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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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what a whole existence to do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to preserve. it's a right to be press that's what the before last three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the water column. question. you know world big part of the new law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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the trumpet ministration announces new sanctions against venezuela targeting the state oil company and freezing billions in assets. waiting for you to be on our side. never
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a trace of. the power struggle continues as well as well as president urges his troops to stay loyal the country's self-proclaimed leader reveals he's working with sympathetic elements in the military to incite revolt. is italy and france don't need to add to. the standoff as both countries call for the other's leadership to get better or get out. the united arab emirates holds an awards ceremony for those supporting gender equality recipients all male. thanks for joining us live on our to international daniel hawkins wherever you are to night very welcome with us on the program this hour. u.s. national security advisor john bolton says washington is imposing new sanctions against venezuela this time targeting the state oil company restrictions will block
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seven billion dollars of the company's assets. we're going to announce sanctions against patrol is to venezuela associate. were paid a vase as it's known by its spanish acronym the state owned oil monopoly we have continued to expose the corruption of manure and his cronies in today's action ensures they can no longer loot the assets of the venezuelan people total seven billion dollars in assets walk today plus over eleven billion dollars in lost export proceeds over the next year. ok let's cross live now to political analyst lucas curran in caracas thanks for joining us good to have you on the program today just first of all following up on that breaking news coming into us just outside new sanctions against iran as well of the oil company in that attempt to force madero to call elections in the near future do you think this tool is going to prove effective will it change anything. i think we have. the
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viewing us of an as well in the stranglehold but on the economy of the country which is having very real humanitarian consequences for the people there whether that was a change make a change in the mother or a government. or conservative back to mandate an effort to appoint a parallel president remains the things are now in the mode of i mean they are forced to remain in power and that does nothing to be at. any real change on the level of. the latest countries to recognize. presidency of one australia. is clearly enjoying that support is receiving from a growing number of countries in the u.s. and its allies let's just take a quick listen to what he had to say today is our. next saturday there will
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be a big mobilization throughout venezuela and around the world to brace the support given by the e.u. to the venezuelan people but also to support the ultimatum given by some european countries that expires on sunday. clearly recognizes not just the national assembly not just our constitution but also the full competence of my presidency. that you demand to hold fresh elections that ultimate so otherwise they're going to back. how was it what do you think that move was by the e.u. countries to put forward such a demand to a sovereign state. just saying because that's amanda coming all the unelected government in spain or france is micron which is in the middle of a political crisis with very very high disapproval likewise treat them as government and the united kingdom which is in the midst of a. right that it really isn't clear what standing these governments have to follow
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on the venison government to listen especially given that it was the united states that would call on the fence one of them in a twenty seven to hold elections and when those elections were held moved up to may and with those demands the united states let these countries in refusing to recognize them and in fact i didn't want to start a sanction conditioned presidential candidate it's just a question of you know washington and its allies and and elsewhere want their cake and they want to have their cake i made it very double discourse that we're seeing here you mentioned united states which of course does have a very long history of interventionism in south america from election rigging to a time when attraction bombing if those elections on hell that's what babylon is not matter if that's the street protest up perhaps we'll get more violent is military intervention on any scale by the united states
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a possible scenario here. john bolton was in the bush administration who played a crucial role in the lead up to the u.s. war in iraq means the administration had a plan to take down seven government in five years elliott abrams likewise a reagan in social and. had blood on his hands the us dirty wars in central america and reportedly was and gave the green light to the spokes people behind one why don't. you know this is a very dangerous moment i guess a crunch will be towards the end of the week on saturday when that ultimatum will expire all coming in to expire and also go out of calling for those major protests on saturday as well as of course promised amnesty for any soldiers that are now back on will do row so far the miters been oil i mean what do people in caracas think of that do you think people are anticipating more violence on the streets perhaps the military stepping in to take control of the situation i think
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the situation in iraq was largely normal businesses are open people are going about their daily lives there isn't any interruption and that definitely is a fear that the kind of mylan and. the opposition to attempt to march into western iraq is which is much more pro-government and where most government situations are concentrated that that could lead to violence hopefully out of escalation will not take. the situation can remain at a certain. street here in caracas you mentioned the situation on the streets here people going about their daily business but i mean what's the the mood the sentiment really among the public in the capital and indeed across the country i mean how do people view water itself proclamation as a head of state or people just hoping that this will resolve itself with some sort of compromise here this this tug of war between guatemala dura. i mean i have to
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understand that there are given this economic crisis which has been exacerbated by exacerbated by you also them a lot of them has great responsibilities ellington's all there is greatest content by the same time there is a great. a lot of many minutes. with great suspicion then as well in opposition given that it has largely is led by upper middle class alike leaders who really know it disappeared for two hours after two days after his proclamation and did not really try to go into mass on communications. and in fact that analysis conducted in october which is an oppositional my thoughts are on the national assembly of which one line though is now the head has a seventy percent disapproval rating so there really is most that as well as. satisfied immensely with the current government. i would not in any way extrapolate
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that to mean that they will support any kind of violent ouster of the government to have the escalation and some kind of negotiation with the institutional framework that can lead to a solution to this period institution. i mean absolutely crucial because not for president to do or for the opposition and most important of course for the venezuelan people lucas cohen a political analyst in caracas thanks for joining us great to get you will take that i hear a naughty. venezuela's political infighting continues spokes the government time the opposition are appealing to the armed forces for supports who proclaimed himself interim leader on wednesday says he's been holding talks with military officials to push for the overthrow of the president nicolas maduro meanwhile also paid to visit the troops overseeing drills and calling on them to stay loyal. the soldiers of venezuela we're waiting for you to be on our side are you who among us. soldiers of venezuela we're waiting for you to be
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on the side of the constitution are you cruel period. we have made our position very clear about the dictatorial nature of this regime and so we want to take power never creighton's. install a transitional government and call it free elections louisiana lawyer. that's how it has to be. the u.s. national security adviser john bolton prior to sanctions and outs from an earlier threatened action if the opposition leader faces any violence or intimidation one gordo's aim ultimately is to force a new vote as he and his supporters refuse to recognize the legitimacy of venezuela's twenty eight hundred presidential election egos that of takes us now through waters rise from security international recognition and a new grand social status dropped on one y.
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door like a brick wall i mean just look at this from no name to total fame judging by this the life of the new poster boy for the venezuelan opposition leapt into another dimension overnight the point of no return was this. i'm mike pence the united states supports the courageous decision by one god oh you know it's probably recognize the national symbol president one is the constitutional interim president of venezuela he's the most evil now marred by the media and untrusted to not fail by the united states and countries making up its retinue and apparently the latter could be weighing hard on venezuela's newest a democratic symbol where you do said that there was nothing he could do that he couldn't handle the pressure from the americans. we are only i was at the meeting
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where we said he was being pressured by everyone now this is the claim made by people but when journalists confronted what you do with the yes or no question he struggled to answer well to be fair he did it twice in fact but each time differently can you confirm that the meeting took place and what did you talk about all venezuelans know this person or i will repeat my question to you have imagines do is that ok you are not i've already answered i haven't of course not so what if we spoke with officials of course we did circumstantial evidence also hits that the room of why do a being overwhelmed by washington's a mission could be true look at the person appointed by the white house to oversee the transformation of venezuela a lift this building thirty years ago this week from our work here so it's very nice to be back this is america's main battle tank in the regime change course part
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of the reagan administration he funneled the long way around federal weapons through iran soon he was right wing anti government extremists both thing illegal under u.s. law he tried to pressure congress into giving the weapons to the regime of reassessment in guatemala who was later charged with jen. aside and crimes against humanity is just a couple of confirmed achievements by earlier albums from when he held the position and i'm not kidding the position of assistant secretary of state for humanitarian affairs but perhaps most importantly our brahms allegedly was the architect of the two thousand and two coup in venezuela back then it failed in days so perhaps now adams is being given a chance to redeem himself after all it's all for a good cause democracy never needs to be imposed it is tyranny that has to be imposed you heard the man so you better say mr y door the us is about to spread its
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regime of democracy to venezuela this time around and you are going to carry it on your shoulders. now the french president is taking italy's coalition government head on after dismissing rome's criticism of his handling of the anti-government yellow vest protests and model macron eventually suggest that italy should find itself different leaders the italian people are friends and deserve leaders worthy of their history so good luck to them enjoy the education enjoy the ride as far as i'm concerned i speak to president conti of the feud between the two e.u. allies was triggered a year ago when italy started to push back against mark ronson immigration policies if he was hit hard by the moderate influx and refused to back tougher rules on settling refugees tensions though have gone a step further both paris and rome accuse each other of mismanagement crises italy's interior interior minister. has even urged the french public to oust
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president micro from power. i hope the french can free themselves from a terrible president and the opportunity will come or may the twenty sixth when finally the french people will be able to take back control of their future destiny and pride which are poorly represented by a character like macro get when the market on the chair mark ronson we are relevant we are relevant at the next european council. we will tell you that you have to start the colonizing those states you are exploiting mccrum says that salvini and i are not up to it it let the italian people decide about that. and we heard from a former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament who told us the very public bust up could be down to the upcoming european parliamentary elections. no i would say that mark rule is a bit more polite it's not up to him to give such commands about
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a who it beat out of another country should shoot shoes as their leaders you just don't do that of course and i would say what the italian leaders are saying here are much worse than what macro missing but both are wrong in doing in acting like this but is perfectly. present micro and the italian political leaders are doing missions just as a preparation for the elections upcoming elections in may for the european parliament so basically what the these people are going to do is is to get people behind them to vote for them and used as a sort of lever and say look how the temperature was in the election and meanwhile we want even more impulse on a national level our policy this is politics on a very very low level. i was part of a drive to empower women in the united arab emirates held an awards ceremony on sunday to recognize the government departments doing the most to address gender
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imbalance has so many that one thing didn't quite set right all three recipients of the awards presented by the u.s. vice president and the ruler of dubai were male that led to an outpouring of ridicule on social media up i'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that you forgot to invite women wow you really nailed the diversity there one of those there was wearing gray you've achieved an excellent balance of men with dark facial hair and men with my facial hair i congratulate you here only one gender in dubai. the u.a.e. prime minister has stressed in a statement online that immorality women are playing a central role in shaping the country's future he also says that getting more women into positions of power is a priority for the government but despite that the women's rights are still severely restricted in the country women require the permission of a male guardian to get married for example they can also not get a job without their husband's consent and divorce is really granted we spoke to
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belittle political analyst catherine schachter about the award ceremony she told us it's easy to pay lip service to equality but concrete steps need to be taken. i think that the you we were leadership should have actually you know made good and actually present at least in a what you want i mean to at least pretend pretend that you from which in gender equality is not even trying they're not even doing good p.r. for one thing they're going to. another question what was the point of the exercise that's all it was new at times why so ever tried to be you know repairs done. that made them somehow but nothing was actually done other than one particular woman with more regulated it she didn't even receive you know would you imagine anything like that it's one thing to speak before with another to actually not and i think that still even though you did you read much much better than the rest of the board for one reason is that it has. a lot of talk about foreigners and that therefore
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changes had to be done and you can catch up with the rest of the world i don't think it's new we know. sunday events were held of across the world to mark international holocaust remembrance day it marks seventy four years since soviet troops liberated auschwitz the nazi death camp in poland for prisoners of the camp visited the site where a holocaust museum is now situated. their memories expressing the importance for people to day to remember the atrocities that were carried out. during the nazi purge in the second world war seventeen million people were killed six million of them were jews more than half of europe's jewish population was murdered in systematic attacks many were starved to death killed in gas chambers or burned in furnaces in concentration camps despite bad evidence from the time a recent poll suggests that one in twenty adults in the united kingdom believe the
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holocaust never actually took place some other notable findings over half of those surveyed didn't know the number of victims while a further eight percent think the scale of the tragedy was exaggerated renowned nazi hunter says those statistics are a cause for concern. how of course denial is simply a new form of anti-semitism the how of course is the most documented tragedy in human history there are millions i repeat millions of documents that prove the crimes of the holocaust there's no basis for this denial it's totally absurd so why do people do it it's basically a new form of anti-semitism the leaders of the world the leading political leaders in every country have to make clear that this is a fact that this happened and this has very important consequences for their country as well and then there's the question of the educational systems in other
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words this is subject that has to be taught in the school curriculum at the proper age and be done effectively and with the best technological and other educational aids the basic idea behind holocaust education is that the tragedy that we call the holocaust has lessons for humanity. about the dangers of hatred the dangers of anti-semitism racism fascism and obviously we think that it's important that people study the holocaust to learn from that tragedy and to try that managed to prevent the recurrence of such a tragedy. after eleven consecutive weekends of street demonstrations it seems somewhat france have had enough of the unrest they've even launched their very own movement to counter the increasingly violent yellow vest protests. has more. fronts and protesting to go oh me no i'm like two lovers strolling around
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paris in fact the french seem to love processing so much it's almost a national sport but it's a sport that has a very young city street the yellow vest protest group probably the best know anything now. force since november seventeenth so that's now eleven weekends they say the government's not doing enough despite the concessions and a national debate is taking place and the yellow vests are determined to stick it out they've already planned acts twelve before we even got to the twelfth weekend but their protests of often descended into violence that's been described as the worst in more than half a century. now concede anything today's you want to structure the soul.
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but in true french fashion there is now an empty protest protest meet the red skull that is so unhappy about the violence and the destruction that's taken place during the yellow vests protest that they've now formed their group and they're out in force. that. was. there for criminal business originally why all the demonstrations today it's because many people have had enough of the pointless violence in this country roads cars are demonstrating i believe good to defend the
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principle of nonviolence and to defend democracy it's very simple feel. to emphasize the importance of liberty and democracy as we are facing a movement in france that's attempting to restrict our freedom. i have chosen to come here. to defend democracy and freedom but peaceful it without violence well if you thought this was just the red protesters against the yellow protestors think again there is also no seam yes that's right no blue vests are also anti yellow vests they're antiviolence so what you've got at the moment is the yellow vest protesters in the middle and on each side they're all the blue vests and you've got the red scarves remind you of something yes that's right it's almost like the treacle or the french flag and it seems that just like the french moto liberte galatea in eternity it's living on in the french spirit so the french
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regardless of what's always there on still have this opportunity with each other albeit in their ability to protest or to protest a protest of a protest or something like that. shows even ski party paris. or some clearly losing patience with the universe particular brand of protest the movement itself is also face the strong clout down from what forty's at times leading to serious injury it's rumored regas a leading member of the movement was hit in the face by a flash ball projectile and so he may lose sight in his right eye. was. he said that there's no. global if you will please you i've had my i've been stitched up. even as to whether i'm going to regain my sight also find out some
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limits and leagues old and streaming angry because these are things i should not be happening today in front zones what they're doing is totally unacceptable and i have to recover and i will return to the protest as soon as i can because the battlefield long and tough when you have a goal for a better france and for more humane well it's all your. major roads in madrid have been brought to a standstill as taxi drivers in spain running against right hailing services like uber. i. thought. police had to use force to clear drivers in taxis looking the capital simple streets with the strike now entering its day and has grown over popular writing services that they don't face the same regulations as regular taxis in many countries cab drivers a promise to keep setting up blockades and running unless through photos introduce new laws to control alternative companies if it wasn't you know. there's the
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headlines for this hour that's it for the team and myself for now join us again at one am moscow time for those global news headlines. he's gone into a nihilistic fever. and get out the traveling across america what makes america the showed that. america
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this is a weak point. for you. oh. we're starting with. the beginning heading east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the b. i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more. we may be completely different in this. yes i happen to be a nigerian effort to understand what happened here the p.m.c. to pay me he was not contracted to win the award the fields he took came here was a contract to train a unit and to create a from scratch and then to go into combat and the g.p. limited the stick. i mean i didn't measure your. own c.d.'s on us he.
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doesn't want to know most of us to be yours and yours was not a. good month but really you. believe that we've the ways of the idea but those diligent eyes of the wide. field will be the same you see if this was not the middle of. the school get minutes from the union or even close the front. hall existence to do something to them. they put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to be cross that's what the four three in the morning can't be
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good that i'm interested always in the waters in the holidays. for sydney.


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