tv News RT January 24, 2019 10:00am-10:30am EST
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former first minister of scotland denies any criminality that after he was arrested and charged by police alex simon has a paid in court in edinburgh. also to come in the south ensuring political crisis in venezuela prompts a wave of international reaction with some backing the country's opposition leader as interim president while others concern over foreign meddling and the potential for civil war. meanwhile promo tour and anti-government demonstrations have erupted across then his way with opposition supporters and the police clashing. also to come microsoft includes a fake news detector in its latest browser in the form of an app that ranks sites trustworthiness raft is by its.
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fellow there six pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international scotland's former first minister alex salmond has been charged by police it's not clear what those charges are but he is now i arrived at the sheriff county court in edinburgh is also released a statement so let's go to. who has the latest for us in london i believe. polly good evening what more do we know then about this case involving mr salmon. well alex salmond has just emerged from court in edinburgh and he'd been attending with his lawyer by all accounts it was a very short hearing that he attended inside the court and it was a closed hearing so there was no public members of the public or journalists inside
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so we're still waiting for the court released a statement about his charges however when he emerged from the court alex salmond approached the cameras and he gave a short statement where he said that yesterday he and his solicitor attended a police station in scotland and he was released on the condition that he came to court today to face the charges against him he said let me say from the outset i'm innocent of any criminality whatsoever and he said that he wouldn't make any comments on the proceedings until they had concluded he said also that he will he reiterated that he refutes any allegations of criminality that he will defend himself to the utmost in court and he also mentioned that he's got great faith in the scottish legal system and that he couldn't really give any more questions
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any more answers to any questions because of the court rules now the case is now live and according to scottish law there are strict rules when it comes to saying anything that could influence the case and of course this case is grabbing a lot of headlines because alex salmond is the former first minister of scotland he was the first s.n.p. first minister of scotland from two thousand and seven to two thousand and fourteen he was the figurehead of the scottish independence campaign he led the yes campaign and he's also the host of a show here on r t m. we learned just this morning that he had been arrested it was confirmed by police. and alec salmon said there that he himself went down to the police station to talk to police there and it was while he was providing them with a statement that he was arrested and this all comes off the back of an
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a civil lawsuit that alex salmond one very recently against his own form a scottish government after it mishandled allegations or claims of sexual misconduct relating to alex salmond's time as first minister in fact these allegations came to light last year but they date back to two thousand and thirteen it's going to be noted we've already said it but alex salmond strenuously denies it and has throughout this process strenuously denied any allegations of criminality made against him. ok thank you paula for the update there for us in the u.k. . now with the political crisis in venezuela far reaching boiling point a split is emerging in the international community some support the opposition leader who's declared himself the president while others have voiced concern over
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potential civil war u.s. president for example is supporting the opposition are not ruling out the possibility of military action while venezuela's elected president nicolas maduro has slammed what is going on as an attempt to. the citizens of venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate duerr regime today i have officially recognized the president of the venezuelan national assembly. as the interim president of venezuela i've decided to break diplomatic and political ties with the imperialist government of the united states i will sign a diplomatic giving all diplomatic and consular personnel of the united states in venezuela seventy two hours to leave the country. without considering anything but all options are on the day but is that your theory which is all
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options always all options are. ok let's get more details now from. the studio with us donald we understand that been some further developments to tell you what's that like to yeah well the venezuela situation has really heated up in the past two weeks just about an hour ago the venezuelan military declared that it will support president maduro and defend the country's sovereignty as well as the constitution and the international community has really taken notice of this these developments specifically after one wydow declared himself the interim president of the country on wednesday now many of the u.s. is traditional allies immediately jumped on to this bandwagon calling for democracy in venezuela most of them more countries part of the washington based organization of american states brazil argentina chile being a couple just to name a few but there were europeans as well spain also said that it did not recognize the legitimacy of the majority government and the prime minister has already
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scheduled a phone call to be held with the opposition there as for the present french president emmanuel macron he was one of most ardent supporters. after the illegal election of nicolas maduro in my twenty team europe supports the restoration of do . i salute the courage of the hundreds of thousand something new zealots who are marching for their freedom or for that statement some did a crown of being hypocritical didn't they because he wasn't happy when people were backing yellow vest protesters in his country right exactly ironically enough just two days ago his own government announced statements made by the italian interior minister when he expressed the hope that the french people would free themselves from macron the french government told italy to sweep up their own doorstep before they go around criticizing others but it seems like they apparently didn't listen to their own advice when it comes to venezuela it is for any. international reaction has been mixed what else have we heard yeah well there have been a lot of calls for caution and stability russian foreign minister sergei lavrov
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said at the press at a press conference that he's alarmed at talks in the us of a possible military intervention specially amidst u.s. confirmation of why those claim to presidency in venezuela. is that. we can see another intrusions into a sovereign country's politics as you know there have been several attempts to oust nicolas maduro the fact that the u.s. and a number of other countries particularly in the region immediately recognized the self-proclaimed president means they had a hand in the creation of competing leaderships this can lead to chaos and a serious destabilization in the internal political situation. now china also took a firm stance against foreign intervention and that makes a lot of sense because china is one of them as well as most important partners when it comes to energy production and gold mining in the country let's take a listen to what the chinese foreign minister spokesperson said. when china always
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maintains the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries opposing external intervention in venezuela and domestically and so there's definitely a wide array of interests at play here and i think it's safe to say that international reactions may play a big part in how this situation unfolds show ok thanks don don't quarter there well demonstrations are still rocking caracas at the moment and protesters have taken to the streets in support the opposition and we spoke to the chair of the foreign affairs committee of russia's federation can't think you should think of the child who believes it is clear what needs to be done. positioning in this very difficult and sensitive and fragile situation may cause further. very dangerous developments i believe that the mode of which no is being
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used implemented in israel is quite simple first to send signal signals to the civil society in a certain country that they believe reverse in the worst conditions than any other country secondly to blame the government though this country for the existing problems and certainly to encourage the civil society of this country to go ahead and start fighting the ruling thought this instead of seeking political compromises this is what is has been done in many other situations like in libya in iraq in syria and now it does happen even in venezuela again in israel. it does experience obvious problems but the position of the international community in this case should be should consist only in encouraging the political dialogue between the ruling authorities and the civil society in this country.
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ok let's get reaction now from muslim and glue he's a former turkish ambassador to the u.s. and the very pleased to have you on thanks for your time this evening. the turkey's president we know has offered his supporters need to present the durai what are turkey's interests here and i think it is. solidarity that the principle of for the basic principle of democracy which is. elected officials there come up on the real of the people and go up on the good of to people again with elections and for the turkish government. for president are to. have the government talk to. their. elected oh yes in a contested election but. here is the president talking in israel and the
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only way he can. believe in the whole story to elections again and not true form not true of foreign interventions or to the demands of. other countries and how do you think it's play out there because he is under an awful lot of pressure isn't he would do or at the moment do you think that his days are numbered . i think at that is in a question i cannot do the answer is to create the shin us because it's a it's such a complicated situation that there are people who oppose sure that the budget or that are countries that oppose matilda and that are countries on the other side that the church supports like turkey like russia like china. the governmental klug and it's not led and led by president maduro. how things really develop in that country unfortunately is
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a very american because the opposition is very determined to have a gentleman who has declared himself that the president of logan is her and that this has. clearly polarized there in israel in public already heard that under very dire economic conditions i think. the game setter should have it be the armed forces or for benazir look which is not a good thing for democracy i think the preferred method. will be for. those in power represented by them adore and its supporters another those late in the opposition will need dialogue and compromise. and be the preferred method of through this holding at the current crisis in that is settled it seems logical to say that dialogue is needed so why do you think we see
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such a divide and international opinion about what should be done when you have america saying it's not going to take military action necessarily off the table. i think that that's an excellent question i think that is. the u.s. . calling out for a. possible military action against going to israel and they're saying that recognizing the opposition to that as the president of venezuela and not. the secretary of state point people are saying we are not going to that draw your diplomats because the madura government is not that it shouldn't government and he has not had to expel or declared american diplomats person and i gotta show the american attitude certainly is not helping that the situation and certainly those in europe and in latin america who are. taking the side of the opposition
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are not something that is a good lawyer not helping them in israel and people i think in principle and ultimately ultimately you don't really have good right to interfere in the internal look bears of our country today extended version. i don't recognize you as the president of the country i do here now to discuss or this day that is the this doesn't happen just as that there is no place for this in international law in the partitions the united nations this is not a group for four years old i think told latin america uncertain in a good question. and then it's heard if i can slip it in great to till she we're going to have to leave it avatar thanks for your time that's old man for the googling for my turkish ambassador to the us thank you. well at caracas has been smallness we've both anti-government protests and rallies in
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support of president to read nightly and some of the demonstrations there have been there have been explosions gunfire and also clashes. the protesters in venezuela have decided to take things a little bit further siddur just blasting the president with violence and rioting they've decided to declare themselves to be the government and oppositionist and leader of the national assembly has declared himself to be the interim president what about the people in opposition it was not one any election and there's clearly not a consensus among the people on any of these issues now at this point it's starting to look like a civil war is a real possibility it's been preceded this coup attempt by the united states by
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several years of economic sanctions and by several attempts militarily by small groups of national guard or army individuals inside of the venezuelan government to try to assassinate president mother when it was elected twice there were other opposition parties that were allowed to run some chose not to and there are contending forces in the country it's a polarized situation the usa is singing a song of democracy when it comes to venezuela but it's starting to look like they're marching the country toward civil war and r.t. new york. thanks for being with us this evening we're going to take a quick break we'll have more news that containment.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. and spearing dramatic developments only and. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down and talk. you know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that make the stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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again welcome back to microsoft says its latest browser will have an inbuilt app process in the reliability of media outlets however the system in question called news god has been criticised by some journalists and it has been taking a closer look at who might stand to benefit from the. proceed with caution just a regular saw in a blind corner an overhead crane area wild animals crossing and news you should be careful with while reading. proceed with caution this website general it fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and to count ability there
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you have it we've already told you about news guard an online tool masterminded by folks like the former head of the cia that flags good news websites as green and those it sees as dodgy ones as read it's been up to you if you want to install the plug in or not unless you are a user of the microsoft edge web browser from now on the features built into the app at least you can switch it off after launch in the u.s. news current will expand to serve the billions of people globally who get news online so perhaps a little contract with microsoft could be one of the first steps of that expansion readers of any of that red colored carousel caution please by the way this is what we've heard from one of you case most read outlets rated one out of five for credibility. we have in the very recently become aware of the news constant and are in discussions with them to have disagree just lean raney's classification resolved
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as soon as possible with these guys most or all the criteria fine grain like you're good to go oh buzz feed's they're in the green zone too because perhaps it never spins out anything unconfirmed or unreliable even the teen green bench in the u.k. has realized something sprog badly wrong here but once i remind you who's behind news guard things will start to make sense i mean do you really expect the brainchild of a board of advisors that's comprised of all kinds of former american security and foreign affairs officials to flag weiqi leaks anything but read anyway nothing to worry about since the golden or sorry green standards of journalism are sacred for these people i'm not against propaganda every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and i don't necessarily think it's that awful i'm
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speaking of standards of accountability one of news guards investors has chosen not to do anything about its contract with saudi arabia they don't have a problem taking care of saudi officials p.r. even after the shameless murder of journalist jamal khashoggi anyway microsoft ok with these people being in charge of which color goes where as long as the tech giants get to avoid more awkward questions like why aren't you dealing with all that fake news they can blame us and we're happy to be blamed on like the platform's we're happy to be accountable everyone chooses their own way to proceed with caution but if we come in sight i'm right of the new york observer andre walketh is that microsoft too could be exploited. well i think we all have a battle to prevent fake gives i mean you look through the newspapers talking about brags it's in the past couple of weeks and it's obscene crazy some of the things
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they've come out with so i think we all have a duty to try to prevent that fake news from getting out there but look you know there is also an issue with it being used against minority outlets i think it's important for every customer to read the terms and conditions of any of these if these systems to understand where they're happy with them what may be so what may be acceptable from one person's point of view is or the acceptable from another and i think this is an issue that we need to address. but let's go back to one of our main stories tonight because scotland's former first minister alex salmond has been charged by police he's now left the sheriff's county court in edinburgh having been released on bail he's also left or issued a statement let's get the details on this appalling he's covering events for us in london good evening again polly just brings up to speed them what's been said. well alex salmond was attending court in edinburgh with his lawyer and it was a closed hearing so there was no public or press present by all accounts it was
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a pretty swift hearing as well and shortly after the hearing alex. the court published the charges against alex salmond and i've got to say this list doesn't make for a particularly comfortable reading there are two charges there of attempted rape two charges of indecent assault nine charges of sexual assault and one charge of breaching the peace now when he emerged from court alex salman was silent he didn't talk to any of the reporters on his way out however when he was going in he did give a short statement to the press there and he said that oh and we can take a listen to it now in fact take a listen to what alex salmond had to say going into court. criminality whatsoever. alec salmon said that he refutes all the
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allegations of criminality as well he said that he would defend himself to the most in court he said he's got plenty of faith in the scottish legal system as well and he said he's got to respect the court and he wouldn't make any comment until the proceedings had concluded now we don't know when his next date in court is going to be that's yet to be confirmed but he mentioned the case being live now and with scottish law there are very strict reporting restrictions on what you can and can't say and what might influence a case that said this story is getting plenty of headlines lots of time and column inches because alex salmond is a huge political figure here in the u.k. he was he was the first minister of scotland from two thousand and seven to two thousand and fourteen he was the first s.n.p.
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first minister of scotland he was the figurehead of the scottish independence campaign he led the yes campaign and he also happens to be the host of his very own show here on r.t. and we learned today that he been arrested police scotland confirmed. and we heard that alex salmond actually when he spoke outside the court he said that he went down to the police station with his lawyer yesterday and that. in the process of that that was when he was arrested and it all comes off the back of alex salmond's winning a civil court case against his former scottish government very recently after the scottish government mishandled complaints of sexual misconduct relating to alex salmond's time as first minister and these allegations came to light last year but
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they. related back to his work to when he was first minister back in two thousand and thirteen and just like we heard. someone speaking outside of the court throughout this entire process ever since these allegations came to light alex salmond has strenuously denied all of the allegations made against him. ok thank you paulie there was a party supporter in london. so that's how things are looking so far today here on r.t. international back again though in just over half an hour the headlines are more stores. but there's someone else moving inside of me or controlling my body.
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the byproduct of that drug is the cause like severe depression. because it literally made him into a zombie it's crazy. you know we don't have to do anything it's not our fault this is crazy and all that. took years traumatic six long time to get rid of. it when the whole make this manufactured consensus instead of public wealth. when the roman closest protect themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives only the one percent so. it's time to ignore middle of the room signals. to leave the room i mean the real news is
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really the world. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to the press that's what the four three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters in the house. or sitting. on.
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i am ask eyes are this is the kaiser report yes celebrating ten years on our to your choice on larry king larry watch out oh another twenty thousand up a certain way will have caught up with you body. says hey i want to look at a misconception about bitcoin gold and reality i found on twitter because this is a tweet from tom howard is a partner at torreon angel group and he tweeted that s o v which a store of value is only useful to the rich most people in the world don't have savings to store and if they do they need short term liquidity on it they can't wait for the three year bt see big queen cycle to read.
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