tv The Big Picture RT February 1, 2019 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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yet in four guys we. know. that we're taking the patients away. u.s. secretary of state suspends a key nuclear arms control treaty with russia. saw its noncompliance from moscow a claim that the kremlin denies. brushes his jeopardized the united states' security interests and we could no longer be restricted by the treaty while russia
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shamelessly violates first reactions from leaders suggest growing opposition to jeopardizing the deal with warnings that could take the world back to a battlefield between nuclear superpower. the girls would do well not to test the resolve of the united states i think u.s. vice president warns venezuela's leader nicolas maduro to quit not provoke washington as we are on the table. and a new wave of protests is expected and. local police are on the scrutiny off to over one hundred cases are opened into the use of guns. checkout altie dot com for more on those some of the stories as well stay with us now though for the big picture coming up next.
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on this week's show car you want the undercoating right or if you're renting a car you do want the coverage so your not responsible right no matter what you're buying just when you think you've completed the purchase there's an upside all option for just a little more we'll talk to two experts and ask if it's worth the money but first venezuela and chaos how did the oil richest country on earth end up with inflation measured in the millions percent i'm holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our t. america. millions have fled venezuela while two men claim to be in charge russia china
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mexico cuba turkey and iran support seated president nicolas maduro the usa and canada argentina brazil colombia costa rica ecuador germany spain and australia are among nations supporting one goh i dos self declared acting president until elections and most recently italy refuses to recognize him why is this anyone's business but venezuela's let's ask former united states congressman and presidential candidate ron paul welcome. thank you nice to be with you this week at the united nations six we're here to urge all nations to support the democratic aspirations of the venezuelan people as they try to free themselves from former president illegitimate mafia state. the humanitarian situation demands action now it demands action today and now it's time now it's time for every other nation to pick
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a side no more delays no more games either you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with his may i'm a congressman venezuela is in chaos and familiar names like john bolton and elliott abrams thanks to the usa needs to help how is this not about oil. well it can't be with oil it is very important oil is a big deal but it's also about us foreign policy that we have to maintain an empire and this is a part and an important and kink in a linkage in our foreign policy and therefore we have to dictate you know this whole idea that we were fighting for democracy and the constitution in venezuela last disobeying our own constitution and in imposing imposing leaders they all he's our president now and that is so far beyond them it's amazing that people are so gullible to accept this but the motivating factor for being gullible and accepting
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you know i solution is the fact that they have a mess of their o's not doing a very good job you know it's a mess and runaway inflation but hardly can this be solved by deciding who should be the next president and all these countries lining up to get i guess get a piece of the action and there's already been some people in there that has invested in the oil i think china and i have asked and there is other country so this is this is about oil and it's it just is so from my viewpoint as a libertarian and a constitutional it's so unnecessary why do we have to do this and it's it's not only greed for money in oil it's necessity to be powerful as a greed for power and control and but that's also self last thing is it will come to an end and and it's failing a little bit now for us so i think that we can't maintain this type of the program
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forever well meanwhile back at the u.n. security council here is venezuela's minister of foreign affairs jorge or iata let's listen. when you might the united states is not behind the coup i confess it is not behind me to it is the head of the it is at the vanguard of the cuh. it is dictating the order not only to the venezuelan opposition but also to the satellite governments of the united states in the region and it seems to respond tell me if this sounds familiar foreign leader blames the usa for unrest this a libya flashback and if we do get involved is it another vietnam well who knows it very well could be but all those things that you say it is all done in the name of spreading democracy protecting our liberties making sure our constitution is protected and all these activities don't have anything to do with our safety and security has nothing to do with our constitution it's
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a matter of fact the opposite so no i think it's a very dangerous thing to do and you know that it's just hope they come to their senses before you know we do get bogged down there right now in the last few years we sort of backed off using troops because we we've been bitten so often where there is korea or vietnam or the middle east you know. iraq and iran and all these places that we get involved in so. we now always use try to use proxies i don't think i don't think i don't think asking to work you know. we throw our way out we put on these sanctions and tariffs and they do it all in the name of free trade un here is the russian federation's permanent representative vasoline evans the one who's using the presence of secretary of state we want to ask him directly does that mean that the united states is ready to use military force
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against a sovereign state on their bogus pretext. congressman the american people are war weary you just ticked off a whole list if we just left venezuela alone how would we get heard. you know we would we would benefit and do it we'd probably do do much better you know just think of our use as an example you know we went into vietnam millions of people died on you know when you add them all up and we had to save vietnam from communism so we just think of what we lost in war and what did we gain in peace all of a sudden we left and it was to be absolutely total communism yet we trade with vietnam we go back and forth and i always argue much more was achieved in peace than in war but this approach that we have to use force to be in control it's a mistake and it's wrong and it's not part of our system and yet the american people do it because if you pose it oh you're endorsing the door oh and all this
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and you have people that buy into that and then a couple people you know totally don't care pro-choice foreign policy continues plain talk and common sense thank you former congressman ron paul and joining us now is professor guadalupe correll prayer of from george mason university global fellow at the woodrow wilson international center for scholars welcome thank you it's a pleasure to be here the rest of the world seems to be voting on all of this country's our interest to have an interest and all of these interests have an. issue in the country but nobody's talking about the people nobody's talking about their consequences that might that might take place because of an armed conflict within the country and this is tragic well to that point and with the government running the media there and dissidents being silenced do the people of venezuela know what's going on or just the party line how profound is the division between
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opposition and government there this is that interesting part we know what the opposition that has been outspoken that. talks internationally and you know if that venezuela is the by that by class and the division is very very big. people who are privileged can have talks with the u.s. government but people that are there that are suffering we don't know what they really want and nobody's asking them what they really want the opposition has been very vocal they tried to perform a quota type in two thousand and two but you could see that the bishan and you could see the support of some for the government at that time today the situation is very complicated but at the same time nobody knows what the people want and and the interest there the countries are trying to decide for them and nothing and thinks can can become really dangerous you know conflict come can can hurt them because they are less prepared you think it's like north korea where they only know what they're told and they don't get the whole picture with with with inflation
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over there the way it is with with the economic catastrophe in the in the in the previous years they're just thinking about their immediate needs and that's a problem who's talking about a plan of how to reckon struck the country everybody is talking about a plan to get to power and this is the problem it's very hand to mouth inflation you mentioned there it's so rampant it is getting mathematically hard to measure medical supplies are scarce how are they getting by. they are running they are the scaping the country they're escaping the country they have been fleeing the country massively. and nobody is it's trying to think about them what is the plan of one way the one way though is trying to it is talking about a plan of misty it's talking to the military to get them in the inside but what is the plan for the country to reckon structed to provide for the people to create the infrastructure to create a social networks for these people to to get to come back to to be well nobody's
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talking about that as bad as things are going to get worse what kind of impact the international community really have on venezuela and overall in latin america today it's tragic because the military is back in. the military is an owner of the country in many ways the economy the oil industry and you can see a confrontation between the forces that are supporting venice well or if there will be we have to see what is going to happen with russia with china but in particular because they have the capacity to support venezuela and the military if the military stays there and try to fight back we're going to see briley big levels of violence and people dying in the country and this is what. one don't support military intervention or intervention in that form like just declaring
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a self-proclaimed president but i'm if you wish and between the political class may be motherless and have to be there but there needs to be a negotiated solution the countries don't have to decide and say this is the president who didn't quit let the this president who elected this person who was there was distributing the resources for decades. i mean this is not a good situation of course this hasn't been a good situation for the people but we need to have a peaceful negotiated process are you optimistic i'm not optimistic thank you george mason university professor guadalupe career corowa thank you. coming up every day we're offered products and services that are good better and best it's called up selling and a consumer advocate has some advice and a marketing consultant will be here to give us a peek behind the curtain you're watching the big picture on our team america.
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it looks like the beginning of the french revolution and whether when only those an essential movement these people that get over this don't know each other. wendell most of them never went to demonstrations out craftsman middle class people from a working class background that's why. everything is going to plan first sanction the country in ways they punish the poor second back a so-called interim president cut off his third deny the legitimate government of its export revenues. force next.
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would you like to supersize those french fries or you've just booked a flight you want an aisle seat or you want to protect that new car how about some undercoating or if you're renting a car do you want the coverage so you are not responsible right no matter what you're buying just when you think you've completed the purchase there's an upside for just a little more is it worth the money let's ask linda sherry director of national priorities for consumer action linda welcome i think you were talking about the up sell tactics as opposed to fraud outright rip offs for instance say every day we're confronted with a choice small medium or large silver gold or platinum good better best what you might not realize is that the goal is not to sell you the highest priced option
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listen as former esquire magazine editor in chief explains very often why a retailer is doing that is not he's very happy to sell you the expensive one he's very happy to sell you the cheaper one but generally speaking what he's doing is. to sell you that middle one and he's probably bought many more of those middle ones and the reason that tends to work is that we reference the value of the middle one by the ones on the other on the on the two extremes and because there's an expensive version in the store we immediately assume. often rightly that the store has really good things really quality things and that and the prices to prove it at the same time the lower the lowest end one is seems to be a really good value so it's really not that high price i can shop in the store pretty easily so that middle we default to the middle one because it seems like
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a really you know we're in this place with good stuff but we're not in a place that's too expensive for us because of the cheaper one so that middle one represents the really good in the trade it's called the good better best strategy so that's the game now linda do you consider this tactic a rip off. i wouldn't really call it a rip off but it can be a ripoff depending on the way they presenting it to you are they kind of fast talking and pressure putting pressure on you putting you into things you don't really want or need to be the rip off for years decades i carried the american express basic green card and i love that because you have to pay it off by the end of the month it's very good discipline and i eventually relented to the pitch for the gold card because i get a few more points and now they're neg me for the platinum card how does someone know which card is best for him or her well you've got to look at how you use
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a card really are you carrying a balance do you pay it off every month you want rewards to you want perks those kinds of things it's really just a matter of deciding what you want and settling on it and not being pressured by others into things that are not don't suit you and there are credit cards with zero interest out there right there's plenty of them and you can transfer a balance for maybe six months and get a good deal to help you pay off your balance but if you keep doing that it's just becomes a game and i don't i think it's a zero sum game in the end so you really want to be disciplined in the way that you use a credit card and maybe have two credit cards one for a balance and one for when you pay off in full every month. rent cars off and i never get the insurance but i do get the impression that the person checking me in behind the counter gets a bonus personally if they sell it to me like the extended warranty i'll never in the special coatings they want to add when i get new glasses are options like this
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pure profit i think they really are i mean they're always trying to they want but what are the real benefits the benefits are usually to the seller. get quite shoe need not what you want. listen everybody likes to get what they want sometimes but we really shouldn't be pressured into getting things that we really don't need by social pressures by salespeople except era because we have our budgets we have our income we need to stay within our means and if we don't we're going to be in a very bad place right well that's why i use amex yeah don't leave home without it thank you linda sherry from consumer action you're welcome when you call any swank restaurant especially in new york you will always get a reservation if you say it's alex rodriguez calling here's the other one he's director of creative strategy for y. m. m. y. in marketing and pronounced yummy and his clients include major brands he's a popular speaker and alex is the author of sell before you sell boost your brand
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close more sales and win your game and host the digital marketing minute podcast you can find on i tunes alex do your friends actually call you a rod. all the time there's no scarcity of the joke your work obviously is to help clients pump up profits so admitted lee we're asking the wizard of oz to let us people behind the curtain but fundamentally it's lots easier to make more money from existing customers than to acquire new customers so what are some of the biggest mistakes sellers make that leave money on the table terms of the biggest mistakes i think there are there are a wide range and we can touch on a few of them here one of them has to be not being upfront and transparent with regard to what is being presented what you know leads to a lot of pressure from salespeople and people in the organization to convert existing customers into higher ticket items may turn and often do turn into
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a lot of frustrations and even legal complications down the line because the people within the organization are only thinking and only acting upon the quick buck as we say colloquially so the quick buck and then are at the end of the day there is a lot of customer dissatisfaction and then like i said legal sure sure ok we tend to think of up selling as an add on transaction after a transaction but your book makes the point that as customers were actually sold before we purchase explain. yeah there's when you purchase a product or a service there are actually two transactions in play the transaction we all think about is the second transaction which is where we exchange money for those products or services but the first transaction is the transaction of expectation the transaction of attention where we place our attention expecting some kind of
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experience in exchange so let's say you know about a certain accountant in your area you hear about them but you have an expectation of their ethics of their service quality you have these expectations in advance and that is one of the one of the things that i say is the first transaction you're placing your attention you're paying attention to that person who already has a brand a service provider and then after that becomes the opportunity to offer the second transaction sales resistance is an instinct human nature i guess how can a seller convey and how can a consumer identify up cells that are worth it. yeah that's an interesting question i think i'm not the of the. just up cells as a whole are a bad thing to do because naturally as consumers when we are approached by service or product providers we want to make sure that we're making the best purchase
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decision possible and oftentimes what happens is that we have a broad expectation of what we will receive in exchange and therefore it's that sales professionals job to number one understand what our expectation is a number two to present in an upfront truthful way whether there are other products or other services that should go along with my initial purchase so that that expectation is met if the sales professional fails to present those then i'm going to walk away with a less than ideal. purchase than i originally thought about so. i think that part of the deal is to present to understand that customer that consumers expectation and then present them with the idea well what you came to purchase and what i'm presenting you now doesn't fulfill that so would you consider x. y. and z. along with that from a consumers and i think it is all about really again understanding what the
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consumer expects from that transaction so if i walk into a car rental facility and i expect certain things out of that purchase then i know that if the sales professionals trying to push things that are outside of the realm of my expectation then they're just trying to make a quick buck on me just because they have me captive sure so going into the transaction with an understanding as thing is really important hey i recently went online to reorder on below this with my return address and before they let me check out not only did they offer me more for less per but they offered me the same imprint on labels coffee mugs t. shirts you name it and at the bottom of each one of these pages i could go to checkout but there was page after page of offers now you are in the digital domain how does ups do in e-commerce. yeah it's very good i mean it's one of those things that are essential for e-commerce experiences i think where people have that
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saturation in their experiences when you go ahead and check out and then there's page after page as you describe page after page and you're like i just want to check out so i think that's where in e-commerce we need to be very very careful with number one presenting a reasonable number of those up sell opportunities but number two that every up sell opportunity is relevant to my original purchase right all of a sudden i'm being presented with things that are irrelevant then i just feel i walk away feeling like it's not really a were warding experience nor is it relevant to my original intention to purchase because the abandoned shopping cart is a special place in hell correct. yeah they've been shopping cart and an e-commerce we are getting more and more sophisticated on treating those of any abandoned or shopper abandonment rates thank you alex rodriguez from y m m y yummy marketing in tampa and thank you for watching the big picture you know if you see us somewhere
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else you can now find our team america live on youtube dot com slash r t we're also live a directv three to one pluto t.v. apted one three two and on dish two eight zero in all our shows are available anytime anywhere on any device at youtube dot com slash big picture r t m holland cook in washington i'll be back here same time next week and in the meantime i am at holland cook on twitter and member of the deal if you follow me i'll follow you so question more. streak of the stale country's oil cleanup just touch on this for
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a moment charlie i mean scotland does have a lot of oil and the whole bracket thing is mightily confusing so the u.s. created consider invading britain right now during this breaks it turf awful and take control scottish oil i mean i'm all for that. the swarms of them so moving. to good use who was before. much of those who heard the preview. we will we're going to. move. move. move show you just look beautiful little. good looking good. move just like most of these girls will give you food for good good good. good good issue so look i do
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this or you want me to show the story to the you should go. to starbucks to get it to me to do it with the little mist thanks you look it is it's. your stash them understand just me they mashed old truck to stop the president and please introduce more of them to. those who have producers to go to school to snoop to come up to do it because that is the girls with you serious who produced your shoes as they should shouldn't for you should could do for the one who's doing the.
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yellow last protests paralyzed friends for weeks on the shock waves across. the new french revolution in the making or just a splash in the sand well i asked. former presidential candidate and founder of the solidarity progress party. the streets of french. clashing with police and. the mayhem. can they find a way to really influence their country and where exactly do they want. their
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