tv Watching the Hawks RT January 24, 2019 7:30am-8:00am EST
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is upon us hawk watchers and this year the world's money to lead and thought leaders and business banking and global politics were shaking in their louis baton women winning tips who were they shaking was it was it the threat of another a bowl outbreak in africa climate change melting the arctic a possible world war three between the u.s. russia iran israel syria saudi arabia and any other nations currently at odds with each other well no no nada none of these things got them shaken in their whim wingtips no my friends what had the white gold albino sturgeon caviar turning sour in davos this year was the democratic brushwood representative out of new york alexandria kazuo cortez's proposal of a seventy percent tax rate on the super rich here in the united states of america yes clearly the world is now doomed because rich people might have to pay higher taxes scott menard head of the two hundred sixty five billion dollar investment
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firm guggenheim partners told c. and b c quote it's scary he went on to paint a society ending picture of the one percent where the for the for the one percent where the public would be demanding a tax hike on the rich by the two thousand and twenty us presidential elections he said this is going to gain more momentum and i think the likelihood that a seventy percent tax rate or something like that becomes policy is actually very real upon hearing reports of proposals fear inducing impact in davos this year because we did in response it's wild that some people are more scared of a marginal tax rate than the fact that forty percent of americans struggle to pay for at least one basic need like food or red imagine if we focus positively away from fear of the former toward solving the latter imagine. wealth inequality is arguably one of the biggest driving forces behind disease climate change and war just imagine how much better equipped society would be to handle
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these challenges if the flow of resources went out word instead of upward. imagine now let's start watching the hawks. but it. looks like real that this would be the last to leave the plough to sit. with me like you that i got. with that we. would. be. pretty. well going on watching our siam tyrrel the names out of the well if i'm ok with having a. that everything over the first ten billion that i may charge seventy
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percent you know i just can't understand how anybody could seriously look at themselves and say oh my gosh what if i just what if that eleventh million dollar in my income tax is going to somehow be tapped have to seven hundred thousand dollars or seven hundred million dollars of my billion billion dollars what are ten million of those timers and not have to pay seven hundred thousand dollars out of my you know a lot i mean it's a million dollar out of your eleven million dollars only get to keep three hundred thousand suffering what will i do how will i live i did smily and i can live like the rest of the rest of everybody else who doesn't have ten million dollars a year a year well love a million eleven million i mean it's so bad the disconnect there was a panel at davos about tech and global inequality a panel on any quality in the tech industry and all that with billionaire chief
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executive michael dell of dell computers was asked at this panel with the support of the seventy percent tax proposal the entire audience to have a burst into laughter before he could even answer yes' burst into laughter he eventually stated that after all the hullabaloo died down this is michael dell dell computers nobody said no i am not supportive of that i don't think it would help the growth of the u.s. economy that's a lie yes or no for the lie because i think it's a lie because i think you know it's better but it's incorrect on so many different levels this first of all i want to say you know the government accountability office recently it said that if we invested twenty billion into the i.r.s. we would get fifty five billion back and lost money by putting that money in because it's mostly white collar financial crimes that are. you know the one percent of crime you know they don't want to go after that but it as far as this
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tax this tax thing is ridiculous it's economists have said this for a long time you know we didn't have this for a very long time we did have this rate and that's how we built most of the things that you get to enjoy now. so economist emanuel says in gabriels up and wrote on this issue in the new york times i want to see if there's what they said it's obvious that the affluent who've seen their earnings bones that's nine hundred eighty while their taxes fell can contribute more to public coffers she survived an ethos that ronald reagan successfully repressed but that prevailed during most of the twentieth century so the united states was actually the first country in the world back in may nine hundred seventy four years after the creation of the em come tax to impose tax rate tax rates as high as sixty seven on those top incomes and again to be clear it's not your whole ten million dollars worth of income we're talking about a fraction of it and quite frankly they've made all that money off of using our roads using our water using everything and then left it either gone or poisoned for
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other people to have their lives remember something that they always conveniently leave out is the guess what when you put money back into the system even government when you wouldn't put money back into the middle class the economy grows sending money upwards doesn't grow the economy and at the end of the day i'm sorry if you're making eleven million dollars a year i don't care this isn't a seventy percent tax rate on people making sixty thousand dollars a year this is for people that are truly the one percent let's not get confused with all the sky is falling and all this other garbage they're going to argue against us. last year nicholas wrote a letter i was elected to another term as president of venezuela almost immediately his presidency and the election itself were deemed illegitimate despite international observers of the election saying it was clean and that the system used was merely fraud proof since then the once rich from oil country. has been on the verge of collapse lacking food and even clean water in many areas which is what allegedly led the opposition party leader thirty five year old president of the
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national assembly one quando to declare this week that he would be quote formally assuming the responsibility of the national executive to help us understand the latest announcements and pronouncements from in about venezuela is r.t. america correspondent dan cohen thanks for joining us with a pleasure and always always for me so so our buddy one. of the opposition down there has now declared himself the president of venezuela despite what ignoring the election earlier how is the white house responded and how far are they saying they're willing to go to support you know the kind of the u.s. about boy you know how far they go with this well trump gave this decree. recognizing and his words that is now the president of venezuela and when he was talking with reporters in the oval office he was saying all options are on the table i mean that's you know language we've heard all options are on the table and
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when a reporter asked him does that include military options he said well we're not concerned we're not considering that specifically but all options are on the table so it so it's vague but you know increasingly fiery kind of increasingly harsh rhetoric and also said i listen to. a background briefing with a white house trump administration official who said that if the government chooses violence or give you the exact quote they have no immediate future they have no immediate livelihood one way or another they have their days counted so pretty harsh rhetoric. incredibly harsh rhetoric out of the u.s. we're going to your situation but let's be honest has nothing to do with them. right you know this whole idea of democracy obviously but one of the things that i've read that i thought was sort of shocking about this is that we aren't the only country the u.s. isn't the only one pushing for. regime change when looking through this and trying to sort of understand why the election was so contested when it was so well
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observed from international observers the e.u. refused to accept reports from international observers of the election who else is is supporting them by the opposition party and by all right after the trump administration announced that its recognizing president canada joined in and then all of the regional allies in latin america starting with colombia brazil who had their hard right wing president recently elected your boss a narrow ecuador peru coast to rico all of them following washington's lead and recognizing why go on the other hand you have mexico's manuel lopez obrador the recently inaugurated president who's kind of center left who's sticking with my door and so is bolivia former alice the president of bolivia who had some very strong words calling the u.s. imperialist and also cuba sticking with manure let me ask you something else too
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because i mean we see a lot like trump said this time said this trump it makes a good run on anything about venezuela he was very anti interventionist in the first place who is it in washington what politician is pushing this because it doesn't seem like something that's come out of the framework of a policy right well the most fascinating thing i saw was that right before trump made this announcement marco rubio the new conservative florida senator who you know was always allied with the kind of latin american right wing announced the the it was going to be recognized as the president and said look for a major announcement a few minutes of the trump administration on that background call and say no this is trump's decision and his alone but if you look at what marco rubio has been saying. throughout the past twenty four hours he's been tweeting up a firestorm of exactly what's. happening exactly what's going down in venezuela and i think you know trump doesn't maybe grasp the entire situation but marco rubio is
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the key player in this you know it's interesting history kind of tells us in situations like the especially in latin america south america you know will get worse before they get better can we expect a new elections or we kind of looking down the barrel of another color revolution a coup you know what's going to happen down there in the future almost duro immediately went to the podium and said he is expelling all u.s. diplomats from the country marco rubio said no the u.s. diplomats have to stay but we're expelling your diplomats from from new york and then we're getting our own our own guy why do those diplomats here now what's going to happen. without ok the key thing here is that the venezuelan military has come out and said they are standing with the my dural government ok which i mean if they have a lot of power here they don't go with you know that's basically cooed then there's not i don't know what the u.s. can do short of
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a military invasion and i just really doubt there is the appetite for this for that in this country i am totally against i merely decades to leave boy well down i got to say thank you so much always a pleasure having you on one of these days i'm going to try to talk about something happy as opposed to something so so cruel we're going to bury thank you so much dan for coming up thank you all right as we're going to break our khwaja don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our facebook twitter and you tube pages and see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up investigative journalist bias one brings us the latest moves here in the united states by the united kingdom's over mysterious spy craft deep. integrity and this should stay tuned to watching the whole.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going foundation let it be an arms race in this on all fronts spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk. wolf like there's someone else living inside of me or controlling my body. the byproduct of that drug is because like some fear of pressure. because it will need him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault you know she was crazy and all that. took
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years to combat it takes a long time to get rid of. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only.
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since anonymous your first release hacked documents that appear to pull back the curtain of mystery surrounding the united kingdom's institute for state craps integrity initiative more questions than answers have been raised in the group's activities and real purpose formed under the guise of combating russian influence campaigns the integrity initiative according to the hacked internal communications appears to reveal a network of spies prominent journalists and political think tanks all acting in a coordinated effort to not just combat suppose of russian influence in the west but influence domestic policy in opinion in the u.k. as well but now as max blumenthal market aims report for gray zone the integrity
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initiatives influence operations may also be active in the united states as well blumenthal names report that hack documents reveal that the integrity and if initiative is cultivating powerful allies inside the state department top d.c. think tanks the f.b.i. and the d h s and among other things it has spelled out plans to expand its network across the u.s. meddling in american politics and recruiting a new generation of russia watchers behind the guys the false guys a part of a nonpartisan charity joining us now to dig deeper into the latest on the integrity initiatives alleged actions inside the united states is investigative journalist swan ben we talked earlier about this i think just a fan weeks ago. so we talked about what it was doing in the u.k. let's move to the u.s. what is being reported on you know in terms of the integrity initiatives operations inside the united states and how have these kind of played out in recent weeks it was the first all let me just say that i'd rather be talking of venezuela right and
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this story makes me so noxious to think that this is. but it is taking place right now this this group the integrity initiative is operating right now in the united states in fact they have plans right now to expand outside of d.c. because one of the things that we've learned recently is that they say there's too much going on in d.c. and that they need to have outposts essentially in major cities and in state capitals all across the united states again remember that the point of this group is to create propaganda and they don't even hide this they say that they are in a wartime situation and that they have to act not as you know peacekeepers or peace makers but act in a way that is involved in the disinform ation war and they claim they're fighting that war against russian this information the problem is that they explicitly say that they are trying to push propaganda on to the american people onto young americans specifically in order to teach them in training them to view russia in
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a different way and they they don't mind the term propaganda they say they are not offended by the use of that term because they think that's the right thing to do wow wow very strange move part of their operations probably some very unsettling part is this idea for creating high ranking political influence or journal and think tanks sort of. are we seeing that same tactic being done here in the united states and who who are the groups that are allegedly involved in that stateside. yes so they are actively doing this and this is i think the most important point that we had talked about this a few weeks ago the most important point is that the integrity initiative is designed around this concept of building clusters and suggest as you said they want to build clusters of influencers essentially media think tanks law enforcement deep state officials you know high ranking government officials you want to pull them all into one kind of mindset give them one set of talking points and then the
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influence the public because the public now receives the same message from various groups which again is the very classic definition of propaganda now we know that they are working with some journalists we know that they have ties into some groups like the daily beast for instance they are connected to journalists and the daily beast we know that they are connected to people who have been involved in the trumpet ministration including catherine gorka and sebastian gorka who has been all over cable news and so there are ties that have already been established in those ways but we also know that they are actively working with a lot of these think tanks in order to expand their influence and they have ties to people who have worked with heavy government agencies like darpa which are already have a terrible track record in history of you know infusing propaganda against citizens in this country you know it's frightening when you look at the this is kind of just half are doing in we we know that their original you know kind of above board
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mandate that they say is you know to influence political thought in opposition to russia whatever whatever that means you know what i'm curious about but is what is what is their agenda here in the u.s. that we are seeing i mean is it just basically continue this idea of pushing opposition to russia because it seems like they'd be kind of shooting fish in a barrel here or there already is a ton of opposition from russia like what what would they need to be fermenting here what are the what are we learning what's going on what are they operating on here i think for me the. the skeptic here thinks that there really isn't a goal here to say we're going to you know kind of formant anger against russia or go back to the cold war as you said that's it that's already done i think it's about making money that if you are creating these n.g.o.s and you're creating these organizations that have the specific purpose of a political agenda the best way to make money right now is to go around all these big d.n.c. donors and say russia's influence in the election give us money and we can help to
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influence the election back in your direction it's this boogie man scenario that they've created and they realize that there's a lot of money to be made to capitalize off that both from democrats and from republican donors in order to say we're going to get control once again of the messaging that's out there so i think that's part money's part of it but the other part of it is is is that controlling the influence over how americans think the atlantic council is very connected to this integrity initiative and we know that the atlantic council has already had its tentacles placed all over big social media sites like facebook and tech giants like twitter and facebook where they are affecting the information that's allowed to be presented to the public in those spaces so i think no one had it's of money making enterprise but on the other hand it's the ability to be able to shape and control how people think and what they think and let's not kid ourselves that is kind of the in goal for so many people in politics and in these spaces it seems to me there's this you know and when i hear
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you talk about that mike you really sort of like lay it all out there say it seems like they're going back down that same road that they have an attorney sixteen election when they thought they could do things like correct a record or you know it was getting people to go out and tween at people concept ring and essentially just harass people online. and it seems now like they're now we're back to the same idea of using what they say are evil rush and tack. twisting people's minds and now somehow it's ok if we do it because we're trying to. deprogram everyone from their propaganda and it literally sounds like a satire of a bar and movie but there has been i think what was interesting that you probably don't see in a bond movie is that there are actual there was a labor m.p. who was actually some people are pushing back against i think some of it's because of what's going on with the tory government there but what about his labor m.p.
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chris williamson had tweeted the integrity of the story is just growing and growing many are rightly outraged that this tory government could fund a political smear unit questions need to be answered. so obviously you know that the. political party is really trying to get this whole proxy thing and everything else and so this is probably like not what they need right now but do is this happening you know where where are we seeing similar things with this latest round of news are we seeing that in the us are we seeing politicians here saying something something smells fishy so we're not right now you know that this story gets virtually no coverage at all here in the us it's not being talked about by the politicians it's not being talked about by mainstream media certainly not that we really expect it to be. but i think the difference is that in the u.k. and you make a great point about that the tories obviously there's a lot of more scandal surrounding that there and the integrity initiative was very focused on demonizing specific candidates and politicians by name over
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there have been more involved in that in the u.k. than they were here so with anonymous came in and had to all these documents and release them there was this big document dump all of the sudden the integrity initiative which was being funded by the government there also a difference between here in the us they've been seeking a lot of private funding in the us hoping to parlay that into you know government coming from the state department and from the feds. and over there they have a lot. money coming from the government so it's become a huge scandal in the u.k. there's a lot more discussion about it there and then there are really serious issues that were there about whether or not criminal charges could be filed because of the fact that the government was funding this and it became essentially a government funded smear machine against political opponents even though the integrity initiative claims on their website that they never get involved at all in politics and we know that's absolutely not true now one thing that maxwell with all
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has pointed out in his report is an amazing job reporting on this he points out how is that this into t.v. is not required to register as a foreign agent and that's maybe the most remarkable thing so far that's come out of the story that that part of it's been in order that's really interesting too and i think it's one of those things that we want to keep focused on because if they were already trying to influence political thought in what you say you know elections and domestic policy is there and politicians we now have twenty twenty right around the corner how will this group kind of play into that and an interesting thing is when you go to their web site today after all of like the kind of you know with that for what anonymous did know that their web site today is shut down and it points them to what their twitter and facebook pages but then when you go to the twitter page like that's like blocked off tomorrow so you can clearly see that the what little reporting has been done by folks like you know mark ames blumenthal and folks overseas you know in it has had an effect they are kind of reeling from this so it'll be really interesting to see how this story plays out but this one thank you so much for coming out of the lightning us on this today
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guys thanks so much but. first they worry that cern's large hadron collider would create a black hole that would swallow earth and all its inhabitants into a parallel universe and certain that i won't just discover the god particle then they cried to the heavens that experimented with particle physics could release a tin from how thankfully apparently he's still there but someone might be getting a new big brother. very very big brother it's reported that the european organization for nuclear research cern has released a concept design report that will be triple the size of the old collider the planned upgrade would be sixteen miles in circumference and take until about twenty fifty to be completed at a cost of twenty two billion dollars the whole point is that it can answer more questions regarding dark matter and its role in the universe by a lot of scientists wonder if in the case of testing the laws of physics if bigger
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is better if you can imagine that many scientists believe that we have found all of the park kinds of particles on earth and even more argues that this collider won't really tell us anything new which by the way was what a lot of scientists said or wrote the first hadron collider it found one of great ixion test greatest mysteries. the god particle is kind of a big deal but here is i think ok so maybe it'll terra hole in time and space and throw us into an alternate universe but what if the alternate universe is the better one good point two you never know with the large hadron collider is already out of our show for today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am to roll with on top of the wallace people and watching all those hawks out there and i would read to them that everybody.
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in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just go ahead i mean your list book video threw me in the eye and they believe that i'm still in need of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who took part in this did over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. politicians to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to go to be for us that's what i'm up for three of them or can people get. interested in the waters about how. this should. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. we're going after the people who are killing civilians they were not interested in the well being of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from a certain branches off that says we're going to attack and destroy the government and seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them money on those without lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war surely we can risk some discomfort for for uneasiness
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. the former first minister of scotland alex i'm discharged by police and expected to appear in court on thursday does remain unclear exactly what the charges are to come. in very. early without pay should bring anything but all options are on the table donald trump recognizes venezuela's opposition leader is the country's interim president elected president nicolas maduro to break diplomatic relations with the u.s. accusing washington of attempting a code. and anti-government demonstrations have erupted across spenders.
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