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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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with the famous merry go round to be the one person. nor middle of the room sick. room. venezuela's opposition leader secured the support of the european parliament for the overthrow of the troubled nation's socialist president use foreign policy chief says the block is now weighing up fresh sanctions against caracas. germany france and the u.k. establish a mechanism to swerve u.s. sanctions on trading with the wrong using a new trade channel. families and rule france demand to know why over the
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last decade a large number of children are born without limbs the government report due on the probable cause is going to meet some of those affected i want to know where she was born like that because mothers blame themselves we think that it may come from us or that we did something wrong. and facebook finds itself in brawled and fresh controversy this time for paying users secluding teenagers almost unfettered access to the dates are on their phones. and i welcome saudis and asked to live from moscow with me then hawkins for every watson wyatt thanks so much for joining us on the program. of the european union is helping to turn up the heat on venezuelan president nicolas maduro following the lead of washington brussels now lending its full support to the opposition leader.
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use foreign policy chief has outlined possible measures that could be taken against governments all over this report. federica mockery of the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs has announced that the european union is setting up what they call an international contact group on venezuela this isn't going to be any kind of official mediation in the crisis there but it is essentially going to be a talking shop including the states as well as latin american partners who are going to come together to try and continue the dialogue and make sure that venezuela can sort out the problems it faces well through the mechanisms of the venezuelan constitution however at the same time as federica mockery and he was announcing this she also said that we could expect further sanctions from e.u. member states on venezuela those sanctions of course they would target the government they have sanctions targeted sanctions in place already that would be news unanimously recently and sure there are elements of sanctions might be
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considered by the ministers in the coming days if we would not see positive developments any sanction that's not. that's not implemented by the security council is illegal so all the sanctions that the u.s. simplemente against have been as well and people are illegal according to international law the european parliament also passed a resolution on venezuela on thursday in it they recognize one guy dole as the legitimate interim president of venezuela they also reject any violent means to try and solve the impasse and they support fully a proposal put forward by the u.n. secretary general for a full and independent investigation into deaths in venezuela you can hear what the european parliament say right now i mean the european parliament is the first
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european institution to do this nude asked member states to do the same as quickly as possible in order to ensure that we have a strong unified european position. the united kingdom germany and france had given nicolas maduro until monday to say he was going to organize fresh elections otherwise they would throw their support behind one door well it does seem almost certain that that's going to happen now particularly when we hear from nicolas maduro that he has no intention of stepping aside no intention of calling elections in fact he says the next elections in his country they'll be in twenty twenty five when his current term is set to come to an end there is some international support for nicolas maduro though the african union china turkey and russia have all said that they're against this international push for. the summit of the glass for now he is not a self-proclaimed president external forces declared him as the president offering different types of support including financial technical political and moral
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venezuela has problems which should be solved but there is no doubt that the scenario aimed at preventing sides from dialogue comes from abroad. italy doesn't recognize guido because we are totally against the fact that one state or a group of states can determine the internal policy of another state it is called the principle of noninterference and it is recognized by the united nations as the situation continues in venezuela the more pressure that is put on nicolas maduro the more he says he's going up salut li no where. does cross live now to robert naiman policy director at just foreign policy thanks for joining us so good to have on the show today we've heard obviously that the european partners of venezuelan state owned company p.d.s.a. are now stopping purchases because of that risk of new sanctions new sanctions coming in just the other day in fact from the u.s.
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president what effect could that have on the venezuelan economy it's already been struggling for quite some time could this be a mail in the coffin or some are saying. well it's likely to have a very bad fact and that's why. not just you know one of venezuelan conny of them as well and people import people in venezuela there is a principle of international law that sanctions are supposed to protect civilians in particular supposed to protect food and medicine many have warned in the united states calling people there any fans the venezuelan government that these sanctions will hurt the most vulnerable people in venezuela as u.s. sanctions are ready so it's very troubling that we're seeing that dynamic the trumpeted ministration pushing this process anxious that are likely to hurt
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further hurt or venezuela's and unfortunately the u.s. being backed by some although not all in europe as your report said telling the government. quite reasonably that this is a principle of international law that foreigners aren't supposed to be foreign governments aren't supposed to be promoting who's like this and this is the. principle that the u.s. . and its european allies like when it suits their purposes for example in yemen you know that we speak about the government of yemen internationally recognized government of yemen what does that mean it means that highly government backed by the saudi regime is recognized by the u.n. security council is holding the seat at the united nations methodology it needs so according to that standard nicolas maduro is the president of venezuela what do you
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like him or not so the united states is now doing the opposite so according to this you know. russia could say that there would be they're going to recognize. the government yemen or china could do that or they could recognize nancy pelosi as the president of the united states this would be curiously dangerous. precedent is really dangerous present in international relations and that's why it needs to be reversed and this speaking of presidents is just look at the wider picture here because venezuela does have one of if not the largest oil reserves in the world currently the largest global reserves and trumps national security advisor john bolton has already said that american companies take you look at they're interested in the oil capabilities of the country do you think business interests here could have some sort of impact on washington's policy towards venezuela leadership. well
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there's no question about it when the united states illegally invaded iraq in two thousand and three. trillion there was an official story said almost pain has hopes of mass destruction and he has some who do it one eleven attacks and this is about human rights and democracy and then. some people said no he wouldn't be doing this iraq were exploiting the trade of this while. the apologist for us i'm sure how dare you have a few in our modest you know later alan greenspan head of the federal reserve came out with a memory and said well of course you know we all know this was about oil. too bad you can't say that publicly and then he was attacked and then he withdrew the apology thus proving the point that you know you're not allowed in the united states to call this out publicly trump is being more crude then then we saw in the
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past in terms of openly talking about the u.s. economic interest as he did in the case of u.s. relations with the saudi regime saying that it was about. mcdonnell douglas and boeing and lockheed martin and we're seeing the same pattern of crudeness here but it's not obvious that the fundamental u.s. policy is any different than it has been in the past the u.s. government has sought to overthrow the venezuelan government for more than a decade. and is. now you know moving more aggressively than it has in the past but it's not obvious that this represents a fundamental change in u.s. policy and of course the fact that venezuela is an oil export are with significant reserves is a fixed part of the elite u.s. government motivation is going to a crucial week for the venezuelan leadership and for the people of venezuela as well it seems robert naiman policy director. just foreign policy thanks for joining
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us today. good news. i want thursday evening venezuela's self declared interim president said on twitter that security forces were at his home one go door added that he holds nicolas maduro responsible for his family's well being there thought he said he should a statement calling the claim totally false with tensions growing between the government on the opposition rug as if looks now at the competing narratives surrounding events in the country. venezuela is a country of two realities so stock so profound the differences in opinion in one reality president maduro is trying to put down a rebellion stop an upstart usurper one why do these trying to prevent mutiny in the army even as we hear calls and c.n.n. to supply rebels with weapons and he's afraid that trump has ordered him killed
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no doubt but trump gave an order to kill me he told the colombian governments the colombian mafia to kill me if something happens to me one day donald trump and the colombian president will be responsible there is also a parallel reality born in no small part thanks to the united states chavez now my duro have long been a thorn in washington side in this reality why do is the real president he is america's candid it trump congratulated him on becoming president they discuss what to do with the former dictate them a duo they discuss business politics he has america's blessing and its protection i reiterate that the united states will hold venezuelan security forces responsible for the safety of all u.s. diplomatic personnel the national assembly and president going to any violence against these groups would signify
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a grave assault on the rule of law and will be met with a significant response sure now with the guarantee of safety of invulnerability mistake why do wasted no time before beginning to issue orders soldiers of venezuela today i give you an order don't shoot the venezuelan people don't shoot those who are in a clear and constitutional way have been defending your family your people your work your way of life today soldiers of venezuela i give you an order don't repress peaceful demonstrations like before. such familiar scenes we see this all over the world palestinians protesting in the occupied territories the yellow vests in france catalan separatists in spain protesters in the u.s. but when police bully beat and arrest in those countries that's fine and dandy but they do it in venezuela as suppression of democracy an attack on the free world is
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the rule is not the democratically elected president of. the tramples democracy human rights and rule of law for a new start with the new democratic treatment institution in the country namely the national sound doing its president who are the guide dog that's why together with the e.u. we have offered our political support. for the us why though is the cake sweetened bleier bowl but wait is icing on top those agreements that have not been recognized by the national assembly are illegal we will not recognize illegal agreements china has to understand that and russia has to understand that two realities two presidents two governments to venezuela's of course it cannot continue like this a house divided carol to stand then surely these two realities will merge let's just
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hope it won't be through civil war. france germany and the u.k. are prepping new ways to swerve u.s. sanctions on trading with iran this thursday they announce the launch of a new transaction channel. we want to allow european enterprises to have legal trade with iran but security with health care and food sectors of essential necessity for the iranian people this is a clear practical demonstration that we remain firmly committed to the historic twenty fifty nuclear deal struck with iran to join comprehensive plan of action for as long as iran keeps implementing it fully. we believe that's keeping iran within this agreement and thus militarily discouraging uranium enrichment is a contribution to security for us and europe but we also believe that it enables us to talk to iran about difficult issues and we will continue to do so this is a positive step and transfer to many in the. stablished that i welcome
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very much and that i believe will be essential for the full implementation of continued full implementation of the nuclear deal with iran. the new payment system call to the instrument and support of trade exchanges or instax is going to be a norm dollar mechanism we based in paris and managed by the former director of germany's comet spank u.k. will head up a supervisory board as of now instead expected to focus mainly on food and medical exports to iran but it could expand in the near future. last year europe opposed america's decision to withdraw from the twenty fifteen deal with iran and that agreement of private sanctions would be lifted in exchange for to iran limiting its nuclear program independent journalist believes few e.u. firms will dare to go against washington's pressure. it will be a trickle of companies daring do that it's much easier for chinese companies or for
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russian companies to to close deals due to make deals with with iran the europeans some us care in an incredible way the companies if you talk to them they are afraid by ricochet off of being in the eye off the storm with the americans trying to make an example because that's what washington is going to do for example they will suddenly pick up a few examples and and be harsh on them and mention it in press releases and in public campaign so that's very dangerous for european companies i don't know if anybody will dare go with the in sticks them. as they see and hear on all the international more news heading your way just off of this short break. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected
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. so when you want to be president. for something i want to. let you go right to be close this is like the four three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. city. in a world of big partisan groovy lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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program felonies in france a seeking answers offer mysterious children born with birth defects more than a thousand babies for french rule areas over the last twelve years have been born without limbs often exclusive probe some years back the government's now as usual isa second report on the probable causes auntie's ruptly news agency spoke to some of those families affected. i could tell by the gun ecologists look i could see him looking and checking but i could tell that something was wrong.
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i want to know where she was born like that because mothers blame themselves we think that it may come from us or that we did something wrong. we also deserve a this department that is to say to collect all the data from hospitals maternity clinics and pediatric services and we continued signaling to the authorities who didn't want to listen to our calls. they promise to keep us informed which meant a lot to us because we hadn't been told anything about our case about how children are three and seven but the inquiry started three years ago and we never heard back from them. we are surrounded by agriculture fields so we naturally wonder about the use of pesticides why doesn't it happen to people who live in the
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city there must be an integral culture. agency regrets its inaction and tried to find the answers it could explain the cold causes behind the emergence of congenital malformation. i thought that that was an issue because i knew very well how the french administration herc's i know how to explain this it's hard not to panic the public i think there is this fear of discovering that that causes couldn't danger a number of economic interests. i just wish we had some answers my daughter has never really asked me i have always told her that she was born this way that it was nature and it can happen that some children are born like that and now i'm thinking that if one day she asked me again i want to know how to answer.
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thousands of facebook some as young as thirteen have reportedly been paid by the social media platform for the data on their mobile phones the app used to do the job though has been banned by apple after it was shown to have violated privacy policies despite that it's still available on a different operating platform on android or facebook has been suggesting since twenty sixteen for users to install the facebook research app it's been paying them up to two twenty dollars per month to do so the members were asked to give the up almost unfettered access to their personal information including private messages on social media it was also able to collect a number of other data aspects emails browse information as well as the location of users social media giant denies accusations that it was spying on the teenagers online habits it wasn't spinors all of the people who signed up to participate went through on boarding proves is asking for the less than five percent of the people
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who chose to participate in this market research brogue routines all of them with sign parental consent forms facebook even asked users to screenshot their amazon orders page parental consent was also said to have been easily avoided in the entire process journalist derek bros says a lot of people don't understand what access to such data actually means. i think most people probably would find it unethical because generally kids are not going to understand what they're signing up for most people don't know what they sign up for whenever they sign the terms of service and even if facebook is saying i'm to give you twenty books or whatever they're handing out i don't think most people really understand how metadata and their digital footprint tells a lot about who they are as a person about where they go and just about their entire life and i'm not sure everybody really understands that when you sign up for facebook or any of these social media companies or any web site really when you click i agree without
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reading the terms of service and particularly with apps on smartphones most people don't understand what they're giving companies permission to do and especially when it relates to the children. according to a recent poll the popularity of facebook among american teenagers has been hit by a twenty percent decrease since twenty fifteen there grows again says the social networking is going to great lengths to retain its market share. it is obvious that facebook is losing support in favor among the younger generations the younger millennial is and generations e is some people call them where most of them are using things like instagram which facebook also owns and things like snapchat and other platforms facebook is kind of seen like the older thing for the fat the parents and the grandparents i think what facebook is trying to do is to buy up other platforms like they bought instagram they bought what's app their the company that runs facebook mark zuckerberg and his team i don't think whether or not facebook the social network disappears i don't think they're going to go anywhere they're planning to invest and make sure that
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they have their hands in all the future social networks. or just come up to two thirty am here in moscow once you're not international thanks for staying with us so join us again in thirty five minutes for more global news updates. as you read the stand in here from us and. our own move from what i saw. on our good armor on our show at the from there are rather tough it out before for every kid and. i'm going to let him but i don't cut him then you cut him and keep an eye on what i don't think is a channel for truffle that it. won't work then
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our modeling on the show little subtle it does show that the owned mind. set up around the hay from the innocent to it. gets its whole food place choice the i knew you didn't pay i think to mysterious said. these she ought to have a. model for them after the couple fucks around mr hates it for jim and then oil for folks that are fairly in their court. would normally manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class to protect themselves. the family larry go around listen to the one percent.
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nor middle of the road six. welcome to the alex i'm sure and another at the sort on the parliamentary party technics of bricks it this week to do so may finally won the commons vote but only by to starting her own negotiated backstop policy we ask where the pieces finally broken out in the parliament to conservative party or whether we are merely in a lull before another cataclysmic storm award winning journalist peter oborne tells
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alex why he still fears for the king he should and the future of the party he understands so well the underlying stresses we are very very close to reaching that moment is misses by losing control not just of the house of commons but of the conservative party too but first your tweet your messages i'm sure you know and we hear from joe he says i haven't missed a show of thanks to the record and c.d.'s like love the show keep them coming thanks joe for quite a few i will say is absolutely love your show we don't get a chance to hear from others about their views on key political and cultural matters. gives us laws to chatter by on thursday evenings thank you so much it's greatly appreciated and educational now also says enjoy today show on copenhagen pretty interesting but when we quibble about the cultural mayor's part with the last is quick nelson what do you know i promise you she most definitely deceived a question of course talking about the lovely. was
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a wonderful guest on our show last week neal says the u.n. city in copenhagen is an interesting idea yes it is and i'm glad you enjoyed watching the show about it neal and finally lens they said come on scotland we're a small country with huge not to sources we have more than dead white cast off our independence thank you lindsay now in the commons last tuesday the high sorted first to avoid leaving it without a deal and then forty four to deal which was not even on the european table this is how the two main protagonists try to explain to the country what exactly has transpired last night the house did vote to reject no deal but it also voted to do what the european union has consistently asked this house to do since it rejected the withdrawal agreement which was to say what it was that the u.k. wanted to see changed last night a majority in this house voted to can maintain the commitment to know how our border to northern ireland and ireland to leave the european union with
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a deal and to set out to the european union what it will take to ensure that this house can support a deal that is a change the backstop that is what i will be taking back to the european union that is what we will be doing to ensure that we can avoid no deal he stands up regularly and says he doesn't want no deal i'm working to ensure we get a deal was opposed every move by this. is the one who risk taking over to your enemies or to speak your i would be great for the prime minister would actually acknowledge that the house has voted to take no deal off the table. and karen she is sure the house that if she is unable to secure any legal changes to the backstop that she would work to find a solution based on a comprehensive customs union a strong single market deal and the guaranteeing of rights and protections rozza then go back.


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