tv News RT January 31, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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i. bet as well as opposition leader secures the support of the european parliament has he agitates for the overthrow of the troubled nation socialist president. germany france and the u.k. establish a mechanism to swerve us sanctions all trading with iran using a new normal dollar trade channel. in rural france demand to know why over the last decade a large number of children that were born with. the government report on the
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courses we went to meet some of those affected i want to know where she was born like that because mothers blame themselves we think that may come from us or that we did something wrong. and or facebook finds itself embroiled in a fresh controversy this time for paying users including teenagers for almost unfettered access to the data on their phones. it's ten o'clock here in moscow you're watching altie international line from our studio with me. welcome to the program. the european parliament is helping to turn up the heat on venezuela's elected leader nicolas maduro on thursday the bloc lent it's full support to the crisis stricken country's opposition leader why don't officially recognizing him as the defunct ahead of state peter all of a joins us live now with all the latest details. of the day's developments what
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will the decision mean for venezuela. well if we start with the very latest which was came from the high representative for foreign affairs for the european union federica mockery and she's basically the blocks foreign minister she said that the european union is going to be establishing what's called an international contact group or venezuela this is a talking shop what they're going to be setting up it's going to include e.u. members as well as latin latin american partners is what she said when i say this is a talking shop what she say what she means by that and what i mean by saying that is that this isn't going to be a formal opening of mediation this is going to be supposedly a chance to let venezuela's but as well as constitution sort out the problems that are currently existing in the country through dialogue however at the same time is saying that they're going to be playing this hands off keeping an eye on that approach federica mockery any also warned that there could be further sanctions
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from e.u. members against venezuela and those sanctions of course they target the government . sanctions targeted sanctions in place really that would be new unanimously recently and sugar and amount of sanctions might be considered by the ministers in the coming days if we would not see positive developments well the european parliament also passed a resolution on venezuela on thursday with a look at what was contained in there they recognize one. legitimate interim president of venezuela and also reject violence and any weight is any way to try and overcome the problems in the country and the european parliament also supports the u.n. secretary general's recommendation for a full independent inquiry into deaths in venezuela we can listen to what the e.u. parliament had to say right now. the european parliament is the first european
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institution to do this nude asked member states to do the same as quickly as possible in order to ensure that we have a strong unified european position while the united kingdom germany and france had given nicolas maduro who's been president of venezuela since twenty thirty until modern day so called fresh elections otherwise they'd be throwing their support behind one of the i think we can pretty much assume that they are going to be supporting the opposition leader now particularly after maduna said that there was no chance he was calling elections the next elections as far as he was concerned was going to be in twenty twenty five when his current term ends there is some international support for nicolas madieu though the african union voted to support him china turkey and russia all going against this push from the international community to see why door put in the interim president. and you sum up the
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question now he is not a self-proclaimed president external forces declared him as the president offering different types of support including financial technical political and moral venezuela has problems which should be solved but there is no doubt that the scenario aimed at preventing sighs from dialogue comes from abroad. but international pressure on him out of the door tightens increases so does so does his resistance to that pressure for him to step down and says he has no intention of doing so ok peter thanks very much for outlining what's going on in venezuela reporting from that in thanks in the past few hours venezuela's self declared interim president has claimed on twitter that police turned up at his house on thursday warned government not to threaten his family with tensions between the authorities and the opposition like looks at the competing narratives surrounding
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events in the country. venezuela is a country of two realities so stock so profound the differences in opinion in one reality president maduro is trying to put down a rebellion stop an upstart usurper why do he's trying to prevent mutiny in the army even as we hear calls and c.n.n. to supply rebels with weapons and he's afraid that trump has ordered him killed no doubt but trump gave an order to kill me he told the colombian governments the colombian mafia to kill me if something happens to me one day donald trump and the colombian president will be responsible there is also a parallel reality born in no small part thanks to the united states first chavez now maduro have long been a thorn in washington side in this reality why do is the real president he is
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america's candid it trump congratulated him on becoming president they discuss what to do with the former dictator i'm a duo they discuss business politics he has america's blessing and its protection i reiterate that the united states will hold venezuelan security forces responsible for the safety of all u.s. diplomatic personnel the national assembly and president going to any violence against these groups would signify a grave assault on the rule of law it will be met with a significant response sure now with the guarantee of safety of invulnerability mistake why do wasted no time before beginning to issue orders soldiers of venezuela today i give you an order don't shoot the venezuelan people don't shoot those who are in a clear and constitutional way have been defending your family your people your
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work. the way of life today soldiers of venezuela i give you an order don't repress peaceful demonstrations like before such familiar scenes we see this all over the world palestinians protesting in the occupied territories the yellow vests in france catalan separatists in spain protesters in the u.s. but when police bully beat and arrest in those countries that's fine and dandy when they do it in venezuela as suppression of democracy an attack on the free world. is not the democratically elected president of. the tramples democracy human rights and rule of law for a new start is linked with the new democratic rule treatment institution in the country namely the nationalist sounding of its president who are the guide dog that's why together with the e.u. we have offered all political support. for the us why do is the cake
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sweetened bleier bowl but wait is icing on top those agreements that have not been recognized by the national assembly are illegal we will not recognize illegal agreements china has to understand that and russia has to understand that to realities to presidents to governments to venezuela's of course it's cattle to continue like this a house divided carol to stand then surely these two realities will merge let's just hope it won't be through civil war. the divisions in venezuela have been on full display the thursday protests have been contending both in support of and in opposition to president nicolas maduro the opposition and demanding new elections and a chance for power a pro-government demonstrators say they want to see a constitution up held well let's cross live now to the candle executive director ron paul institute for his insights on the christ. the program tanya are now.
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saying that the e.u. is considering its sanctions over the venezuelan crisis what kind of penalties can we expect to see from brussels. well i mean here we go again this is really like syria redux this is exactly what happened in syria and in libya they're playing the exact same game over and over again obviously the goal is to say in the overthrow of government the destruction of the country that you know the e.u. and u.s. policy right now are leading directly toward a massive civil war in venezuela the u.s. is pouring gasoline on the existing flames the was pouring gasoline on the existing flames instead of seeking dialogue in moderation they're emboldened supporters to do provocations like we saw in ukraine more provocations to try to get the army to fight back so they can have justification for military intervention. you know that
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they've threatened sanctions so my question is what do you think they're going to do what do you think brussels is going to do well what are they going to sanction the u.s. has been sanctioning venezuela for twenty years what will be interesting to see though is that the u.s. is threatened turkey today they said we're going to look at your relationship with venezuela your business relationship with venezuela they have a they have a deal to refine some gold from venezuela and we may take action against turkey so it remains to be seen whether the u.s. will start eating its allies that don't line up directly behind us in the e.u. and there are some e.u. members that may not be that awfully enthusiastic about supporting yet another regime change operation considering how badly they have gone thus far i mean what did what do you think the main interest in the venezuelan conflict is what's the top priority. well i'd like to know what they were offered by washington but
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unfortunate the e.u. shows that it's incapable of taking an independent foreign policy they've made a bunch of noises about continuing to do business with iran despite the fact that the u.s. unilaterally illegally pulled out of the p five plus one deal and once again there is lining up behind washington's foreign policy maybe they've been promised some of the spoils john bolton the other day said openly in explicitly u.s. companies should go into venezuela and take the oil maybe they'll give a few table scraps to the europeans as well. daniel you obviously have likened this to syria just now you've talked about military and interventional being an excuse for it but in reality how likely is that to be military intervention in venezuela. i think it could come in a number of ways i think you could start exactly as we've seen the template before where you could start arming rebellious factions we already saw a fake new c.n.n.
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report showing what it purported to be then israel and soldiers except it may have been a cia operation because they were wearing the wrong uniforms so we may see more of this sort of thing we may see some of the things that we saw in the my dan the side that wants regime change can always and has always has the incentive to ramp up the violence violence is key to regime change and you can very well watch for violence we've seen already is now letting himself be the target if you touch me then there'll be some repercussions can you imagine any politician in the u.s. or e.u. who refuses to participate in elections and therefore is not receiving any votes nevertheless claims himself to be president and calls on the army to back him up while taking over taking foreign money in the u.s. should be in jail for a long time for such a thing i mean if we look at the back is for the opposition leader the u.s. has obviously been a dominant player in this one of the main phoned back is what do you think the
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consequences will be for them for them effectively dipping into that this whale and fat. well ultimately if they get into power which is what they want he's already indicated his interest in bringing in foreign companies in foreign countries to privatizing the oil a lot of the oil revenue which is not so different from how it's done in alaska a lot of the oil revenue in venezuela is divided among that country's poor which is explains the reason the door. popular among the most fortunate classes in the country so you'll have that now so i sent off i'm going to western companies profit so that's where it would seem that this is the largest oil reserves in the world so you can imagine how many hands in the us in the e.u. are rubbing themselves together with glee and dissipating the windfall profits. executive director of the whole institute thank you very much for coming on to the
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program and sharing your thoughts thank you. france germany and the u.k. are prepping new ways to swerve u.s. sanctions on trading with iran this thursday they announce the launch of the transaction channel which has been backed by the foreign policy chief. behind the implementation of. the simple reasons that we see it is more to. a party rather is fully compliant with its commitments and we believe this is a key element of our security in the region. the new payment system called the instrument in support of trade exchanges instax is going to be a non-dollar mechanism it will be based in paris by the former directors for germany's collapse bank while the u.k. will head up a supervisory board as of now instead x. is expected to focus mainly on food and medical exports to iran but it could expand
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in the future last year europe opposed america's decision to withdraw from the twenty fifteen deal with iran the agreement implied the sanctions would be lifted in exchange for turan limiting its nuclear program but independent journalist luke believed. to go against washington's pressure. it will be a trickle of companies daring do that it's much easier for chinese companies or for russian companies to to close deals to to make deals with the rom the europeans are us care of it in an incredible way the companies if you talk to them they are afraid by ricochet off of being in the eye off the storm with the americans trying to make an example because that's what washington is going to do for example it will certainly pick up a few examples and be harsh on them and mention it in press releases and in public campaign so that's very dangerous for european companies i don't know if anybody will dare go with the sticks them. their families in france are seeking
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answers after a mysterious surge in children born with birth defects more than a thousand babies from french rural areas of the past twelve years have been born with missing limbs after an inconclusive probe some years back the government to release a second report on the probable causes artie's wrote the news agency spoke to some of the families affected. i could tell by the gun ecologists knock and i could see him looking and checking i could tell that something was wrong. i want to know where she was born like that because his mother's been themselves we think that it may come from us or that we did something wrong.
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we are asked to survey this department does is to say to collect all the data from hospitals maternity clinics and pediatric services and we continue to signal. to the authorities who didn't want to listen to our cool's. they promised to keep us informed which meant a lot to us because we hadn't been told anything about our case about our children or three and seven but the inquiry started three years ago and we never heard back from them. i think we are surrounded by agriculture fields so we naturally wonder about the use of pesticides why doesn't it happen to people who live in the city there must be an integral culture. agency regrets it's an action choice if i don't see that i could explain because
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it's behind the emergence of a country and it's almost nation that. i saw that there was an issue because i knew very well how the french administration hurts i know how to explain this it's hard not to panic the public i think there is this fear of discovering that but couldn't danger a number of economic interests. messages i just wish we had some answers my daughter has never really asked me i have always told her that she was born this way and that it was nature it can happen that some children are born like that and now i'm thinking that if one day she asked me again i want to know how to answer her. thousands of facebook members some as young as thirteen have reportedly been paid by the social media platform for the data on their mobile phones but the app used to do the job has been banned by apple after was shown to have violated previously
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policies despite that it's still available on a different operating platform. facebook has been suggesting since twenty sixteen for users to install the facebook research app and it's been paying them up to twenty u.s. dollars a month to do so members were all. to give the app almost fretted access to their personal information including private messages on social media it was also able to collect e-mail status on prizes and information about the location of uses the social media giant denies accusations that it was spying on the teenagers online happens it wasn't spinors all of the people who saw and up to participate went through cleone boarding process is asking for the mission less than five percent of the people who chose to participate in this market research program routines all of them was signed parental consent forms facebook a vast uses to screen shot that amazon orders page parent will consent was also said to have been easily avoided in the entire process journalist eric bros says
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a lot of people don't understand what access to such data actually means but think most people probably would find it unethical because generally kids are not going to understand what they're signing up for most people don't know what they sign up for whenever they sign the terms of service and even if facebook is saying i'm giving twenty bucks or whatever they're handing out i don't think most people really understand how data and their digital footprint tells a lot about who they are as a person about where they go just about their entire life and i'm not sure everybody really understands that when you sign up for facebook or any of these social media companies or any web site really when you click i agree without reading the terms of service and particularly with apps on smartphones most people don't understand what they're giving companies permission to do and especially when it relates to the children. according to a recent poll the popularity of facebook among american teenagers has been hit by
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a twenty percentage point increase since twenty fifteen the president says the social networking and behave with is going to great lengths to retain its market share. it is obvious that facebook is losing support in favor among the younger generations the younger millennial is and generations e is some people call them where most of them are using things like instagram which facebook also owns and things like snapchat and other platforms facebook is kind of seen like the older thing for the fit the parents and the grandparents i think what facebook is trying to do is to buy up other platforms like they bought instagram they bought what's up there the company that runs facebook mark zuckerberg and his team i don't think whether or not facebook the social network disappears i don't think they're going to go any where they're planning to invest and make sure that they have their hands in all the future social networks. a case of taking out policy presidential talks is causing hysteria in the u.s. media to oppose them flog them and putin had a fifteen minute conversation with donald trump on the sidelines at the g twenty
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summit in washington last year auntie's kind of more as the story western media is really going wild over allegations that it's possible that russian president vladimir putin and u.s. president donald trump may have had a meeting in argentina and this meeting may have taken place without a u.s. translator now this is according to the financial times and what they are alleging is that there was a meeting in which in addition to the two presidents you had malani a trump as well as lattimer putin's translator but no note taker or translator from the usa was present now the financial times is citing an anonymous source and u.s. media has just been going wild over it let's review donald trump says take the word of an. agent over my own merit glad you're putting who he's treating as his shadow master national security advisor in this case he puts himself willingly in a position where he can be publicly and privately manipulated by vladimir putin and
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he does it over and over again at this point there have been journalists that i've requested a response on this issue from the crowd. here is the response from moscow to the allegations in the financial times and the inquiries from western reporters about it and the episodes involving president trump it's absolutely the media. usually has no real grounding in the white house has acknowledged that an informal conversation did take place between the two leaders they did not go into specifics and this is the first time that western media has gotten hysterical in response to alleged details about meetings between trump and putin in the washington post reporting that when trump met with putin in hamburg in twenty seventeen that key aspects of that meeting were hidden we've also seen the allegation that trump confiscated the notes of his russian translator in helsinki and there was even reportedly talk among democrats about subpoenaing that russian translator to
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testify about what exactly went on in that meeting so at this point we're reaching a situation or an atmosphere in the western world where simply a conversation taking place between a western leader and the russian president is considered to be scandalous this is the atmosphere. advocates of press freedom. in the u.k. of a proposed legislation which they say could endanger the controversial new policy but a lot of potential forties greater access to this data including private e-mails on international service reporters without borders and several other groups to find an open letter saying that serious crimes can be investigated but that eroding privacy rights critics have also raised concerns over plans to exchange data how the u.k. with foreign governments the general secretary of the british union of genesis said the bill shows contempt for press freedom. this conservative government has repeatedly demonstrated its contempt for journalism and disregard for press
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freedoms i don't listen to introducing new laws and powers that undermine and compromised their ability of journalists to carry out their work with integrity and safety meanwhile the u.k. home office taking into consideration journalist and freedom concerns but stressed the importance of helping the authorities this legislation or an international data access agreement is in place would give police and prosecutors quicker and easier access to vital electronic data held outside the u.k. we have listened to concerns and made sure that journalists will be informed in advance of an application being made to the court. live to journalists martin summers thinks most of the coming of the program now from a journalist point of view they they see this move as a breach of their freedoms you can understand why if you don't commit a crime on the other hand then there's no breach so why is this such a big issue. well i think it's part of the creeping police state in this country
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for and clearly if you look at the way that julian assange has been treated the swedish prosecutors long ago dropped only there never was any charges against him long ago dropped any charges against him but he still is inside the ecuadorian embassy nailed down by the british authorities millions of pounds been spent to keep him there. and not to let him go where he wants to go. in this this year in december two journalists mccaffery and dinny who are based in belfast were both arrested on the by the police because they made a film which came out last year called no stone unturned which is about collusion between the then or the constabulary and the e.v.f. in ninety ninety four the lock in on the massacre was several irish citizens were killed watching football match the films about that they made a film about it it's taken a lot ten years of investigation but they are currently awaiting trial in march and
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i'm afraid that you know the tradition in this country of journalists being free to investigate openly and without fear of being persecuted and harassed is gradually and step by step being undermined and that's why the national union of journalists . spoken out against what's happened i mean if we look at what the k. officials are claiming they're saying that this step will help the authorities access data. but. can you explain what exactly would be trade changing there because it's already possible it's never the police to get information with a warrant or or otherwise that they deem right. well apparently as i understand it's a very technical bill but it means that they can go straight to somebody like facebook and say right we want this stuff and then facebook one hundred over to them. and of course that's always stressed that they're trying to catch paedophile. terrorists etc but frankly journalists need to have their sources protected this is the whole
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problem a problem with what's happening with the songs he basically got information probably from an inside leaker about the attempts to control the democratic. primary process in against bernie sanders nobody decide disputes that that's what the e-mails show but the the the whole thrust of the attack on the song has been that is somehow a spy for russia the natural fact the russians were behind it all when in fact the evidence shows there's no evidence to show that at all and what the e-mails actually show is that the the democratic primary system was being subverted by the democratic national committee and nobody disputes that so we're actually in a war on independent journalism here and the fact that the in the songs is still here in the ecuadorian embassy and on able to access e-mail and so on just shows how bad things have actually got here kate ellis martin summers thanks very much for talking about this issue thanks. thank you and we'll be back in around
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thirty minutes but make sure you stay tuned for. the millennium goals i think are trying to restore the rights of individuals rights of humans in the face of this dystopian nightmare and that's probably why the big claim price is being held back from crossing over twenty five thirty thousand dollars per coin is because of the rise if they see if she is successful and humans have a agency that's a net negative for big coin in the short term but i will say because there's a lot of people that don't want her seizing power in any meaningful way.
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