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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  January 31, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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you. know you just the from. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted over. so when you want to be president i'm sure. somehow i want to be that's. what's it like to be press this is like the full story of the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters about how. the city.
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greetings and salutation when you spectacularly fail at something over and over and over again the hawk watchers maybe it's time to tried some new tactics . this is true in everything from basketball to cooking and yes even the drug war which is exactly what the great country of mexico must be learning after new president underestimate lopez obrador officially declared on wednesday this week that the drug war is over yes i'm not kidding mexico is officially announced it's ending its war on drugs and i swear to you i'm not making this up over of our took to his daily press briefing to announce that quote there is officially no more war we want peace and we are going to achieve peace we want to observe that no cape he went on to observe that no ok poses a been arrested because that is not our main purpose the main purpose of the
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government is to guarantee public safety what we want is security to reduce the daily number of homicides and that is quite a daily number that number of homicides i my friends is staggering in two thousand eight hundred eleven over twenty eight thousand murder cases were opened in mexico that's a fifteen percent increase over the previous year in fact according to the mexico news daily more than two hundred fifty thousand people have been murdered and thirty five thousand have disappeared since the beginning of mexico's drug war you can see why it's time for new tactics based on those numbers alone however given the length of time that the war has been raging the corruption involved the pressure from the united states not to stop it and the seemingly never ending casualty list many critics legitimately wonder if obrador is announcement will end up being just more empty talk window dressing on an already burning house and while that is a possibility many are still hoping the true reform and change is coming to mexico
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on the war on drugs because clearly the old way of doing things isn't working anymore so today let's contemplate what the demise of the war on drugs could mean as we start watching the hawks. wonder what it. looks like real that this would be the last to leave the plot of. the day like you that i got. was that we. would. like to. tell. the world a little of the watching the hawks i am tired of the turmoil and i'm top of the list and i love to see a war and there's anything i love it's a war and i can even when i resist a bar on drugs i'll take it yes and especially a bloody war this bloody you know i'm really curious to see if he backs up their
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state was a bold statement you know up on t.v. and say we're ending the war on drugs you know here in mexico that that's not i don't think something that you just kind of throw out the daily press conference and was really mean it no i would hope it's not up until this point remember that we had a lot of cooperation on some level at least with the mexican government u.s. . not so. in mexico central and south america so i think there were agreements about this idea well we'll keep you know the war on drugs will go there because it'll keep it from our shore and you know all wall or laser or whatever it is that if we're going to magically make drugs if we just don't have any drugs here at all the great crime will be. no drugs because we can stop it all the time it's ridiculous i mean when you look at those numbers i mention them earlier over two hundred thousand people killed and murdered since the
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military was deployed to combat drug violence in mexico thirteen years ago they brought out their own military to my topic and nothing's really stopped in fact the big problem they say is now the military like all the. leaders in the cartel leaders are like fighting amongst each other because you know one day one gets killed that another guy's there to take his place and it's just total chaos and that's part of the reason you see this kind of violence and it isn't you know it's this idea of it's not organized crime most most crime is not very well organized. hence why there are so many murders so yeah and it's gone up massively i mean it's not as if. it's a tiny amount. of year to year to you're seeing this massive rise i mean and so some reports say it's you know there's thirty three percent more killings in twenty year teen than that was twenty seventeen i mean it's pretty incredible book and there's still a lot of skepticism towards whether or not you can do it cry because while you sort
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of taking the military off the case of the drugs he's creating a new national guard kind of national guard over door he sort of campaigned on this promised to tackle the root causes of crime so poverty or lack of opportunity but yeah when you say controversy also announced plans of what he said creating a national guard type for so tristan mexico that's not the militants that so that's tough because a lot of people are just going to see it as another militarized police force since all police forces around the world at this point pretty much are all militarized on some level. and one of the things are not support the technical secretary of the mexican forum for democratic security here told politico that the creation of the national guard is popular among the political class and society in general but the fuel that feeds it is political opportunism and social desperation in the face of violence so you know you have massive poverty you're trying to deal with and then
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you also have this you know horrendous amount of violent crime that's connected to the drugs that these people are somehow going to be involved in in order to eat so it's just it's taking that shadow economy out and getting these people into a real economy that they can work and deal with things and then you don't have the need for they got so i think it's like ok i would like a i don't care about that i mean good simply i mean we've talked about it numerous times the way to end the drug war that nobody ever wants to admit is legalize drugs you know legalize and control drugs and then you'll see the drug war on but it's got some other interesting ideas to reduce crime without. using the law enforcement or military militarized police some of those include granting amnesty to low level criminals meaning again version of legalizing drugs just you know negotiating with crime bosses to dismantle their syndicates realistic probably not but it's the ghost of it all over their own us says it all over the world on the way and then
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convening truth commissions in order to investigate and confront human rights violations committed by soldiers police and public officials within mexico and things of that nature that's an interesting angle to make people trust their institutions more by weeding out the corruption in the institutions that are there to supposedly protect this straw. man i hope i hope that the drug war is truly ending in mexico that brilliant brilliant. and fabulous twenty seventeen if you are applying to colleges you might have come across the university of farmington so according to our website it can trace its lineage back to the early one nine hundred fifty s. when returning soldiers from the second world war were seeking quality and marketable education they claim to be a nationally accredited business and technology school offering programs in accounting engineering and even international business thing is only one kind of student was important at the university of farmington for instance they had very clear instructions and did a lot to help get foreign students the correct visas to be legal student in the
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united states saying on their site the office of international programs will issue the form i twenty necessary for obtaining an asse one student visa to international applicants were accepted for admission and those admission files are complete. slight problem though the university of farmington does not now or ever did exist it was created in february of two thousand and seventeen by the department of homeland security as bait to catch recruiters trying to help people cheat the rules to stay in the country as a student in this case a fictional school in the n.b.a. just made eight arrest of recruiters and one hundred thirty of the university of farmington students on immigration violations violations that would not have been possible without a fake university helping them break the law so that da just kind of race could arrest them for breaking the law i mean don't you already feel safe. for every day . one of those kind of like. school with the law still have
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been broken probably not by those people. i mean a hard. so much now in u.s. law and. we're going to we're going to create the ability for you to break the law basically set up an entire you seem to break the law which is make it seem almost legal in order to break the law then put a middle person in a middle man or woman who is a recruiter who's going to go over everything and make it sound legal to the other person just say hey be discreet because that's essentially what the recruiters doing there is telling this student that what they're doing is illegal or at least that they they will get in trouble it's all perfectly legal as long as you're a full time student that's this program and the whole thing you don't know how much these students were told at base it's interesting because we were talking about earlier the investigation began back in two thousand and fifteen when they created this kind of homeland security created college and mind you this is not
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a college it existed on paper and pictures but it was the call they had no curriculum no actual classes no bus. what's also curious about this is that many students seem to be part of one. particular ethnic indian group grew in the american going to go association told indian public publication the hindu the quote the american telegu socialism has put the number of students arrested at this fake university one hundred and says it has confirmed confirmation of arrest warrants for six hundred students based on conversations with attorneys that's a lot of one particular of the group right and what they found is that the two well in this case it was a lot of indian students if you look at the names of people who are aggressive it is a fair amount of indian men and women of indian descent or people who we had immigrated here also chinese and this isn't the first time this has happened where they're targeting it particular group not think about it they're literally going after is
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saying we're a great stems fall where it was science technology engineering and math and then you're going to take you know this idea that oh we do international business and everything so then what they're doing is targeting people in a certain ethnic group at a certain part of the world and that's india and china and they have done this before this isn't the first time they've set up a fake the d h s to set up a fake university to try to get these chinese and indian students into trouble and have them docile and claim without these are not via these are not people who've broken they've been violent crimes they're not drug users that we know of these are just people who came here to work and overstayed their student visa or some sort of saying ok how can i continue my student visa so i can continue to either study your work here in the united states that idea and subsequent security with complete university yeah the heart of the lure of these people one of those like that's what it is it's really their marketing you know it's all about the marketing so like i
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said that it's clear that they were looking for a certain kind of student. what is unclear is how these recruiters were hired or how they were allowed to be in because part of the story in both of the. universities is story that this recruiters got kickbacks from school so they went and got cash from them for every student they brought in which is amazing because then what you're doing is is really breaking the law every time like you're paying them to do something illegal you're incentivizing i'm not debating that iron sent devising them to get other people to break the law and this isn't the first time this has happened over and over. yet and so there's no understanding now yet if how many of the students of the university of farming to make money that paid for application fees perhaps thinking it was a real school how many people are many of these people and who even foreign students legitimate foreign students who had no intention of breaking the law apply
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to god because they also said they had to graduate programs and engineering so many of these people are they had to get home anyway just duper young people. because they're so crazy all right as we go to break god watches don't forget to let us know what your pick of a property with coverage of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are coming up while the world watches all politics and who is i'm told by the way well let's not forget what the other arm of the us empire is up to these days in africa as we welcome enough to remember being coordinated committee of the black alliance for peace state to watch it all.
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i think one of them we reason why now we have worked on the stump line nationalist doesn't exist because most of the day it's going to disrupt organization. told. you know saw those horse seal or something. or all previous q so with the deal saw that it's one of the best national lots of them that will. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the
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people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the secretary defense's office that says we're going to attack and destroy the government and seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war surely we can risk some just come for more on easiness for.
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the past three weeks much of western media activists and journalists of the world have been rightfully focused on the latest battle for control over south american resources currently manifesting itself in the struggle between sitting venezuelan president nicolas maduro and i would stay. the united states of america in its shiny new anointed leader about israel a warmer water for many venezuela's current struggles are just another chapter in an old story of colonial style strong arming and natural resource stealing an old story but the great continent of africa as seen played out within its borders over and over and over again and is still being played out today by the likes of united states china and other outsider nations so joining us today to help us better understand the actions and tactics of colonialism and imperialism we see playing out on our televisions in new speeds in places like venezuela across continents like africa is a member of the coordination committee of the black alliance for producing them atl is to give the truth for foreign policy studies not for freedom thank you so much for coming oh thank you for having me on so i want to first start with just the
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idea of like you know how do you best describe the united states kind of current role that we're seeing right now who will so right now a lot of people need to understand africa and u.s. africa command which is what the black alliance for peace has a campaign against us out of africa shut down africa and so we were traditionally after the end independence in anti-colonial struggles in africa the united states got its hand in the neo colonial forms of domination mostly through the multinational institutions financial institutions like the i.m.f. and world bank and using loans and structural adjustment programs you know and those kind of things and also aid you know the manipulation by aid still with this colonial white supremacy idea that africa needed to be civilized but only different types of. terminology like you know good governance in democracy and human rights
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and all those kind of things and then dangling the weight aid in support in those ways but now increasingly we see the u.s. africa command which was established in two thousand. and eight by the bush administration and then after two thousand and two those seven but the obama administration came in and really pulling for a to africa all over. africa common establishment of military bases in africa during this was not the first military bases but what africa did was formalize these military bases increased them you know by one thousand nine hundred percent increase in military bases across the continent of africa or at least u.s. presence as you say across the continent of africa and then there are in terms of military bases there about forty some various forms of military bases and then also military to military relationships when you come from the gather all of them for
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the common of africa except for one country that's fifty three out of fifty two countries in africa have africa. and so now this is the new dominance because of the increasing presence in influence of china which mostly is dealing with however you say that their intentions are there inch for structural development right they are helping with that but the united states doesn't bring that it brings militarization in the guise of trying to stop the war on terror and those kind of things border right and it's been interesting because we've reported on here this idea that chinese are bringing in infrastructure investments and actually wanting to put money into it where it's a very different situation with the united states and the west and i wonder looking at you know obviously tyrrell brought up and we've seen that what are the similarities on the outside it seems very similar what are the similarities real to malarious because it is very similar what are the similarities real to malarious between what's happening in venezuela and what we're saying and and this commitment
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at inside africa by the u.s. well the similarities versus the i mean the essential similarity is u.s. has the money and wanting to dominate the resources. and the economy different various countries that are not western countries one morning the countries to be at the we has two of them being able to extract role minerals and then sell back finished goods and which is contrary to self-determination to independence and self-reliance of countries so that's the essential thing you can see also which is really interesting in the trumpet ministrations approach to latin america the just the threat of military invasion and over third a military invasion which the u.s. will always reserve to it doesn't matter what what administration is in office but they're kind of open with embracing with it and then all this administration is also doing the same thing in africa just recently. and trying to protect its
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interests in the congo africa and the u.s. deployed troops to go beyond because they were trying to make sure the outcome was favorable to them and they don't want the people rising up in this and disrupting their and then right now the outcome they created made the outcome favorable to them and so the similarity again where you see them declaring someone president m. bennis well if this is the same thing that they actually done in the congo with the current person who really did not win these elections is is being supported by the united states in western powers is interesting in the it's interesting seeing those parallels because it's kind of like you know different faces different places but very similar techniques that you see used over and over again you know the pentagon you know they'll justify you know the argument for africa was always well it's vital to strengthening our partnerships and you know fighting terrorism and all of that. my quest to kind of argument has africa and anyway been successful in
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fighting terrorism in africa and they're better reports that they were trying to shrink africa is that true. what actually the reports are saying they're trying to reduce the. presence in africa and that's always kind of been the the intention of africa has been to use the militaries of the african countries themselves and really may mostly have the troop presence be advisors and special arms forces and those kind of things the whole idea because u.s. people the populations here don't really see want to see their boots on the ground and tangled in things so there's always been something that the has really been behind it but that doesn't mean that they still aren't going to protect whatever basic interest they have in terms of africa so that's not been the case we actually see in these here they're planning to have drone base because this what they do they replace the human beings with in technology and so they're having they're
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planning to build a drone piece they're building a drone place the in the six next six years will cost a quarter of a million dollars currently last year it's already been almost a quarter of a million dollars just on africa operations alone without the drone base billy i mean it's part of a billion normally one hundred million and so yes so your question was has that been successful no in fact we can see with the decimation of libya which was an operation between u.s. and nato that these are the things and these top operations have exacerbated the forces that there are terrorist forces are deemed terrorist forces and have made them disperse them in different places in in the continent of africa. the drones in somalia operations in somalia and these kind of things really make things worse they don't they do the opposite of what they claim that they're fighting to do. and what's interesting is on the american side are reactions things also tend to have
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a very western perspective sort of from the west looking in where if you're in for in on the continent average in any country there is a very different perspective of involvement saved. the chinese an infrastructure or with russia any of that so just before the new year the trumpets ministration along with national security adviser john bolton it's still going to make me think that they've. laid out their prosper africa plan. under the guy is that it sort of protecting africa from as they say predatory practices by pursued by china and russia that stunt economic growth in africa threaten the financial independence of african nations you've had a chance to look at the plan. does africa prosper under this plan no i have to admit the plan itself is not for the men's room mostly
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example what john bolton's his long speech that he gave at the heritage foundation when he was talking about this and there's really no difference in the relationship of the u.s. to africa or even the previous administration's disposition toward africa the only difference is that they will be cooperating less with overcomes reason in their heads of money practices and that the that's pretty once that's pretty much the only difference and that they will also will be more strict in terms of how they dispense aid in all these kind of things i mean there's really no other difference besides that but i mean people really need to understand if unfortunately people fall for these things because we really don't have a critical view of the deal political role that the united states plays in the world and particularly in africa i mean there's no way the way that we can believe that the united states has has a military and humanitarian or benevolent role if we look at just its history and
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overthrowing the democratically elected police in the congo or the coup cia orchestrated coup of ghana. army in cooma or even recently the decimation of libya in the guise of things and so there are so many examples and then even you know the troops there are still. in you know supporting uganda in rwanda. strong men do whatever you want to call moment like i was you know one of those things that we have to pay attention to when we when we can't buy a hype that's the most lame. that's used rather we have to see through that more of those people out there open to do that is yourself not the premier thank you so much for coming out of your answer. when you think the nordic country of denmark you might think of vikings or danish american actor of hugo more in the same but now you will know it as a country who built a wall to keep out those dirty disease ridden belgian pegs thankfully they're talking about actual pigs here not belgian people so the country of denmark is
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constructing a twelve million dollar five foot high forty mile electric fence not called a wall along its border with belgium in an effort to keep the very large and valuable danish pin population safe from african swine flu which some wild boars in belgium have tested positive for how valuable are these danish pigs while not only does the country make about five billion dollars a year in exact words to the e.u. and pigs outnumber danes by about two to one their national dish so i use key is a special of roast pork and while some say the wall is hogwash since most wind flu is spread by humans many feel that hamstringing farmers with that risk isn't isn't worth the risk and i'm stringing for worms hard war you're on fire your old fire about as a result of rutabaga remember everyone in this world are about told we all love the love so i tell you all i love you i am tyrone from turkey and up top of the valley keep on watching those hawks out there are great being invited everybody.
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kaiser's by the actual survival. when customers go by you're just applying. well reducible our. that's undercutting but what's good for the market is not good for the global economy. united states. and its attacks on other countries. economic sanctions are just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military press around the country.
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and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the head. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be. but as well as the opposition leader secures the support of the european parliament to see agitates for the overthrow of the troubled nation socialist president foreign policy chief also says the block is now weighing up fresh sanctions against caracas. germany france and the u.k. establish a mechanism to avoid u.s. sanctions on trading with iran.


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