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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  January 31, 2019 4:30am-5:01am EST

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about the missing of a deadline when water was supposed to gain access to electronic databases all the doping probes even felt compelled to appeal to president putin directly why did you need to do that because the focus of all international sports to come in is here focused on russia now you often. say the onus is on russia to prove that it's transparent that it's willing to cooperate with wada. do you think russia is doing enough in that regard we're going to put on the requirements. is extremely important for russia because. realizing of all requirements especially requirements of second stage of decision executive committee of what. important because from there is the pounce.
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next stages and. it's not the question of compliance before it's a question of the future generation of russian it's not future because the generation it's a question of. what possible it will be how we will in the wall of. the international competition in the russian music show. negative results and negative. situation in this case. we will believe that julian the wall for international competitions are something to it was the extremely important question. estimated that the step by step. last possibility to be in time now can i ask you specifically about that appeal to put in because i know that
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you worked and studied for a long time in leningrad latest. says about the importance hometown did you know him personally before your point when they also. didn't. have any contact with. president putin ministration. i tried to be in contact. with the president of the ministration but didn't. don't you find this ironic that you as a had of an independent agency in russia still have to appeal to the country's leader to make sure that your agency can function as intended to you mentioned that it's crucially important for us. isn't it i guess. an interesting characteristic of the russian system that in a new way you still have to be in a knee problem you still have to involve the president and now with concerts there
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are money question depends on the president and i thought before the this question had to be sold. on the. different level but. we are losing the most of the time and that by rio and for me was were important to call the president because. question what will be what could be in the next stage was real crucial critical for us now let me ask one more question about that. missing of a deadline that delayed which why they didn't use against russia even though it was pressured do you think it was ultimately due to i don't know if failure of negotiations. maybe janny and misunderstanding or some sort of postering or evasion
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on the part of the russians i think it's organization wish. for example. on the second stage i think thirty's have to start to work negotiation. yes well which is what results will be with a summation of what database but than any case. we share of the time schedule limited. till the. eugenie june through a two year. old. professional sports and not a drop in community will fall on this date. i think. don't give us any possible. date during your recent press conference you said that in order to rebuild its relationship with why the russia. cunt hole just to turn the page build new facilities and move on it has to
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get to the bottom of any by lesions that may have taken place in the past it sounds like you believe that there are some forces in russia whom may not be willing to pursue that path is that right. i think i don't want to comment your question because first the full responsibility for my air of responsibility sometimes i think. worth working in russia is. because we didn't have any support i mean serious support yes we have support from any sort of sports we working and said the working group ok it's sort of nice but we need nobody hearing. nobody racing a boat special position professional position. to probe what
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may be. for example the person who is the. president pushing through to schools told. me or information. the difference would be i have too many information do i understand you correctly mr gao knows that you feel like your work is not being fully support here in russia when we discuss a ball the real support for example like case which was before this one case and nobody discussed with it maybe only the minutes of sports but. most of all above the common question. and. when i discuss the ball the support i told to both the efforts to solve the current. situation and grow. yes i understand or worked in the responsible for the areas of
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responsibility but i want to tell now we need to live different level of corporation. we. were there. as a thing and then this case although also the poet says have to be called by in the air force a special and cooperation when we have to work this direction i assume this is a very role in the balance comment on the russian investigative committee known granting . expedient access to the most and to doping lab and from what i understand their objections were that the equipment that they wanted a specialist brought to russia wasn't fully certified in russia given that the trust is lacking on both sides both from wanted to russia and from russia to why there wasn't that justified because if that data is taken by some equipment that
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the russian specialists don't fully trust you understand that later on in case there is some tampering found then. the questions could be raised and this disagreement can arise about the you know who committed that tempering you understand what i mean wasn't that the russians trying to protect themselves as well against what they perceive as perhaps biased treatment by wada crystal. to real to solve situation is because the price of this question was too high but on the other so we we didn't know the. air force. cooperation. we're told. the hell the boat did because.
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we're. developing elwyn a suggestion experience here but in any case we need real support in the form of what do you mean by real supporting real supporting when will receive all the supporting from all areas so forward. responsibilities and when for example with this chaos coworker and regional so kid went to work with the for the duration and we would all. this work and for the duration for example and. working but themselves. always selves with all of the serious supporting and i mean it's one question they question it is a question. all the measures of. soloing this doping crisis i mean coworker are we in the us a good with whom we work and the in this direction because he is formally we work only in the limit the. possibility which wish
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yes but we develop this experience and this experience it depends only on us now mr going to have to take a very short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments. the disclosure you're. going on. doesn't want to know most of us could be in years and years it was notable just. not what you think. we thought we think was the idea but this delusion that the white. north. even you know.
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what is known at the. school you mean you know it's one. of. the. united states has always had a tool to use in its attacks on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the country music's are talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that
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country because. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest of. those without us there would be. welcome back to worlds apart from assad and director general gunness mr gunness why they made it clear that despite earning in keeping its compliance they just russia and the assad are still no doubt of the woods yet and if any tempering is discovered in the post tampering is confident in the in the database probes
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russian athletes good lose a chance of representing themselves in the country at the two thousand and twenty olympic and paralympic games in your own estimation how high is that. of tampering being discovered i believe in the positive. results so for this. database. i think we have this risk but please understand me we didn't show any attention to this commission which work. we did in the walls of. this. work and i don't know exactly what condition of the base was in that but i. hope. the real. purpose over the. period because. the real.
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what the current situation with. the water situation with. the russian outlets. for why their willingness to give. up process and. the police will be enough to prove to follow was that this is. over there's a. thing in this case the two of you seem to invest a lot of confidence in. the due process by wada. that's despite i think it's pretty evident that there is also a very strong and to russian lobbying within that organization particularly from the british and from the american and to doping agencies why do you think why that at these juncture at least didn't succumb to that pressure why did they allow your
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organization to keep its compliance. yes and first of all. this why the. for why the basic t.v. to do with. her on the throw stage because until the spirit of the to do the rules i think the one of the main reasons why i know we're working as comply or going is a sham to the national organization because of all saw the two day is that the different organization compared to the previous issue. which was still two thousand and fifteen. to all previous history because. we're working. with. one of the best national it's of the edge and see in the world i heard you say that one of the agencies that helped you rebuilt with saddam from
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scratch was you cat the british antidoping agency you were very grateful to them during a press conference and yet they continue had you taking against your agency at any possible turn why is that yes we were close to the raid with the british want to see them they brought for us a real way to you. because it was the. one of the main national of the in the agency which supported us doing the compliance probably why they don't support here at any turn when it comes to devoting a question not only to you cause it's question not question all that to your son. i want to tell you all the work you did with cooperate with you saw the investigation based on the b.b.c. now and they believe. that it's a queer he told against you why did it not against us against russia against the
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russian to open system. they believed. in the current condition they don't believe. we're rushing into the open system i just wanted to add to that that this presumption of russia being guilty in the eleven malevolent this very present in the in the west and it permeates into every area of operation not just sports can you really overcome with regard less of how transparent and forthcoming you are when they believe that russia is in the wrong is so strong it's is it on the stand why are they saying that if she is same appear. to us and first before we think we made what we did for. three years. russian authorities didn't do anything during the last three years and when the minister of sports comes from yes ok we'll go on lies
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access to the law and the we are received we will hear sure level of the criticize because they didn't believe us and when we lost the. date of the first stage. the you remember the targets various michael occur from you say it told i told you we would believe russia and we come from his words because we. are not sold this first stage in the realtor. now investigating the russian case is what changed its legal fund and started treating russians. as guilty until proven innocent rather than the other way around and it also meted out the collective punishment based on that premise do you think that it was fair
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and justified. i think. against the collective punishment and why they were all such as for why the decision on the water comes from of compliance because it's impossible. all of a clear. will be the limit to the possibility that the buses but to sit by the national competition. will be. misunderstandable situation where we'll. lose the compliance in that tradition when the real world of competitive the world of professional want to see. it come from it. i think first of all we have to think of both the. what we have to do. to
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have to rebuild trust capital we sure. some years ago you've been very critical throughout this interview of the russian side and perhaps justifiably so but don't you think that's why that also has to learn some lessons and change something in its work for example many would claim that they'd process the mclaren report very very uncritically and i think some of the rulings by the court of arbitration for sports also prove that in fact specifically the the court's rulings say that. report was insufficient to establish that any anti doping rule violation was committed so don't you think that's why they're also has to perhaps change its ways and of that i think. what they're working. purpose lyon and they. estimated step by step
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and i saw therefore will still real understanding the real working. during the investigation process with three and so forward must follow. when we discuss a both. lot of the reports. told to both before. i think the missing michael out of the respect person. i think. it to organize the roadmap is special to. all. question the requirements for mr muckle our wish to muck in there michael out of the report it's not the question of their compliance or because it's a question clause but i know that all international sports federation there is some way to sort of bolt the. lists which fixed
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this reports and they work with this mr going to that report is based almost exclusively on the testimony of. the the former head of the most a person who is directly implicated in all those crimes a person who is guilty of not just ethical transgressions he's criminally guilty this is a crime to do what he did and he never faced any responsibility for what he did he's where whereabouts are unknown why they didn't bring any charges against him don't you think that's why that as an organization that is committed to fighting doping violations has a moral responsibility to bring that man to account. i think in any case. it's not depends. on the. materials. this sort of pose how they do it but but in any case i mean in any case when there's somebody ghost or us. with. the some
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serious question yes. they are going for four so the special will actual cases. and then this case and all dyckman which mocked in this report we in the any case would have to estimate that it will go to market for us to once and the whole time i've totally agree with you without my question to you is whether wadah if because mr rauch was working on behalf of wada so what the shares responsibility here why don't you think why has to put more pressure on them eric in intelligence agencies who are now controlling. their abode and bringing him to justice according to american law because in the united states it is also
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a crime to do what he did why does he go away and face no responsibility whatsoever for doing what he did. i don't know exactly what i can tell you because i didn't saw this materials before and as a lawyer can tell. first of all we have to understand what the real through yes this case would have to understand. with. how we have all in this case is why we have to be responsible for it it is a possible to be responsible for one case and in this case first of all this were important for us because. i don't like speculation but wishes that evacuation he gave testimonies he had made it to his guild i mean there's no question about him playing a role in that and substituting the samples and so on that is all on tape that's the substance of allegations against russia but he never better than personal
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responsibility is that's right but yes but i want to. tell you only above the responsibility i don't want discussed above mr ocean go responsibility because it's not my question and i don't want to be in the queues are all. i only think. i mean the russians reputation. their own money question and both of them reports but in any case it's the way well we cool the weather with the. boat it's ok why it's not dangerous and for ok let me rephrase it and that's going to get a final question if russia is fully transparent and forthcoming in satisfying all the why the requirements i am going down as a had their facade that once russia has done its part i am going to require that's why that something about bringing that man to account ok it's
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yes i think it's well the possible winner will understand what it was that or all each person who was in walden this process. is possible although. with close a summation of this road map i proposed before. my proposal was to organize a working group in the wish. and then the national express. all this that in this case step by step to this to my current situation from the. who and for have to be responsible for the state of these materials have to be prepared to go to court. mr ganis we have to move in there i really appreciate your spending so much time. thank you encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages. again same
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place same time here on worlds apart. i think are trying to restore the rights of individuals rights of humans in the face of this dystopian nightmare and that's probably why they claim prices being held back from crossing over twenty five thirty thousand dollars per coin is because of the rise of say if she is successful and humans have a agency that's
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a net negative for big coin in the short term but i will say because there's a lot of people that don't want her seizing power in any meaningful way. stand in here harmless and. move on what. i know that i know are more trouble than there are rather across i thought before orthodontic yeah. i'm going to let him but i don't catch him then you can keep an eye on what i have flu china for truffle and it in the living. alone then i want.
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to get its whole food place choice. and pay off to china mysterious and. pretty she ought to have a. model for that in africa will fuck around with mr hates it for jim and then i hope that our family in the course. of the money. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. resists is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has
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long promised to reuse the plastic. as the seeds to cook out susie speaks to mainly. that suit. their class secrecy taken away and only stay in your own special projects funded. online you guessed that is year and very pretty but for now the mountains of moist only grow. but as well as president slams the u.s. for promoting a fake version of events in the country and aggression or washington says the opposition there has only just begun the fight for freedom. and families in a whirl of throngs demand to know why over the last decade a new large number of children have been born without limbs with a government report due on the probable.


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