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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the whole. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there would be chaos. days before withdrawing from a landmark arms control agreement the u.s. says it's going to produce a new atomic warheads it claims the weapon will help lower the threat of a nuclear conflict. venezuelan president nicolas maduro accuses donald trump of ordering his assassination this is the country's supremes cotton balls venezuela's self declared interim president from leaving the country and
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blocks his assets. are going to now redouble its efforts to get a deal that this house can support and is back to the negotiating table for british prime minister to resume a the parliament supports a bid to rework all breaks it deals. and i got bills in the u.s. built in the us not the new york signed into law new rules that abortion regulations. progressive wing new yorkers were all the extremely thrilled this actually happened the only thing separating. the baby. is just on. a very warm welcome you're watching artie international with me making our and our top story washington will begin its official withdrawal from the landmark i.n.f.
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treaty in less than three days time for over thirty years the agreements signed by the leaders of the us and the u.s.s.r. guaranteed the elimination of an entire category of nuclear arms but now america has earmarks the development of a new nuclear warhead artie's takes a look. it is the pentagon's newest toy the w seventy six dash two when it is essentially meaning new less baggage less radiation less fallout and most importantly less responsibility i think you started through a major. global. there. cannot be countries are treated so does not want dominated world could do could be. naturally this new nuclear arms race is not america's fault but every what outsiders namely the usual suspects
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since twenty ten we have seen the return of great power competition to varying degrees russia and china have made clear that they seek to substantially revise the post cold war international order and norms of behavior we could of course beat a dead horse and again point out that russia is not even in the same league as the us when it comes to military budgets in fact russian military spending has been fooling for years while america's has ballooned symbolic as well within days the us should begin withdrawing from the into medias range nuclear forces treaty blaming russia's development of a cruise missile but really gets on the old nerves here is the commander in chief of the united states is unpredictability and seemingly his habit of
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threatening everyone we have more money than anybody else by far we'll build it up so we have a tremendous amount of money to play with the military and we're going to develop the weapons funding to modernize our nuclear arsenal so important but we're spending a tremendous amount of money on our nuclear arsenal. nobody will have clothes when now two minutes to midnight on the doomsday clock on the brink or now officially into a new cold war a nuclear arms race will powers that each other's throats and no light at the end of the tunnel countries will continue to make threats against other countries just look at what's happening no. different trade negotiations around the rule of major treaty to go shushi now between china and united states and the exercise sometimes of these threats will do put terrorists on its own in the same happens to
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turley and from a national security when countries like to. make troops against another country if they don't agree with us are going. well political turmoil in venezuela has reached a new level with president maduro directly accusing donald trump of all tory has assassination. no doubt that gave an order to kill me he told the colombian government the colombian mafia to kill me if something happens to me one day and the colombian president will be responsible. well that comes soon after the country supreme courts launched a criminal probe against the declared interim president one kwaito well. joins me live in the studio now with all the details on this thanks for coming in so we have a juror here accusing donald trump of plotting to have him killed what else does mature have to say while on the one hand nikki it has been typical nicole smith
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duro blaming america for everything fewer us about washington has been doing all you want is our oil and our resources that the venezuelan president was saying as well although on the other hand mr majority splaying that he is more than ready to meet donald trump anywhere in the u.s. or in venezuela in any kind of format and he believes that this kind of get together will definitely be a great success but right away he takes a step back and says that the advisers of donald trump would never allow this kind of summit to happen now just to remind you this is the kind of way nicholas madore addressed donald trump just a little bit earlier. i
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mean how. asks venezuela. now mature has taken steps so all measures against. his opponents what are they while caracas was forced to act when washington said that it was pretty much handing over the fortunes that belong to the majority government and u.s. banks to the opposition leader so now the opposition leader was on his assets in venezuela have been frozen he's not allowed to leave the country anymore and he's also being investigated for attempts to assist other nations in meddling in various well those domestic matters now too that washington has already promised to respond again with severe consequences i think that escalating very quickly
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aren't they and it's not just the u.s. that's starting it's are whole it's behind. well you have to think the european union first of all of course the champion in backing venis well as opposition has been watching and has been the champion in this case but the strongest european powers like the u.k. germany france and spain are catching up as well and they promise to recognize one do as the legitimate leader of the country unless nicolas maduro announces early elections before next week but. once more help from europe now this is what he said in an interview with the built newspaper by the way the interview was titled built meets the hope of that as well. germany and europe for supporting the activists who have to flew we hope the e.u. is serious about the ultimatum is against and reach
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a conclusion on the situation. plus this ultimatum we are almost certain that it will bite the dust because nicolas maduro is saying that the next elections won't happen until the end of his term and that's going to happen officially in twenty twenty five now dora government has the full backing of russia and russia previously they suggested becoming some sort of mediator between the government and the opposition but the russian ambassador in venezuela for now saying that no such requests have been received by moscow and for now they're only waiting for that to happen and according to the russian ambassador moscow will only interfere when they get such a request it seems to me like a tit for tat that spiraling out of control rapidly in the past few days we've seen so many things become even worse but i'm thankful it is up to speed.
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american author and journalist max blumenthal's says most venezuelans are against foreign interference in their country. was the was a low level legislator in one of the least populous states in venezuela who was known his name was known by maybe one of five venezuelans he is the perfect pawn he is a product of the us regime change factories and for average venezuelans who at rates of over eighty percent oppose sanctions and oppose u.s. military intervention this crew that is surrounding why though and most of them actually exist outside venezuela are anathema because they have been responsible for so much violence in that country and so much destabilization. now former starbucks chief has announced he is considering running for the us presidency in twenty twenty starting his campaign by lashing out at president trump he was quick to fire back we're living at a most fragile time not only the fact that dispersant is not qualified to be the
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president but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what's necessary on behalf of the american people howard schultz doesn't have the guts to run for president i watched him on sixty minutes last night and i agree with him that he's not the smartest person besides america already has that arnie hope starbucks is still paying me their rent in trump tower. how it shows his announcement was slammed by the democrats as wow if a hill split the vote as an independent candidate with no affiliation to a political party i want to see a miracle when i don't care if you're democrat independent libertarian republican bring me your ideas or some even urge boycotting the coffee company where all the people in new york what they thought about mr schultz his chances of being president. he has
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a right to run he wants to run i think that he could do just as bit of a job as a president now i feel like you need some sort of experience with like a public office i think he definitely would have a lot of people who would be interested in seeing what he has to say. spectacularly if he's trying to bring down trump and you divide the ticket that he could easily lead double trouble when with a minority of the vote if you ran as an independent it would really hurt. it would help trump's chances of getting reelected i think it will actually hurt trump. over the excessive for sure i don't know why people would say that just because he's running for president is mission boycotting i don't believe in boycotts of anything i think people should have their opinions and be able to do what they want to in a free country i think that seems a rather pointless idea legal analyst jennifer braden say the democrats dislike anyone who might be trying to chances in twenty twenty. now if you look
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historically u.s. presidential elections and most of these campaigns historically third party candidates independents libertarians other parties they generally are not successful they end up splitting away from the opposing base and so we have seen that historically however twenty twenty is looking to shape up to be a different year frankly and almost ironically because of what donald trump has done in the white house which is change the way things are going change in a lot of the narrative so what we're seeing here is actually the hate for donald trump from the democratic party that spilling over on to howard schultz for the democrats they think that anybody that could take away from their shot should be donald trump in twenty twenty anybody that might take away from that anybody that might run as an independent and take away votes from the democrats because they would be voting for an independent any of that they could leave donald trump in power the democrats are going to hate they're going to come after them they're going to be angry they're going to be afraid so that's why we're seeing some of the
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animosity now coming out against howard schultz because of because that he's mentioned wanting to run as an independent. british prime minister to resume a school something of a victory in parliament on tuesday and a crucial vote to british m.p.'s back to amendments that will allow her to renegotiate a major sticking point a no brags a deal the issue of the irish border on the road seem to bring in elements of unity to a very divided westminster the leader of the opposition party jeremy kolbe in now seems ready to engage in discussions. so we've had this debate in the houses in phatic they voted to reject the no jail option that the prime minister was supporting could i say that we are prepared to come to meet her to put forward i support full words the points of view from the labor party all of the kind of agreement we want with the european union to protect jobs to protect living
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standards and to protect rights and conditions in this country. well as the prime minister might have won the support of her fellow m.p.'s she now faces the challenge of getting the e.u. to reopen talks giving us the latest details his artie's party boy. the government will now redouble its efforts to get a deal that this house can support mr speaker if this house can come together we can deliver the decision the british people took in june two thousand and sixteen restore faith in our democracy and get on with building a country that works for everyone and as prime minister and work with members across the house to do just. well if you thought your reason mazie you would drop the deal was dead you'd be wrong those opposed to her plan failed to sing kids and her deal is still pretty much bull being in the water the main issue that politicians manage to agree on is that to resume a should go back to brussels and renegotiate the agreement that she struck with
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it's a real change of course for the prime minister because the reason may spend weeks saying that she can't change the e.u. withdrawal deal but just before this series of votes in parliament she made a major u.-turn and said that she would look for legally binding changes to the thorny issue of the irish backstop in that e.u. withdrawal deal now that managed to win the backing of the hardline you're a skeptics in her own party as well as the d p the democratic and new u.s. party of northern ireland which is propping up to reason may's minority government so finally there is some unity in parliament on the way forward but there is one big problem with this and that is at the moment all this is pure fantasy why brussels and has repeatedly said that the current deal is not up for renegotiation
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and they've reiterated it donald terse the president of the european. council immediately after the votes in parliament were over said the backstop is part of the withdrawal agreement and the withdrawal agreement is not open for reading go she should the withdrawal agreement is and remains the best and only way to ensure an orderly withdrawal of the united kingdom from the european union now there is only reason mase side say that all that is just a tactic that is a tactic that brussels uses in its negotiations rather often but the votes in parliament also dealt a major blow to all those politicians that was seeking to delay bragg's as well as those looking for a second referendum i was revising as the e.u. vote broadly it all went rather well for to reason mate for once to illustrate just how well it went to the government one of her cabinet ministers reserve portuguese seemed dancing across the lobby to one of the final votes so we have
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a plan of action forged by parliament finally chiseled out of the chaos but is being called a you know corner option one that doesn't really exist in fact the prime minister's been accused of riding unicorns all the way to brussels because london and the e.u. on now back to being universes apart we spoke to historian and commentator deal darwish who says that was the ball might be in the e.u. court it needs to carefully consider its next step. the negotiation inside parliament is one thing they're not taking in as a whole negotiating with european union is something else now the european union have to think twice here because if a government does not have to follow see the reason they can stay still go and see if we don't agree we're going to leave without it we leave you without a devious with harm both sides but let's speak of the french you have above over
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one hundred eighty thousand people rely on the ease of lorries passing through goober to cali and to french foods so giving the trouble the. president going through now i don't think he would sort of accept actually going out with a deal then you have the german car in bus to the pressure on anglo are you my feeling is at the eleventh hour probably even the fifty ninth minute the european union would actually clinch a deal plenty more still to come including new growth that is abortion regulations in new york state staring emotions are prosti us we have the reaction to that so after this short break.
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attempted force regime change in venezuela brought to you by the trump the ministration washington's gross interference in the internal affairs of this latin american country is risky you neagle in the possibility of large scale violence is very real one thing is certain the people of venezuela will suffer the most. you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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welcome back a russian senator has been arrested during a parliamentary closed session in front of his peers over his alleged involvement in a murder case from over a decade ago we go live now to maria for notion as to her day tells all those charges hi maria so what exactly happened in the senate today. well i have to say that wednesday morning quite have become a normal working morning for. he came to his work in downtown most early at russia's federation council or senate and the upper temper of the country's parliament so everything was just as usual before he was arrested reportedly in the
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middle of the live session at the council or on murder charges eyewitnesses say that he was taking it out of the council's hole by federal agents that happened just hours after his colleagues from the senate had reportedly sick quickly voted to strip him of his legal immunity and sanction his arrest thirty two year old politician represents russia's north caucasus republic of got a child which a case here in the center in the senate and he's now suspected of being involved in at least two murders committed in two thousand and ten the killing of a couple of case of public youth movements deputy chairman short and the killing of then the republican presidents advisor brutally beaten before dying from a bullet as well these are very serious charges if guilty mr a short of may face a life imprisonment of course an investigation is now to go in back to you maria
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financial i thank you for bringing us those details. now anger is building in the united states after new york signed into law rules that ease abortion regulations the state's governor has faced wide criticism and even calls from the roman catholic church for him to be excommunicated the governor has defended his position i have my own catholic beliefs how i live my life that is my business or the catholic i don't govern as a catholic i don't legislate as a catholic. so let's take a closer look at what these new regulations are actually say now it takes the abortion out of the criminal code and makes it a public health issue and you don't have to be a doctor to carry out the procedure abortions are now allowed after twenty four weeks if there's a danger to the patient's life or health despite the outcry there is also a strong lobby in favor of the changes to the law with passage of the reproductive
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health fact new york can finally grow to be a model of what sexual and reproductive health care should be especially with mounting attacks on our health and rights from washington lawyer money her loss and obstetrician gynecologist laid out the pro-life and pro-choice argument for us. often a woman doesn't even know she's pregnant until weeks later they didn't get the abortion early on so this law i think the progressive wing were very very thrilled that homeless signed this into law and that women are able to have control over their destinies and even if it is a late term abortion that they can get new york is going to be seen as sort of the the women's reproductive sanctuary in the nation that if a woman needs to get a late term abortion that she can continue your get a safe legal abortion so if a woman decides she wants to get an abortion she doesn't want to have the baby come into this world with those sorts of challenges over all i think the right to choose
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is more important than anything that society thinks scientifically as soon as the sperm and the needs and unite and form as zygote or an embryo and you consider that speak to the beginning of what's because all things there are present the only thing separating that from a baby that you hold it is just time i think the danger is that it does open the door for late term abortions in the numbers will be small so. every child matters every wise matters so that's why we are resisting it. i don't think will so i guess i don't think we'll see a huge number increase in abortions but at the same time i think the possibility of potential for late term abortions is certainly there now. well the clock is ticking on the trade war between the u.s. and china with just a month left before washington hikes tariffs once again in
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a bid to find the last thing trees that chinese officials are in the u.s. capitol where they got something of a lackluster welcome ati's evangelos that says takes us through the story. when the chinese arrived in washington they were met with unexpected and shocking news the justice department unsealed to criminal cases against chinese telecom from quark way the one it meant it was claiming that it has been stealing trade secrets from team obama by paying employees to provide information against its competitors and the other claims that it's been working to skirt u.s. sanctions on iran i am announcing that a grand jury in seattle has returned an indictment that it alleges ten federal crimes by two affiliates of telecommunications corporation while way technologies and has made one jew up peered in a vancouver court on tuesday the u.s. felt an official request for extradition but you wish treasury secretary steve newton says that the tree talks and the criminal charges are two separate issues
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but the chinese are not folding for it they are calling it bullying you're going to be daylight for some time the us is smeared in suppressed chinese enterprises and it's tempted to suppress the enterprises normal operations there is strong political motivation and maneuvering behind this. with fully a month to go for the end of the us china truce this is practically a sprint to find a solution but the chinese have always been firm on what they want but the u.s. has been sending out mixed signals will make significant progress at these meetings for miles and miles from getting a resolution frankly. to the president and as the little chunk or mr america is walking into this meeting with his head up then as being the winner the i.m.f. has actually lowered the growth forecast for twenty nineteen and us corporate sectors are actually already feeling and suffering from
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a trade war bloats and it's not going to be just apple i think that there are a heck of a lot of u.s. companies that have a lot of sales in china there are simply going to be watching their earnings be downgraded next year and while the whole world is looking everything is uncertain will this be the beginning of the end of the trade war between the two countries or would it be another nail in the coffin. as always we love to hear your thoughts on our stories so do get in touch by following us on social media we will be back in just over thirty minutes with the latest global news with my colleague you know new . join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that.
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mean i mean i did yes well you know you. see it's going to. those who want to know most of the best will be in your years and you know it was notable just a day or not but really you know. please don't please the ways but i did my best it's nice and the wife and. she looked. nice then you know. that's one of those middle. school getting. notes and then you know you can close the phone. number. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five
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percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one in one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only boom box. hello and welcome to cross talk we're all paying for considered i'm peter lavelle
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attempted to force regime change in venezuela brought to you by the.


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