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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EST

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we will continue to use all of our diplomatic and economic tools to support introversion. venison in the u.s. cuts venezuela's financial lifeline slumping crippling sanctions on the country's state oil company in a bid said to boost the country's self declared interim leader and oust president.
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it's a crucial day for britain's exit from the e.u. as britons get ready to vote on amendments to two recent days briggs it plans to look at the options on the table. blurring the lines between the state and religion defenders of america's first amendment and secular activists are up in arms over plans for the bible classes in us schools. we want our schools to teach we don't want them to preach people just want to be left alone for school wants to have a bible class let america bible class i don't know why so many people are afraid of a book. a very warm welcome to you you're watching r c international with mina carrying on our top story the united states has announced sweeping sanctions against venezuela targeting the state owned oil company the move aims to boost opposition leader one way doe who declared himself and elsewhere. as interim president last week and
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ousted nicolas madeira. will continue to use all of our diplomatic and economic tools to support introversion quieter the national assembly and the venezuelan people efforts to restore their democracy but we have continued to expose the corruption of the bureau and his cronies in today's action ensures they can no longer allude fiasco of the venezuelan people how. venice. asked venezuela. the economic measures against madeira target the country's key source of revenue immediately freezing seven billion dollars announces american firms won't be able to do business with caracas all the money will go into blocked accounts the sanctions will also call for those whale eleven billion dollars in lost oil exports this year during the announcements the u.s. national security advisors notepads was facing reporters exposing
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a handwritten message that read five thousand troops to colombia some suggested that is may be an unlucky slip while others that it was intentional washington responded saying that all options are still on the table and looks at the team taking aim at venezuela. at the united nations mike pompei oh drew a line in the sand now it's time for every other nation to pick a side no more delays no more games either you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with it has made them sound familiar either you're with us. either you love freedom and with nations which embrace freedom or you are the enemy yes their ideas are not new but now they're linking arms in the global spotlight some call them the axis of evil or the troika of tyranny meet mike pompei oh elliott abrams and john bolton the three amigos of imperialism john bolton was a big supporter of the iraq war and he represented the united states in the united
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nations an organization he really didn't care for very much united states make the u.n. work work and that is exactly the way it should be because the. united states is legendary like bomb peo is the new kid on the block without very much experience as head of the cia he tried to get the authority to conduct drone strikes in afghanistan without the pentagon's oversight and he worked day and night to rip up the iran nuclear deal at the center of it is not interested in a campaign of economic pressure or injective is to starve the regime of the revenue it uses to fund violent and stabilization of these throughout the middle east and indeed around the world now back in the spotlight after years of obscurity meet convicted criminal elliott abrams he was tied to massacres in el salvador any help to funnel weapons to the contras in nicaragua he was convicted for his role in covering it all up and he received a presidential pardon now he's
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a special envoy for venezuela it seems that his record in latin america has really impressed certain people so it appears to be an incident which is at least being significantly misused at the very best by the guerrillas so america's new dream team is now taking aim at venezuela. why because they just care so much for those poor old pressed venezuelans they want them to have a chance at freedom and democracy right or is it something else they'll make a big difference to the united states economically if we could have american oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in venezuela be good for the people of venezuela be good for the people of the united states we both have a lot at stake here yes honesty is always appreciated kaleb oppen r.t. new york well people in venezuela the u.s. congress and what they thought about the new sanctions we need help from stable
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countries and the us is a stable country. i do not recognize one why do as the interim president and the government of the us must respect the position of us and as a whelan's who have elected president my new room where fair elections play he well yes and no but there we sometimes to eat personally i'd say the yeah suit into being a dog no it is venezuela should solve the problems of venezuela seems to be a typical us move to go for any nation that has been a model oil venezuela is a country to expand around for a long time and they should solve their own problems sometimes you just need to go out and just hope that any noise told about aid and something is about how many of us could go out there and help these. proposed democracy to those of us who to go forward any idea where is on the map i have no clue how to vote as we don't know presidents. or the current president as these. i was said is no the u.k.
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is back to calls for a new election in the country i just wanted to sort of agree that that would be the best way forward for over this way that's what it is up to what they want isn't it not what i want. tuesday marks a milestone on the road to britain's exit from the european union and peace are due to vote on amendments to the plan put forward by a prime minister to resume a pile of worker explains what the next step might be. went to reason may fail to push withdrawal deal through the house of commons she promised to come back with a plan b. and that plan b. turns out to be insisting on plan a so my focus continues to be on what is needed to secure the support of this house in favor of the brics it deal with the e.u. since then brags that ship has run aground tonight's vote should be engines up again and determine which way sale but politicians aren't voting on may's
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withdrawal deal they're voting on changes to the deal that have been put forward by m.p.'s once voted on specifically all depends on what this man decides to do. the job of the parliamentary speaker is meant to be neutral but the government has accused john bercow of displaying a pro remain bias the rest of us is no longer this procedural dance if you like is really about putting pressure on the government to say ok it's time for plan b. his job is to pick which of the amendments proposed by politicians are very tight on there are well over a dozen but they fall into three broad categories one is for politicians to vote to prevent a so-called no deal bragg's it by forcing to reason may to perspire in it if a deal fails to get through parliament again i think that is written
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recently a real danger that. the house of commons which is a true grameen majority me steve needs. to steal drugs from the british people another possible facelift to may's deal is a brags that. per leave politicians in the p.m.'s own party current demand she go back to brussels over scrapping the controversial irish backstop the part of the deal that drags it is wary could leave northern ireland. stuck with e.u. trading rules indefinitely this would be the most favorable outcome for to raise that may although dublin has already said the backstops non-negotiable ireland. has the same position as the european union now i think when we say the backstop as part of withdrawal agreed ok is part of a balanced package that isn't going to change and then there is blow three
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potentially terminal one one that could wrestle the brags that process out of the government's hands altogether politicians could force the government to pursue a softer bragg's it or even hold a second referendum the prime minister is trying to buy herself one last chance to save this deal if she doesn't take on board the fundamental changes required then she must make for those who can depending on which changes are adopted this evening is said to be judgement night for to reason may's so-called plan b. it will either keep bobbing in the water or anti bragg's etampes will sink it like a stone where that leaves the brags that ship is anybody's guess the government's opposed to delaying the u.k.'s everything if politicians vote to do just that constitutionally the u.k. would be entering charted war. a chilling report by human rights watch those
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hired to solomon armed group with links to al qaeda has detained and tortured civilians in syria the organization has also released the testimonies of several victims you might find some of them upset. they used to pull me out of the cell beat me and then return me no one asked me a single question no one asked me what my name was. these torture moments i remember them in detail every day people died in front of my eyes the maximum you can do is move your shoulders a bit and scream for help but on several occasions they stuffed things in my mouth so i couldn't scream.
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they beat me they would please me absolutely down for hours beat me and interrogate me it became tougher physically and emotionally. the new york based rights organization claims detentions and arrests were triggered by protests against the militant group it was done after of course. when syria's most ruthless battle hardened terrorist elements fled the advances of the country's military taking refuge in the province the u.s. and cole went overboard overboard about our side and russia would turn the lives of ordinary citizens there into a living hell to get to a handful of al-qaeda fighters when russia and the assad regime say they want to counterterrorism they actually mean they want to bomb schools hospitals and homes there are more babies in italy than there are terrorists think of the children they say well now it turns out terrorists remain terrorists wherever they
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go and the children and adults of a global like are learning the hard way this month. a un designated terrorist a line. subjugated the other rebel factions and seized power across the province any attempt of dissent big crush in its cradle the new human rights watch report details just some cases we have documented eleven cases in which. detained residents of. because they were either documenting abuses or were destined to six of the older we have documented have apparently been tortured you can minors human rights watch isn't the first organization to produce such a report either as well as arbitrary detention and brutal beatings thieving looting and corruption are rampant clashes and infighting are also adding to the anguish of civilians violence repeatedly spills beyond the borders of the province to just
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last week at least four hundred militants attacked a government forces in danger the tentative ceasefire brokered by russia and turkey it's an undeniable fact that liberal means a terrorist haven while we are still committed to the ceasefire deal the recent takeover by. goes beyond the scope of the agreement the russian and turkish militaries are working on a road map to deal with the threats but it's clear we cannot let it remain a terrorist. so will the mainstream media have been portraying in syria as the final safe haven of the last major rebel held hotspot the last rebel holdout the last major stronghold of active opposition to the rule of president bashar al assad all those praying to survive to see another day there are unlikely to agree. the green light to the bible literacy classes in u.s. public schools has sparked controversy across the country while secular activists
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warn that it's a dangerous tendency president donald trump has already endorsed the plan. it's introducing by i believe true c. class giving students the option of studying the bible starting to make it turn back great bills to allow bible classes have been introduced in several states their proposed course is optional and focused mainly on the historical importance of the text opponents say it violates the constitution first amendment by lending government support to religion they also say trumps advocacy of the proposal blurs the line between church and state we got the views of john loudon former republican member of the missouri senate kevin bolling from the secular student alliance. i think one of the bottom line is that you know it comes down to is who do we want teaching religion i don't want my government teaching religion i don't want our public institutions teaching religion i think that's a great place for or for the religious communities i'm not afraid that kids are
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going to get bible instruction or qur'an instruction in high school and suddenly be . turned into terrible people that most of the founding fathers actually had pretty good statements supporting the separation of church and state we want our schools to teach we don't want them to preach people just want to be left alone if a school wants to have a bible class let them have a bible class i don't know why so many people are afraid of a book if you really want to get into what the historical documents of the bible are i'm not sure that there were a lot of things a lot of christians would want to for school to be teaching the bible discusses a lot about sex and slavery and genocide and rape i don't want my school teaching my children that the whole reason that this law is necessary is that the bible is singled out for banning from schools the qur'an is is working its way into curriculum all across the country and there is very little controversy around that
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it's in but it's when the bibles brought in a single out the bible to be banned and so. that necessitated like the ones that are being looked at that say hey you are so missing the founding fathers wanted the bible as part of our cricket expected the bible they just assumed it it was a standard across country for the first two hundred years that's can be rather difficult for for elementary schools and high schools to do that here in los angeles and so we probably have the talent pool where we can find someone who has that background educational background to properly be able to instruct that class my guess is just because it's more of a rural area you may not have that opportunity and in west virginia the freedom from religion foundation was recently stopped a similar thing like this because the first graders were being taught that adam and eve slid down the back of the dinosaurs like a water slide if they were teaching scripture memorisation and they wanted kids to
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. be you know sort of doctor unaided by that kind of hammering maybe i can see people being more offended by that but just to expose people to these tax i guess i just don't understand the danger. so it's a quality in the united arab emirates is in the spotlight and i won't ceremony and strongly i have pain and tell you why after the break.
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we. got jumped. in as of two to tell trainers and it was from far time to face you know that you should rename itself as base crime because they are assisting in a baby this move toward totalitarianism and the question i guess is why why now why it is i'm wearing it's ugly head in america at this time. welcome back now as part of
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a drive to empower women in the united arab emirates an awards ceremony was held on sunday to recognize the government departments during the most to address gender imbalance but for many one thing just didn't sit quite right over three of the recipients which were presented by the u.s. vice president on the ruler of dubai where men well that led to an outpouring of ridicule on social media. i'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that you forgot to invite women. really nailed the diversity there one of those great you've achieved an excellent balance of men with dark face and men with my friends congratulate each one gender in dubai. well the u.a.e. as prime minister stressed in a statement that women there play a central role in shaping the country's future he also says that getting more women into positions of power is a priority for the government despite that women's rights are still severely
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restricted in the country for instance women require the permission of a male guardian to get married i also. cannot get a job without their husbands consent and divorce is rarely granted we spoke to political analyst catherine shank down about the award ceremony she told is that it's easy to play to pay lip service to equality but concrete steps need to be taken i think that the you we were at least leadership should have actually made good and actually present at least in a would you want women i mean to at least pretend pretend that you are promoting gender equality love even trying they're not even doing good p.r. or promoting their gender equality either also and that question what was the point of the exercise that's all it was new or town where so ever try actually repairs done to have women represented there whether he's made them visible somehow nothing was actually done other than one particular woman was congratulated for her efforts she didn't even receive an award or a medal or anything like that it's one thing to speak reform it's another to
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actually enact them and i think that still for even a little bit you it's much much better than the rest of the board for one reason is that it has opened up its border to a lot of foreigners and that therefore changes had to be done. you can catch up with the rest of the world i don't think it's new we know. china has launched out to us government charges against tech giant one way and its chief financial officer among one joe saying it's unfair and immoral. there are strong belief recall moderations and political manipulations behind their actions was trying to urge the us to stop the reasonable suppression of chinese companies including while we treat chinese enterprises objectively and fairly huawei is accused of misleading the us government and the global bank about its relationships with in order to conduct business with iran it's also alleged the chinese company conspired to steal intellectual property indictments does not accuse the chinese government of
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criminal activity while ways chief financial officer among one joe is free is free and on bail in vancouver canada she was arrested there in december last year at the request of the us is sparking outrage from china the united states has now made an official request for her extradition the company and the chinese government deny any wrongdoing the charges come just ahead of crucial u.s. china trade talks political analyst conor collin cavell thinks the whole raul was a protectionist measure on the part of the united states. this red jacket is the tensions between the u.s. and china and its current talks and trade changes that are going on by the u.s. you utilizing this. diplomacy to beat china down and try to access the u.s. telecom markets it's trying to go back to its old imperialist ways of saying
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that yes you may produce a product that is cheaper than the one we make you may produce a better product but we're going to use market access and that is the way countries. do it when they want to protect their own domestic production. but that brings you up to speed on the well nice update that we will get back in about half an hour at half hour with the latest see that. when the law makers manufacture consensus instinctive public will. when the remain close to some project themselves. in the final
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merry go round lifts and be the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. the real news is really. as you read the stand and hear from us and. our own. problem with a small. amount of goods that are on our show but there are rather a prophet on the floor for them to care that. i'm going to let them but of i don't cut him then you cut and kick and nail i don't lose a child with a troll fault that it. won't work then i'm all in
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on the show a little subtle. and mild the. members of the hay from the innocent. get this whole food place choice for you the i knew where you're from and pay i think time in syria is said. through the issue. of a. model for the name after the pope will fuck around with mr hate for jim and then boy i hope that our family of course. when i was told something seemed wrong but all roads just don't hold. any new goals to get to shape out of this day become educated and gain from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look
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for common ground. the united states has always had a. new thing and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the country music you're talking about. the end of their past to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the whole. and we need to make rules for the roast. because without us there would be.
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this is broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact on all of us i'm part killed in washington and i can't tell you what a jam packed show of important stuff and some breaking news we have free today we are glad you're on board and coming up saudi arabia has been given the on a blacklist by the e.u. plus the middle eastern kingdom is looking abroad to meet its infrastructure goals conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve malzberg is standing by to discuss and rumi morel us of
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our wired ventures will join us to talk then tech and artificial intelligence plus there is new news on venezuela miguel tinker solace the author of venezuela what everyone needs to know joins us to talk about the crisis unfolding and the new news and later now that the government is back open that doesn't mean that our institutions haven't been taking a big hit including the internal revenue service and taxpayers molly barrows contributor at american lawyers will join us all that directly ahead but first let's get some headlines let's go. a scarlet letter on saudi arabia leads our global report today as the european union prepares to officially list the kingdom among twenty three nations cited by the e.u. for official inaction on financial crimes especially with regard to terrorism the listing will impose new reviews on saudi related transactions moving through e.u. banks saudi arabia and a number of other countries will be added to the list of nations found to be
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leaving the doors to the international finance system. open to criminals and terrorists in order to implement a revision of standards carried out by the financial action task force or at a.t.f. in twenty seventeen before the brutal killing of death and dismemberment of saudi dissident jamal just shogi in a saudi embassy in turkey last october saudi arabia was bold enough to apply for membership in f a t f missing their chance last september the new additions to the list will bring the total number of questionable countries from sixteen to twenty three in a continuing effort to diversify the struggling unoiled based economy the government of saudi arabia announced today they are launching a massive infrastructure project and will be seeking almost four hundred thirty billion dollars in private sector investment over the next ten years it's all part of crown prince mohammed bin solomon and b.s. is a vision twenty thirty program we've talked about on the broadcast before which is designed to broaden economic opportunity into the field at that if you cation
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