tv Going Underground RT January 30, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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i'm not sure times are we going underground after critical bricks it votes in the past twenty four hours coming up with a show off a million venezuelan troops mobilize against the threats of a u.k. backed coup d'etat in the nation that holds the presidency of the world oil exporting alliance opec labor leadership i like chris williamson m.p. tells us the parallels with other nato nation interventions are all minutes and trying to make mumsy. is to rap as a convicted folk performing drill music we expose hypocrisy in the houses of parliament and austerity cuts that kill more the knife crime with drilled in the straw poll the small going up in today's going underground first nato nation media is in a frenzy about today's u.s. backed demonstrations in venezuela take a look at this an authenticated video from the past few weeks
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a warning it contains violent imagery. actually that's paris not caracas paris where thanks to an alleged french rubber bullet prominent activist rodrigue is could be disabled for life after saturday's eleventh week demonstrations as for the nation with the largest known untapped reserves of oil that is when a nato nations have come down strong on a kilometer or it is clear that nicolas maduro is not the legitimate leader of venezuela well it is certainly care that puts the u.k. on a collision course with post brics a potential partner china china has always opposed the principle of interference in other countries internal affairs and opposes foreign interference in venezuela's affairs and that other nuclear power russia what you're doing is not called prevention it's called incitement how would you feel if the russian federation proposed to discuss on the security council the issue. the situation in france and
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the protests. on just over the past weekend some twenty two thousand people it took to the streets the russian envoy went on to common enough as in paris of a moscow military intervention but other nations are not so let off by super powers britain's closest ally the usa has been involved in coups and the backing of death squads in argentina brazil chile costa rica el salvador guatemala nicaragua panama paraguayan peru you're a guy to name a few as a revolutionary revered around the world che guevara said before he was gunned down by u.s. backed soldiers and as the earth was nearly destroyed the record also great. i read i mean i look at people that are out of my and out of. it and then if. you're out there early while it's probably off you want to. get on the act.
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you want to you know. equal more than a tool it's a little. bit more like. che guevara they're affirming the u.n. charter well joining me now is the labor m.p. for del b. north who in the house of commons this week which is the first u.n. reporter to visit venezuela in twenty one years who said u.s. sanctions could be crimes against humanity chris williams welcome to the program i know you were to debate in the past twenty four hours on venezuela first your reaction to washington recognizing carlos vecchio is the new venezuelan charge affair in d.c. he's wanted parent the unit as well for us an incitement financing of terrorism or some of the shocking revelation and he goes in tandem with john bolton's. no. five thousand from the pentagon is now saying distance and well let's wait and see i mean i think it's pretty clear the administration is seeking regime change in venezuela we know it's got the biggest oil reserves in. world and they want to get
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their sticky fingers on the the what they could not tolerate is a socialist government under hugo chavez actually using the oil reserves for the benefits of ordinary people i'm a huge advances i remember huge reductions in poverty improve us in housing and health care and of course they are out of kate's illiteracy i think it was long ago as two thousand and five there is a massive crisis in the country right now and indeed i think the madeira governments have made a number of wrong turns i mean i'm not going to defend them where they where they've made mistakes and they clearly have. exceeded the sorts of powers in some respects in terms of the violence which has been meted out against actually just on that why do you think your opposition to major nation intervention in nations like venezuela automatically means that. the media that the politicians say well that means you must be a majority porter well it's absurd i mean look i recognize a huge advances that have been made you know by the government there and they're wondering credible pressure ever since barack obama signed the executive order
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claiming that venezuela posed an extraordinary threat to the national security of the united states of america is an absurd notion but of course not then preserve the sanctions and that was coupled with the economic sabotage by the elites inside venezuela of course that was then in tandem with the extreme violence on the streets in venezuela let's also remember that there is a budget line in the in the in the federal budget of the united states to actually finance the right wing opposition in venezuela and you know it's incredibly concerning i think to see a superpower like the united states kind of throwing its weight around them in that way and what is even worse is to see the british government acting as donald trump's poodle what i've called for is for the u.k. to use its good offices to urge both sides of venezuela to you know to come together to have talks to reach a negotiated settlement what we cannot tolerate in my opinion is external intervention of the states or any other western power for that matter we've seen where they said. yes in the past haven't we both on the continents of latin america
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and elsewhere in the world going back as far as you know into brazil in the ninety's sixty's chile you know when they overthrew ended the very self same tactics which are being used against venezuela today were used against chile this is the same old playbook and you know it always ends in a disaster and i'm not saying you know clearly there must be problems right now but i tell you what they could get a hell of a lot worse and what we could end up with is a bloody civil war bloody civil war actually with u.s. ground troops involved in that and you know i've just been watching full enough a documentary about the you know the vietnam war and the horrendous casualty list that actually resulted in and you know being alone could order that in because as i say. the acting pentagon boss is saying he hadn't discussed it with john bolton national security advisor the five thousand troops in his folder that he showed to the press but the venezuelan government for its part is saying they have a half a million soldiers well absolutely look i mean let's see what happens let's hope
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they don't and i hope that you know wise heads will prevail and this is where i think you know robin you know the u.k. it's you know u.s. is closest ally should be kind of beating the drums of war they should be urging caution and you know where that ended in iraq didn't weigh all the foreign secretary jeremy hunt as cleary's as the elections i know observed by three hundred international observers as fair they were unfair and therefore i don't know and we don't know of the special forces from britain in place that's very clear and frankly you were virtually alone in parliament this week speaking the way you were just speaking to me what does it feel like to be completely alone in the commons laufer isolated i've got to say i mean i was on both sides of the chamber which is very regrettable i must say to you know here you know colleagues actually you know speaking in these terms as if you know they just simply accept everything that is being said all the propaganda and as i've already said look i'm not here is an apologist for the for the. government they do it's they the shadow chancellor john
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mcdonogh lands that are of sector but have no us are set of this way did i say very much so it depends no intervention but just on the point in relation to the elections which allegations that he didn't just come from a debate yesterday in relation to that one of the things in terms of the situation in venezuela one of things they were claiming there was in of the election was rigged but i've spoken to election observers who were there and they said it's impossible to rig the elections in venezuela because every vote which is cast has to be twinned with voter id in a fingerprint of the voter. jimmy carter himself his election observatory in previous elections a bitterly not this one has said that the election process in venezuela is the safest anywhere in the world better have been some criticisms of the election process this time around but it's important also thing to remember the opposition players who did for the actual the last section of the opposition boycotted the presidential elections but those that did oppose murderer they were able to come
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pain openly and they accepted julio sayings or accepted the outcome of the election when he was asked that very question at a press conference with one of the election observers asking the question do you accept it and he did and now we're suddenly told you know the elections were a little illegitimate i think there was that was on video we've actually spoken to a visual election observer of this program who said much the same but what was this debate in the first twenty four hours was ivan duncan there are acting going on voice absolutely and he was again indulging in the you know the bellicose rhetoric he was with michael bay oh and the russian envoy in journeys over oil and sunday at the u.n. security made reference to that and you know it was it was very bombastic very bellicose very personal rude about me personally said i was vying to be the most hated man in parliament as well as the most hated man in venezuela for basically standing up for you know decently you were a democracy i was yes at least in observing he said he's. said in bollywood or
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merely to you in bollywood i'm astonished he's even prepared to show his face in this house the house of commons today or why did he saying that because i'm basically challenging the narrative that he is putting forward the government is putting forward then for somebody who claims to support democracy to suggest to a fellow parliamentarian that i should be ashamed of showing my face in the mother of parliaments democratic outrage and other democratic oh well as if there were ok well the bank of england before goldman sachs gurney he is refusing to give the venezuelan government its gold reserves back at the drays amazing it's up to the bank of england who they want to give or take gold from what do you think about the legitimacy of the bone giving state theft. an acceptable and cannot be allowed to stand in my opinion i mean you know we talk about a sovereign nation here yes it's got its massive problems these problems are being exacerbated for the reasons i've already outlined but that does not justify taking
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this sort of action because that is only going to compound the problems and also points does it not towards the very real drive towards regime change to get their hands on the oil and then what we will see is potentially wholesale privatization and then we'll be back to potentially where we were before hugo chavez came to power in nineteen ninety eight ninety nine i believe it was and then we saw that you know that pink tide the democratic bolivarian revolution which swept the continent i'm a huge improvements in the standard of living and quality of life for ordinary people across the continent of that as well let's also remember that nearly liberalism was imposed at the point of a gun it from chile chile and on words and a bit by the time that chavez came into office i think it's around about forty percent of latin americans or more were living in abject poverty. it does not work new liberalism is anathema and you know we have to resist it we have to stand up
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for democracy and decency and call for calm heads in this situation who would say i just think this situation could really escalate very very quickly will tourism a deadly things one great who is the. one way to even stand in the election again so there are polls eighty one percent of him as well as have never heard of him why do you think tourism is a bit of them. that's a good question isn't it clearly that it seems they've been in discussions happening and it seems that he is a useful puppet potentially you know for the for the u.s. to enable them to you know bring about the regime change that they want to do in order to get on to get their hands on the keep referencing the oil reserves of the of the country i mean if we had didn't have these sanctions on the country if we had a situation where you know the states of u.k. and other or the western powers were you know working in collaboration with the venezuelan government then we could eliminate the shortages we could start to see once again as we were seeing the shadows the significant improvements in the
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standard of living and the quality of life are on the phone as well and people in that you know. they speak with forked tongue in my opinion those who are claiming to you know be concerned about the plight of poor venezuelans because what they are doing they are they are taking supporting a path that will impoverish and potentially cost the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions of venezuelans unless as i've said comments don't prevail just finally and very briefly you surely can agree with trump though that everyone needs now needs to pick a side well i don't like that kind of rhetoric frankly the side i'm picking is the side of the venezuelan people the side of decency this on the side of fairness rather than the side of neo liberalism which is what he seems to be beside he seems to be picking this was a thank you. after the break. let's not beat we go political drilling with the rapper who forced a labor m.p. to apologize for attacking our leader jeremy corbett all the smoke coming up about
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to have going on the growth. united states has always had a tool to use in its tax on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries a true talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be chaos.
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gone into a nihilistic theme. thank god. the traveling across america what makes america the charlotte. this is a point. we always are on the margins so. we're starting last with. the beginning east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the bee i think i'm going to leave now doesn't get any more ground down and that may be completely different in the. welcome back given the responsibility for social violence that somebody because he is alleged should the berlin philharmonic be arrested for performing beethoven's
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ode to joy the u.n. for them because in the south of the british capital two musicians can go and i am have been given suspended prison sentences for performing drill music here is what the boss of britain's biggest police force thinks of drill gangs who make drill videos and in those videos they taunt each other and say what they're going to say to each other and specifically what they are going to do to. my question to you and your next guy i will say nic i'm coming after you this week in st speak but from one hundred twenty thousand people reportedly dying due to u.k. austerity policies to british backed bombs dropping on school buses in yemen it's arguably politicians that cause the most violence i will not rest until she is chopped up in bags in my freezer and i won't knife you in the back i'll knife you in the front these are not the words of rappers calling for violence on the streets but public statements from politicians rapper drilled minister took the words and put them to drill music to expose book receivers as seen videos pulled from you
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tube and rappers by. from performing he joins me now julie welcome to going underground tell me about why you want to run for mayor of greenwich famous all around the world for a time i believe that people are ready for. a change and i believe that people are ready for someone who generally cares about the environment and community and this is taking part in that community i think we're ready for that change and i believe i'm that change this time that we're living in we're never going to be in this time again disparate situation isn't going to come again these referendums and talks of referendums this a happening again to people empowered to main thing i want to put the main message i want to get out there the people in power all right now they are a generation that have messed up of the entire history of all politicians in this country there's never been a message like this do not put your faith in these people if we don't come together with personal people's result you will find yourself living in greece none of these
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politicians in the moscow visit all wise i'm a walk around the world to see are there a more technology a good body but in terms of running a good country i don't know about the way the president says metropolitan police force the largest police was in this country says. it's you tube that has to take the drill music videos to save society superintendent mike west of number of videos inciting violence have been taken down it's the kind of music you make that is more dangerous than anything they might say i think this is where we start going to judged. he stopped in labels expression is these are people young children young or. young my peers people whose parents are speaking their experiences so are they to be silenced because their parents i'm not speak about this i do not submit to talk about how did the universe is the colleges the phone
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them are without any indication of what i think. she's going to be i don't want to talk on their experiences where does this stop come from who. authorized to stop had to live in the same life or the people that they chastise and that's what we really need to ask ourselves that's what disturbs me is your deep if you're stopping young men from being able to told their experiences and get their family of a situation that the government placed me in with a stereo because bad n.h.s. situations where education is not open to them you don't talk about that the government will talk about that but what you want to talk about is money put in literature shakespeare put in poems to give all i'm making and now if only you cheap you want to ban that artistic right come on man this country is going to portman. invented it was something like that could never in the usa which is a constitution we we don't have one but then so you are contending that it is about class a lot of your tracks and all your music it is about class because i have to say
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these politicians would say the reason all those cuts need to be made was that we could pay off the losses of the bankers and while we let's put it this way mark my grandmother or as lived in this country for over fifty years and paid taxes over fifty years in britain and pay taxes she lost out her entire fortune or whatever issue had saved for those years when the financial crash happened she lost everything. so why would that same woman after fifty years of contributions was disappointing to me be blamed and have to be the person that bails out these very same bankers that did this to us does that make any sense in the in in the world we're living in but this is what the politicians. explained is just what the politicians are telling us to pay for other people's mistakes and then we should feel. great food that there's even a little bit of extra change benefits and little things here and there that we should be grateful for. and bailed out your cousin was a bailed out of nothing but you can be bailed out she's in the areas that they
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don't care for she don't even can literally in the past week cause a scandal and i am just being given suspended sentences said to have performed drill music which incited violence they breach an injunction on being a member of a gang what do you make of that scandal and i am from london here. just to the border or toughness for ever and hold it a month or two at a party trying to make good like the rest of us trying to make some benefit if i'm here if them were from oxford and cambridge making the same music about their environment would the police be putting this on them. you can't blame people for where their parents decided to grow their mark they're talking the experiences of what happens on their road if you want to make a difference to reason me. michael gove all of you people to understand how this works why don't you take yourselves to a celebrity get me out of here come live in south london in the blocks with demand
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then for a year on the same universal credit that you dishing out and fill me let it be seen live like scandal when i am and then attempt to go to the studio and make a song and i would love to see what these people will come out with i'm sure it won't be about national treasury and it won't be about the n.h.s. and they'll be talking about wow i saw a crack at today he offered me his boxer shorts you're going to see rule two things to squander my blood on prostitutes eleven o'clock who are selling their body to feed their children that's what you going to be seen in the areas this is what men see daily this is what the government don't want to talk about because you want to pretend that these things don't exist but i see the woman sent in a body every night before i go home when i go to put my let she can she's dead on the corner because she needs to feed the kids and there is no universal credit so in that movie the lady particularly your lyrics are focused on universal credit the new welfare people jennifer says credit is messing up the who you've implemented something that you wanted used for gentrification money is not the minute you want
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all of these new immigrant dons all of these new people that you think are not the first economy in london to be out of london you're trying to be the man to burma nums both the hamptons these next dover's these next outskirts quiet places and you won't mind the big c. even when i'm out berman is a little pools your way of managing to do this is to raise up the price of the housing given the c.e.o. make bad people outside of big european investors big american investors to come buy the property the house rents of the london stock the house rent of london's standard and then basically you're giving people of council what you deem to put universe. credit you give your pay for some of their subsidiary of their rent what you're doing is giving people that don't have any clue about money management haven't been in employment for a while i thousand pounds in their account who haven't had a thousand pounds for like maybe three four years given to me in one lump sum what are they doing gambling game betting shop doing this people of got bad habits
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people go back to british especially in the hood what it in comes out to rent money got to rent one spender and own clothes because you just are the first as a pound for the first time you have a look did the government knows you going to do this because they say out like this once you start doing this boom boom boom you start spending of your rent before you know it you're three months over the rent and you get evicted once you're if it did not they can now sell off that place of being a council property so it's more private investment that no longer is council form the council the have to reality day and we've got to outskirts that place now gets re re put into the system now that the property price goes up and some next guy from lithuania by the police no you see that's how they're doing this thing that's not a game with them and that's why i say university is the death of one of your tracks you're accusing them of having blood on their blood in their hands and for how many to much blood is there on that and these man's hands these men are talking about drew boy into who didn't stabbings these men are set in multiple arms killing people all around the world does that daily it's not to say that of every single
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bombing man that's the she should be going to sleep and you have nightmares about it because it does how decisions get made every day it's not an easy decision but at the end of the day it is blood in your hands you can't deny that someone's child some ways they can bury because it's a reason why today are we going to deny that but you got to tell me to a mosquito of got what more poor babies hands blood in their hands you know i go i go i don't believe it said hey i'm askin go and got no more babies blood in their hands but to reason made those but yet she's able to chastise them what world does that make sense to reason maybe you are a wasteland out west man a big waste man and this does not. he said right now i don't know what madam i did it because all i'm saying is michael go waste man or start so waste man tourism a waste man that's what i'm seeing and based about i want to tell you some different cities on different subjects are different and gentlemen is that thank you and drill minister will be playing us out with his song northern irish backstop is mixtape as it's gangs is out soon and that's if the show will be back on
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saturday with award winning comedian radio host jimmy dory to joke about neo liberal politicians calling for a venezuelan coup in the name of democracy until then keep in touch via social media see on saturday twenty years to the day ago chavez was sworn in as president of venezuela his job minister with northern irish back still. to be change. gave us a dead referendum. and said to them to table to. resent it it did tilt support of the. times. not how many times. you go not come but it sounds a bit go to the back up close and see no change to the slot in the bottom of all c.p.s. me no face that tom returned to the screen for a superman snuck me to see walking toward me not a photo so much dreams that you may have to vote but if you were to do it at the
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street back benches could european court of justice take three to no punches agenda's that's a trip down process for that don't smoke event because that's my cool to pick even just a reason to get a sense who's considered it if you would stick it could be for to be treated actually frauds sort of breach a dismembered country tikrit which rajiv should have to be from that sentence but an overnight of back story we think to be one fiction so we live peacefully b.c. the country's called free if you didn't know for a time you got to stop not going to borders cheech to see me begin to use a tree because if you could. company time to go to the bottom to see the change. things tend to be good. to see. so much. time to. see the change.
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if you don't face time to. defeat. so much time to distort you this way put up the question did you have to stand before the referendum that's what it was meant by sounds good. but not let's go a little. to this to this kind of to be a race is. not the whole of that uses. don't tell me how much my kids. don't respect the u.k. forwards but it sounds good to the public says change. the culture if you don't face the times would be good. to see. so much.
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attempting to force regime change in venezuela brought to you by the trumpet ministration washington's gross interference in the internal affairs of this latin american country is risky illegal and the possibility of large scale violence is very real one thing is certain the people of venezuela will suffer the most. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go by your. well reducing lower. that's undercutting well what's good for markets it's not good for the. look out to. me and i mean i didn't you know you. want to see it's one of. those whom you know most of us to be in your years and you know it was notable just . that a month later you know. please don't leave the ways but i did my best to you guys
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in the wide. world. needs them yes this is you know. this is one of those. these what you mean you know it's there you know you can close the from. days before withdrawing from a landmark arms control agreement the u.s. announces it will begin manufacturing a new type of thermo nuclear warhead. venezuela's opposition leader calls for nationwide protests against the government of nicolas maduro and urges the army to help him force the embattled president from power.
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