tv News RT January 27, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EST
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i swear to formally issue the duties of the national executive as president of venezuela i want to do you venezuela the president is elected by washington venezuela in chaos president during accuses the us of an attempted coup after donald trump recognizes the country's south declared interim leader. without a sugar get anything but a luxury. riot police fired tear gas town's water cannon on angry crowds of fans
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from the yellow vests movement's holds an eleventh weekend of rallies. and in her first interview since being released we have from an american iranian journalist who spent ten days in custody in the u.s. without charge. most of the time i was in solitary i was locked up i couldn't come out everyone's thinking about oh my god this is one like a mass murder what is going on. very well welcome you watching the weekly here on r.t. international bringing you all the latest and the round up of the stories the shapes the week great to have you with us now political crisis in venezuela has exasperated turmoil in the country and divided the world this week president says the u.s. of an attempted coup after the u.s.
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recognized the country's opposition leader as interim president. himself and as the troubled nation's leader made massive protests. i thought me for bringing that up but i swear to formalise soon the duties of the national executive as president of venezuela i mean that it's probably recognize national symbol president one why you know as the interim president of venezuela i want him today in venezuela the president is elected by washington and of course they take anyone from the streets who wants to be a president and we're talking to our colleagues in europe and elsewhere to to demonstrate widespread political support for the good of the interim president see your compliment you know i am committed to international dialogue today tomorrow and always i'm committed and personally ready to go if i have to go and meet this guy climb to the top of mount pico humboldt's at three in the morning and i will if
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i have to go naked i'll go naked on foot by car by motorcycle then it must be very clear to the world and to this regime that nobody will take part in this fake dialogue. quite as announcement to thousands to the streets of venezuela in both pro and anti government protests why is this week has left twenty people dead at least five hundred were arrested during the rallies caracas based journalist nora song called reports. it has been received in iraq as with both a joy and rejection from both parties and both sides of supporters we are standing right now in a citizen assembly as supporting one white doe and of course some of the national assembly congressmen but of course we want to hear the voices of the people who support and the people who reject the is calling for elections and this war in enough one white guilt ridden situation never before experienced in venezuela so people are coming out because this is us denise rhodes it's not the political
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parties it's not the national assembly it's the venezuelans who are coming out and fighting for what we want. the opposition will not return because we support our president for all the right reasons for our mission for our homes for our children they will not come back for all the partisan distend that's coloring buys that matter here the key thing is to save venice and that is what we are doing where starting the fight here this is a government of social justice our country has many major oil resources national wealth and there are many interests that want to get their hands on it given these obstacles the governments of chavez and nama dura have made significant progress washington has also urged the un to recognize the south acclaimed interim president as the leader of the south american country but the un security council fails to result of the issue especially in new york so some fifth exchanges appear to urge
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all nations to support the democratic aspirations of the venezuelan people get it because one of you can tell me which article and which provision of the united nations charter you can find a legal basis that itself procure mation it was just this meeting which we've been forced to attend is yet another element of us regime change strategy either you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with material and his mayhem the united states is not being time did. the. it is in advance it's in the vanguard of the could it it is dictating the orders how indeed can any self respecting government possibly justifies supporting the poisonous regime of the nation destroying missed in the doura if anything goes represents a threat to peace it is the shameless and aggressive actions of the united states and their allies this discussion in the council is about the right of the venezuelan people to direct their own internal affairs and choose the future of
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their own country democratically speaking at the u.n. council there is trump's controversial chief of u.s. policy on venezuela elliott abrams served in foreign policy under reagan and bush he was twice convicted of deceiving congress over the arming of nicaraguan rebels and his links to a coup attempt in venezuela in two thousand and two against then leader hugo chavez venezuela's president nicolas maduro accuses the us of meddling in his country's internal affairs and is not the first time or place washington has faced such accusations looks at whether events in the south american country are following a tried and tested formula. starting an uprising a revolution is simple enough first comes the pressure sanctions built up gradually first it was a few officials and then they sanctioned the president and state companies and the
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government itself through deed and word they helped show when they are into a crisis we are evaluating all of our policy options as to what can we do to create a change of conditions were either liberal decides he doesn't have a future or we can return. the government processes back to their constitution we are not going to tolerate the dictatorship he's trying to create if venezuelan people deserve better than what the regime of nicolas maduro offers them now that the country and people are in economic misery and you vilified its leaders because hero like thirty five year old u.s. educated head of the national assembly which as it turns out to the united states has been quietly assisting financially and helping for a while who would have thought. by now you should have
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caused enough trouble problems on top of everything out stuff for us even the apple little into the streets the more noise the better and you mustn't let things calm down keep shouting keep agitating and i was. like. oh. oh. oh you're going. in the and the chaos the confusion comes a special moment when lul breaks down when oil. crumble when brother turns on brother in the street partly thanks to you that moment do something crazy like denounce the government proclaim
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a new i'm elected president obama. i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one god or the president of your national assembly to assert that body's constitutional powers declare madeira or your syrup or and call for the establishment of a transitional government now is the time for more direct action to get all your friends on board. recognizes is the president of venezuela and we assist on transition to democracy to liberate the venezuelan people from the dictator brazil has just issued a note recognizing one why do as venezuela's president. will support this recession in a democracy alongside other countries in the immigrant we recognize and express our full support for the president theophanous lamma a seemed by the president of the national assembly one it is clear that nicolas
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maduro is not the legitimate leader of venezuela so the united kingdom believes that. is the right person to take venezuela forward you see if your country just so happens to be in the americas you're in washington's hemisphere which it seems justifies meddling interfering and changing governments at will but just to be sure bully them let them know that if you don't get what you want you'll beat the lights out of them and take what you want. without considering anything but all options are on the day but is that your theory which is all options are always all options and there you go sparking uprisings one o one now this may all take some practice tweak here or there but it works tried and tested time and time again but the consequences are a whole other story. for me was congressman long poll says there's
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a certain irony in washington's came to be fighting for democracy in venezuela i think it's going to end up in violence and we could have a civil war and i would think even the people that might not like manure or shouldn't like settling the dispute is internal issue they should settle it and i think it is rather ironic for our government to say that they want to take care of venezuela because they're not democratic and we have to take care of it by you know authoritarian approach of us installing a president having a coup and threaten them with military violence because because they're not democratic enough i would hardly say that our position is very democratic you know and what's happened in syria what has happened earlier on with iraq and afghanistan in libya i mean every time we go in and say well you need help you need to be american eyes you need to know our good values and and we want you to learn what
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democracy is all about and we'll give you a little money too if you obey us i'm sure there's some harm done to her oh and others but where is it our job where do we get the moral authority to be the decider. the end as estimation and has pulled calles to cities all across france for an eleventh weekend in a row protesters despite calls from president nixon to negotiate and limits by riot police with clowns control nessus. protesters actually set fire just in the distance a sorry a short that sir covered in scaffolding and that is one of the reasons they're trying to push through you can see that they've been moving these barricades here
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these here removing these away this is also work and going at the moment here at the bassy trying to move it to create will seem to be barricades again and then setting those all on fire as you can see very separate just coming down from all angles of the crowds here water cannons have now been brought in to try and deal with this situation you can see more security forces there just behind us that the firm smashed. the bus that's all going down really is coming into quite curious we've just seen some people injured including one of our colleagues in roughly looks like he's received an injury as a result of why it's so humid the projectiles being thrown up from the protesters from the crowd to pieces you can see they are getting their flash pulls out now this is to launch to tear gas and we have been termed good police officers you're using these flash polls work all day where ringing our party can see the material
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can be reviewed up to it's yes it was cold we were expecting it to be a come protest on the eleventh weekend but yet again we're seeing move islands from the sorry the protest is on the police then responding she that you. the protests in paris lasted until late evening with fierce clashes continuing to escalate between the protesters and police several people were injured in saturday's clash is one protester identified as a popular figure within the l a vest movement suffered an eye injury he was streaming video of the protests at the time and captured the moment he was hit. zero zero. zero. zero zero. zero zero zero zero zero zero this is. the french president has launched a so-called national debate to find
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a way out of the crisis but protesters on the streets of paris say they no longer trust emanuel mccrum. about them we're here to keep mobilizing against the government to maintain the pressure so they don't think that the movement is down i don't believe in the national debate i think is part of the european elections campaign is just smoke we need to participate to show that we're willing to engage in dialogue we're here to show mr mccraw that we understand his game and we know he is a liar he can play any tricks he wants but we will still be here as we go to nothing has changed we still have our demands so we are here again we don't intend to stop the rest of an american iranian t.v. presenter in the us blocks international outrage we have heard first hand account after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. i happen to be a nigerian effort to understand what happened here the p.m.c. that came here for small contractors who were in the old war the p.m.c.
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that came here was a contractor to train a unit and to create from scratch and then to go into combat and the g.d.p. numbers as objects. welcome back following massive uproar in the media and from international n.g.o.s an american iranian t.v. presenter has been released from custody in the united states often being detained without charge. emotional scenes ok bad. shamus not. half bad certain beltone
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stretching to the stature of instructions to not being a candidate and also about perhaps past had been the world against her will. and an exclusive interview melissa has sammy said the story of her detention without him which can see a host of artes going underground. private plane. to d.c. and then met with a whole lot of that taken to the f.b.i. i think take the f.b.i. headquarters. i was. my my picture was taken mug chance they took my d.n.a. with the owners read you the rights no one has still yet read you the rights no one ever read me my rights my rights were not read i was treated like
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a cry in the middle of prisoners when most of the time i was in solitary k. i was locked up i couldn't come out everyone's thinking at oh my god is this what mike a mass murderer or what is going on. international organizations for press freedom expressed their concerns about hashemi case and claim that the arrest violates democratic norms during her ten days in detention people gathered to protest in the u.s. and iran has now there again. it's not about me it's about the ability. or the u.s. basically to. anyone. i would say illegal a joke they are going to say that it's legal so it's much bigger than we want to demand. to these actions in this country as saying that true
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witness is mind boggling that you can be arrested. shall cause not charged with the crime and. wow i definitely saw firsthand. a massive military parade has been held in russia's northern capitals and petersburg it was held to commemorate the seventy fifth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad as the city was formally known during the second world war over two thousand military personnel marched past the winter palace where the iconic hermitage museum is located on the city's central square the siege of leningrad by nazi forces lasted eight hundred seventy two days and was one of the deadliest in history it's estimated that more than a million people died mostly from starvation and cold. war twenty seven people are dead and scores of others injured after two bombs
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exploded at a catholic cathedral in jolo island in the philippines the first bomb went off inside the cathedral the other at the entrance to the compound of daraa he said the casualties include both troops and civilians so far no group has claimed the attack muslim militants are active in the area and the cathedral has been targeted before . well it's certain there are at least two sides to every story and that's certainly true when it comes to a viral video of a standoff between a student wearing a make america great again and a native american veteran. takes up the story this is a hat word says make america great again they now call it the maggot this is a kook looks quite a hoot they used to terrorize fried african americans and those different shapes. purposes however this make america great again is just as maddening and
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frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a k.k.k. hood. many people have called donald trump a filthy racist in the past what's up with this new wave of hat hate now even though something that's now compared to the k.k.k. fashion has been worn by african-americans or the l.g.b. t.q. community well just remember that white teenagers versus native american vets situation the viral video sweeping the internet of a mob of mag wearing high school students surrounding a native american chanting in drumming in the nation's capital it is disturbing students mocking native american man some of them harassing and jeering at a native american elder so much story was twisted as we learned from videos that emerged later.
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the market made it. look at what. we think. we've got thank you. as you can see the teen dubbed as a shameless bully was just standing still and smiling at the man with the drum who had come up to him but that's not important because the student was wearing a magpie hat people judge me based off one expression and they've gone from there to titling me and labeling me as a racist person do you think if you weren't wearing that hat this might not have happened or it might have been different that's possible oh the had does mean so much and again don't forget that from now on in the minds of so many people people whose voices matter. the red mark the hat is the new white hood without white boys being able to empathize with other people humanity will continue to destroy itself
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and so it's probably only natural that americans wearing magers have gotten themselves in trouble. in the first. point. you're hot if you do you're hot on my head i don't. like. people like you so who knows how far that kind of bullying may get soon some in the media have tried very hard to make you associate mr trump with the k.k.k. now with this hat situation it must have become a much easier job. well if you have something you'd like to say with love to harry so do get in touch by following us on social media even though your comments that we back at the top is down with the latest.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time to sit down and talk. countries gone into a nihilistic fever just want to thank god that hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the show is the genius of this place the central american hero this is it we've come to a point around which element is gone so we always are on the margins something. called the culture is moving forward. oh. we're
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starting west with is going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more ground on the meat may be completely different but the end of this journey. and twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know or here i mean you know liz put video and the bill is out on the scrolling needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. and. those who took boat i've invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other good. that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. seat
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regulus designed to sail around the world the wrong way so she actually press basket when she's healed over about forty five degrees sailing up when she's seventy two feet long such meetings she's pretty ticked off at all but also a great fastball are conducting side of lot of people when i was going to go
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through the first time and thank speech because the atlantic in twenty four team if they are you've heard about in the atlantic with fourteen women and you know the chapels with god in terms of oh man you guys we could rip each other's here out having all the ladies on board is pretty awesome and a lot of people say call be damned but where proving them wrong step today i'm not a feminist which is the reason they're having an all girl team or it's really because i'm wanting to understand more about female health plastic accounts for ninety percent of all trash that finds its way into the ocean in the majority of coastal and island states there is no organized sorting of waste in some areas so much plastic is dumb to watch into the water that the sea is like a toxic plastic soup. initially plastic waste this picked up by the stomachs of marine inhabitants and then at the end of the food chain is delivered to our plates
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before i met the old female crew of sea dragon i never sailed and didn't know how to change the world but i did know that if you want to make a change you must start with yourself and as a beginning i decided to make this film. payment so everything in travels. is that i gauge tell you all the right cliffs and bridges highways that they didn't get it didn't have it yet it has everything for me it really began about eight years ago i had the opportunity to take a boat around the world we set off for the first couple of years on sea dragon. wanted to look at these islands of pasta that we were hearing about and quickly realized that actually what we were looking for what the micro plastics is these tiny pieces. that you. carry and knowing about that from back. here and that then opened up this whole question about toxics and that's really where x.
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expedition that came from all right let's move would be going to be when i'm shanley and you're skipper for the late ninety's it's going to be an awesome week and i have been living on board see dragon for the past three and a half years and she's a great home yeah we're. where we're going to get to go in this film cameras already here. hi guys i'm john mission coordinator for this leg of expedition caribbean i was on the first x. expedition across the atlantic in two thousand and fourteen with emily. i had never sailed before and mary morris unless i'm going away i am from wales in the u.k. and i'm the bought i'm from gem. and that's that it marine geology and my background is in biology and also pharmaceutical clients and i'm studying green enough for st louis i'm an all chased a marine science.
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