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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 1, 2019 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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so the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. this is the kaiser report there's gold silver bitcoin it's important to understand you need your individual economic sovereignty we have quite a few headlines to show that not only is the empire disintegrating but all those nation states which it rules over are kind of wobbly to be an understatement first headline from zero hedges to tweet gold jobs to eight month high as geo political chaos or a new well you know goal is barometer of global fear
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chaos us dollars i was ban the currency to keep a lid on the monitor as ation of the economy as long as as paul krugman says there are men with guns to go out there and defend the dollar then gold been on the back foot but now that the dollars looming in the global order is to send degrading and the rise of bitcoin is challenging a lot of money has gone back into gold in a certain new six seven a week. into a new all time highs and twenty nineteen as you predicted as i predicted as everyone press always asked what we think now many revolutions of course happen with men with guns you see the american revolution the french revolution the russian revolution and you had men with guns and weapons and well in the case of friends and they had to overturn
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a system that was around sometimes for hundreds of years the fear out revolution only began in one thousand nine hundred seventy one after five thousand years of goals ruling the world and then we have this fee out revolution and it is becoming increasingly more reign of terror in order to back it up. these guns so i think in a way because when is the counter revolution to that revolution that happened it's restoring some sort of order you know you could say that it being a counter revolution because it's more like gold and gold is what determined global trade for thousands of years and there was the gold standard of during the greatest period of growth in the modern world and only after the money standard was introduced in one nine hundred seventy one were no currency in the world at any basis of up to the kind of intrinsic value at all at that point he wanted to infinite regress did we have now the rise of this enormously corrupt bangkok or see exactly well of course the whole feel u.s. dollar back system b.m.
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at bretton woods after world war two so here's another tweet from zero heads post world war two curity threats u.s. intelligence leaders warn some u.s. allies seek more independence from us due to perceptions of changing u.s. policies on security in trade it was a in all caps as you see and that is because it was a statement from some intelligence sources that the post world war two order is under threat this is of course what we've been saying here on cries report for the past ten years i think it really began to become all wobbly and the disintegration really began in one thousand nine hundred ninety two thousand that's when you saw the draw bit bridge being pulled up the elite ruling class knew what was happening and they've just run off with everything and they're printing like mad since one nine hundred ninety nine two thousand and. now it's becoming apparent to everybody
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on earth i think everybody is starting to see this the expansion of the u.s. umpire using the dollar has reached its endgame you know there's only so many territory and so much you can influence the world using worthless paper money eventually people rebel. and people like principly russia is buying hundreds of tons of gold in poland paying down all of their debt they're becoming truly sovereign in a world of dollar bound subjugates many people germany france italy china america asia middle east people all over the world not just russia buying gold but china is buying gold essentially buying gold everybody is understanding what's happening and this is why gold prices are rising this is why between us happened and partly what's happening now what this intelligence person who ever spoke on behalf of the intelligence agency is
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a zero hedge tweeted about what they're recognizing is that donald trump has made everything quite transparent he's very very transparent in what has been here for america especially since one nine hundred seventy one the our imperial ambitions and and our the reality of our empire because i will look at you know what's going on in venezuela over the past week which will continue i think to get quite bloody is that you know the point elliott abrams ok and here we have the progressive news loving trump for once again invading a country because just like the british empire and the spanish empire they had their religious missionaries who were like we're just we were going to save some more savages or so. you know we don't like you right wing people but we're good and we're going to go deliver these people some god and well here we have the same
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thing as you know the rachel maddow of the world think that we're delivering you know transgender bathrooms and you know you know some sort of left wing ideologies and this is going to be great but elliott abrams that's bringing it so i want to. point out there elliott abrams of course we all know from the reagan era what he did in latin america he basically helped institue and then cover up all the death squads in el salvador seventy thousand people were killed in el salvador by the salvadoran government children rates the only comparable force in terms of how gruesome their murders were is isis in the modern era so you know gross stuff there here is a headline as well from vanity fair in two thousand and eight about elliott abrams the gaza bombshell after failing to anticipate hamas is victory over fatah in the two thousand and six palestinian election the white house cooked up yet another
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scandalously kovar in self defeating middle east the bottle part iran contra part bay of pigs with confidential documents corroborated by outraged former and current u.s. officials the author reveals how president bush congolese surprise deputy national security advisor elliott abrams backed an armed force under fatah strong man muhammad dahlan touching off a bloody civil war in gaza leaving hamas stronger than ever so that's quads are his thing and it was a thing in iraq as well so desk wads presumably will be coming to venezuela soon we saw john bolton with that piece of paper saying five thousand troops are going to colombia so quads are going to be a thing you know bill kristol john bolton elliott abrams all these cadavers we thought had been buried in long gone are being substituted to care or terror around the world so yeah the liberals love this don't they that the rumor
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spreading american ideals by shutting down death squads and this isn't the irony that we now live in especially for the baby boomers generation i remember when i was a kid they were all about peace and love now they're all about death squads and murder and rape. but they feel good about themselves because they might give to live aid and like bondo and bob geldof and they feel like they're they're good people and that they're doing this for good reasons but you know at the end of the day it always ends up orrible and here is john bolton again john bolton there the news the mainstream media here backs this war on the back invasions when because we're always the good guys john bolton states regime change in venezuela is about the country's oil quote and this is what he said go watch the clip he said it on fox news it will make a big difference to the united states economically if we could have american oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in venezuela so again what i
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think is you know they're very transparent john bolton is never. obvious caitiff never try to be like a rachel maddow is saying like it's all really about these good things in these good good quality qualities about me john bolton has been just raw and just like we want iraq's oil we want venezuela's oil this is what we're doing it for so they're so wrong that it becomes more difficult for our so-called allies like in europe germany to continue their sort of you know who are off for bomb and made to look good yes yes you know he's like the marvin gaye of presidents you know just come out there and smooth it we're going to bomb you and take your oil but it's all happening down down down is all good you know but trump doesn't have a swath of obama's touch so the rest of the world is waking up maybe to the fact that hey wait
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a minute these are just they're stealing all our stuff you know but speaking of stale and country's oil you know just touch on this for momentarily i mean scotland does have a lot of oil and the whole breadth of things mightily confusing so the u.s. could consider invading britain right now during this break. awful and to control scottish oil i mean i'm all for a good moral and of course is half scottish so he could become a scottish citizen if you wanted and reclaim that but let's stay on these stories because the fact is that again this is becoming quite transparent what we're having now is you know these trade wars with china and their arrests and these indictments of huawei. multiple counts including trading with iran is you have these two ideologies now remember during the whole cold war we had communism versus capitalism now we have two different trade ideologies whereas the u.s. has the missionary winning the progress of humanitarian interventionist and they
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have the raw let's just bomb everybody and take their assets like old fashion empires that's how we ran empires for thousands of years whereas china doesn't do any of that all they have is tree because they're not the empire all they do is here's some money can we have your resources here's some money can we build you a road to extract your resources here's some money you know we do some trade deals so that's the only option they have but it's a very soft you know perhaps more enjoyable way of doing deals like venezuela does has received a lot of billions of dollars for example from china while the u.s. is like ok well we don't want to compete with that so we're just going to bomb you and install a leader and just what happens to all those deals i don't know what happens to those deals that they've done with china the same with thing with iran which is probably next because that's john bolton's reson and that is that's why he lives as
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. he had hoped to do it through john mccain john mccain is no longer here but i think that bomb bomb bomb bomb iran is still on john bolton's mind brain will remember all commodities trade in u.s. dollars that was part of the post world war two new world order is. if iran is dealing oil or japan stealing oil or europe stealing oil they have to go through dollars and then so when you do sanctions on iran any country that deals in oil and dealing with dollars and then they can extrapolate that as oh you're violating the iran sanctions and then so this is part of the empire's key toward the dollar which is the world reserve currency and gives the u.s. the right to rule the world if anyone touches the u.s. dollar except for china's now except in the u.s. they're doing well as i try to un or gold or other doesn't that's right a currency that are emerging that's right and that's what's really put in the kobashi on this ability to manage the globe and iran is introducing
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a crypto currency not for it like domestic use but as a replacement for swift i don't realize that saudi arabia and the u.a.e. also have a crypto currency for settlement so the settlement queens are coming let's see what happens but you know it looks like gold silver bitcoin is the way to go right settlement coins well undermine the dollar and put more money into gold silver a big point for sure but i'm going to take a little break here when we come back much more coming your way don't go away. you know world big. yours it's time. to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each
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other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. us veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defenses officer says we're going to attack and destroy the government and seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with their money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort or uneasiness for us.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time now to return to our conversation with as jeremy ill of dying dot org jeremy a welcome back hi everyone thanks max so are talking about algorithms and talking about algorithms can be programmed to convince lots of people to do lots of different things sometimes in their best interest sometimes not their best interest by whoever controls the algorithm controls society more and more we're saying society is shaped by those who control the algorithms because everyone is connected via their smartphone and to the will of the political rats who wish them to do stuff and you know the
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outcomes are like we say in china so in china there's of algorithms that track citizens then grants them a social credit score the algo knows if they've been naughty or nice it's a totalitarian santa claus is coming to the west which are mail you might send them for a dozen ready come since long if you imagine what a bank has to do you know order to grant credit to people they actually do do your research and they have a scoring and the same is very dull so foreign surance companies they have a crazy source of credit scoring debt to deal with the sas based on seven don't buy utils and wiling to pass the deals where only made by the company itself know what he's we have done to bases that are intertwined into connecting all sorts of data so we have a social networks then assess how palatable we are for companies to be hired how
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current source and then sent into databases that are used by sure it is bank companies and what not to actually assess what he's our source of credit score so i think that the work. china is doing is a step forward to get me find these and making it completely included into one single payments all over china and link it all together you know more close way and this is a danger but again is a danger not only for chinese people when this happens over there but also for us in the west when a big company declares. they are going to include all of their services the chat and beach sure probably she and the social networking into one scene in one single identity that represents us so let me say that i believe the problem
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is philosophical here we have to get out of this belief that having an identity is a good thing no one of us is just one identity we all have different out tributes in different contexts and as much as i don't eat meat is important for society also pseudonymity is and we can be different people in different contexts and we should never be flecked to do only one identity one number one flat idea of ourselves right well that what you know algo machines at these big companies can split air personality into multiple civil like personalities they can charge you multiple subscriptions to enhance your psychosis and make money on your mental breakdown which. look just back to china for a second so in china the algorithms are in charge they give you a credit score they are social engineering people to behave in a certain way but you marry that with artificial intelligence artificial
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intelligence israel is a machine learning at a rate faster than humans are evolving so robots are in effect taking place so if they artificial intelligence at the robots are not a saying that him and to have a particularly idiosyncratic flaw. in their behavior they can program machinist to exploit that flaw and get him to act against their best interest in a way that we have burned when describing and you're suggesting well we will have to protect ourselves against that by improving the data input of course we would look we would want to do that but once artificial intelligence takes over it's it's compound in its rate of intelligence at a rate faster than we can even imagine so how do you what's to say that we're basically haven't been taken over as a species and at this point what the chinese are just at the head of the pack but soon the entire human species will be controlled by artificially intelligent robots
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well it depends where are we to line where we place the line of governance of where the mentality reversibility of decisions that are taken by i have to be sure intelligence i believe that even though we can accelerate to the process of analysis of a large bases of doctor and generation of solutions based on these amounts of data in a deep sense as the learning does then still we are not grasping the complexity of off of a human of the essence that makes a human yes we can be very stupid and to just eat sugar coated candies or drink sugar water and pay a lot for it don't lower life instead of doing it on our own and we can be lured into berries three javits but either way that he still has something in there do humans do they believe he's very unique and if we've montagne heat in terms of rows of standing rights then we can overcome the sort of dystopian scenarios that we
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have in front and i think in particular to standing rights which in english you know means then you can stand and bark that you have the responsibility to stand at the bar for what you have done there are. actual conundrum of this. part that needs to be analyzed also legally because i don't have to deny them we'll actually be able to stand at the court or at least i want really to see that court case and follow it would be very interesting so the question is who will stand and the mother did manufacturers do people and employed that to our grid or better deployed sent out gotten the programmers the researchers that there is a be envisioned that are going so these are open questions that i think we let we draw the line between us and i who are on governance by artificial intelligence i do my best with being an optimist here max but i must say that what you say is
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true when you when you point out that we can be many people ate it very easily a lot of people are not used to percent spam you know way that the digital natives i mean people that have seen the internet bar is and know what days are so the fact that fake news state call there are a lot of deward is an indicator of the fact that people cannot in anymore distinguish what is what is not trio what is seem to sized and to adam nice i think that we can seem to size a lot of the actual human behavior that is represented even on t.v. so we are looking at data a lot of uncertainty and i think that we need to be carefully for serving the primacy on a few months unless we are really really sick ok sounds like optimism sure if you could say that because i'm a redneck money mind by algorithms and this algorithm is open source and the levers
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and eventually economic sovern say your thoughts fantastic have been whole ways a great admirer of the specific scientific development of beat going but. i do believe that the experiment that was was as we say in the netherlands sort of . killed by kindly door dooku felt so it was at a certain point raising up into a hype that killed it itself in a scientific there it became very difficult to actually open it and improve something that just started and it became just a detroit off to financial industry i believe that is so still a very relevant incredible experiment the fact that he's accepted and changed all over toward defect that people say ok the bad u.s.
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has gone down but it's still much higher than when it started it is it is very interesting and to go into that and staying on topic for a good mix somebody i think that what happened in terms of go that ignorance of the ugly so in terms of programmers wanting to change to do better eat to fork eat to make this feature more relevant to these other feature more relevant these shows clearly that our gardens are still at the center of a political discourse it shows also that beat going that some people adopt as an apolitical experiment it is deeply political in the sense that it's designed is a political negotiation and we have to look at it for what it is we have to actually forseen the data democratic process and not just an appropriation by shouting and being drama queens and for king and this and that i think that in the end be good
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experiment right be established and how it can be tightened a certain process of democratic development often not good and i think it has been through a lot of rough patches and it's incredible that it still works. seen turns off it hasn't been ruined or up or pitted by one or another well know some people some people actually argue that has been operated by a few companies or that the miners go there neat but still i see a procedure of code patching and developing on it that is still pretty bad may i jump in here for a second thought finally tell us about the ledger project i have about a minute and a half yes yes thank you max i really like to tell these to the audience because there is an opportunity that we are starting is die not we worked on so we do get commission to design these fund then he's going to fund projects that are human centric he's called the venture and eventually be there for human centric technologies and we are going to fund up to two hundred thousand euros and we de
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free for sixteen teams already dizzier that want to engage sort of developments are going to do that action of innovation but also we just social perspective social and the pins go evidence that can be actually sent or less that can be distributed and we have looking forward to a lot of people to apply to these projects in the u.s. are these legit project adopt you and he's actually launching on the first of february so there's plenty of time to apply and we have very proud level work to across the incredible bureaucracy and language corporate language or a situation language for such a fun event should design something that wheel is finally appealing also for all to be put in that been working aside him down to ground have been often excluded from the sort of funding and can actually engage it to do something wonderful in that action optimism be it's naive but please let's try to make the world
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a better place as such i should not come on to the deed when he did ok so that's ledger project years airmail thanks for being on the kaiser report cheers months thank you m. k. stacy and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a part with may max kaiser and stays here. i'd like to thank our guests. of project ledger dot edu if you want to get touched on twitter it's kaiser report intellect on bio. united states. tax on other countries. another thing you like to do is place some military press around the country. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of
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that country. we have a responsibility for the head. and we need to make rules for the rest of. those without us there would be. this is a stick for the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones they're the litterbugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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special projects funding. but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. i'm here. to say that with taking the patients away. the headlines here on r.t. the u.s. warns russia military option if washington alleges continues to violate the i n f
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nuclear arms control agreement donald trump officially started america's withdrawal from the treaty. says that yellow vest movement is planning rallies across the country for the twelfth consecutive weekends in a row.


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