in its own country basic logic tells us that these people are that they're hypocrites these u.s. government officials are outright hypocrites because their track record tells us otherwise in regards to what they really really think about democracy they just don't like the results that that were put there that they came out of those recent elections in venice well. the global news network c.n.n. is expanding into new markets i mean a portuguese language station in brazil but the team heading that operation is raising more than a few eyebrows. thanks
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. to. presume is donald trump extreme views on a variety of things telling a congresswoman she was not pretty enough to really express i like for a military dictatorship.
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this is an apple. some people might try to tell you that it's a banana you might even start to believe since this is a banana. but it's not. this. is an apple. or we have asked for a sponsor from c.n.n. to these appointments i'm will that bring you a reply when we receive it. meanwhile another us media outlet buzz feed has again insisted a controversial article it published is true as despite it being branded as not accurate by the office of special counsel robert miller the story alleged that donald trump ordered his former lawyer to lie to congress about dealings with moscow but against yet as more details tough times if you work at buzz feed lots of criticism abuse the outlets getting these last few days and no it isn't for their post about seventeen adorable cats at work or for their quiz which tells you which
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muppet you are no one reason is buzz feed's sensational story about trump ordering his lawyer to lie to congress about a proposed trump moscow huge deal this solid my sources are solid this reporting is accurate a bombshell new report from buzz feed news certainly explosive reporting and without question this is a big one it is breaking news perhaps meijer breaking news thing is if it sounds too good to be true it probably is what buzz feed wasn't counting on is robert mueller his team itself publicly dismissing buzz feed's story as nonsense. description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony of teen boy this office regarding marco and congressional testimony on accurate buzz feed's bad luck didn't then their next
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one of its journalists after watching a cut clip of an alleged conflict between a bunch of teenagers and the native american man went on a tirade about how white the root cause of evil one theme of the conversations over the past twenty four hours how deeply familiar. this is each deluca patriarchy of course but their familiarity that banality is part of what prompts the visceral reaction this isn't spectacular it's life in america once again the story fell apart after a full video of the confrontation became available showing that the kids did nothing wrong it wasn't them harassing people yet they're now getting death threats and that tirade is still up so here have some more authentic buzz feed funny adamant pictures of none of it all that surprising when you take
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into account who founded buzz feed jonah peretti founder and c.e.o. and apparently noted fraudster in a big article has revealed how mr peretti in two thousand and three stole the identity of a well known gun activist set up a website in his name and sent out hundreds of thousands of emails pretending to be someone he was not in an effort to sway public opinion on gun control in effect a massive fake news this information campaign he was sued for that and settled eventually. after a year and a half we finally reach a legal settlement peretti also apologized to gold blasts and took down jeff gold black dot com i received an undisclosed monetary settlement or take mr other little stunt detailed in the article this upset that some student had set up
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a dating website rejection hotline with a similar name to his own dating website rejection live on bread he set up a website legibly for the express purpose of defaming someone ruining a person's reputation emails contained multiple lies about me and to trade me as an arrogant jerk who was bragging about how i was stole the idea of the new york city rejection line reportedly that website was also shut down as part of the settlement truly the apple didn't fall far from the tree begun by a man who seemingly specialized in fake news and disinfo mazen in my lightning and defaming people buzz feed continues the family tradition of days when it started posting these sixteen adorable pops. we're against the of reporting there
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and we have asked buzz feed to comment or most allegations. iranian journalist who's been held in detention in the u.s. for more than a week is set to be released as a hashemi was detained by authorities on a material witness arrest warrant but she is expected to be free to go once she has given testimony in a criminal case later today however applied has sparked a lot of controversy the show me was arrested on january thirteenth while she was visiting family in the state of missouri according to u.s. officials she is being held as a material witness in an unspecified criminal case she hasn't been charged with any crime because she says that she will be released after giving testimony something that is normal practice under u.s. law we can go now to a friend and former colleague of the journalist nargus mobility he joins us i think from the u.k. and thank you very much for your time this evening just run through what have been your greatest concerns then about your friend's case.
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yes. i am a former colleague yes also a journalist here in the u.k. there's been many many concerns about my case the highlight i think broader issue in the united states just just to start with what is happening on wednesday the grand jury session from as you and three children have been subpoenaed is taking place in the am in washington d.c. wednesday as you said we are hoping that she should be released because she will have finished her testimony and we hope that is going to be the case because the family of called phone egypt released activists and journalistic bodies across the world have called her release because mars is being detained under a controversial law yes it is the law but the material witness. law has been deemed
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unconstitutional by new york appeals court and it where the court has said it's been misused the a.c.l.u. and human rights watch of talks about how since nine eleven this law has basically been used to detain ms muslims indefinitely without trial in essence on a fishing expedition and i think that whilst we hope there is no indication that he is going to be released today but we hope she will because the courts have said the sorties the government has said that once she's finished being a witness she should be released we hope that happens today this wednesday but the broader issue still remains why was she arrested and detained without charge to begin with and why were her civil and religious rights violated her job stripped off had a mug shot taken without her job on that's happened to other women in the united states in the new york city three muslim women settled with the new york city state over the exact same issue she was refused to allow in vegetarian field effectively
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denying have food in the initial days of detention and this material witness law which is what is angered people apart from how detention the issue broadly the very comunion law as well which is what the family have been highlighting there is a protest taking place outside the court and there's already been a call for protests on friday as my last count it was about twenty five cities and nine countries that said they're going to protest on friday. you know as i said we highlight that she will be released today if she's not well i think in the coming hours we're going to be seeing a rapidly developing story as to how this angle is going to be taken analogous have you been able to speak to her recent play in the state of mind is she in. no one has been able to speak apart from two telephone conversations with her
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family she does have legal counsel but we don't know what this this case that she's a material witness for is about we don't know why the children have been subpoenaed there's been two phone calls with the children in the first the children were very worried because as i said she explained no civil and religious rights violation and the second call she said that those had now been. asked and masses oldest son believes that is because of the media coverage and because of this outpouring of activism around the world in support of. and against her arrest and what the children have said is that they wanted to highlight well there's many muslims and people of color african-americans in prison in america where this is happening to you and they don't get that same privilege of the media coverage or all the strong legal counsel so. i haven't been able to speak to her. and the subpoena shut down around my case and that is a part of the controversy over these material witness laws that no access no
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information the fact that the reason lack of information has led to speculation hasn't it i mean we can only describe it is speculation because we just don't know but her son has said she was filming a documentary about the black lives matter movement some believe might have something to do with it the fact that she's from around this poor between iran and the u.s. people believe perhaps that has something to do with it as you say we know very little means that people jump to their own conclusions. well i would say that actually that's an editorial spin that there's been a focus on the fact that she's from around the world that she's a rein in mass years american born she's an american citizen she's african-american had two of us three children live in america have grandchildren in america a family is in america she graduated from journalism in a university from america she happens to have chosen to live in iran and wed for
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a new station that happens to be in iran journalism is not a crime and actually this this this stuff i will make a point to educate all real rather than speaking on the court case which i can't do it the moment but i think there is something to the edge authorial spin of a story such as this because it could be look at the headlines could be completely different and the story could be completely different and the international focus of it could be completely different given the facts on the ground those are the facts matters here is an african american muslim she was traveling back time she was not entering the united states she was not leaving the united states she was trying to see her family and to do some journalistic both of which are right she was taken in internal flight between doing some filming and seeing some family and she's been arrested under an american or so really in essence really nothing to do with iran on a political level those facts that being embellished or as
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a total lies or if at all had attention has to do with that fact that is a very separate issue to the fact that match is an american citizen she has a right to travel and in her country from on an internal flight without this happening to her and she's almost sixty years old might or might i add and has some health conditions and so this would have been very very difficult time for her. to running out of time but of course the who pays the expectation is that you'll be free to go later today do you think this case will influence. i don't know what he could influence do you think it will influence the way the law is implemented in the future in the us. i think certainly what's happened is that many many people around the world because mars is an internationally well known journalist with decades of experience i mean there are protests happening in nigeria in pakistan in denmark in the united kingdom right across the united states
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on different continents around the world so i think one thing is done is brought the issue up on the world stage because i think probably. many people didn't even know there was such a law called as the material witness law or such and such is such a draconian law and legal loophole existed in the united states at the very least she's brought an awareness to the issue i hope she is released today because that is what should happen she should not have been detained to begin with i hope she is released today and i hope we can hear from isaiah to talk about these issues very very sane would be great to get around to r.t. to that is possible now yes look thank you very much for your time appreciate you explaining the in this case as much as we know there was an august. mobile leg from the u.k. thank you. ok let's go to some live pictures i think now from outside the court where that case is taking place they are protesting against ashame these arrests they believe that she shouldn't have been held at all however as we've mentioned in
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the u.s. military is common practice to detain material witnesses until they've been. giving testimony in criminal cases but the expectation is is that a shame he will be released later today after she's given evidence in a criminal case a case that we do know very little about it. so let's go to kind of more pain to talk about some global reaction we were talking to one of his friends their former colleague to you she says there's been an awful lot of reaction around the world to just focus in about on the sort of things that people have been saying. well we have heard widespread outrage about the ongoing detention of marzio hashmi now we have heard officially from the foreign ministry of the islamic republic of iran iran's foreign minister job he'd zarif has actually spoken up in support of the journalist who works for an iranian media outlet press t.v.
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this is what job he'd zarif has said that she is a famous children because she's done nothing but journalism. oh mrs. got a front to freedom of expression a political abuse of an innocent individual. i believe you should review if you go through the debate. now the outrage is spread far beyond simply iran there has been outrage across the planet and for many international journalistic organizations the committee to protect journalists has spoken up on behalf of marzio hashmi and we've also heard from the international federation of journalists there have been various international free press organizations that have voiced extreme concern about the case in which someone a journalist has been arrested and is being held without any charges and without the reason for their being detained other than this material witness law being
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publicly stated and being very clear now in addition to the outrage from official journalistic organizations from around the globe there's also been widespread protests among citizens and the public in nigeria in pakistan in caution mir we've seen people taking to the streets to protest against the detention of marzio hashmi and right now out in front of the courthouse there are protests taking place in washington d.c. and from what we understand there is a nationwide day of action planned in the united states in several days in which there are protests planned in washington d.c. new york city and elsewhere and many different voices are speaking up about what they see as really a threat to those who practice journalism in the united states and a threat to muslim americans there's all kinds of speculation about the reason for detention as the u.s. government is really not been clear on it other than saying that she's there to give testimony before a grand jury so people are waiting to see what happens today whether or not she
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will be released after today's proceedings but it is certainly created a firestorm across the planet. ok thanks for that it was kind of more than that for us in the united states. now the russian president is meeting his to kind upon to moscow at the moment discuss the future of syria we'll have a look at that a mood just after the break. survival guide. to the story. repatriations look at the last seventy. or so. you know world big partisan.
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and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back to the turkish president is in moscow today for another round of bilateral talks with vladimir putin the meeting is expected to focus on the fate of
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syria after america's pullout and on further reconciliation and the war torn country so let's get more details now. he's following events for us in moscow. just tell us then what sort of things can we expect to come out of this meeting we understand the two leaders have begun talking. hi andrew there the meeting between the turkish president and his russian counterpart has started here in moscow scrambling where we are now with an almost three hour delay and this is their eighth meeting in the last year. apart from around twenty phone calls between the two leaders so they have a lot to discuss that is sure both mr putin and mr ed the gun called each other my dear friends they are welcome speeches here in the crown lane had although they spent more time talking about trade turnover between russia and turkey. the recent
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economic ties syria is of course expected to dominate the talks today particularly the region in its north east of the euphrates river this area will become particularly vulnerable after u.s. troops leaves it that's off to deal with trump's sudden decision to withdraw american military personnel from syria and this is the area where the troops have been stationed and of course after that the question would arise who e's going to control it right now syria's kurdish forces are in charge and they are communicating with official damascus with the syrian army regarding this region but the problem is that turkey sees at least some of these forces as terrorists and mr abney gone has reader waited many times that he's not going to tolerate any terroristic activity along he's a country's border he's idea is to greed kind of a safe zone a little turkey syria four hundred sixty kilometers long border with of course and
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in charge and probably without kurdish forces being involved the reason open conflict of interests here and the reason for fear that they could be military confrontation in this area mr evans has many times promised a military operation in this area if he's not happy with how things develop on the ground russia is here trying to coordinate between all the parties involved maybe eight trying to help them avoid confrontation in these areas very important to remind you that this meeting between clinton and of the gun today comes following another very important meeting between russian and turkish defense ministers top diplomats and intelligence chiefs that happened in december also here in moscow and the two delegations set and discuss what should be done what they could do to boost security in syria. and eventually to bring along the way to peace to this war torn
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country which is in interests of syria russia and turkey and of course of syrian people who have been suffering from violence in their motherland for many many years already and of course the fruits of that meeting will be considered by both routine and they're going to do in their tops in kremlin today we're following it. too ok thank you maria for that riff an ocean of air in the center of moscow at the kremlin where the two leaders are speaking the argy to give a press conference later and of course we'll go straight to it to you soon as that happens. the construction of the north stream to pipeline to deliver gas from russia to europe is raising global fears negotiations in brussels between russia ukraine and the e.u. on the current gas route through ukraine have failed to produce an agreement but europe is now suddenly changing laws that do complicate the construction of the new
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pipeline the commission remains fully committed to the active amendment our aim is to have a coherent set of e.u. energy rules applied to offshore pipelines. cities in the case. on shore by clients meanwhile the u.s. has its own fears over the construction of the pipeline with trump repeating it will play into russia's hands and the u.s. ambassador to germany also sent out a warning that sanctions may be applied to countries backing north stream to. as you are aware the united states strongly opposes nord stream to the pipeline poses serious geopolitical consequences to our european allies and partners we continue to stress that firms operating in the russian energy export pipeline sector are engaging in activities that carry significant sanctions risk whether the german minister for energy does claim that economic threats were.


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