tv News RT January 27, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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please. formally soon the teachings of the national executive as president of venezuela i want to venezuela the president is elected bush says. while president maduro accuses the u.s. of plotting a coup in venezuela as washington throws its weight behind a country's self proclaimed leader. a very clear you are going to read what i pay should i get a thing but all options are on the table. french riot police fired tear gas on
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angry crowds the yellow vest movement holds an eleventh weekend of around lace. and a valuable painting is stolen from one of moscow's busiest museums. called the gallery during working hours. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow recounting the week's top stories with our weekly program this is r t international. of venezuela's political crisis deepened this week on wednesday president maduro accused the u.s. of attempting to orchestrate a coup after washington decided to recognize venezuela's opposition leader as interim president. had swung himself in as leader earlier that day as the country was engulfed by anti-government unrest.
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i thought we'd put anything up but i swear to formalise soon the duties of the national executive as president of venezuela i know it's probably recognize national symbol president one well you know as the interim president of venezuela i want him to venezuela the president is elected by washington in what is of course they take anyone from the streets of the he wants to be a president and we're talking to our colleagues in europe and elsewhere to to demonstrate widespread political support for the good of the interim president see if you want to compliment you go i am committed to international dialogue today tomorrow and always i'm committed and personally ready you know if i have to go and meet this guy climb to the top of mount pico humboldt's at three in the morning i will have to go naked i'll go make it on foot by car by motorcycle then it must be very clear to the world and to this regime and nobody will take part in this fake
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dialogue. delivered his speech in front of tens of thousands of supporters in caracas and there were also demonstrations for maturer twenty people were reported to have been killed in the turmoil and a further five hundred were arrested journalist norris on a got reports from the venezuelan cab. it has been received in iraq as with both a joy and rejection from both parties and both sides of supporters we are standing right now in a citizen assembly supporting one white doe and of course some of the national assembly congressmen but of course we want to hear the voices of the people who support and the people who reject the is calling for elections and this war in one way were the situation never before experienced in venezuela so people are coming out because this is us the nice romance it's not the political parties it's not the national assembly it's to the swelling square coming out and fighting for what we
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want. the opposition will not return because we support our president for all the right reasons for our nation for our homes for our children they will not come back oh the part is understand that's coloring buys that matter here the key thing is to save venice era and that is about where doing i'm going to tell you the fight. this is a government of social justice our country has many vidual resources financial wealth and there are many interests that want to get their hands on it given these obstacles the governments of chavez. may say little can progress so the question of who is in charge in venezuela has divided the world powers let's take a look the u.s. canada and most of south american states have recognized as venezuela's interim president a number of other countries including russia china and turkey are standing by president nicolas maduro criticizing what they view as a coup attempt and with no end in sight to the turmoil in that country another
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group of states has issued an ultimatum to my door four of them in fact germany spain france and the u.k. while they have warned that if elections are not called within eight days they will officially recognize it as venezuela's leader but door has rejected the demand and his foreign minister has diminished of the deadline as childish on saturday tensions were on full display an emergency un security council meeting. appeared to urge all nations to support the democratic aspirations of the venezuelan people one of you can tell me which article and which provision of the united nations charter you can find a legal basis but if. it was just this meeting which we've been forced to attend is yet another element of us regime change strategy either you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with his mayhem the united states is not. the could it it is in advance it's in the. it could it it is
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the order how indeed can any self respecting government possibly justifies supporting the poisonous regime of the nation destroying missed in the doura if anything goes represents a threat to peace it is the shameless and aggressive actions of the united states and their allies this discussion in the council is about the right of the venezuelan people to direct their own internal affairs and choose the future of their own country democratically speaking out the end there was donald trump's controversial new special envoy for venezuela elliott abrams he served in foreign policy roles under presidents ronald reagan and george w. sorry excuse me george w. bush he was twice convicted of deceiving congress over the arming of nicaraguan rebels and he was linked to a coup attempt in venezuela in two thousand and two against the late leader hugo
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chavez you have comments now and whether the u.s. is following a tried and tested formula in venezuela. starting an uprising a revolution is simple enough. comes the pressure sanctions built up gradually first it was a few officials and then they sanctioned the president and state companies and the government itself through deed and word they helped choke then they into a. crisis we are evaluating all of our policy options as to what can we do to create a change of conditions were either liberal decides he doesn't have a future or we can return. the government processes back to their constitution we are not going to tolerate the dictatorship he's trying to create if venezuelan people deserve better than what the regime of nicolas maduro offers them now that the country and people are in economic misery and you vilified its leaders because
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hero like thirty five year old u.s. educated head of the national assembly which as it turns out to the united states has been quietly assisting financially and helping for a while who would have thought if. by now you should have caused enough trouble problems on top of everything out stuff force even the app a little into the streets the more noise the better and you mustn't let things calm down keep shouting keep agitating god. oh. oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. oh. oh oh oh
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in the and the chaos the confusion comes a special moment when lul breaks down when loyalties crumble when brother turns on brother in the street party thanks to you that moment do something crazy like denounce the government proclaim a new i'm elected president. i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one god or the president of your national assembly to assert that body's constitutional powers declare madeira or your serp are and call for the establishment of a transitional government now is the time for more direct action to get all your friends on board. recognizes is the president of venezuela and we assist on transition to democracy to liberate the venezuelan people from the
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dictator but brazil has just issued a note recognizing one why do as venezuela's president. will support this realization in a democracy alongside other countries in the lima group we recognize and express our full support for the president of venezuela seemed by the president of the national assembly one it is clear that nicolas maduro is not the legitimate leader of venezuela so the united kingdom believes that. is the right person to take venezuela forward you see if your country just so happens to be in the americas you're in washington's hemisphere which it seems justifies meddling interfering and changing governments at will but just to be sure but do them at the know that if you don't get what you want you'll beat the lights out of them and take what you want it is very clear. without considering anything but all options are on the day that your theory which is all options are always all options and there you go
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sparking uprisings one o one now this may all take some practice tweak here or there but it works tried and tested time and time again but the consequences are a whole other story. former u.s. congressman ron paul told us foreign interference in venezuela is likely to make matters worse for the country's people. i think it's going to end up in violence and we could have a civil war and i would think even the people that might not like majority should like us settling the dispute is internal issue they should settle it and i think it is rather ironic for our government to say that they want to take care of venezuela because they're not democratic and we have to take care of it by you know authoritarian approach of us installing a president having a coup and threaten them with military violence because because they're not democratic enough i would hardly say that our position is very democratic you know
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and what's happened in syria what has happened earlier on with iraq and afghanistan and libya i mean every time we go in and say well you need help you need to be american eyes you need to know our good values and and we want you to learn what democracy is all about and we'll give you a little money too if you obey us and i'm sure there's some harm done by monsieur oh and others but where is it our job where do we get the moral authority to be the decider. yellow vests rallies have broad chaos to french cities for an eleventh weekend fierce clashes broke out on saturday between protesters and police.
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well several people were injured in the clashes including a leading figure in the yellow vest movement jerome rodriguez was hit in the face by a flash ball grenade. and says he may lose the sight in his right eye you know streaming video in paris for me incident happened. oh oh oh oh. oh. oh. oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you said it there's no. google. i've had my eye. as to whether i'm going to regain my sight i'll find out someone out some weeks old and i make stream me angry because these are things i should not be
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happening today in front zones what they are doing is totally unacceptable the president is unhappy about what is happening in venezuela or in other countries and yet he's willing to mistreat his own people i have to recover and i will return to the protest as soon as i can because the battle will be long and tough but we have a coldness a progressive fronts and for a more humane. you know our counter protest movement has been launched and parents are to charleville ski reports now from the first red scarf rally. this protest movement course who says that if you don't who's which translates that the red scarfs they yell at the m.t.a. is surely surely anti yellow vests to some degree what they saying is they are unhappy with the violence that's been seeing it during this movement of the should they join the c.l.o. best since november seventeenth i just wanted to get a sense of just how many people of turned out for this protest today this protest to say that they food democracy they're against the violence they're against it's
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rights and they hate to describe themselves to show that they are the silent majority many people have said that they want their voices to be heard and they want a democracy to be respected there are happy with not just the violence occurred in the yellow vest movement but also the just struction over more new material fronts it's not forget back in december the. triomphe one of the symbols of the republic was trashed it was vandalized by some of the super cool to thugs let's move off of that yellow vest movement and some of the people here say they also yellow vests to people that supported the movement at the beginning they want to see some change in france but there are unhappy with how it's progress and so they hate to get their voice out into the streets and to meet people who know that they want the respect of the republic the respect of democracy to return many people wouldn't say that they prove present not going you know through the french government they prove the
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values of the french republic which all we know in the moto of liberty a galaxy and fraternity say one of the things that they shiny thing is we're all so people see where this is since to you so a big turnout for this first protest by the red scarfs hey in paris today to monday the day the silent majority also heard that the values of the republic of frogs are respected. by more news after a short break this is the week when our change.
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welcome back to the week we're on our to international treasured it landscape painting has been stolen from moscow's most prominent art gallery according to culture officials the artwork which is worth almost two hundred thousand dollars was taken right in front of unsuspecting visitors but in a question of has. the grand theft happened right behind the store on sunday between six and seven pm the famous painting by a russian artist that he was simply taking off the wall or at least that's how i witness as described it a man allegedly dressed as a security guard walked in took the painting off the wall and with a blink expression on his face walked away before anyone could realize it's the precious painting was gone to pieces that heap queen i pad tree a famous peak in crimea the painting is insured for two hundred thousand dollars but if auction the price could be several million dollars building up the gallery
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on sunday it was packed with people as quite a vast exhibition of his works is on display for the first time here at this gallery and over at decades at the moment the building of the gallery is blocked by police who are questioning average one who works there and also checking c.c.t.v. cameras the police are investigating what appears to be an ambitious heist fit for a movie script. following massive uproar in the media and from international n.g.o.s an american iranian t.v. presenter has been released from custody in the united states after being detained without charge.
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generalization seems ok bad. shamus not happy. the fact that certain battle instructions when there's a statute of instructions or not being a candidate and also about perhaps past had been the answer will. are in an exclusive interview marcy ai shemya shared the story of her detention with afshin rattansi host of parties going underground elliston private plane. to d.c. and then met with a whole lot of that taken to the f.b.i. i think take the f.b.i. headquarters. i was. my my picture was taken mug shan state took my d.n.a. there when is ready the right no one has still yet read you the rights no one ever
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read me my rights my rights were not read i was treated like a cry in the middle of prisoners when most of the time i was in solitary k. i was locked up i couldn't come out everyone's thinking at oh my god is this what mike a mass murderer or what is going on. well during her ten days in detention people gathered to protest in the u.s. and iran here is the free journalist once again. it's not about me is about the ability. or the u.s. basically to detain. anyone. i would say illegal a joke they are going to say that it's legal so it's much bigger than we want to demand. to these actions in this country as so saying that i'm a true witness it is mind boggling that you can be arrested it did change
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shall cause not charged with the crime and. wow i definitely saw it firsthand. you just said that there are at least two sides to every story and that is certainly true of a viral video showing a confrontation between a student wearing a make america great again and cap and a native american veteran. it is disturbing students mocking native american dad some of them harassing and jeering at a native american disturbing viral video has sparked outrage toward covington catholic high school just stirring viral video shows a model team saying make america great again some around singing native american out there in washington a troubling incident at the foot of the lincoln memorial i heard him say you know down. here i sit here i have
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to we have to stay strong. and the full video of that incident you can see provocation and racism coming from both sides but instead of going into details a number of media outlets and celebrities put their own spin on the story as are two celia patro comments. this is a hat where it says make america. great again they now call it the maggot hat this is a kook looks clan hoot they used to terrorize freed african-americans and those different shapes eras purposes however this make america great again is just as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a k.k.k. hood many people have called donald trump a filthy racist in the past what's up with this new wave of hat hate now even though something that's now compared to the k.k.k. fashion has been worn by african-americans or the l.g.b. t.q.
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community well just remember that white teenagers versus native american vets situation the viral video sweeping the internet of a mob of mag wearing high school students surrounding a native american chanting in drumming so much and the story was twisted as we learned from videos that emerged later. we think. we've got that look again. as you can see the teen dubbed as the shameless bully was just standing still and smiling at the man with the drum who had come up to him but that's not important because the student was wearing a magpie hat people judge me based off one expression and they've gone from there to titling me and labeling me as
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a racist person do you think if you weren't wearing that hat. this might not have happened or it might have been different that's possible oh the had does mean so much and again don't forget that from now on in the minds of so many people people whose voices matter. the red mark a hat is the new white hood without white boys being able to empathize with other people humanity will continue to destroy itself and so it's probably only natural that americans wearing magers have gotten themselves in trouble. was. the first. point and again your honk if you through your heart my head i don't. like. like you people like you so who knows how far that kind of bullying may get
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soon some in the media have tried very hard to make you associate mr trump with the k.k.k. now but this had situation must have become a much easier job all right great nationalists have clashed with police in thessaloniki switching gears now at a march against a deal with macedonia to end a long running naming a dispute protesters blocked roads and several people were arrested. crowds gathered in the city on sunday night voicing their anger over a visit by the greek president this comes two days after athens ratified a deal to establish a new name for the former yugoslav republic of macedonia country is that now known
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as north macedonia but many greeks object to the new name saying it implies a historical claim to the greek province of macedonia. and it does it for me i'll be back with more the weekly of top the hour stay with us. the country has gone into a nihilistic fever that's why i think they got it hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the charlatans the geniuses this is the quintessential american hero this is it we've come a point around which element is gone something we always are on the margins something. called the culture is very important because. we're starting last with is going to headed east into the swamp we're going into
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the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now doesn't get him oregon down on the meat may be completely different but the end of this journey. when the whole make this manufacture come sentenced to the public wells. when the roman clusters and protect themselves. with the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent so. we can all middle of the room signals. going around looking real news. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be old for rich eight
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point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one. one distance shows you can't afford to miss the one and only film buffs. so after reading trash for life in a sticky and if you are going through. invited us fast treat for the twenty fifth anniversary of the founding of the episode. on october fifth
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or in the past this plane was shot down in regard for the poor play dropping. the corporate church that reagan had finally trained. and there was one crew member the parachute to shake the. new regime hasa was my name of gina house interests come from wisconsin cure me after we arrived. the nikken armor and your dish are triangular no we're taking i suppose out to the crash site and asked us to events we wanted to go on a helicopter with our supplies to the crash site house and by shock to us about all the flights you've been on all these covert flights of army air corps and he would course angry because he had been abandoned by the reagan administration he was basically a covert operator mercenary he was proud of.
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