tv News RT January 24, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EST
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the numbers will be. the only number you need to remember one. to miss the one and only. the former first minister of scotland an r.t. host alex salmond is charged by police and expected to appear in court later on thursday remains unclear what exactly the charges. were without considering anything but all options are on the table donald trump recognizes ben is while his opposition leader is the country's interim president prompting elected president nicolas maduro to break diplomatic relations with the us he's in washington of an attempted can't. sleep. and anti-government demonstrations erupted across venezuela with opposition
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supporters police clashing. plus microsoft includes a fake news detector in its latest browser in the form of an app that rank sites for their trustworthiness there are three is of significant bites. i welcome you with r.t. international and we start with breaking news this hour because scotland's former first minister alex salmond has been charged and is expected to appear in court later on thursday for more on this now let's cross live to a boy who's in the u.k. force and joins us by phone polly good afternoon what more do we know then about this case well alex mandy's the former minister of scotland the figurehead of course was the figurehead the fascination depended. count payne and he's also
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a host of his own show on t.v. and he's been arrested and it appears charged by police now police scotland have come from this they said he will be charged in court later on today he's not currently believe to be in college custody we know idea as to the charges he is going to face and we're going to be careful about what we report so as not to influence now the legal proceedings but. arrested and charged sounds quite dramatic but in reality alex semin went down to give a statement to the police himself and it was while he was providing that statement that he was subsequently arrested it all comes off the back of a civil court case that alex salmond has recently won against the scottish government also has mishandled accusations of sexual misconduct relating to alex
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salmond's time as first minister these allegations first came to light last august but they date back to his two thousand and see and alex salmon has always very many denied the allegations and allegations of any criminality whatsoever. ok thank you paul it was a party boy k. that joining us by phone from the u.k. . the u.s. president is not ruling out as possible military action over the political crisis in venezuela or from his recognized opposition leader juan why does the country's interim president that venezuela's president nicolas maduro says it is an attempt to kick. the citizens of venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate regime today i have officially recognized.
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the president of the venezuelan national assembly quite go as the interim president of venezuela i've decided to break diplomatic and political ties with the imperialist government of the united states i will sign a diplomatic note giving all diplomatic personnel of the united states in venezuela seventy two hours to leave the country. the protesters in venezuela have decided to take things a little bit further sort of just blasting the president with violence and rioting they decided to declare themselves to be the government but opposition leader of the national assembly has declared himself to be the interim president. oh mind to
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go and with respect to my code works in the national assembly i swear to the powers of the national executive and the rule of president of the new. what about the people in opposition it was not one any election and there's clearly not a consensus among the people on any of these issues now at this point it's starting to look like a civil war is a real possibility it's been preceded this coup attempt by the united states by several years of economic sanctions and by several attempts militarily by small groups of national guard or army individuals inside of the venezuelan government to try to assassinate president mahmoud it was elected twice there were other opposition parties that were allowed to run some chose not to and there are contending forces in the country it's
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a polarized situation and the hemisphere seems pretty divided when it comes to venezuela this point brazil peru she lay and canada are lining up behind trump in recognizing wedo symbolic ceremony however mexico europe way nicaragua and bolivia are still recognizing the girl as the president now marco rubio the cuban american senator brought up in the exile communities of miami is also beating his chest for the overthrow of bola varian socialism and trump has hinted at a march on caracas. without considering anything but all options for the day. which is all options always all options and yes the usa is singing a song of democracy when it comes to venezuela but it's starting to look like they're marching the country toward civil war. r.t. new york went on to missouri protests have been how that side of venezuela to win the worst celebrations when a number of latin american nations recognized as interim president.
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well the international reaction has been makes well some including the you have backed the opposition led national assembly and called for fresh elections of the ruling against any meddling in venezuela is internal affairs. the e.u. strongly calls for the start of an immediate political process leading to free and credible elections in conformity with the constitutional order the e.u. fully supports the national assembly as the democratically elected institution whose powers need to be restored and respected i hope that all of europe will be united in support of democratic forces in venezuela and like mature of the parliamentary assembly including the one would have a democratic mandate from that as well and citizens or former u.s. diplomat to trust us think that trump's decision won't help bring pace to venezuela i think it's quite likely the trumps decision will make venezuela's problems much
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worse look even if this goes very smoothly that there's some kind of regime change or even a coup that replaces the mother or a government that's not going to bring social peace we've got a country in a crisis with people lined up on one side including not only present the door and the court but on the other side the national assembly if the military splits of the police we could have very serious violence in this country that is not a good thing that it's in many ways reminiscent of the situation in ukraine in two thousand and fourteen terms of the united states getting involved in this how would we like it if other countries had recognized hillary clinton as the legitimate president two thousand and sixteen because she had more votes or recognized palosi as the real leader of america because it's more democratic somehow. that microsoft has announced its new browser will have an inbuilt app for assessing the reliability of media outlets however the app in question called news guard has
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been criticized by some journalists are trying to takes a closer look now at who may stand to benefit from the fiction. proceed with caution just a regular sign of a blind corner an overhead crane area wild animals crossing and news you should be careful with while reading proceed with caution this website general it fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and to accountability there you have it we've already told you about news gart an online tool masterminded by folks like the former head of the cia that flags good news websites is green and those it sees as dodgy ones as read it's been up to you if you want to install the plug in or not unless you're a user of the microsoft edge web browser from now on the features built into the app at least you can switch it off after launch in the u.s.
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news garant will expand to serve the billions of people globally to get news online so perhaps a little contract with microsoft could be one of the first steps of that expansion readers of any of that red colored carousel caution please by the way this is what we've heard from one of u.k.'s most read outlands rated one out of five for credibility. we have in the very recently become the last a nice constant and are in discussions with them to have disagree just me raney's custody case and resolve to see if it's possible with these guys most or all the criteria is fine grain like you're good to go oh buzz feed's they're in the green zone too because perhaps it never spins out anything unconfirmed or unreliable even the teen green bench in the u.k. has realized something sprog badly wrong here but once i remind you who's behind
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news guard things will start to make sense i mean do you really expect the brainchild of a board of advisors that's comprised of all kinds of former american security and foreign affairs officials to flag weiqi leaks anything but read anyway nothing to worry about since the golden or sorry green standards of journalism are sacred for these people i'm not against propaganda every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and i don't necessarily think it's that awful i'm speaking of standards and accountability one of news guards investors has chosen not to do anything about its contract with saudi arabia they don't have a problem taking care of saudi officials p.r. even after the shameless murder of journalist jamal khashoggi anyway microsoft ok with these people being in charge of which color goes where as long as the tech giants get to avoid more awkward questions like why aren't you dealing with all
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that fake news they can blame us and we're happy to be blamed on like the platforms we're happy to be accountable everyone chooses their own way to proceed with caution. in a prank of their will andre walker a political commentator and writer for the new york observer told us there is a risk that the new microsoft tool will be exploited. well i think we all have a battle to prevent fake gives i mean you look through the newspapers talking about brags it's in the past couple of weeks and it's absolute crazy some of the things they've come out with so i think we all have a duty to try and prevent that fake news from getting out there but look you know there is also an issue with it being used against minority outlets i think it's important for every customer to read the terms and conditions of any of these systems to understand whether they're happy with what may be so what may be acceptable from one person's point of view is all except will from another and i think this is an issue that we need to address. now the parliamentary assembly of
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the council of europe has condemned the use of shari'a law in europe questions where the traditional muslim code is in step with basic human rights certain chaddy our rules are clearly incompatible with the european convention on human rights we've been a second or third class citizens rape has to be proven by at least for male muslim witnesses violence mistreatment discrimination against women abandoning islam is punished by death i think it's fully unacceptable when human rights are concerned there should be no room for cultural or religious exception well the resolution adopted at the session there states that shari'a law goes against the right to life the right to fair trial and the freedom of expression under the human rights we heard from political commentator david vance about this and also manage to think he's from the foundation. we need to do something about it it's not good enough for
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the u.k. to just acknowledge these criticisms of what happens here in the u.k. and hi for example example many muslim women are treated so deplorably by these courts we need to take action and not basically from my point of view means we have to shari'a courts the idea that this sort of things that we see from the council of europe we see it from the far right groups across europe we see it from the likes of tommy robin said we see it from ukip we see from david violence somehow that they are champions champions of muslim women are the right of muslims to practice their faith they just go one agenda which is to demonize the whole community country what we what we've just heard from mohammed it's not extreme right or passing this it's a broad spectrum of european opinion stating that essentially sharia law is incompatible to meto large degree with the laws that we have we are governed by one
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more that is the united kingdom law but actually in terms of inheritance in terms of marriage in terms of other aspects if muslims want to use their faith to you know determine what the result is in terms of their personal lives and that's through choice that not should be available to them there is no place in any regard for sharia courts in the u.k. as mohammad just said we've got the british law we should all all of us all faiths or no faiths be equal on the british law just a correction there are no sharia courts in this country there surely are councils which are somewhat different i think that's a really important distinction to be had david and i don't know the people on the far right will always people on the far much more support this narrative been about equality david scott of well known record of targeting just muslims if you look at
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his twitter feed if you. look at his record in the last ten fifteen years he deliberately inflames it situation to against muslims according to the council of europe according to the house of lords shari'a. councils are incompatible with our basic the basic rights of people that's what they have said not my words their words so was everybody out of step but mohamad who are these people in the council of europe who are those elected i'm sorry if you come from portland and if you come from hungary and you come from eastern european countries where you are where you have put islamophobia i discrimination against muslims then clearly the agenda of the far right has become mainstream in our societies to pay to have hair or not say yes thanks for watching but back again with more the sentiments.
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put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. that you going to be the person this is what. three of the people. interested in the water. should. i don't know president c.c.u. personally to tell you if he's a sociopath who enjoys brutality i can't tell you that he's probably not that he probably thinks that he's doing the right thing but this is a necessary evil that he needs to eliminate you know other differing political points of view and that he needs to crack down on people for having thinks that he's doing it for the best interests of egypt he thinks that he's doing your for
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the best interests of egyptians but it's definitely not the case. that again now let's return to our top story because. minister alex salmond has been charged and is expected to appear in court. let's get more details now from our correspondent in the u.k. who joins us good afternoon to you polly. what more then do we know about the situation here. alex salmon he is of course the form of fast minister of scotland he was a figurehead of the independence campaign and he's also the host of present to. see as well and he's been arrested by police in scotland they have confirmed
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they've said that he will be child. just in court later on today we don't know what charges he's going to face we've got to be careful about what we report so as not to influence the legal proceedings but arrested and charged sounds pretty dramatic in reality it appears that alex salmond went down to give a statement to police and it was while he was providing that statement that he was subsequently arrested now this all comes off the back alex salmond winning a civil lawsuit against the scottish government after it mishandled complaints of sexual misconduct against him relating to his time as first minister these allegations came to light last august but they date back to two thousand and thirteen and alex salmond has always very many denied any of the allegations against him. ok thank you for the latest that was.
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you know the terms fake news and propaganda have become common currency in discussions about journalism one program on french t.v. is teaching children how to sport photos are staged and which news outlets to telling the truth with a recent episode was about russia's president vladimir putin and this very channel . takes a look. well this is billed as being in educational game show for children around the ages of eleven to fifteen the idea is they go on the show and they participate in things like quizzes about topics of the day and they're also asked to hunt for clues and then to try and piece those clues together to find the result of a question and it's broadcast on france for that's a channel here in the country and it's called escape news now its most recent program centered on russia particularly the russian president vladimir putin and
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ourselves here at r.t. offering what appeared to be a fairly one sided opinion of the two topics now close to the start of the program a young boy who says he's of ukrainian heritage is asked to describe who he thinks vladimir putin is and what he's like this is what he said so we're in the. woods and both grew close enough presume. to do that with their low suv aldrin both of them on the phone. well throughout the program putin is regularly described as being all thora tarion somebody who likes to oppress the opposition parties in russia somebody who likes to control the press in his country somebody who likes to control his own image well what evidence is given of that well there are a lot of pictures of blood may have putin in different guises from writing with
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a naked torso horseback to fishing to appearing in military vehicles the evidence of course to show that vladimir putin is somebody who likes to control his image and there is only one image that's being broadcast then the program goes on to target us here at r.t. suggesting that the channel is nothing more than propaganda the evidence of that. well r.t. it says is funded by the russian state no secret there but pretty rich from a program that's being broadcast on a channel in france that's also being funded by the french state well it's pretty difficult to be a journalist here in france so let's talk about that since president matt korn has been elected r.t. journalists have been regularly denied access to events and even during the presidential elections before he was elected r.t.
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journalists should have been accredited for events we're told when they arrived that they simply couldn't go in now arts he has gone to the program escape news we've asked them for comment on their program and whether they feel that it was one sided that it was biased in its views and altie has also gone to press freedom groups and human rights groups to ask them what they think of this program and to question whether a program like this is actually putting across a one sided view of the french state and essentially is brainwashing france's next generation in this instance real man approach and if you look at the different results of this little game of course it's fun for the kids and they don't realise that they are being manipulated it is very strange to see the press which isn't good for the people to shoots in most instances in the west or there is go far i
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mean this will not remain unpunished i think there will be a big debate in the ethics committee of the journalist association drops i'm sure. well we took to the streets of paris to see what people had to say about the children's program. semitone the extra inch and i'm astonished that they teach our country that other countries are bad here we talk about manipulations by the media on the internet we would be better explaining to our kids not to trust what is on the internet or to trust only verified information the same should be done to adults as well as i don't think the world is black or white it is more difficult than this it is important to build awareness and to develop critical thinking not to tell them what's good or bad it's for them to decide. in the prospects as well i don't think it is good to tell case other countries are bad it is up to kids to shape their own opinion. yes it is the police association of children who should not influence children we should give them basic education but not to influence them about other countries they don't know who's watching out international good to
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have you company the soft name a back again with more news on the headlines and third. i would call make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final. lift certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. million more you leave. me let me let you go where you know you're. going over.
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those in one room you're most of the best to be in your years and you know it was not a. good month but would you. please not believe that was the way i did understood that the wife. left. me yes this is. one of those. minutes i know you're in. the front. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is also a spearing dramatic development only closely i'm going to resist i don't. see how that strategy will be successful betty kay to kill or die time to sit down and talk . i've been saying the
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numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to the old rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust .
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org. board. the dragon was designed to sail around the world the wrong way so she actually passed best when she's healed over about forty five degrees sailing upwind a seventy two feet long such ninety eight and traffic past all but also a great mass off parking deck inside it. a lot of people when i was going to go on the first one thinks that if you cross the atlantic in twenty four team you say oh you heard right from the atlantic with fourteen women and you know the chuckles
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would in terms of oh man you guys we could rip each other's here having all the ladies on board is pretty awesome. a lot of people say it can't be done but when proving them wrong day i'm not a feminist which is the reason they're having an all girl team or it's really because we're wanting to understand more about female health plastic accounts for ninety percent of all trash that finds its way into the ocean in the majority of coastal and island states there is no organized sorting of waste in some areas so much plastic is dumb to watch into the water that the sea is like a toxic plastic soup initially plastic waste this picked up by the stomachs of marine inhabitants and then at the end of the food chain is delivered to our plates before i met the old female crew of sea dragon i never sailed and did know how to change the world but i did know that if you want to make a change you must start with yourself and as
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a beginning i decided to make this film and painting so everything in travel. right. british airways that date if it didn't have it yet everything. for me it really began about eight years ago i had the opportunity to take a boat around the world we set up but the best couple of years from the sea dragon . wanted to look at these islands a prospect that we were hearing about and quickly realized that actually what we were looking at the micro plastics these tiny pieces. of. perry and knowing about that them bad. and that then opened up this whole question about toxics and that's really where expedition that came from all right let's move would be to i'm going to re when i'm shanley and you're scared for this late it's going to.
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